497 research outputs found

    Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures in the Interiors of Giant Planets

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    Equilibrium properties of hydrogen-helium mixtures under conditions similar to the interior of giant gas planets are studied by means of first principle density functional molecular dynamics simulations. We investigate the molecular and atomic fluid phase of hydrogen with and without the presence of helium for densities between ρ=0.19\rho=0.19 g cm3^{-3} and ρ=0.66\rho=0.66 g cm3^{-3} and temperatures from T=500T=500 K to T=8000KT=8000 {K}. Helium has a crucial influence on the ionic and electronic structure of the liquid. Hydrogen molecule bonds are shortened as well as strengthened which leads to more stable hydrogen molecules compared to pure hydrogen for the same thermodynamic conditions. The {\it ab initio} treatment of the mixture enables us to investigate the validity of the widely used linear mixing approximation. We find deviations of up to 8% in energy and volume from linear mixing at constant pressure in the region of molecular dissociation.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR

    The unusual volatile composition of the Halley-type comet 8P/Tuttle: Addressing the existence of an Inner Oort Cloud

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    We measured organic volatiles (CH4, CH3OH, C2H6, H2CO), CO, and water in comet 8P/Tuttle, a comet from the Oort cloud reservoir now in a short-period Halley-type orbit. We compare its composition with two other comets in Halley-type orbits, and with comets of the "organics-normal" and "organics-depleted" classes. Chemical gradients are expected in the comet-forming region of the proto-planetary disk, and an individual comet should reflect its specific heritage. If Halley-type comets came from the inner Oort cloud as proposed, we see no common characteristics that could distinguish such comets from those that were stored in the outer Oort cloud.Comment: 14 pages, including 1 figure and 2 Table

    The formation heritage of Jupiter Family Comet 10P/Tempel 2 as revealed by infrared spectroscopy

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    We present spectral and spatial information for major volatile species in Comet 10P/Tempel 2, based on high-dispersion infrared spectra acquired on UT 2010 July 26 (heliocentric distance Rh = 1.44 AU) and September 18 (Rh = 1.62 AU), following the comet's perihelion passage on UT 2010 July 04. The total production rate for water on July 26 was (1.90 +/- 0.12) x 10^28 molecules s-1, and abundances of six trace gases (relative to water) were: CH3OH (1.58% +/- 0.23), C2H6 (0.39% +/- 0.04), NH3 (0.83% +/- 0.20), and HCN (0.13% +/- 0.02). A detailed analysis of intensities for water emission lines provided a rotational temperature of 35 +/- 3 K. The mean OPR is consistent with nuclear spin populations in statistical equilibrium (OPR = 3.01 +/- 0.18), and the (1-sigma) lower bound corresponds to a spin temperature > 38 K. Our measurements were contemporaneous with a jet-like feature observed at optical wavelengths. The spatial profiles of four primary volatiles display strong enhancements in the jet direction, which favors release from a localized vent on the nucleus. The measured IR continuum is much more sharply peaked and is consistent with a dominant contribution from the nucleus itself. The peak intensities for H2O, CH3OH, and C2H6 are offset by ~200 km in the jet direction, suggesting the possible existence of a distributed source, such as the release of icy grains that subsequently sublimed in the coma. On UT September 18, no obvious emission lines were present in our spectra, nevertheless we obtained a 3-sigma upper limit Q(H2O) < 2.86 x 10^27 molecules s-1

    Assessment of the Huygens’ Box Method With Different Sources Near Obstacles

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    Receptor-Independent Interaction of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide with Lipid and Lymphocyte Membranes; the Role of Cholesterol

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major constituent of bacterial outer membranes where it makes up the bulk of the outer leaflet and plays a key role as determinant of bacterial interactions with the host. Membrane-free LPS is known to activate T-lymphocytes through interactions with Toll-like receptor 4 via multiprotein complexes. In the present study, we investigate the role of cholesterol and membrane heterogeneities as facilitators of receptor-independent LPS binding and insertion, which underpin bacterial interactions with the host in symbiosis, pathogenesis and cell invasion. We use fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the interactions of membrane-free LPS from intestinal Gram-negative organisms with cholesterol-containing model membranes and with T-lymphocytes. LPS preparations from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella enterica were found to bind preferentially to mixed lipid membranes by comparison to pure PC bilayers. The same was observed for LPS from the symbiote Escherichia coli but with an order of magnitude higher dissociation constant. Insertion of LPS into model membranes confirmed the preference for sphimgomyelin/cholesterol-containing systems. LPS insertion into Jurkat T-lymphocyte membranes reveals that they have a significantly greater LPS-binding capacity by comparison to methyl-β-cyclodextrin cholesterol-depleted lymphocyte membranes, albeit at slightly lower binding rates

    Highly Depleted Ethane and Mildly Depleted Methanol in Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner: Application of a New Empirical nu(sub 2) Band Model for CH30H Near 50 K

