33 research outputs found

    Antileishmania activity of Levandula officinalis essence against Leishmania major in in vitro media

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    زمینه و هدف: با افزایش ایجاد مقاومت دارویی در درمان بیماری ها به ویژه بیماری های انگلی، همچنین وجود عوارض جانبی ترکیبات شیمیایی، استفاده از داروهای گیاهی در درمان بیماری های انگلی در سرتاسر جهان به شدت افزایش یافته است. مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی اثر ضد لیشمانیایی اسانس گیاه اسطوخودوس (Lavendula officinalis) و مقایسه آن با داروی گلوکانتیم انجام شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی ابتدا اسانس روغنی از گیاه تازه خشک و پودر شده به روش تقطیر با بخار آب تهیه شده و سپس غلظت های 5/0، 5/1، 5، 10، 15 و 20 درصد از اسانس و غلظت 8/33 درصد از داروی گلوکانتیم بطور جداگانه به محیط کشت دارای 106 پروماستیگوت انگل لیشمانیا ماژور در هر میلی‌لیتر اضافه شد. تعداد انگل های زنده پس از اضافه کردن اسانس و دارو در زمان های 24، 48 و 72 ساعت به وسیله رنگ تریپان بلو 10 و با استفاده از لام نئوبار شمارش شدند. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد که سرعت تکثیر پروماستیگوت‌ها پس از افزودن اسانس گیاه به میزان قابل توجهی نسبت به گروه شاهد کاهش یافت. در غلظت های 10 درصد و بیشتر اثر کشندگی نیز مشاهده شد، به طوری که در زمان 72 ساعت هیچ انگل زنده‌ای در گروه های مذکور مشاهده نشد. نتیجه گیری: نتایج این مطالعه بیانگر اثر ممانعت کننده رشد و کشندگی اسانس گیاه اسطوخودوس در شرایط آزمایشگاهی بر روی شکل پروماستیگوت لیشمانیا ماژور می‌باشد؛ بنابراین پیشنهاد می‌شود، مطالعات بیشتر برای پی بردن به اثر ضد لیشمانیایی گیاه اسطوخودوس بر روی شکل آماستیگوت انگل صورت گیرد

    Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of nisin Z and sodium benzoate in vacuum packed Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii) fillet stored at 4°C

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    This study was done to evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of nisin Z (0.02 %) and sodium benzoate (1.5 and 2.5 %) in vacuum packed Caspian Kutum (Rutilus frisii) fillet stored at 4°C. Microbial changes [aerobic plate counts (APC), psychrotrophic counts (PTC) and lactic acid bacteria] and chemical indices [peroxide value and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N)] were determined in days 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16. Results showed that PV and TVB-N in control samples (the sample dipped in prechilled distilled water) were deteriorated after 12 days compared to preserved samples which were acceptable after 16 days. Microbial tests indicated that control samples contained APC and PTC bacteria in day 16 more than standard limit, whereas treatment samples were in the acceptable range. In case of lactic acid bacteria, after 16 days, all samples were in the acceptable range. Results of chemical and microbial analysis showed that simultaneous use of nisin Z and sodium benzoate could increase the shelf life of vacuum packed R. frisii

    Identifying verotoxigenic Escherishia.coli isolated from cold water fishes by Multiplex PCR in Chaharmahal Va Bakhtiary province

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    Introduction : This study was to determine the prevalence of verotoxigenic E.coli and their virulence factors isolated from coldwater fishes (Rainbow trout) using multiplex PCR.   Materials and method s: A total of 100 samples of feces and skins were collected at the final step of production in the production pools. Bacteriological and biochemical examination were done for isolation and confirmation that the isolates belonged to the E.coli species. Multiplex PCR were used to identifying the Stx1, Stx2, eae and hly genes.   Results : The results showed that none of the isolates was E.coli O157: H7, but other non- O157 verotoxigenic strains were isolated. Totally 14% of the skin isolates and 4% of fecal isolates contain Stx1, Stx2, eae genes. Discussion and conclusion : The results of this study revealed that the Rainbow trout meat may play a role as a vehicle to transmit the verotoxigenic E.coli to human. Water may contaminate with feces of animals, birds, contaminated fish foods and workers. Controlling the contaminating ones is recommended

    Seroprevalence of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in sheep in center of Iran

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    To provide an epidemiologic investigation of the seroprevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in sheep population in Chaharmhal and Bakhtiari province (Iran) this study was conducted, the province containing five townships, (Shahrekord, Borujen, Farsan, Ardal and Lordegan). One thousands serum samples (600 female and 400 male) were examined to detect antibodies to T. gondii by Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT). Serological results showed that the seroprevalence of antibodies to T. gondii was 29.1%. The seroprevalence in the townships were 38, 22.5, 32, 35 and 18%, respectively. The results of titration of positive samples showed the following titers:11% with 1/20, 9.3% with 1/40, 15.1% with 1/80, 28.9% with 1/160 and 35.7% with/320 or more. There was no significant difference between the two sexes, while there was a significant difference between the townships located in east and west of the province.M. Bonyadian, F. Hematzade and K. Manuchehr

