293 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of coordination number of spherical packing

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    The article considers a mathematical model of the coordination number, which allows obtaining an equation for multi component spherical packing in the entire range of its change. The resulting model can be used in both 2-d and 3-d spaces. The concept of the coordination index is introduced as a function of the inter-particle distance related to a single particle located near the central particle. The model provides unambiguous compliance between the simulated and calculated data on the coordination numbers of the spherical packin

    Simulation of the coordination number of random sphere packing

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    Given article presents a generalized equation for calculating the average coordination number from the density of a random sphere packing, supplemented by a dependence on the threshold value of the interparticle distance in two- and three-dimensional spaces. It is shown that the calculation of the average coordination numbers according to the proposed equation gives an unambiguous correspondence between the simulated, calculated and experimental data for threshold values of more than 1.02 particle diameters. An explanation of the weak dependence of the average coordinate number on the packing density for small threshold values of the interparticle distance is given in this wor

    Tensor analyzing power Ayy in deuteron inclusive breakup at large Pt and spin structure of deuteron at short internucleonic distances

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    The Ayy data for deuteron inclusive breakup off hydrogen and carbon at a deuteron momentum of 9.0 GeV/c and large Pt of emitted protons are presented. The large values of Ayy independent of the target mass reflect the sensitivity of the data to the deuteron spin structure. The data obtained at fixed xx and plotted versus Pt clearly demonstrate the dependence of the deuteron spin structure at short internucleonic distances on two variables. The data are compared with the calculations using Paris, CD-Bonn and Karmanov's deuteron wave functions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the SPIN2004 Conf., 10-16 Oct. 2004, Triest, Ital

    The impact of temporal patterns of temperature and precipitation on silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) spawning events

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    It was revealed that Gibel carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) spawning phenology is determined by regular patterns of variability in temperature and precipitation over the period of time after spawning in the previous year. The sensitivity to temperature of water as a stimulus to spawning was shown as being dependent on the characteristics of the environment and fish development trajectories over the previous year. Information about fish spawning was collected in the Dnipro-Orylskiy Nature Reserve in the following locations: Nikolayev system of water bodies, River Protoch system and the Obukhov floodplain, the channel of the River Dnipro, water bodies of the Taromske ledge. The materials that formed the basis of this research were collected from the waters of the reserve in the years 1997–2018. There are dependencies between the air and water temperatures that have their own characteristics depending on the type of water body. These dependencies are described by a logistic equation. The temperature regime in water bodies of the Taromske ledge is very similar to the temperature regime of Nikolayev system of water bodies. The difference is that the spring period of the temperature increase in water bodies of the Taromske ledge comes earlier – in late February – early March. The air temperature dynamics over the year is described by the fourth degree polynomial. The residuals of the polynomial regression for each year were subjected to principal component analysis. The principal component analysis allowed us to identify 8 principal components of the temperature regimes, which together describe 59.2% of the variation of the residual of the polynomial trend. Deviations from the linear trend of the precipitation are systematic throughout the year, reflecting the uneven nature of rainfall during the year. The residuals of linear trend regression models of cumulative precipitation can be used as indicators of the dynamics characteristic of precipitation during the year. The residuals were used for principal component analysis, which revealed that the dynamics of the precipitation can be divided into five orthogonal principal components. The first five principal components explain 82.6% of the feature space variation. The timing of the onset of C. gibelio spawning in 95% of cases occurs on the 113–139th days of the year (on average, it takes place on the 125th day). Regression analysis revealed that the climate principal components and types of the lake systems can explain 79% of the variation in the timing of the onset of C. gibelio spawning. The water temperature at the time of C. gibelio spawning was exposed to natural dynamics in year aspect. The local minimum of the onset of spawning temperatures occured in the mid 2000s. Total of 69% of the water temperature variation at which spawning begins can be described by climatic predictors and water biotope types. The variation explained by some temperature principal components may be increased considerably after including as covariates such variables as the precipitation principal component and the biotope type. This principal component which represents the high frequency variation of the air temperature regime with a characteristic period 20 and 45 days has the highest explanation ability of all the components and is a constant explanatory predictor for all considered spawning characteristics

