982 research outputs found

    Ignorance can be evolutionarily beneficial

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    Information is increasingly being viewed as a resource used by organisms to increase their fitness. Indeed, it has been formally shown that there is a sensible way to assign a reproductive value to information and it is non-negative. However, all of this work assumed that information collection is cost-free. Here, we account for such a cost and provide conditions for when the reproductive value of information will be negative. In these instances, counter-intuitively, it is in the interest of the organism to remain ignorant. We link our results to empirical studies where Bayesian behaviour appears to break down in complex environments and provide an alternative explanation of lowered arousal thresholds in the evolution of sleep.Comment: 5 pages, submitte

    Stated Preference Analysis of Driver Route Choice Reaction To Variable Message Sign Information

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    Highway Authorities in many parts of the world have, for some years, been using variable message panels mounted above or beside the camageway to communicate short messages to motorists. Most such applications have been concerned with hazard warning and speed advice. However, their use to deliberately affect route choice is an area of great current interest. It is recognised that they have a potential role in managing demand to match the capacity available, not only to alleviate acute problems caused by roadworks and accidents, but also to contribute to satisfactory performance of networks operating close to capacity over extended periods of high, but variable, demand. The installation and operation of the panels is not cheap and there is a widespread belief that overuse, or inappropriate use, of the messages may lead to them losing their credibility with the motorists and thus ceasing to be effective. It is therefore very important to understand the likely response of motorists to various messages before displaying them and even before selecting sites for the installation of panels. A number of researchers have explored drivers' responses to traffic information and route advice offered via variable message signs (VMS). Evidence from traffic counts suggests that messages can persuade somewhere between 5% and 80% of drivers to divert. Clearly this range of estimates is far too wide to support the use of VMS for fine tuning the pattern of demand. A major contributor to the uncertainty, however, is the varying, and often unknown, proportion of drivers whose destination makes the message relevant to them. More detailed studies involving driver interviews downstream of the VM!3 site to determine the relevance of the message, as well as the response to it, include those by Kawashima (1991) and Durand-Raucher et al. (1993). These studies have produced more precise estimates of compliance but the results are obviously limited to those messages which were on display at the time the interviews were being conducted. A number of researchers have sought to overcome this restriction by examining response to a range of messages presented via a stated preference exercise (see for example Hato et al., 1995; Shao et al., 1995 and Bonsall and Whelm, 1995), via a route-choice-simulator (see for example Firmin, 1996; Bonsall and Merrall, 1995 ; Bonsall and Palmer, 1997) or via a full scale driving simulator or system mock-up (see for example Mast and Ballas, 1976 and Brocken and Van der Vlist, 1991). This research has suggested that response is highly dependent on message content, subjects' network knowledge, and on the extent of any implied diversion. We see particular value in extending this earlier work to consider a wider range of messages and to determine whether the route-choice-simulator results can be repeated and extended using a somewhat cheaper methodology - namely stated preference analysis. The objectives of the work reported in this paper were thus: to extend to our existing database on drivers' response to traffic information and route advice provided in variable message signs, to include a wider range of messages. to construct explanatory models of drivers' route choice behaviour in response to a variety of messages to explore the factors influencing this response to compare these results with previous results obtained using a variety of data collection methods to draw policy conclusions, where appropriate, on the use of variable message signs to influence drivers' route choice to draw conclusions, where appropriate, on our data collection and modelling methodology

    Hybrid phase at the quantum melting of the Wigner crystal

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    We study the quantum melting of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal using a fixed node quantum Monte-Carlo approach. In addition to the two already known phases (Fermi liquid at large density and Wigner crystal at low density), we find a third stable phase at intermediate values of the density. The third phase has hybrid behaviors in between a liquid and a solid. This hybrid phase has the nodal structure of a Slater determinant constructed out of the bands of a triangular lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Loschmidt echo and fidelity decay near an exceptional point

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    Non-Hermitian classical and open quantum systems near an exceptional point (EP) are known to undergo strong deviations in their dynamical behavior under small perturbations or slow cycling of parameters as compared to Hermitian systems. Such a strong sensitivity is at the heart of many interesting phenomena and applications, such as the asymmetric breakdown of the adiabatic theorem, enhanced sensing, non-Hermitian dynamical quantum phase transitions and photonic catastrophe. Like for Hermitian systems, the sensitivity to perturbations on the dynamical evolution can be captured by Loschmidt echo and fidelity after imperfect time reversal or quench dynamics. Here we disclose a rather counterintuitive phenomenon in certain non-Hermitian systems near an EP, namely the deceleration (rather than acceleration) of the fidelity decay and improved Loschmidt echo as compared to their Hermitian counterparts, despite large (non-perturbative) deformation of the energy spectrum introduced by the perturbations. This behavior is illustrated by considering the fidelity decay and Loschmidt echo for the single-particle hopping dynamics on a tight-binding lattice under an imaginary gauge field.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Annalen der Physi

