1,474 research outputs found

    “Intervention in Sixaola: institutional and epistemological basis of TCU: Public Art.”

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    El presente artículo es una transcripción de la charla: “Intervención en Sixaola: institucionalidad y base epistemológica del TCU: Arte Público.” impartida en el marco del seminario “Arte público, participación y diseño urbano” realizado en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Costa Rica en el mes de noviembre del 2011. De forma específica, esta charla se realizó el día 8 de noviembre. El objetivo de esta charla era exponer los esfuerzos que se realizan desde la Universidad de Costa Rica en el tema del arte público y el desarrollo comunitario, por medio de proyecto que el autor de este artículo coordina desde la Escuela de Artes Plásticas en conjunto con la Vicerrectoría de Acción Social de dicha universidad Dado que los asistentes a esta charla no son extraños de la institucionalidad que envuelve al proyecto, la ponencia parte de ciertos supuestos conocidos por ellos, aunque ajenos a los posibles lectores de este artículo. Por tanto estos supuestos se aclararan con notas de pie de página que espero resulten útiles al lector.This article is a transcript of the talk: “Intervention in Sixaola: institutional and epistemological basis of TCU: Public Art.” imparted in the seminar “Public art, articipation and urban design” held at the Faculty of Architecture at the University Costa Rica in November 2011. Specifically, this lecture was held on November the 8th. The aim of this talk was to present the efforts made by the University of Costa Rica in the field of public art and community development, studying the project coordinated by the author of this article from the School of Visual Arts in conjunction with the Vice-chancellor for Social Action of the university. Given that this lecture attendees were not strangers to the project accompanying institutions the lecture depart from certain assumptions known to them, though strangers to the potential readers of this article. Therefore, these assumptions are clarified with notes of hope footer that will be useful to the reader

    Study of Combinatorial Cell Therapy and Neuroprotective Agents for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury in Experimental Models

