1,946 research outputs found

    The cosmological Lithium problem outside the Galaxy: the Sagittarius globular cluster M54

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    The cosmological Li problem is the observed discrepancy between Li abundance, A(Li), measured in Galactic dwarf, old and metal-poor stars (traditionally assumed to be equal to the initial value A(Li)_0), and that predicted by standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis calculations (A(Li)_{BBN}). Here we attack the Li problem by considering an alternative diagnostic, namely the surface Li abundance of red giant branch stars that in a colour magnitude diagram populate the region between the completion of the first dredge-up and the red giant branch bump. We obtained high-resolution spectra with the FLAMES facility at the Very Large Telescope for a sample of red giants in the globular cluster M54, belonging to the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. We obtain A(Li)=+0.93+-0.11 dex, translating -- after taking into account the dilution due to the dredge up-- to initial abundances (A(Li)_0) in the range 2.35--2.29 dex, depending on whether or not atomic diffusion is considered. This is the first measurement of Li in the Sagittarius galaxy and the more distant estimate of A(Li)_0 in old stars obtained so far. The A(Li)_0 estimated in M54 is lower by ~0.35 dex than A(Li)_{BBN}, hence incompatible at a level of ~3sigma. Our result shows that this discrepancy is a universal problem concerning both the Milky Way and extra-galactic systems. Either modifications of BBN calculations, or a combination of atomic diffusion plus a suitably tuned additional mixing during the main sequence, need to be invoked to solve the discrepancy.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Effects of atomic diffraction on the Collective Atomic Recoil Laser

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    We formulate a wave atom optics theory of the Collective Atomic Recoil Laser, where the atomic center-of-mass motion is treated quantum mechanically. By comparing the predictions of this theory with those of the ray atom optics theory, which treats the center-of-mass motion classically, we show that for the case of a far off-resonant pump laser the ray optics model fails to predict the linear response of the CARL when the temperature is of the order of the recoil temperature or less. This is due to the fact that in theis temperature regime one can no longer ignore the effects of matter-wave diffraction on the atomic center-of-mass motion.Comment: plain tex, 10 pages, 10 figure

    Communicative and linguistic development in preterm children: a longitudinal study from 12 to 24 months.

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    BACKGROUND: Research conducted on preterm children's linguistic skills has provided varying pictures, and the question of whether and to what extent preterm children are delayed in early language acquisition remains largely unresolved. AIMS: To examine communicative and linguistic development during the second year in a group of Italian children born prematurely using the 'Primo Vocabolario del Bambino' (PVB), the Italian version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory. The primary goal was to compare action/gesture production, word comprehension, and word production, and the relationship between these three domains in preterm children and to normative data obtained from a large sample of Italian children born at term. A second aim was to address the longstanding debate regarding the use of chronological versus corrected gestational age in the assessment of preterm children's abilities. METHODS & PROCEDURES: Parents of twelve preterm children completed the PVB questionnaire at five age points during the children's second year, and scores were compared with those from a normative sample of full-term children and those of 59 full-term children selected as a control group from the normative sample for the PVB. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: Preterm children exhibited a delay in all three aspects of communication and language. In particular, communicative-linguistic age tended to lag approximately 3 months behind chronological age when children were between the ages of 12 and 24 months. When chronological age was used, preterm children's percentile scores for all three components of communication and language fell within the lower limits of the normal range, while scores calculated using corrected age either fell at or above the 50th percentile. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: Findings suggest that despite the significant biological risk engendered by premature birth, early communicative and linguistic development appears to proceed in a relatively robust fashion among preterm children, with tight relations across communicative domains as in full-term children. Employing both chronological and corrected gestational age criteria in the evaluation of preterm children's abilities may provide important information about their progress in language acquisition. This may be especially important during the initial stages of communicative and linguistic development, inasmuch as comparisons of the two sets of scores may provide clinicians with a way to distinguish children who may be at risk for language problems from those who may be expected to progress normally

    An in-depth spectroscopic examination of molecular bands from 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres I. Formation of the G-band in metal-poor dwarf stars

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    Recent developments in the three-dimensional (3D) spectral synthesis code Linfor3D have meant that, for the first time, large spectral wavelength regions, such as molecular bands, can be synthesised with it in a short amount of time. A detailed spectral analysis of the synthetic G-band for several dwarf turn-off-type 3D atmospheres (5850 <= T_eff [K] <= 6550, 4.0 <= log g <= 4.5, -3.0 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0) was conducted, under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We also examine carbon and oxygen molecule formation at various metallicity regimes and discuss the impact it has on the G-band. Using a qualitative approach, we describe the different behaviours between the 3D atmospheres and the traditional one-dimensional (1D) atmospheres and how the different physics involved inevitably leads to abundance corrections, which differ over varying metallicities. Spectra computed in 1D were fit to every 3D spectrum to determine the 3D abundance correction. Early analysis revealed that the CH molecules that make up the G-band exhibited an oxygen abundance dependency; a higher oxygen abundance leads to weaker CH features. Nitrogen abundances showed zero impact to CH formation. The 3D corrections are also stronger at lower metallicity. Analysis of the 3D corrections to the G-band allows us to assign estimations of the 3D abundance correction to most dwarf stars presented in the literature. The 3D corrections suggest that A(C) in CEMP stars with high A(C) would remain unchanged, but would decrease in CEMP stars with lower A(C). It was found that the C/O ratio is an important parameter to the G-band in 3D. Additional testing confirmed that the C/O ratio is an equally important parameter for OH transitions under 3D. This presents a clear interrelation between the carbon and oxygen abundances in 3D atmospheres through their molecular species, which is not seen in 1D.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Early Universe Constraints on Time Variation of Fundamental Constants

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    We study the time variation of fundamental constants in the early Universe. Using data from primordial light nuclei abundances, CMB and the 2dFGRS power spectrum, we put constraints on the time variation of the fine structure constant α\alpha, and the Higgs vacuum expectation value withoutassuminganytheoreticalframework.Avariationin without assuming any theoretical framework. A variation in leads to a variation in the electron mass, among other effects. Along the same line, we study the variation of α\alpha and the electron mass mem_e. In a purely phenomenological fashion, we derive a relationship between both variations.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The primordial Li abundance derived from giant stars

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    In this contribution we discuss the use of the surface Li abundance in lower RGB stars as alternative diagnostic of the primordial Li abundance. These stars are located in the portion of the RGB after the completion of the First Dredge-Up and before the extra-mixing episode occurring at the RGB Bump magnitude level. They are sensitive to the total Li content left at the end of the Main Sequence phase and are significantly less sensitive to the efficiency of atomic diffusion when compared with dwarf stars. We analysed lower RGB stars in the Galactic Halo and in the globular clusters NGC 6397, NGC 6752 and M4. The final estimates of initial A(Li) span a narrow range of values (between 2.28 and 2.46 dex), in good agreement with the Spite Plateau and confirming the discrepancy with the values obtained from the standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of 'Lithium in the Cosmos', Paris, Feb. 27-29, 2012, Memorie della Societa' Astronomica Italiana Supplement
