2 research outputs found

    Inclusión académica de criterios sustentables en la FAU-UB

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    Dada la difusión de la Sustentabilidad y su carácter multi e interdisciplinario, es importante incluir criterios de sustentabilidad en la enseñanza académica formal de la Arquitectura, a fin de que el profesional, desde su ámbito, dé respuesta a una sociedad concientizada sobre la necesidad de desarrollarse sin comprometer los recurso de las futuras generaciones. Con el objetivo de brindar herramientas para la aplicación de tecnologías y sistemas sustentables, y mejorar el desarrollo profesional, en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Belgrano, se incorporan contenidos sobre esta temática en materias específicas, en diferentes niveles de enseñanza y en investigación. Este trabajo presenta los alcances logrados hasta la fecha en materias de grado, posgrado e investigación, que han permitido lograr las máximas acreditaciones y renovaciones de RIBA y CONEAU de dicha carrera. Se prevén asimismo ajustes programáticos necesarios para responder a la dinámica evolutiva de la temática.Given the diffusion of Sustainability and its multi and interdisciplinary, it is important to include sustainability criteria in formal academic education of architecture, so that the professional, from its scope, a society responds to the need to develop the resource without compromising future generations. With the aim of providing tools for implementing sustainable technologies and systems, and improve professional development at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Belgrano, contents on this subject are incorporated in specific subjects at different levels of education and research. This paper presents the achievements made to date in the areas of undergraduate, graduate and research that have led to the highest accreditations and renewals RIBA and CONEAU. Programmatic adjustments necessary are also envisaged to respond to the evolutionary dynamics of the theme.Eje: Educación y formación en sustentabilidad (Comunicaciones).Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    A PBL Collaborative and Cumulative Dynamics Towards Urban Sustainable Environments

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    Erasmus+ CityLab Program at Universidad de Belgrano School of Architecture and Urban Planning, has focused on urban structure as generator of dynamic and transformable spaces, through a local case located at Juan B. Justo Avenue corridor, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The CityLab project motivated students to experience an integrative 3-year Problem-Based Learning process, related to Morphology Communication and Digital Media, Urban and Territorial Planning, Final Degree Project, as well as integration with School of Public Relations. More than 75 students participated in this international programme to explore, diagnose and re-think city scale, as well as to discover, build and apply technological tools. Land use and mobility regulations were introduced with the participation of stakeholders and external experts in different stages from diagnosis to final project validation. Student’s and teacher´s staff contribution to the academic final conference “PBL for Sustainable Cities”- September 2018, Bogotá, produced a motivating socialization in collaboration with local partners