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La lesión medular (LM) es un trastorno neurológico devastador y debilitante que se caracteriza por un grado variable de disfunción motora, sensorial y/o autonómica permanente. El trasplante de células madre neurales (NSC) ofrece una herramienta terapéutica prometedora para el tratamiento de la LM al proporcionar neuroprotección y neuroregeneración. Sin embargo, el entorno generado tras la lesión limita el potencial terapéutico de las terapias celulares al dar lugar a una escasa supervivencia y engraftment de las células y a una diferenciación inadecuada. Además, las terapias celulares han mostrado hasta la fecha una recuperación funcional limitada en los ensayos clínicos. Por lo tanto, se ha postulado el uso de terapias combinatorias para superar estas limitaciones y potenciar los beneficios terapéuticos de las terapias celulares. En esta tesis doctoral, se han estudiado distintas estrategias de combinación con el trasplante de NSC, como el uso de fármacos y biomateriales, con el objetivo de mejorar y potenciar el efecto de la terapia celular en el rescate de la actividad neuronal, en la modulación del proceso inflamatorio, en la supervivencia del trasplante, así como en su integración y diferenciación en el tejido medular. Así, En el capítulo 1 evaluamos la terapia combinada de células madre neurales humanas derivadas de células madre pluripotentes inducidas (iPSC-NSCs), células madre mesenquimales (MSCs) y un nanoconjugado de curcumina (PA-C) en un modelo de LM subagudo, proporcionando un mayor grado de neuroprotección en comparación con los tratamientos individuales. En el capítulo 2 desarrollamos una estrategia mínimamente invasiva mediante el uso de un scaffold de ácido hialurónico en forma de semi-luna para el transplante de iPSC-NSCs combinado con PA-C. Así, los análisis histológicos demostraron que el tratamiento combinado de iPSC-NSCs y la PA-C presentaban una mayor preservación de fibras neuronales en la zona de la lesión y una reducción de la extensión de la cicatriz fibrótica. Por último, en el capítulo 3 se describe una estrategia terapéutica que se aproxima más a la traslación clínica mediante el trasplante de progenitores neurales fetales humanos (hfNPCs) condicionados previamente con una forma conjugada del inhibidor de Rho/Rock fasudil (PGA-SS-FAS). Así, la combinación de las hfNPCs con el PGA-SS-FAS favoreció la migración del transplante en el tejido medular, la preservación de las interneuronas somatosensoriales Lbx1 inhibitorias y las Tlx3 excitatorias, así como la activación neuronal alrededor del epicentro de la lesión. Así pues, en la presente tesis doctoral se estudia y describe el beneficio aportado por tres estrategias combinatorias, que incrementan los efectos neuroprotectores proporcionados por la terapia celular en el tratamiento de lesiones medulares agudas y sub-agudas.[CA] La lesió medul·lar (LM) és un trastorn neurològic devastador i debilitant que es caracteritza per un grau variable de disfunció motora, sensorial i/o autonòmica permanent. El trasplantament de cèl·lules mare neurals (NSC) ofereix una eina terapèutica prometedora per al tractament de la LM proporcionant neuroprotecció i neuroregeneració. Tot i això, l'entorn generat després de la lesió limita el potencial terapèutic de les teràpies cel·lulars donant lloc a una escassa supervivència i engraftment de les cèl·lules i a una diferenciació inadequada. A més, les teràpies cel·lulars han mostrat fins ara una recuperació funcional limitada als assajos clínics. Per tant, s'ha postulat l'ús de teràpies combinatòries per superar aquestes limitacions i potenciar els beneficis terapèutics de les teràpies cel·lulars. En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han estudiat diferents estratègies de combinació amb el trasplantament de NSC, com ara l'ús de fàrmacs i biomaterials, amb l'objectiu de millorar i potenciar l'efecte de la teràpia cel·lular en el rescat de l'activitat neuronal, en la modulació del procés inflamatori, en la supervivència del trasplantament, així com en la seva integració i diferenciació al teixit medul·lar. Així, Al capítol 1 avaluem la teràpia combinada de cèl·llules mare neurals humanes derivades de cèl·lules mare pluripotents induïdes (iPSC-NSCs), cèl·lules mare mesenquimals (MSCs) i un nanoconjugat de curcumina (PA-C) en un model de LM subagut, proporcionant un major grau de neuroprotecció en comparació dels tractaments individuals. Al capítol 2 desenvolupem una estratègia mínimament invasiva mitjançant l'ús d'un scaffold d'àcid hialurònic en forma de semilluna per al trasplantament d'iPSC-NSC combinat amb PA-C. Així, els anàlisis histològics mostraren que