1,177 research outputs found

    Equilibria in a model with a search labour market and a matching marriage market

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    I analyse an economy where a search labour market and a matching marriage market interact. The economy is populated by homogeneous workers, firms and marriage partners (MPs). Workers simultaneously search for firms in order to work and for MPs in order to marry. Firms post wages to attract workers. MPs look for workers in order to marry. I assume that married workers receive a pre-determined flow utility, and married MPs derive flow utility equal to the worker's earnings. This provides the link between the markets. Noisy search in the labour market generates a distribution of wages. I show that the so called married wage premium can be the consequence of frictions in both markets, without having to resort to the typical explanations. In one equilibrium, MPs marry all workers, regardless of their employment status. In a more interesting equilibrium, MPs marry only high earners, while workers accept wages that render them "unmarriageable". The workers' reservation wage must compensate them for the loss of marriageability in addition to the option of continued search for better wages. This affects the distributions of wages offered and earned, which are crucial in the MPs decision to marry/reject low earners.Search; Married wage premium; matching markets

    Equilibria in a model with a search labour market and a matching marriage market

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    I analyse an economy where a search labour market and a matching marriage market interact. The economy is populated by homogeneous workers, firms and marriage partners (MPs). Workers simultaneously search for firms in order to work and for MPs in order to marry. Firms post wages to attract workers. MPs look for workers in order to marry. I assume that married workers receive a pre-determined flow utility, and married MPs derive flow utility equal to the worker's earnings. This provides the link between the markets. Noisy search in the labour market generates a distribution of wages. I show that the so called married wage premium can be the consequence of frictions in both markets, without having to resort to the typical explanations. In one equilibrium, MPs marry all workers, regardless of their employment status. In a more interesting equilibrium, MPs marry only high earners, while workers accept wages that render them "unmarriageable". The workers' reservation wage must compensate them for the loss of marriageability in addition to the option of continued search for better wages. This affects the distributions of wages offered and earned, which are crucial in the MPs decision to marry/reject low earners

    Equilibria in a model with a search labour market and a matching marriage market

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    I analyse an economy where a search labour market and a matching marriage market interact. The economy is populated by homogeneous workers, firms and marriage partners (MPs). Workers simultaneously search for firms in order to work and for MPs in order to marry. Firms post wages to attract workers. MPs look for workers in order to marry. I assume that married workers receive a pre-determined flow utility, and married MPs derive flow utility equal to the worker's earnings. This provides the link between the markets. Noisy search in the labour market generates a distribution of wages. I show that the so called married wage premium can be the consequence of frictions in both markets, without having to resort to the typical explanations. In one equilibrium, MPs marry all workers, regardless of their employment status. In a more interesting equilibrium, MPs marry only high earners, while workers accept wages that render them "unmarriageable". The workers' reservation wage must compensate them for the loss of marriageability in addition to the option of continued search for better wages. This affects the distributions of wages offered and earned, which are crucial in the MPs decision to marry/reject low earners

    Numerical Simulations of Undrained Granular Media

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    The objective of the present study was to develop a fluid flow-coupled distinct element model capable of capturing the undrained behaviour of granular soils by considering fundamental physical mechanisms that involve fluid flow and particle interaction. The method considers granular media as assemblies of ellipsoidal particles arranged on a plane and interacting by means of contact forces. Saturation effects are incorporated by assuming that particles are immersed in fluid, the flow of which is simulated as occurring through a network of conduits. The flow through conduits is according to a Hagen-Poiseuille relation; a transient solution is obtained by solving a system of differential equations. The developed fluid-flow coupled distinct element was used to conduct various numerical simulations and the mechanisms of undrained deformations were examined from a micromechanical point of view. The dissertation begins with a literature review on the undrained behaviour of granular materials as observed in laboratory experiments. A review of previous attempts to simulate undrained tests micromechanically is also presented, and the advantages and disadvantages of various methods are examined. The capability of the developed model to simulate two-dimensional fluid-flow and pressure dissipation problems is demonstrated by means of comparisons with analytical solutions. Fluid pressure dissipation problems are qualitatively compared with Terzaghi's one-dimension theory of consolidation. It is shown that transient flow problems are accurately modelled by the fluid flow network approach. Simulated compression tests were carried out to examine the effects of different confining pressures and initial densities on the macroscopic response. The results compare favorably with those commonly observed in undrained laboratory experiments. Simulated tests are analyzed from a micromechanical point of view. It is shown that macroscopic behaviour can be traced to changes in micromechanical fabric descriptors. The effects of the interparticle friction angle on the undrained behaviour of the assemblies are investigated. The undrained strength is considerably increased by increasing interparticle friction. The main mechanism found to be responsible for the development of higher strength is the tendency of the specimens to dilate during shear distortion. The effects of the principal stress direction on the macroscopic response are examined. The behaviour of initially anisotropic samples is significantly altered by the direction of the principal stresses relative to the anisotropy direction. It is demonstrated that macroscopic permeability of the media has a considerable effect on the strength. This behaviour is attributed to the inhomogeneity of pore pressure distributions which increases with decreased permeability. The results presented are generally in agreement with observations previously reported from laboratory experiments. The possible applications of the model for future research are also discussed

    Propuesta de estrategias operativas para reducir la evasión aduanera en bienes importados a consumo en el Ecuador

