23 research outputs found

    The universal cover of an algebra without double bypass

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    Let A be a basic finite dimensional and connected algebra over an algebraically closed field k with zero characteristic. If the ordinary quiver of A has no double bypasses, we show that A admits a Galois covering which satisfies a universal property with respect to the Galois coverings of A. This universal property is similar to the one of the universal cover of a connected topological space.Comment: This text (21 pages) gives detailed proofs of the results announced in a previous note of the author (The fundamental group of a triangular algebra without double bypasses) and extends the study of this previous note to the Galois coverings of an algebr

    On Galois coverings and tilting modules

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    Let A be a basic connected finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field, let G be a group, let T be a basic tilting A-module and let B the endomorphism algebra of T. Under a hypothesis on T, we establish a correspondence between the Galois coverings with group G of A and the Galois coverings with group G of B. The hypothesis on T is expressed using the Hasse diagram of basic tilting A-modules and is always verified if A is of finite representation type. Then, we use the above correspondence to prove that A is simply connected if and only if B is simply connected, under the same hypothesis on T. Finally, we prove that if a tilted algebra B of type Q is simply connected, then Q is a tree and the first Hochschild cohomology group of B vanishesComment: Fourth version. A result on the simple connectedness of tilted algebras was adde

    TPMS-based membrane lung with locally-modified permeabilities for optimal flow distribution

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    Membrane lungs consist of thousands of hollow fiber membranes packed together as a bundle. The devices often suffer from complications because of non-uniform flow through the membrane bundle, including regions of both excessively high flow and stagnant flow. Here, we present a proof-of-concept design for a membrane lung containing a membrane module based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS). By warping the original TPMS geometries, the local permeability within any region of the module could be raised or lowered, allowing for the tailoring of the blood flow distribution through the device. By creating an iterative optimization scheme for determining the distribution of streamwise permeability inside a computational porous domain, the desired form of a lattice of TPMS elements was determined via simulation. This desired form was translated into a computer-aided design (CAD) model for a prototype device. The device was then produced via additive manufacturing in order to test the novel design against an industry-standard predicate device. Flow distribution was verifiably homogenized and residence time reduced, promising a more efficient performance and increased resistance to thrombosis. This work shows the promising extent to which TPMS can serve as a new building block for exchange processes in medical devices

    Coverings of Laura Algebras: the Standard Case

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    In this paper, we study the covering theory of laura algebras. We prove that if a connected laura algebra is standard (that is, it is not quasi-tilted of canonical type and its connecting components are standard), then this algebra has nice Galois coverings associated to the coverings of the connecting component. As a consequence, we show that the first Hochschild cohomology group of a standard laura algebra vanishes if and only if it has no proper Galois coverings.Comment: The main result on the non-standard case was reformulated due to an inaccuracy in the previous version. Lemma 6.1 was removed due to a simplification. The last section on the special biserial case was removed. Typos corrected and bibliography updated. Final version to appear in Journal of Algebr

    A Novel Membrane Stirrer System Enables Foam-Free Biosurfactant Production

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    Bioreactors are the operative backbone, for example, for the production of biopharmaceuticals, biomaterials in tissue engineering, and sustainable substitutes for chemicals. Still, the Achilles' heel of bioreactors nowadays is the aeration which is based on intense stirring and gas sparging, yielding inherent drawbacks such as shear stress, foaming, and sterility concerns. We present the synergistic combination of simulations and experiments toward a membrane stirrer for the efficient bubble-free aeration of bioreactors. A digital twin of the bioreactor with an integrated membrane-module stirrer (MemStir) was developed with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies addressing the determination of fluid mixing, shear rates, and local oxygen concentration. Usability of the MemStir is shown in a foam-free recombinant production process of biosurfactants (rhamnolipids) from glucose with different strains of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 in a 3-L vessel and benchmarked against a regular aerated process. The MemStir delivered a maximal oxygen transfer rate (OTRmax) of 175 mmol L-1 h-1 in completely foam-free cultivations. With a high space-time yield (STY) of 118 mgRL L-1 h-1 during a fed-batch fermentation, the effectiveness of the novel MemStir is demonstrated. Simulations show the generic value of the MemStir beyond biosurfactant production, for example, for animal cell cultivation

    A scalable bubble‐free membrane aerator for biosurfactant production

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    The bioeconomy is a paramount pillar in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Still, the industrialization of bioprocesses is limited by economical and technical obstacles. The synthesis of biosurfactants as advanced substitutes for crude-oil-based surfactants is often restrained by excessive foaming. We present the synergistic combination of simulations and experiments towards a reactor design of a submerged membrane module for the efficient bubble-free aeration of bioreactors. A digital twin of the combined bioreactor and membrane aeration module was created and the membrane arrangement was optimized in computational fluid dynamics studies with respect to fluid mixing. The optimized design was prototyped and tested in whole-cell biocatalysis to produce rhamnolipid biosurfactants from sugars. Without any foam formation, the new design enables a considerable higher space-time yield compared to previous studies with membrane modules. The design approach of this study is of generic nature beyond rhamnolipid production

    Three‐dimensional Membranes for Artificial Lungs: Comparison of Flow‐Induced Hemolysis

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    Background: Membranes based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) have proven a superior gas transfer compared to the contemporary hollow fiber membrane (HFM) design in artificial lungs. The improved oxygen transfer is attributed to disrupting the laminar boundary layer adjacent to the membrane surface known as main limiting factor to mass transport. However, it requires experimental proof that this improvement is not at the expense of greater damage to the blood. Hence, the aim of this work is a valid statement regarding the structure-dependent hemolytic behavior of TPMS structures compared to the current HFM design. Methods: Hemolysis tests were performed on structure samples of three different kind of TPMS-based designs (Schwarz-P, Schwarz-D and Schoen’s Gyroid) in direct comparison to a hollow fiber structure as reference. Results: The results of this study suggest that the difference in hemolysis between TPMS membranes compared to HFMs is small although slightly increased for the TPMS membranes. There is no significant difference between the TPMS structures and the hollow fiber design. Nevertheless, the ratio between the achieved additional oxygen transfer and the additional hemolysis favors the TPMS-based membrane shapes. Conclusion: TPMS-shaped membranes offer a safe way to improve gas transfer in artificial lungs

    Structure-dependent gas transfer performance of 3D-membranes for artificial membrane lungs

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    State of the art artificial membrane lungs incorporate hollow fiber membranes. The creeping blood flow in hollow fiber bundles forms a boundary layer that represents a diffusive resistance to gas transfer. Advances in additive manufacturing allow for the fabrication of novel membrane designs that overcome this limitation. The goal of this study is fabrication and subsequent experimental evaluation of blood gas transfer of novel membrane designs based on triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) geometries in comparison to the predominantly present hollow fiber geometry. A fabrication process was established based on a casting process with a dissolvable 3D-printed mold. Modules were manufactured containing different membrane designs: three TPMS designs, namely Schwarz-P (SWP), Schwarz-D (SWD), Schoen-G (SGY), and a hollow fiber shaped design (HFM) as reference. Each membrane consists of silicone and has a wall thickness of 800 ÎŒm. To assure comparable results, the design of the module considers matching inlet conditions, smallest membrane distance and the same gas exchange area. Gas transfer was tested in vitro under standardized conditions in accordance with ISO 7199 for blood gas exchangers. The oxygen transfer rate for TPMS geometries is at least by 26% and up to 69.8% higher than the state of the art hollow fiber design within a flow range of 20–100 mL/min