21 research outputs found


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    Information Technologies (IT) create interconnected application software. Nowadays, one of the vital problems is the enterprise application software integration. Systems of the transport routing become more complicated, because in order to efficiently solve transport routing and planning problems, it is necessary to get more and more information. Enterprise application methods and technologies allow to create effective transport routing system. To structure integration solutions, can be used different options and solutions, as well as platform of integration, but vital problem is the choice of the most suitable integration approach. The aim of this paper is to evaluate several accessible integration solutions. Integration options are identified and classified according to integration approach and technologies used in this paper. In practical assessment of integration technologies, post parcel delivery and routing process is used as an example, for which it is necessary to create effective GPS/GIS/ERP integration solution. For this problem, several alternative solutions have been developed. They have been evaluated according to their high-speed, easily of development and modification, as well as other parameters

    CyberEscape Approach to Advancing Hard and Soft Skills in Cybersecurity Education

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    Incorporating gamification elements and innovative approaches in training and educational programs are promising for addressing cybersecurity knowledge gaps. Cybersecurity training should consider a combination of hard and soft skills to deal with the diversity of cyber incidents. Therefore, this research aims to investigate if soft skills such as communication and collaboration enhances students’ performance in practical task execution and if the CyberEscape approach promotes students engagement and self-efficacy. This paper presents a cybersecurity game CyberEscape based on the intervention mapping methodology previously defined in the research. A virtualised infrastructure simulating the business environment works as a hybrid escape room. Physical resources and prepared information materials complement the game to support the scenario and ensure student engagement. The work employs a multiple-methods research approach. Participants filled out questionnaires in the pre-event and post-execution phases. Additionally, the participants were involved in small group semistructured interviews. Results of the pilot study show a positive impact on student competence improvement and increased interest in cybersecurity.acceptedVersio

    Polymere Implantate durch spezielle Oberflaechenfibrillierung

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    Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8423(43) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    The Evaluation of Enterprise Application Integration Approaches to Resolve Postal Parcel Delivery Transport Routing Problems

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    Information Technologies (IT) create interconnected application software. Nowadays, one of the vital problems is the enterprise application software integration. Systems of the transport routing become more complicated, because in order to efficiently solve transport routing and planning problems, it is necessary to get more and more information. Enterprise application methods and technologies allow to create effective transport routing system. To structure integration solutions, can be used different options and solutions, as well as platform of integration, but vital problem is the choice of the most suitable integration approach. The aim of this paper is to evaluate several accessible integration solutions. Integration options are identified and classified according to integration approach and technologies used in this paper. In practical assessment of integration technologies, post parcel delivery and routing process is used as an example, for which it is necessary to create effective GPS/GIS/ERP integration solution. For this problem, several alternative solutions have been developed. They have been evaluated according to their high-speed, easily of development and modification, as well as other parameters

    Педагогическая оценка отношения студентов к занятиям лечебной физкультурой

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    Цель работы – определение меры необходимости занятий лечебной физкультурой в рамках обязательных занятий спортом у студентов РТУ. Был определен количественный состав студентов в группах лечебной физкультуры на протяжении 13 лет наблюдения и соотношение их с общим числом студентов; определен характер заболеваний; выяснялось отношение студентов к занятиям лечебной физкультурой. Четкое представление спектра заболеваний студенческого контингента позволило осуществить оптимальный подбор средств и оптимизировать программу занятий в специальной группе. У студентов формировалось сознательное отношение к двигательному режиму как залогу собственного здоровья

    Pasaules, Eiropas čempionātu un Pasaules Universiādes vieglatlētikas rezultātu salīdzinoša analīze sportistu sasniegumu vērtēšanas kontekstā

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    Kopsavilkums. Latvijā un pasaulē ir svarīgi novērtēt sportistu rezultātus, lai varētu noteikt labākos ne tikai viena sporta veida ietvaros, bet arī starp dažādiem sporta veidiem. Tas ir nepieciešams, veidojot valstu izlašu komandas dažāda līmeņa sacensībām, kā arī gada labāka sportista noteikšanai un finansējuma piešķiršanai un gatavojoties nozīmīgām sacensībām. Latvijas Vieglatlētikas savienībā ir izstrādāta ļoti plaša un detalizēta rezultātu vērtēšanas sistēma. Diemžēl tika konstatētas nepilnības sacensību rezultātu vērtēšanā pasaules čempionātā, Eiropas U-23, U-19 un pasaules universiādē. Iepriekš minēto tehnisko rezultātu analīze pierādīja, ka pasaules universiādes sacensību rangs ir zemāks nekā pasaules čempionāta rangs, bet augstāks nekā Eiropas U-23 un Eiropas U-19. Tādēļ par pasaules universiādi vajadzētu piešķirt vairāk punktu nekā par Eiropas U-23 un U-19. Ir nepieciešams izstrādāt jaunas punktu sistēmas vieglatlētu izcīnīto vietu vērtēšanai, ņemot vērā rezultātu blīvumu starp godalgoto vietu ieguvējiem un finālistiem, kā arī objektīvai sportistu ranga noteikšanai, piešķirot atbalsta līdzekļus un gatavojoties turpmākām nozīmīgām sacensībām

    A Simulation Platform for Evaluation and Optimization of Composite Applications

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    Composite applications are developed by integrating independent web services and deployed in a dynamic cloud based environment. An ability to modify the composite applications in response to changing business needs significantly contributes to agility of enterprise information systems. Deployment and execution in the cloud based environment allows to requisition resources necessary for efficient execution of the composite applications. However, properties of the composite applications directly depend upon characteristics of external services used and environmental factors, which in the case of public networks, exhibit high degree of variability. In order to address this issue, the objective of this paper is to develop a simulation and business process modelling based platform for evaluation of composite applications to ensure that the applications developed deliver expected performance. The combined approach allows for comprehensive evaluation subject to stochastic and dynamic factors, and the platform integration reduces the modelling overhead. Application of the simulation platform is demonstrated using an example of designing a composite application for a taxi call center