712 research outputs found

    Il bilancio assicurativo tra Solvecy II e principi contabili internazionali

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    La presente tesi ha lo scopo di osservare più da vicino i cambiamenti e le novità introdotte all'interno del bilancio assicurativo delle imprese italiane, dovuto all'impatto della nuova normativa comunitaria sia in tema di solvibilità, sia in tema di principi contabili internazionali. Con Solvency II si è seguito l'impostazione utilizzata da Basilea II, in ambito bancario, introducendo un regime di solvibilità da soddisfare sotto forma di tre pilastri, dando enfasi anche all'informativa esterna che l'impresa assicurativa deve fornire nei confronti degli assicurati. La crescente globalizzazione e l'ampliamento del mercato delle singole imprese anche fuori dal confine nazionale ha fatto nascere l'esigenza di una normativa comune a livello europeo, coerente anche con il mercato assicurativo americano, in modo da ottenere una maggiore omogeneità dei principi applicati e comparabilità infraziendale e temporale dei bilanci stessi. Le due normative hanno scopi differenti, ma entrambe apportano cambiamenti che devono essere concertati ed integrati tra loro, ottenendo una chiarezza espositiva e una trasparenza maggiore sia nei confronti della clientela servita, sia nei confronti dei possibili investitori

    "Mind you, that's just, like, a guestimation": A diachronic analysis of morphological creativity in American teen talk and dubbing

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    The language of adolescents has always been of particular interest to linguists mostly for being extremely creative. Adolescence is, in fact, a transition stage that coincides with the entrance into secondary school, where teenagers strive to construct their own identity, mainly through linguistic innovation (Eckert 1989, 1997, 2004). In this sense, language becomes a strong identity marker (Edwards 2009) whose role becomes crucial in the portrayal of adolescent characters in films. The present paper aims at investigating the language of American adolescents diachronically in three famous movies of different decades from the 1980s to 2000s, namely Sixteen Candles (1984, Hughes), Clueless (1995, Heckerling) and Juno (2007, Reitman), which revolve around teenagers’ life at high school. The first step in the analysis consists in the identification of some characterising features of teen talk, especially focusing on word formation. Then, the analysis will be carried out contrastively and cross-culturally from a translational perspective, since these phenomena will be also investigated in Italian dubbing. More specifically, it will be ascertained whether or not these features are transposed into Italian, if so, pinpointing the most common strategies employed as well as the strategies used for compensation when, on the contrary, the complexity and difficulty in rendering certain linguistic and cultural specific phenomena hamper to find efficient translating solutions in the target text. Finally, problems deriving from this type of audiovisual translation, like lip synch, will also be taken into account and it will also be checked if the dubbed version succeeds in depicting the characters in the same way as in the original text

    'Mind you, that’s just, like, a guestimation': A diachronic analysis of morphological creativity in American teen talk and dubbing

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    The language of adolescents has always been of particular interest to linguists mostly for being extremely creative. Adolescence is, in fact, a transition stage that coincides with the entrance into secondary school, where teenagers strive to construct their own identity, mainly through linguistic innovation (Eckert 1989, 1997, 2004). In this sense, language becomes a strong identity marker (Edwards 2009) whose role is crucial in the portrayal of adolescent characters in films. The present paper aims at investigating the language of American adolescents in three famous movies of different decades from the 1980s to 2000s, namely Sixteen Candles (1984, Hughes), Clueless (1995, Heckerling) and Juno (2007, Reitman), which revolve around teenagers’ life at high school. The first step in the analysis consists in the identification of some characterising features of teen talk, especially focusing on word formation. Then, the analysis will be carried out contrastively and cross-culturally from a translational perspective, since these phenomena will be also investigated in the Italian dubbing. More specifically, it will be ascertained whether or not these features are transposed into Italian, if so, pinpointing the most common strategies employed as well as the strategies used for compensation when, on the contrary, the complexity and difficulty in rendering certain linguistic and cultural specific phenomena hamper to find efficient translating solutions in the target text. Finally, problems deriving from this type of audiovisual translation, like lip synch, will also be taken into account and it will also be checked if the dubbed version succeeds in depicting the characters in the same way as in the original text

    A multimodal approach to teaching Business English through films: A case study

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    Audiovisual products, due to their intrinsic multisemiotic nature, in which each mode contributes to meaning making, have widely proven to be ideal material both for research purposes and for teaching. This is especially the case of films, which, despite their fictional character, have often been used in the context of language learning. As the concept of multiliteracies has become pivotal in language teaching, the use of films reflects a multimodal approach that can help students learn to exploit modes beyond verbal language (e.g., visual, gestural, spatial) to both understand and produce texts in the target language more effectively. This becomes particularly important in situated communicative contexts where domain-specific discursive, pragmatic and cultural features can create significant obstacles for language learners. The present paper focuses on a particular type of specialised discourse, i.e. business discourse, and intends to explore the ways in which films can be utilized as resource material in the English for Business and Economics class at the university. Some clips from a film representing this domain and with relevant communication exchanges that portray different business contexts and genres will be analysed both on the verbal and non-verbal level through a multimodal annotation software. This allows for the integration of verbal and non-verbal cues (e.g., gaze direction, hand/arm gestures, etc.) to show how a multimodal approach can actually help students to interpret a message, especially in ESP contexts

    Analisi del popolamento a Scarabaeoidea coprofagi del Parco Regionale della Maremma (GR)

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    Il presente studio, svolto all’interno del Parco Regionale della Maremma (Gr) dal Giugno 2003 al Maggio 2004, si è posto i seguenti obiettivi: - verificare che il campione ottenuto fosse rappresentativo del popolamento analizzato; - rilevare eventuali differenze significative tra i vari siti di campionamento; - rilevare eventuali differenze nel funzionamento delle trappole quando esse fossero innescate con tipi diversi di sterco. Si conclude che: - un anno è un periodo di studio ottimale per ottenere buone indicazioni sul popolamento del gruppo sistematico studiato; - risultati migliori si sono ottenuti nei siti in cui erano state posizionate sei trappole; - il tipo di sterco usato per innescare le trappole non influenza significativamente la raccolta ; - ciò che sembra influenzare maggiormente la struttura della popolazione raccolta sono invece le caratteristiche del sito di campionamento

    Representing varieties of English in film language and dubbing: The case of Indian English

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    The article focuses on the linguistic choices adopted in the original version of some films to represent the 'Indianness' (Bhatt 2008: 546) of the characters, also when Indian English encounters other varieties of English- i.e. British English in Bride and Prejudice or Desi in Monsoon Wedding - and then discusses how cultural and social values travel across cultures in the light of the most recurrent strategies adopted in the Italian dub. By Indian English we refer to Vernacular Indian English - i.e. a non standard variety that - shows strong identification with local ideologies??? (Bhatt 2008) and bears traces of the influence of local languages of India, thus differentiating itself from proper Standard Indian English, which in contrast is essentially similar in its core syntax to Standard British English, from which differs only in the domain of phonetics
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