    Duality and the vibrational modes of a Cooper-pair Wigner crystal

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    When quantum fluctuations in the phase of the superconducting order parameter destroy the off-diagonal long range order, duality arguments predict the formation of a Cooper pair crystal. This effect is thought to be responsible for the static checkerboard patterns observed recently in various underdoped cuprate superconductors by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Breaking of the translational symmetry in such a Cooper pair Wigner crystal may, under certain conditions, lead to the emergence of low lying transverse vibrational modes which could then contribute to thermodynamic and transport properties at low temperatures. We investigate these vibrational modes using a continuum version of the standard vortex-boson duality, calculate the speed of sound in the Cooper pair Wigner crystal and deduce the associated specific heat and thermal conductivity. We then suggest that these modes could be responsible for the mysterious bosonic contribution to the thermal conductivity recently observed in strongly underdoped ultraclean single crystals of YBCO tuned across the superconductor-insulator transition.Comment: 14 pages; 3 figures; corrected the sample size value; version 3 to appear in PR

    The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in western Scotland and its European context

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    The transition is considered in terms of four related questions: (i) HOW did the shift from foraging to farming happen? (ii) WHY did it happen? (iii) WHEN did it happen? (iv) WHY did it happen WHEN it did? The adoption of farming coincided with a shift to a more continental-type climate with lower winter precipitation, which improved the prospects for cereal cultivation. It is sug- gested that this was a key factor in the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic across north-west Eu- rope as a whole.Mezolitsko-neolitski prehod obravnavamo glede na štiri povezana vprašanja: (i) KAKO se je zgodil prehod iz lovstva-nabiralništva v kmetovanje? (ii) ZAKAJ se je zgodil? (iii) KDAJ se je zgodil? (iv) ZAKAJ se je zgodil, KO se je zgodil? Do prevzema kmetovanja je prišlo v času, ko so klimatske razmere postale bolj kontinentalne in zimske padavine manj obilne. To je izboljšalo pogoje za gojenje žit. Menimo, da je bil to ključni dejavnik za prehod iz mezolitika v neolitik v celotni severozahodni Evropi

    Incorporating effects of age on energy dynamics predicts nonlinear maternal allocation patterns in iteroparous animals

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    Iteroparous parents face a trade-off between allocating current resources to reproduction versus maximizing survival to produce further offspring. Parental allocation varies across age and follows a hump-shaped pattern across diverse taxa, including mammals, birds and invertebrates. This nonlinear allocation pattern lacks a general theoretical explanation, potentially because most studies focus on offspring number rather than quality and do not incorporate uncertainty or age-dependence in energy intake or costs. Here, we develop a life-history model of maternal allocation in iteroparous animals. We identify the optimal allocation strategy in response to stochasticity when energetic costs, feeding success, energy intake and environmentally driven mortality risk are age-dependent. As a case study, we use tsetse, a viviparous insect that produces one offspring per reproductive attempt and relies on an uncertain food supply of vertebrate blood. Diverse scenarios generate a hump-shaped allocation when energetic costs and energy intake increase with age and also when energy intake decreases and energetic costs increase or decrease. Feeding success and environmentally driven mortality risk have little influence on age-dependence in allocation. We conclude that ubiquitous evidence for age-dependence in these influential traits can explain the prevalence of nonlinear maternal allocation across diverse taxonomic groups

    Predators reduce extinction risk in noisy metapopulations

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    Background Spatial structure across fragmented landscapes can enhance regional population persistence by promoting local “rescue effects.” In small, vulnerable populations, where chance or random events between individuals may have disproportionately large effects on species interactions, such local processes are particularly important. However, existing theory often only describes the dynamics of metapopulations at regional scales, neglecting the role of multispecies population dynamics within habitat patches. Findings By coupling analysis across spatial scales we quantified the interaction between local scale population regulation, regional dispersal and noise processes in the dynamics of experimental host-parasitoid metapopulations. We find that increasing community complexity increases negative correlation between local population dynamics. A potential mechanism underpinning this finding was explored using a simple population dynamic model. Conclusions Our results suggest a paradox: parasitism, whilst clearly damaging to hosts at the individual level, reduces extinction risk at the population level

    Incorporating effects of age on energy dynamics predicts nonlinear maternal allocation patterns in iteroparous animals

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    Iteroparous parents face a trade-off between allocating current resources to reproduction versus maximizing survival to produce further offspring. Parental allocation varies across age and follows a hump-shaped pattern across diverse taxa, including mammals, birds and invertebrates. This nonlinear allocation pattern lacks a general theoretical explanation, potentially because most studies focus on offspring number rather than quality and do not incorporate uncertainty or age-dependence in energy intake or costs. Here, we develop a life-history model of maternal allocation in iteroparous animals. We identify the optimal allocation strategy in response to stochasticity when energetic costs, feeding success, energy intake and environmentally driven mortality risk are age-dependent. As a case study, we use tsetse, a viviparous insect that produces one offspring per reproductive attempt and relies on an uncertain food supply of vertebrate blood. Diverse scenarios generate a hump-shaped allocation when energetic costs and energy intake increase with age and also when energy intake decreases and energetic costs increase or decrease. Feeding success and environmentally driven mortality risk have little influence on age-dependence in allocation. We conclude that ubiquitous evidence for age-dependence in these influential traits can explain the prevalence of nonlinear maternal allocation across diverse taxonomic groups