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    Infrared spectra of Comet 2lP/Giacobini-Zinner (hereafter 2IP/GZ) were obtained using NIRSPEC at Keck II on UT 2005 June 03, approximately one month before perihelion, that simultaneously measured H2O, C2H6, and CH3OH. For H2O, the production rate of 3.8 x 10(exp 28) molecules / S was consistent with that measured during other apparitions of 21P/GZ retrieved from optical, infrared, and mm-wavelength observations. The water analysis also provided values for rotational temperature (T(sub rot) = 55(epx +3) /-.2 K) and the abundance ratio of ortho- and para-water (3.00 +/-0.15, implying a spin temperature exceeding 50 K). Six Q-branches in the V7 band of C2H6 provided a production rate (5.27 +/- 0.90 x 10(exp 25)/S) that corresponded to an abundance ratio of 0.139 +/- 0.024 % relative to H2O, confirming the previously reported strong depletion of C2H6 from IR observations during the 1998 apparition, and in qualitative agreement with the depletion in C2 known from optical studies. For CH30H, we applied our recently published ab initia model for the v3 band to obtain a rotational temperature (48(exp + 10) / -7 K) consistent with that obtained for H2O. In addition we applied a newly developed empirical model for the CH30H v2 band, and obtained a production rate consistent with that obtained from the v3 band. Combining results from both v2 and v3 bands provided a production rate (47.5 +/- 4.4 x 10(exp 25) / S) that corresponded to an abundance ratio of 1.25 +/- 0.12 % relative to H2O in 21P/GZ. Our study provides the first measure of primary volatile production rates for any Jupiter family comet over multiple apparitions using high resolution IR spectroscopy

    Interactions of lipopolysaccharide with lipid membranes, raft models — A solid state NMR study

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    AbstractLipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of the external leaflet of bacterial outer membranes, key pro-inflammatory factor and an important mediator of host–pathogen interactions. In host cells it activates the complement along with a pro-inflammatory response via a TLR4-mediated signalling cascade and shows preference for cholesterol-containing membranes. Here, we use solid state 13C and 31P MAS NMR to investigate the interactions of LPS from three bacterial species, Brucella melitensis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, with mixed lipid membranes, raft models. All endotoxin types are found to be pyrophosphorylated and Klebsiellar LPS is phosphonylated, as well. Carbon-13 MAS NMR indicates an increase in lipid order in the presence of LPS. Longitudinal 31P relaxation, providing a direct probe of LPS molecular and segmental mobility, reveals a significant reduction in 31P T1 times and lower molecular mobility in the presence of ternary lipid mixtures. Along with the ordering effect on membrane lipid, this suggests a preferential partitioning of LPS into ordered bilayer sphingomyelin/cholesterol-rich domains. We hypothesise that this is an important evolutionary drive for the selection of GPI-anchored raft-associated LPS-binding proteins as a first line of response to membrane-associated LPS

    Kinematic Characterisation of Hexapods for Industry

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    International audiencePurpose-The aim of this paper is to propose two simple tools for the kinematic characterization of hexapods. The paper also aims to share the authors' experience with converting a popular commercial motion base (Stewart-Gough platform, hex-apod) to an industrial robot for use in heavy duty aerospace manufacturing processes. Design/methodology/approach-The complete workspace of a hexapod is a six-dimensional entity that is impossible to visualize. Thus, nearly all hexapod manufacturers simply state the extrema of each of the six dimensions, which is very misleading. As a compromise, we propose a special three-dimensional subset of the complete workspace, an approximation of which can be readily obtained using a CAD/CAM software suite, such as CATIA. While calibration techniques for serial robots are readily available, there is still no generally-agreed procedure for calibrating hexapods. We propose a simple calibration method that relies on the use of a laser tracker and requires no programming at all. Instead, the design parameters of the hexapod are directly and individually measured and the few computations involved are performed in a CAD/CAM software such as CATIA. Findings-The conventional octahedral hexapod design has a very limited workspace, though free of singularities. There are important deviations between the actual and the specified kinematic model in a commercial motion base. Practical implications-A commercial motion base can be used as a precision positioning device with its controller retrofit-ted with state-of-the-art motion control technology with accurate workspace and geometric characteristics. Originality/value-A novel geometric approach for obtaining meaningful measures of the workspace is proposed. A novel, systematic procedure for the calibration of a hexapod is outlined. Finally, experimental results are presented and discussed

    A Prototype Model Design of Wide Band Standard Reference Rod-Dipole antenna for 3-Axis EMC Measurement with hybrid Balun for 0.9 to 3.2GHz

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    Every electronics equipment must deal with EMC test. The testing laboratory of electronics equipment for radiation emission must have accurate calibrated antennas. The field strength of total radiated radio frequency is average of all incident signals at given point, this incident spinals originates from various directions. In order to measure three components of all electric field vectors, a tripole antenna is most beneficial over conventional antenna because of it responds to signal coming from multi directions. This paper presents novel three axis wide band calculable rod-dipole antenna with hybrid balun for the range of 900MHz to 3.2GHz frequencies, the proposed antenna is small in size and good electrical characteristics, the Important parameters measured and verified with designed values. Return loss S11 more than -10dB within the frequency range 900MHz to 3.2GHz. The result of this articles are evident that, efficient construction of antenna with low cost, light weight module applicable for EMC pre-compliance test at open field site

    Electronic energy level alignment at metal-molecule interfaces with a GW approach

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    Using density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory within a GW approximation, we calculate the electronic structure of a metal-molecule interface consisting of benzene diamine (BDA) adsorbed on Au(111). Through direct comparison with photoemission data, we show that a conventional G0_0W0_0 approach can underestimate the energy of the adsorbed molecular resonance relative to the Au Fermi level by up to 0.8 eV. The source of this discrepancy is twofold: a 0.7 eV underestimate of the gas phase ionization energy (IE), and a 0.2 eV overestimate of the Au work function. Refinements to self-energy calculations within the GW framework that account for deviations in both the Au work function and BDA gas-phase IE can result in an interfacial electronic level alignment in quantitative agreement with experiment