el tractament combinat d'iPSC-NSCs i la PA-C incrementaba la preservació de fibres neuronals a la zona de la lesió i reduïa l'extensió de la cicatriu fibròtica. Finalment, al capítol 3 es descriu una estratègia terapèutica que s'aproxima més a la translació clínica mitjançant el trasplantament de progenitors neurals fetals humans (hfNPCs) condicionats prèviament amb una forma conjugada de l'inhibidor de Rho/Rock fasudil (PGA-SS-FAS. Així, la combinació de les hfNPCs amb el PGA-SS-FAS va afavorir la migració del trasplantament al teixit medul·lar, la preservació de les interneurones somatosensorials Lbx1 inhibitòries i les Tlx3 excitatòries, així com l'activació neuronal al voltant de l'epicentre de la lesió. Així doncs, en aquesta tesi doctoral s'estudia i descriu el benefici aportat per tres estratègies combinatòries, que incrementen els efectes neuroprotectors proporcionats per la teràpia cel·lular en el tractament de lesions medul·lars agudes i sub-agudes.[EN] Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating and debilitating neurological disorder characterized by a variable degree of permanent motor, sensory and/or autonomic dysfunction. Neural stem cell (NSC) transplantation offers a promising therapeutic tool for the treatment of SCI by providing neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. However, the environment generated after injury limits the therapeutic potential of cell therapies by resulting in poor cell survival and engraftment and inadequate differentiation. In addition, cell therapies have shown limited functional recovery in clinical trials to date. Therefore, the use of combinatorial therapies has been postulated to overcome these limitations and enhance the therapeutic benefits of cell therapies. In this doctoral thesis, we have studied different combination strategies with NSC transplantation, such as the use of drugs and biomaterials, with the aim of improving and enhancing the effect of cell therapy in the rescue of neuronal activity, in the modulation of the inflammatory process, in the survival of the transplant, as well as in its integration and differentiation in the medullary tissue. Thus, In Chapter 1 we evaluated the combined therapy of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem cells (iPSC-NSCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and a curcumin nanoconjugate (PA-C) in a subacute LM model, providing a higher degree of neuroprotection compared to single treatments. In Chapter 2, we developed a minimally invasive strategy by using a demilune hyaluronic acid scaffold for combined transplantation of iPSC-NSCs with PA-C. Thus, histological analyses demonstrated that the combined treatment of iPSC-NSCs and PA-C exhibited increased preservation of neuronal fibers in the lesion area and a reduction in the extension of the fibrotic scar. Finally, Chapter 3 describes a therapeutic strategy that more closely approximates clinical translation by transplanting human fetal neural progenitors (hfNPCs) preconditioned with a conjugated form of the Rho/Rock inhibitor fasudil (PGA-SS-FAS). Thus, the combination of hfNPCs with PGA-SS-FAS favored transplant migration within the spinal parenchyma, preservation of endogenous inhibitory Lbx1 and excitatory Tlx3 somatosensory interneurons, as well as endogenous neuronal activation around the lesion epicenter. Thus, this PhD thesis studies and describes the benefit provided by three combinatorial strategies, which increase the neuroprotective effects provided by cell therapy in the treatment of acute and sub-acute spinal cord injury.This research was funded by Fundació Marató TV3 2017/refs.20172230, 20172231 and 20172110; FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Agencia Estatal de Investigación “RTI2018- 095872-B-C21/ERDF”, Agencia Valenciana de Innovación (AVI) INNVAL10/19/047 and TERCEL (RD12/0019/0011) funds from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Spain; Science by Women program, Women for Africa Foundation to HE and the grants FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Agencia Estatal de Investigación [RTI2018-095872-B-C21 and –C22/ERDF]; RISEUP project FetOpen in H2020 Program: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01 and by Grants RTI2018-095872-B- C21 and PDI2021-1243590B-I00/ERDF funded by MCIN/AEI//10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe). This project was also funded by Project 964562 (RISEUP), H2020 FetOpen programBonilla Villamil, P. (2022). Study of Combinatorial Cell Therapy and Neuroprotective Agents for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury in Experimental Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191500Compendi