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    Legislación aduaneraLa investigación se fundamenta en el análisis de las diferentes fases en un proceso de importación a consumo y los posibles orígenes de la defraudación fiscal en este régimen aduanero. Contiene la propuesta de estrategias destinadas a reducir la ocurrencia de este fenómeno, en la temática de la importación de bienes a consumo. El trabajo se lo presenta en cuatro capítulos: el primero contiene las generalidades del Servicio Nacional de Aduana del Ecuador; el segundo capítulo analiza los regímenes aduaneros; el tercer capítulo contiene los mecanismos de evasión del pago de impuestos de bienes importados a consumo y sanciones y en el cuarto capítulo se expone la propuesta de estrategias para reducir la defraudación aduanera en bienes importados a consumo en el Ecuador. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones del estudio y las recomendaciones que considera necesarias el autor.The research is based on analysis of the different phases in the process of import for consumption and possible origins of tax fraud in the customs procedure. Contains the proposed strategies to reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon, the issue of import of goods for consumption. The work presents in four chapters: the first contains an overview of the National Customs Service of Ecuador; The second chapter analyzes customs procedures; The third chapter contains the mechanisms for tax evasion imported consumer goods and penalties in the fourth chapter and the proposed strategies to reduce customs fraud in imported consumer goods in Ecuador is exposed. Finally the study's conclusions and recommendations considered necessary that the author presented

    Calidad de Servicio y Satisfacción del Cliente de la Empresa Ferreyros S.A.A., Lima 2017

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    La investigación denominada Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del cliente de la empresa Ferreyros S.A.A. Lima 2017, fue planteada con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del cliente de la empresa Ferreyros S.A.A., Lima 2017. Esta investigación corresponde al tipo básico, con diseño no experimental, de nivel correlacional y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 156 clientes externos de la Empresa Ferreyros S.A.A. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios con aplicación de Escala de Likert. Los resultados demuestran que existe relación entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del cliente de la empresa Ferreyros S.A.A., Lima 2017, al obtener un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman (rho= 0,792) y un p-valor igual a 0,001. Interpretándose como: A mejor calidad de servicio, mayor satisfacción del cliente

    Trompos retro Diseño y concepto para creación de un videojuego con el objetivo de dar a conocer los juegos tradicionales quiteños

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    This project describes the creative process and research study that was done in order to make the game "Trompos retro". The audience to whom this project is aimed is young people and adults. Young people, especially, as they have lost the customs and traditions by the influenced of globalization. The thesis is divided into several sections showing the processes of investigation, the statement of the problem and its solution, the study of specific target, graphic creation process of the project, and the final product was obtained. The main objective of "Trompos retro" is that young people know about the traditional games practiced in Quito and using technology to convey these practices to future generations.Este proyecto describe el proceso de estudio creativo e investigación que se hizo para poder realizar el videojuego “Trompos retro”. El público al quien va dirigido este proyecto es a jóvenes y adultos; jóvenes, especialmente, ya que han perdido las costumbres y tradiciones y han sido influenciados por la globalización. La tesis está dividida en varias secciones que muestran los procesos de investigación inicial, el planteamiento del problema y su solución, el estudio del target específico, procedimiento de la creación gráfica del proyecto y el producto final que se obtuvo. El objetivo principal de “Trompos retro” es que los jóvenes conozcan sobre los juegos tradicionales que se practicaban en Quito y que mediante el uso de la tecnología se pueda trasmitir estas prácticas a futuras generaciones

    Propuesta de un modelo administrativo de dirección para facilitar la toma de decisiones. Caso ilustrativo: Asociación Salvadoreña de Ayuda Humanitaria Pro-Vida.

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    En la actualidad son muchas las empresas a las cuales se les hace más difícil tener un contacto más estrecho con sus empleados, debido al tiempo, las exigencias laborales, la expansión territorial, éstas son algunas causas que se pueden mencionar y de las cuales la Asociación Salvadoreña de Ayuda Humanitaria PRO-VIDA no se encuentra exenta. Por lo dicho anteriormente, se ha propuesto un Modelo Administrativo de Dirección para facilitar la toma de decisiones y se desarrolla mediante la investigación de sus cuatro elementos: la motivación, comunicación, liderazgo y supervisión. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en la investigación, los empleados manifestaron que no reciben más que incentivos de tipo verbal, por lo cual se han propuesto algunas técnicas que ayuden a establecer las bases para que se inicie en la institución una forma de motivar al personal, que satisfaga los factores higiénicos (ambientales) y motivacionales, contribuyendo así a que los empleados trabajen con más esmero para alcanzar las metas y objetivos de la institución. Por otra parte, en la comunicación se detectó, que para el personal que labora en áreas rurales desarrollando proyectos, no tienen acceso a medios básicos de comunicación, por lo cual se les proponen algunas estrategias, y un proceso de comunicación eficaz que puede considerar la institución para solventar esta situación. En cuanto al liderazgo, según el criterio de los empleados, para mantener un ambiente agradable, es bueno que no existan líderes, pues así nadie les obliga a trabajar, esta percepción es errónea por lo que se estima conveniente que los niveles directivos y jefes reciban una capacitación sobre el tema y lo transmitan de forma positiva a sus subordinados. Por último, pero no menos importante, se ha verificado que en cuanto a la supervisión los empleados mencionaron que no existe una evaluación de su desempeño de forma periódica, por lo tanto, se propone un manual de evaluación de desempeño, el cual tiene por objeto facilitar a los empleados que ocupan cargos de dirección la implementación de evaluaciones de forma periódica y conocer así el tipo de empleados que tienen bajo su mando. Como se mencionó antes, este Modelo Administrativo de Dirección pretende facilitar la toma de decisiones en la institución, por lo que también se sugiere la técnica de lluvia de ideas, aunque en la actualidad es el Comité Ejecutivo, el que toma las decisiones que tienen más relevancia o que se refieren a situaciones excepcionales, por lo que se considera importante que siempre permitan al empleado que está más cerca del problema o que le afecta directamente en su puesto de trabajo que pueda participar en el proceso de toma de decisiones