    Occurrence of verotoxigenic E.coli in cow feces and antimicrobial resistance of the isolates in cattle farms in Shahrekord area

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    Introduction:Escherichia coli is a common bacterium in the intestinal microflora of warm-blooded animals. They are routinely shed into the environment through feces and can contaminate water and soil, and, consequently fruits and vegetables .Enterohemorrhagic E. coli strains are recently emerged group of food-borne pathogens that are a significant public health threat. This group causes bloody diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), and the disease is prevalent in developed countries. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify the E.coli O157: H7 and other verotoxigenic ones and major virulence genes (rfbE, eaeA, stx1, stx2) in fecal swab samples by PCR in Shahrekord area. Materials and methods: In Spring and Summer 2015, 400 cow fecal swab samples were collected from farms in Shahrekord area. Bacteriological and biochemical examinations were done for detection of E.coli. PCR assay was done for identification of O157:H7 serotype and other verotoxigenic E. coli using rfbE, eae, stx1 and stx2 genes. Results: E. coli O157:H7 was not detected in any strains tested. But PCR showed that out of 384 E.coli strain, 104(27/08%) isolates carried stx1 gene, 36(9/37%) carried stx2 gene and 16 (4.16%) carried both stx1 and stx2 genes. Intimin (eaeA) gene was detected in 280(72/91%) of the isolates. Among verotoxigenic strain antibiotic resistance to Tetracycline 87/1%, Ampiciline 51/62%, Cefotaxime 48/38%, Gentamycin 25/81%,, Ciprofeloxacin 3/22% and Sulfamethoxazol 3/22% were observed. Discussion and conclusion: According to the results, although the serotype O157: H7 did not isolate from the feces of cattle but other verotoxigenic strains that showed high resistance  to antibiotic were isolated so it is a risk for human health

    Molecular characterization and antibiotic resistance of enterotoxigenic and entero-aggregative Escherichia coli isolated from raw milk and unpasteurized cheeses

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    The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of enterotoxigenic and enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strains and antibiotic resistance of the isolates in raw milk and unpasteurized cheese. Out of 200 samples of raw milk and 50 samples of unpasteurized cheeses, 96 and 24 strains of E. coli were isolated, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the genes encoding heat-stable enterotoxin a (STa), heat-stable enterotoxin b (STb), heat labile toxin (LT) and enteroaggregative heat-stable toxin1 (EAST1). Twelve out of 120 (10.00%) isolates harbored the gene for EAST1, 2(1.66%) isolates were detected as producing STb and LT toxins and 12 (10.00%) strains contained STb and EAST1 genes. None of the strains contain the STa gene. All of the strains were tested for antibiotic resistance by disk diffusion method. Disks included: ciprofloxacin (CFN), trimetoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TSX), oxytetracycline (OTC), gentamicin (GMN), cephalexin (CPN), nalidixic acid (NDA) and nitrofurantoin (NFN), ampicillin (AMP), neomycin (NEO) and streptomycin (STM). Among 120 isolated strains of E. coli, the resistance to each antibiotics were as follows: OTC100%, CPN 86.00%, NDA 56.00%, NFN 42.00%, GMN 30.00%, TSX 28.00%, CFN 20%, AM 23.40% and STM 4.25%. None of the isolates were resistant to NEO. The present data indicate that different resistant E. coli pathogens may be found in raw milk and unpasteurized cheese. It poses an infection risk for human and transferring the resistant factors to microflora of the consumers gut

    Study on contamination of sheep meat in Shahrekord area with Listeria ivanovii and determination its antibiotic resistance pattern

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    Background and objectives: Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii are two pathogenic species of Listeria. The role of Listeria ivanovii is important in abortion, stillbirth, septicemia in animals and this bacterium sometimes is pathogenic in humans. Contamination of ovine carcasses during the slaughter and processing can cause foodborne infections in humans. In this study we examined the contamination of sheep meat in slaughter house of Shahrekord city to Listeria ivanovii and determined its antibiotic resistance pattern.Material and Methods: A total 200 samples of sheep meat were collected from abattoir and processed by use of two enrichment method. After doing specific biochemical tests and PCR, Listeria spp was identified and antibiotic resistance of isolated Listeria were tested by the agar disc diffusion method. Results: The contamination of sheep carcasses with listeria was 2.5% (5 out of 200 samples). All five isolates (2.5%) were recognized as Listeria ivanovii and were resistant to four antibiotics, sensitive to six antibiotics and intermediate to other antibiotics.  Conclusion: According to the contamination rate in sheep carcasses with Listeria ivanovii and the relatively high antibiotic resistance specified in this bacteria, the role of red meat in transmission of Listeria spp. and appropriate use of antibiotics against this bacteria should be considered