    Chemical and Tinctorial Aspects Related to the Reuse of Effluents Treated by Ozonation in Dyeing Processes

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    The purpose of this chapter is to study the interactions that are established between inorganic auxiliaries and the by-products of contaminants present in effluents coming from dyeing operations during oxidation treatment processes using ozone, and the influence of auxiliaries and by-products on the behavior of dyes in subsequent dyeing processes using the treated water. Carrying the treatment until the complete elimination of the contaminants present in it is a very expensive operation. Because of this, it is chosen to discolor and reuse the spent dyebaths treated as many times as possible to take advantage of the water and the inorganic salts contained therein. The variable composition of the dyebaths involves kinetic aspects during the treatment, which is important to take into account in the design of the process. Various by-products are already generated from the beginning of the treatment, which will have an influence on the following stages of the same treatment process, as well as on the kinetics of the dyeing processes carried out using the treated water and on the results obtained in such dyeing processes. All this will depend on the chemical and dyeing class to which the dyes used during the subsequent dyeing processes belong

    Extending FuzAtAnalyzer to approach the management of classical negation

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    FuzAtAnalyzer was conceived as a Java framework which goes beyond of classical tools in formal concept analysis. Specifically, it successfully incorporated the management of uncertainty by means of methods and tools from the area of fuzzy formal concept analysis. One limitation of formal concept analysis is that they only consider the presence of properties in the objects (positive attributes) as much in fuzzy as in crisp case. In this paper, a first step in the incorporation of negations is presented. Our aim is the treatment of the absence of properties (negative attributes). Specifically, we extend the framework by including specific tools for mining knowledge combining crisp positive and negative attributes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Removing redundancy for attribute implications in data with grades

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    Reasoning with if-then rules –in particular, with those taking from of implications between conjunctions of attributes– is crucial in many disciplines ranging from theoretical computer science to applications. One of the most important problems regarding the rules is to remove redundancies in order to obtain equivalent implicational sets with lower size.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    From an implicational system to its corresponding D-basis

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    Closure system is a fundamental concept appearing in several areas such as databases, formal concept analysis, artificial intelligence, etc. It is well-known that there exists a connection between a closure operator on a set and the lattice of its closed sets. Furthermore, the closure system can be replaced by a set of implications but this set has usually a lot of redundancy inducing non desired properties. In the literature, there is a common interest in the search of the mini- mality of a set of implications because of the importance of bases. The well-known Duquenne-Guigues basis satisfies this minimality condition. However, several authors emphasize the relevance of the optimality in order to reduce the size of implications in the basis. In addition to this, some bases have been defined to improve the computation of closures relying on the directness property. The efficiency of computation with the direct basis is achieved due to the fact that the closure is computed in one traversal. In this work, we focus on the D-basis, which is ordered-direct. An open problem is to obtain it from an arbitrary implicational system, so it is our aim in this paper. We introduce a method to compute the D-basis by means of minimal generators calculated using the Simplification Logic for implications.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by Grants TIN2011-28084 and TIN2014-59471-P of the Science and Innovation Ministry of Spain, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund

    Two absolute integral measurements of the Au-197(n,γ) stellar cross-section and solution of the historic discrepancies

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    This work has been supported by the Spanish projects FIS2015-69941-C2-1-P and FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R, (MINECO-FEDER,EU),A-FQM-371-UGR18 (Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia 2014-2020), and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) (Grant No. PS16163811PORR).The Maxwellian averaged cross section (MACS) for Au-197(n,gamma) is used in neutron capture cross section measurements as a reference for reactions important for astrophysics, reactor and dosimetry applications. The traditionally adopted value for this reference cross section, in the energy range relevant for astrophysical (3 < E (n) < 200 keV), was obtained by Ratynski and Kappeler in 1988. However, the MACS calculated using the 2006 standards evaluation is approximately 6 % above the Ratynski and Kappeler (R&K) evaluation. Because of this discrepancy new experiments and reanalyses were done in an attempt to resolve the problem. In 2011 we started as well a series of integral experiments (activation) for determining the MACS -30 (kT=30 keV) of Au with two different Maxwellian neutron spectra: i) QMNS-25 (as R&K) and ii) MNS-30 (new method). Our results agree with those obtained with the standard evaluation. At present (2018), the updated MACS -30 has been included as standard Here we present the results of our measurements and the reasons for the lower value of the R&K measurement.Spanish projects (MINECO-FEDER,EU) FIS2015-69941-C2-1-P FPA2016-77689-C2-1-RSpanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) PS16163811PORRPrograma Operativo FEDER Andalucia 2014-2020 A-FQM-371-UGR1

    CAISL: Simplification Logic for Conditional Attribute Implications

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    In this work, we present a sound and complete axiomatic system for conditional attribute implications (CAIs) in Triadic Concept Analysis (TCA). Our approach is strongly based on the Simplification paradigm which offers a more suitable way for automated reasoning than the one based on Armstrong’s Axioms. We also present an automated method to prove the derivability of a CAI from a set of CAI s.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech