54 research outputs found

    German pre-service teachers\u27 evaluations of and reactions to interethnic social exclusion scenarios

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    This study investigated pre-service teachers\u27 evaluations, reactions, and interventions with regard to interethnic exclusion scenarios in Germany. More specifically, we focused on pre-service teachers (N = 145, 99 female, Mage= 21.34) in the role of observers of exclusion among students. Using hypothetical scenarios in which either a German or a Turkish boy was excluded by other children of his class, we assessed teachers\u27 evaluations of this exclusion behavior. This included evaluating how likely teachers were to intervene in the situation and what they would specifically do. The aim of this research was to examine whether the origin of an excluded student represents a relevant category for teachers\u27 evaluations of and reactions to social exclusion. In addition, we aimed to determine whether teachers include aspects related to group functioning in their considerations. The analyses demonstrated that teachers generally reject social exclusion, with female participants rejecting exclusion even more than male participants. Further, participants evaluated the exclusion of a Turkish protagonist as more reprehensible than the exclusion of a German protagonist. Regarding the likelihood of intervention, the origin of the excluded person was only relevant for male participants; i.e., they were less likely to intervene when the excluded person was German than when the excluded person was Turkish. Analyses of teachers\u27 reasoning revealed their strong focus on inclusion as a social norm, especially in cases of interethnic exclusion. That is, when participants reasoned about the exclusion of the Turkish protagonist, they referred to the social norm of inclusion much more than when talking about the German protagonist. In contrast, aspects related to group functioning were scarcely of importance. In terms of the specific actions that participants would undertake as a reaction to the exclusion situation, no differences related to the origin of the excluded person were found. Hence, the origin of the excluded person factored into both the evaluation of the exclusion and the likelihood of intervention, but once the decision to intervene was made, there were no differences in the specific actions. The results are discussed in light of practical implications and teacher training as well as in terms of implications for future research. (DIPF/Orig.

    (Biased) grading of students' performance: Students' names, performance level, and implicit attitudes

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    Biases in pre-service teachers’ evaluations of students’ performance may arise due to stereotypes (e.g., the assumption that students with a migrant background have lower potential). This study examines the effects of a migrant background, performance level, and implicit attitudes toward individuals with a migrant background on performance assessment (assigned grades and number of errors counted in a dictation). Pre-service teachers (N = 203) graded the performance of a student who appeared to have a migrant background statistically significantly worse than that of a student without a migrant background. The differences were more pronounced when the performance level was low and when the pre-service teachers held relatively positive implicit attitudes toward individuals with a migrant background. Interestingly, only performance level had an effect on the number of counted errors. Our results support the assumption that pre-service teachers exhibit bias when grading students with a migrant background in a third-grade level dictation assignment

    The role of gender for teachers\u27 reactions to social exclusion among students

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    Social exclusion is a common phenomenon at school and can have severe consequences for students’ healthy development and success at school. This study examined teachers’ reactions to social exclusion among students focusing on the role of gender. Specifically, we were interested in potential effects of gender-specific socialization and social expectations linked to gender for teachers’ reactions to social exclusion among students. We used hypothetical scenarios in which a student is being excluded from a study group by other students. We focused on the gender of the teacher (as an observer of exclusion) on the one hand and on the gender of the excluded student on the other hand. In the hypothetical scenarios, we varied the gender of the excluded student by using either a typical female or male name. The study included 101 teachers from different school tracks in Germany (Mage = 36.93, SD = 9.84; 84 females, 17 males). We assessed teachers’ evaluations of the exclusion scenario and their anticipated reactions, i.e., how likely they were to intervene in such a situation and what they would specifically do. As expected, the participating teachers showed a general tendency to reject exclusion among students. This tendency was even more pronounced among female teachers compared to male teachers. Interestingly, these gender differences on the attitudinal side did not translate into differences in teachers’ behavioral intentions: for the likelihood to intervene, we did not find any differences based on the gender of the teacher. In terms of the gender of the excluded student, things were different: The gender of the excluded student did not affect teachers’ evaluations of the exclusion scenario. Yet, the gender of the excluded was relevant for participants’ behavioral intentions. Namely, teachers were less likely to intervene in the scenario if a boy was excluded. (DIPF/Orig.

    German pre-service teachers' evaluations of and reactions to interethnic social exclusion scenarios

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    This study investigated pre-service teachers' evaluations, reactions, and interventions with regard to interethnic exclusion scenarios in Germany. More specifically, we focused on pre-service teachers (N = 145, 99 female, Mage= 21.34) in the role of observers of exclusion among students. Using hypothetical scenarios in which either a German or a Turkish boy was excluded by other children of his class, we assessed teachers' evaluations of this exclusion behavior. This included evaluating how likely teachers were to intervene in the situation and what they would specifically do. The aim of this research was to examine whether the origin of an excluded student represents a relevant category for teachers' evaluations of and reactions to social exclusion. In addition, we aimed to determine whether teachers include aspects related to group functioning in their considerations. The analyses demonstrated that teachers generally reject social exclusion, with female participants rejecting exclusion even more than male participants. Further, participants evaluated the exclusion of a Turkish protagonist as more reprehensible than the exclusion of a German protagonist. Regarding the likelihood of intervention, the origin of the excluded person was only relevant for male participants; i.e., they were less likely to intervene when the excluded person was German than when the excluded person was Turkish. Analyses of teachers' reasoning revealed their strong focus on inclusion as a social norm, especially in cases of interethnic exclusion. That is, when participants reasoned about the exclusion of the Turkish protagonist, they referred to the social norm of inclusion much more than when talking about the German protagonist. In contrast, aspects related to group functioning were scarcely of importance. In terms of the specific actions that participants would undertake as a reaction to the exclusion situation, no differences related to the origin of the excluded person were found. Hence, the origin of the excluded person factored into both the evaluation of the exclusion and the likelihood of intervention, but once the decision to intervene was made, there were no differences in the specific actions. The results are discussed in light of practical implications and teacher training as well as in terms of implications for future research

    Implicit and explicit attitudes toward Turkish students in Germany as a function of teachers’ ethnicity

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    A large number of educational systems face the challenges of dealing with students from different ethnic minorities and providing equal opportunities for them. In Germany, Turkish students belong to the largest ethnic minority group and display the lowest levels of academic achievement in comparison with most other ethnic minority or German students. Teachers’ attitudes toward Turkish students might contribute to the disadvantages of this social group. The aim of this study was to assess preservice teachers’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward Turkish students. Previous research has focused primarily on the attitudes of ethnic majority teachers. Drawing on potential benefits of a cultural match between teachers and students, we considered ethnic majority preservice teachers, preservice teachers with a Turkish background, and those with other ethnic minority backgrounds. Results showed no differences in explicit attitudes but significant differences in implicit attitudes depending on teachers’ ethnic background. Preservice teachers with Turkish backgrounds showed positive implicit attitudes toward Turkish students, preservice teachers from other ethnic minority backgrounds had more neutral attitudes, whereas German preservice teachers had negative implicit attitudes toward Turkish students. Findings are discussed in terms of the cultural match between students and teachers and the benefits of a culturally diverse teaching workforce

    The role of ethnic origin and situational information in teachers' reactions to social exclusion among students

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    The current study investigated pre- and in-Service teachers' reactions to interethnic exclusion in Germany. Using hypothetical scenarios, we examined a sample of 482 teachers (84 males, 398 females; 59% pre-service teachers, 41% in-service teachers) as observers of exclusion among students. In these scenarios, we varied the ethnic origin of the excluded student (German vs. Turkish) and the background information, providing participants either with no additional background information or with information specifying that the excluded student had shown prior norm-violating behavior (insult of another student). We assessed the teachers’ evaluations of the scenarios and their anticipated reactions. The aim of the study was to replicate and extend previous research on teachers’ reactions to social exclusion. As expected, the analyses revealed a strong effect of the background information on teachers’ evaluations and reactions. The teachers evaluated exclusion as much more acceptable and were less likely to intervene in the scenarios with negative background information compared to those without additional information. Teachers seem to view exclusion in these situations as an understandable consequence of norm-violating behavior. However, in contrast to our expectations, the ethnic origin of the excluded student in the scenarios had no impact on teachers’ reactions. That is, situational information seems to be much more important for teachers’ reactions to social exclusion than the ethnic origin of an excluded student

    Migrationsbedingte DisparitĂ€ten in der Notenvergabe nach dem Übergang auf das Gymnasium

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    DisparitĂ€ten bei der Leistungsbewertung von SchĂŒlern und SchĂŒlerinnen mit Migrationshintergrund konnten hĂ€ufig fĂŒr den Übergang zwischen Grundschule und weiterfĂŒhrender Schule nachgewiesen werden. In der hier vorgestellten Studie wurde geprĂŒft, ob sich solche ZusammenhĂ€nge auch nach dem Übergang auf das Gymnasium zeigen. Untersucht wurde der Effekt des Migrationshintergrundes von SchĂŒler/-n/-innen auf die Leistungsbewertung im Fach Mathematik bei Klassenarbeiten und Zeugnissen. Daten von 1487 Gymnasiastinnen und Gymnasiasten und deren 56 LehrkrĂ€ften im Fach Mathematik zu fĂŒnf Messzeitpunkten (Beginn der fĂŒnften Klasse bis zum Ende der sechsten Klasse) zeigten, dass SchĂŒler/-innen nicht-deutscher Herkunft auch unter Kontrolle von Leistungen in standardisierten Tests signifikant schlechtere Klassenarbeits- und Zeugnisnoten erhielten. Der Effekt blieb im Zeitverlauf stabil. Diese Ergebnisse unterstĂŒtzen die Hypothese, dass sich Urteilsfehler bei der Benotung von Leistungen von SchĂŒlern und SchĂŒlerinnen mit nichtdeutscher Herkunft zeigen

    German pre-service teachers\u27 evaluations of and reactions to interethnic social exclusion scenarios

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    This study investigated pre-service teachers\u27 evaluations, reactions, and interventions with regard to interethnic exclusion scenarios in Germany. More specifically, we focused on pre-service teachers (N = 145, 99 female, Mage= 21.34) in the role of observers of exclusion among students. Using hypothetical scenarios in which either a German or a Turkish boy was excluded by other children of his class, we assessed teachers\u27 evaluations of this exclusion behavior. This included evaluating how likely teachers were to intervene in the situation and what they would specifically do. The aim of this research was to examine whether the origin of an excluded student represents a relevant category for teachers\u27 evaluations of and reactions to social exclusion. In addition, we aimed to determine whether teachers include aspects related to group functioning in their considerations. The analyses demonstrated that teachers generally reject social exclusion, with female participants rejecting exclusion even more than male participants. Further, participants evaluated the exclusion of a Turkish protagonist as more reprehensible than the exclusion of a German protagonist. Regarding the likelihood of intervention, the origin of the excluded person was only relevant for male participants; i.e., they were less likely to intervene when the excluded person was German than when the excluded person was Turkish. Analyses of teachers\u27 reasoning revealed their strong focus on inclusion as a social norm, especially in cases of interethnic exclusion. That is, when participants reasoned about the exclusion of the Turkish protagonist, they referred to the social norm of inclusion much more than when talking about the German protagonist. In contrast, aspects related to group functioning were scarcely of importance. In terms of the specific actions that participants would undertake as a reaction to the exclusion situation, no differences related to the origin of the excluded person were found. Hence, the origin of the excluded person factored into both the evaluation of the exclusion and the likelihood of intervention, but once the decision to intervene was made, there were no differences in the specific actions. The results are discussed in light of practical implications and teacher training as well as in terms of implications for future research. (DIPF/Orig.

    Der Einfluss des Migrationshintergrundes auf die Beurteilung von SchĂŒlerleistungen durch LehrkrĂ€fte : Untersuchungen zu Urteilen und Urteilsakkuratheit

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    Deutschland ; SchĂŒler ; Migrationshintergrund ; Chancengleichheit ; Schulleistung ; Lehrer ; Beurteilun
