97 research outputs found

    Rural, Low-Income Mothers: Persistent Problems, Possible Interventions

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    Persistent economic, food security and civic engagement problems impact the lives of rural, low-income families. A longitudinal study of 524 mothers from 30 counties in 17 states revealed specific problems and possible interventions that can benefit individuals, families and communities. This article shares key findings from the Rural Families Speak study and offers three interventions with rationales for each. It also suggests an organizing framework that enables both individuals and groups within a community to analyze problems and issues and derive any imperative for action

    Health and Wellness: Leading Cooperative Extension from Concept to Action

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    This article describes the health and wellness journey of Cooperative Extension from a task force to action teams. It provides background on (a) Extension health and wellness programming, (b) establishment of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Health and Wellness Task Force, (c) acceptance of the Task Force Report, and (d) appointment of the ECOP Action Teams. The article explains the opportunity to align an Extension system around a health framework, as well as actions and vision for the new Culture of Health partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The article draws on articles published in the Journal of Extension, the 2014 ECOP Task Force Report, and documents about the Cooperative Extension–Robert Wood Johnson Foundation partnership. Authors supply first-hand observations and comments based on their roles in developing the Extension focus on health and wellness from concept to action. The article challenges Extension personnel and partners to advance programming to improve health and wellness of individual youth and adults; families; organizations, including Extension; and communities. Theoretical frameworks to use in programming; ideas for partnership development; and implications for research, education, and policy are include

    Strategic Directions for Extension Health and Wellness Programs

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    The new Cooperative Extension National Framework for Health and Wellness is a tool to help Extension systematically address the programmatic area of health and wellness at the individual, community, environmental, and policy levels. Key strategies of the framework tool are provided and suggestions for ways that Extension can use this framework tool to respond to the needs are proposed

    Extension Programming Resource for Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience

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    Farms and farm families experience stress due to the interconnectedness between healthy farm businesses and healthy family members. The resource Farm and Farm Family Risk and Resilience Framework: A Guide for Extension Educational Programming supports Extension educators in providing programming for the farming population. The guide includes a 96-article literature review, a farm and farm family risk and resilience framework, logic models, assessment and teaching tools, and a program planning tool. The guide can help Extension educators assimilate programming approaches and content to reduce risk, build resilience, and strengthen systems

    Family Influence on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Rural, Low-Income, Preschool Children: A Preliminary Investigation of Factors Associated with Obesity

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    Children raised in families with low incomes and educational levels are at-risk of food insecurity and inadequate dietary intake, particularly consumption of fruits and vegetables which is often associated with increased risk of obesity. Family Influence on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Rural, Low-Income Preschool Children: A Preliminary Investigation of Factors Associated with Obesity focused on the influence of both mothers and grandmothers on the food intake of young children—a phenomena not extensively found in nutrition literature yet called for at the April, 2008 NIH Conference on Decision Making in Eating Behavior: Integrating Perspectives from the Individual, Family, and Environment Meeting. This project was designed to provide preliminary data regarding similarities and differences in nutrition-related predictors: socio-economic status, food security, access to food outlets, attitudes and behaviors. Resources, feeding practices, and personal dietary habits of 62 rural low-income mothers and grandmothers were determined. Implications for future research and programmatic initiatives are noted. This project also tested instrumentation and data collection methodologies for utility in a future, more extensive, study of intergenerational family factors affecting obesity among the targeted population. A grant proposal was submitted to USDA for funds through the National Research Initiative

    Farmers and Health Care Reform: A Challenge and Opportunity for Extension

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    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) presents both opportunities and challenges for farmers. There is a great deal of variation in how states are implementing the ACA, which creates confusion for individuals and businesses trying to understand and evaluate health insurance options. To assist farmers and farm workers with navigating ACA reforms, Extension can work across program areas and leverage their network of farm technical assistance providers and non-profits to enhance outreach and program efforts. Extension tax schools and wider adoption of the Smart Choice Health Insurance - Farm Families can expand the portfolio of tools available for working with farmers

    Southern Rural Family Economic Well-Being in the Context of Public Assistance

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    As Congress considers reauthorization of public assistance legislation in 2002, researchers are challenged to provide data about the economic well-being of rural, low-income families. This paper provides findings from three southern states (Kentucky, Louisiana, and Maryland) currently participating in a 15-state, longitudinal study monitoring the economic well-being of rural families in the context of welfare reform of cash and food assistance. Initial findings reveal that even families using assistance to supplement their earned income fall short of self-sufficiency. These families are at-risk of living in economic crisis, or critical hardship, with inadequate earned and unearned income to meet their basic needs. Findings demonstrate that rurality and locality matter, that families vary widely in their use of assistance,and that economic self-sufficiency is unlikely in the foreseeable. The sample of 83 low-income families from five rural counties in three southern states demonstrates the variability both within and across rural counties and a range of needs and resources. These findings support the need for customizing the implementation of public assistance legislation designed to increase economic self-sufficiency and the well-being of southern rural families

    The Farming Population and Health Insurance: Educational Needs and Approaches of Extension Professionals

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    Health insurance policy has critical implications for farmers, who work in a dangerous occupation and have historically high rates of being uninsured and underinsured. Extension is well poised to respond to changing policies and provide outreach to agricultural communities. However, few studies have explored capacity within Extension to respond knowledgeably to health insurance–related opportunities. Accordingly, we conducted focus group sessions with Extension professionals to understand current efforts, resource needs, and opportunities for program development in this realm. Our findings revealed a need for knowledge building within Extension through programming collaboration and an opportunity to connect the agriculture and health insurance sectors. We also identified strategies for addressing the topic with farmers

    Bold Ideas for the 4th H in 4-H: Teen Identified Concerns and Actions

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    This article summarizes a literature review; teen-identified health concerns and issues; and teen bold ideas for actions. Findings from the National 4-H Council and Molina Healthcare Teens Take on Health initiative are provided and implications for 4-H programming tied to the new Cooperative Extension National Framework for Health and Wellness are addressed. The article is intended as background for Extension educators, volunteers and administrators as they review the 4-H Healthy Living Mission Mandate, learn what mattered to teens and consider how to incorporate the findings into state and local 4-H youth development programming

    Building Public Issues Education Capacity to Address Health and Wellness: Recommendations from a Survey of Extension Professionals

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    A national Web-based survey administered through the University of Maryland assessed Cooperative Extension\u27s involvement in public policy education specific to health and wellness. Respondents included Family Consumer Sciences administrators, faculty, and staff. The majority of respondents agreed that public policy education was within the scope of their responsibilities, critical to their programs, and helpful in raising citizens\u27 interest and commitment to healthier communities. However, public policy education efforts would benefit from a more integrated approach across the national Extension system in terms of policy focus and Extension professionals\u27 roles and level of involvement
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