    Concerning the Application of Heterologous Preparations in Practical Healthcare

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    The paper presents the data on the assessment of the demand for heterologous drugs and highlights the need for their use in practical healthcare. Currently, 15 heterologous immunoglobulins and sera are registered in the Russian Federation. Nine of them are against bacterial and viral infections (anthrax, diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, rabies, anti-gangrenous), one – against snake venom, five other – anti-thymocyte immunoglobulins produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Analysis of the data has demonstrated that anti-rabies immunoglobulin, anti-diphtheria and anti-botulinic sera, A, B and E type are the most in-demand. Production of other therapeutic drugs from this group, for instance, anti-gangrenous serum, tends to decline. Adequate provision of medical curative and preventive institutions with these preparations is a significant element in timely treatment of infectious diseases such as anthrax, diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, rabies, as well as snake bites. In prophylaxis and treatment of certain diseases (emergency aid in case of anthrax, rabies, venomous snake bites) heterologous preparations still oftentimes do not have an alternative. The key problem in regulation of heterologous preparation circulation is absence of quality, efficacy and safety criteria applicable to other immunobiological preparations. Development of unified requirements to standardization of heterologous sera and immunoglobulins of various specificity, principles of efficacy and safety evaluation is necessary for harmonization of current guidelines on medical use. Earlier elaborated by WHO approaches to heterologous sera to venoms of snakes can be used for monitoring and harmonization of normative legal documents on the improvement, evaluation of quality, efficacy and safety of alternative drugs being in circulation in the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation

    Effect of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells secretome on imiquimod-induced psoriasis in rats

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    Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells secretome contains a range of anti-inflammatory factors and can be used for the treatment of psoriasi


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    Detection of buildings and other objects from aerial images has various applications in urban planning and map making. Automated building detection from aerial imagery is a challenging task, as it is prone to varying lighting conditions, shadows and occlusions. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are robust against some of these variations, although they fail to distinguish easy and difficult examples. We train a detection algorithm from RGB-D images to obtain a segmented mask by using the CNN architecture DenseNet. First, we improve the performance of the model by applying a statistical re-sampling technique called Bootstrapping and demonstrate that more informative examples are retained. Second, the proposed method outperforms the non-bootstrapped version by utilizing only one-sixth of the original training data and it obtains a precision-recall break-even of 95.10 % on our aerial imagery dataset

    Characteristics of Phenotypic and Genetic Properties of <i>Francisella tularensis</i> 15 NIIEG Vaccine Strain with an Extended Storage Period

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    Investigated have been cultural-morphological, biochemical and genetic properties of lyophilized cultures of F. tularensis 15 NIIEG vaccine strain, accumulated within 60-years term and deposited at the State Collection of Pathogenic Microorganisms of Scientific Center on Expertise of Medical Application Products. The studies undertaken have demonstrated that storing of the strains in such a form at low temperatures, does not prevent changes of their genetic and phenotypic properties to the full extent. It is established that F. tularensis 15 NIIEG strain lyophilized in 1953, 1966, 1969, 2003 and 2012 maintains its immunogenic properties when cultivated on nutrient media Ft-agar with or without addition of blood, based on dissociation rates (87-99 %) of SR-colonies. While F. tularensis 15 NIIEG strain 1990 contains specified amounts (not less than 80 %) of immunogenic colonies if cultivated on nutrient media with the addition of blood, and fails to meet the requirements - if cultivated without. Identified in F. tularensis 15 NIIEG strain 1987 SR-colony decrement of 70-75 % in case of cultivation with or without addition of blood testifies to the deterioration of its immunogenic properties. RAPD and ERIC typing has showed high stability of the genome of F. tularensis 15 NIIEG cultures lyophilized at different times. Tularemia microbe vaccine strain has unique RAPD and ERIC profiles, insignificant alteration of which is observed upon storage of pathogen subculture in the dried from

    Tensor Ayy and vector Ay analyzing powers in the H(d,d')X and ^{12}C(d,d')X reactons at initial deuteron momenta of 9 GeV/c in the region of baryonic resonances excitation

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    The angular dependence of the tensor Ayy and vector Ay analyzing powers in the inelastic scattering of deuterons with a momentum of 9.0 GeV/c on hydrogen and carbon have been measured. The range of measurements corresponds to the baryonic resonance excitation with masses 2.2--2.6 GeV/c^2. The Ayy data being in good agreement with the previous results demonstrate an approximate tt scaling up to -1.5 (GeV/c)^2. The large values of A_y show a significant role of the spin-dependent part of the elementary amplitude of the NN->NN* reaction. The results of the experiment are compared with model predictions of the plane-wave impulse approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. submitted to Yad.Fi