1,355 research outputs found

    An investigation of spherical blast waves and detonation waves in a rocket combustion chamber

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    Spherical blast waves and detonation waves in rocket combustion chambe

    The efficiency of star formation in clustered and distributed regions

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    We investigate the formation of both clustered and distributed populations of young stars in a single molecular cloud. We present a numerical simulation of a 10,000 solar mass elongated, turbulent, molecular cloud and the formation of over 2500 stars. The stars form both in stellar clusters and in a distributed mode which is determined by the local gravitational binding of the cloud. A density gradient along the major axis of the cloud produces bound regions that form stellar clusters and unbound regions that form a more distributed population. The initial mass function also depends on the local gravitational binding of the cloud with bound regions forming full IMFs whereas in the unbound, distributed regions the stellar masses cluster around the local Jeans mass and lack both the high-mass and the low-mass stars. The overall efficiency of star formation is ~ 15 % in the cloud when the calculation is terminated, but varies from less than 1 % in the the regions of distributed star formation to ~ 40 % in regions containing large stellar clusters. Considering that large scale surveys are likely to catch clouds at all evolutionary stages, estimates of the (time-averaged) star formation efficiency for the giant molecular cloud reported here is only ~ 4 %. This would lead to the erroneous conclusion of 'slow' star formation when in fact it is occurring on a dynamical timescale.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Ionizing feedback from massive stars in massive clusters III: Disruption of partially unbound clouds

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    We extend our previous SPH parameter study of the effects of photoionization from O-stars on star-forming clouds to include initially unbound clouds. We generate a set of model clouds in the mass range 10410610^{4}-10^{6}M_{\odot} with initial virial ratios Ekin/EpotE_{\rm kin}/E_{\rm pot}=2.3, allow them to form stars, and study the impact of the photoionizing radiation produced by the massive stars. We find that, on the 3Myr timescale before supernovae are expected to begin detonating, the fractions of mass expelled by ionizing feedback is a very strong function of the cloud escape velocities. High-mass clouds are largely unaffected dynamically, while lower-mass clouds have large fractions of their gas reserves expelled on this timescale. However, the fractions of stellar mass unbound are modest and significant portions of the unbound stars are so only because the clouds themselves are initially partially unbound. We find that ionization is much more able to create well-cleared bubbles in the unbound clouds, owing to their intrinsic expansion, but that the presence of such bubbles does not necessarily indicate that a given cloud has been strongly influenced by feedback. We also find, in common with the bound clouds from our earlier work, that many of the systems simulated here are highly porous to photons and supernova ejecta, and that most of them will likely survive their first supernova explosions.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures (some degraded and greyscaled), accepted by MNRA

    Ionization--induced star formation V: Triggering in partially unbound clusters

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    We present the fourth in a series of papers detailing our SPH study of the effects of ionizing feedback from O--type stars on turbulent star forming clouds. Here, we study the effects of photoionization on a series of initially partially unbound clouds with masses ranging from 10410^{4}--10610^{6}M_{\odot} and initial sizes from 2.5-45pc. We find that ionizing feedback profoundly affects the structure of the gas in most of our model clouds, creating large and often well-cleared bubble structures and pillars. However, changes in the structures of the embedded clusters produced are much weaker and not well correlated to the evolution of the gas. We find that in all cases, star formation efficiencies and rates are reduced by feedback and numbers of objects increased, relative to control simulations. We find that local triggered star formation does occur and that there is a good correlation between triggered objects and pillars or bubble walls, but that triggered objects are often spatially-mixed with those formed spontaneously. Some triggered objects acquire large enough masses to become ionizing sources themselves, lending support to the concept of propagating star formation. We find scant evidence for spatial age gradients in most simulations, and where we do see them, they are not a good indicator of triggering, as they apply equally to spontaneously-formed objects as triggered ones. Overall, we conclude that inferring the global or local effects of feedback on stellar populations from observing a system at a single epoch is very problematic.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures (mostly degraded to get under the submission size limit), accepted by MNRA

    Test for Time Dilation of Intervals Between Pulse Structures in GRBs

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    If γ\gamma-ray bursts are at cosmological distances, then not only their constituent pulses but also the intervals between pulses should be time-dilated. Unlike time-dilation measures of pulse emission, intervals would appear to require negligible correction for redshift of narrower temporal structure from higher energy into the band of observation. However, stretching of pulse intervals is inherently difficult to measure without incurring a timescale-dependent bias since, as time profiles are stretched, more structure can appear near the limit of resolution. This problem is compounded in dimmer bursts because identification of significant structures becomes more problematic. We attempt to minimize brightness bias by equalizing signal-to-noise (s/n) level of all bursts. We analyze wavelet-denoised burst profiles binned to several resolutions, identifying significant fluctuations between pulse structures and interjacent valleys. When bursts are ranked by peak flux, an interval time-dilation signature is evident, but its magnitude and significance are dependent upon temporal resolution and s/n level.Comment: 5 pages in LATeX, REVTEX style, 2 embedded figures. To appear in Third Huntsville GRB Workshop Proceeding

    Calibration of Tests for Time Dilation in GRB Pulse Structures

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    Two tests for cosmological time dilation in γ\gamma-ray bursts -- the peak alignment and auto-correlation statistics -- involve averaging information near the times of peak intensity. Both tests require width corrections, assuming cosmological origin for bursts, since narrower temporal structure from higher energy would be redshifted into the band of observation, and since intervals between pulse structures are included in the averaging procedures. We analyze long (>> 2 s) BATSE bursts and estimate total width corrections for trial time-dilation factors (TDF = [1+zdimz_{\rm dim}]/[1+zbrtz_{\rm brt}]) by time-dilating and redshifting bright bursts. Both tests reveal significant trends of increasing TDF with decreasing peak flux, but neither provides sufficient discriminatory power to distinguish between actual TDFs in the range 2--3.Comment: 5 pages in LATeX, REVTEX style, 2 embedded figures. To appear in Third Huntsville GRB Workshop Proceeding

    Ionisation-induced star formation II: External irradiation of a turbulent molecular cloud

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    In this paper, we examine numerically the difference between triggered and revealed star formation. We present Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the impact on a turbulent 10^4 solar-mass molecular cloud of irradiation by an external source of ionising photons. In particular, using a control model, we investigate the triggering of star formation within the cloud. We find that, although feedback has a dramatic effect on the morphology of our model cloud, its impact on star formation is relatively minor. We show that external irradiation has both positive and negative effects, accelerating the formation of some objects, delaying the formation of others, and inducing the formation of some that would not otherwise have formed. Overall, the calculation in which feedback is included forms nearly twice as many objects over a period of \sim0.5 freefall times (\sim2.4 Myr), resulting in a star--formation efficiency approximately one third higher (\sim4% as opposed to \sim3% at this epoch) as in the control run in which feedback is absent. Unfortunately, there appear to be no observable characteristics which could be used to differentiate objects whose formation was triggered from those which were forming anyway and which were simply revealed by the effects of radiation, although this could be an effect of poor statistics.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA