9 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Influence of Antimicrobial Preparations on the Shelf Life of Broccoli Cabbage

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    Studies of the effect of antimicrobial agents on the conservation of broccoli cabbage have been conducted. The late hybrids of broccoli Ironman F1, Agassi F1, Beaumont F1, grown under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine were studied. The content of the main components of the chemical composition (dry substances, dry soluble substances, sugars, vitamin C) of broccoli cabbage is analyzed depending on the characteristics of the hybrid. The effect of antimicrobial treatment on the natural loss of cabbage, microbiological lesions during storage has been studied. Antimicrobial preparations Baikal EM-1 (dilution of working solution in water 1: 500), 0.5 % solution of citric, 0.2 % benzoic, 0.05 % sorbic acid, and also 0.5:0.5 % solution of vitamins C and P (ascorutin), water for the preparation of solutions had a temperature of 23 ... 25 °C.The processing of fruit and vegetable products with various chemicals is aimed at prolonging the shelf life, increasing the shelf life and increasing the yield of commercial products at the end of storage.It is established that the natural loss of broccoli cabbage during storage depends on the characteristics of the hybrid and the type of antimicrobial preparation. Treatment with preparations increases the shelf life of broccoli cabbage to 30 - 50 days with a natural weight loss of up to 6.1 %, and ensures minimal disease burden.Treatment with antimicrobial agents reduces the loss of dry substances, dry soluble substances, sugars, vitamin C. The most effective is the treatment of broccoli with acids. It has been established that ascorbic acid is contained in broccoli cabbage, with hydrolysis from which ascorbic acid is split off, the content of which is increased.The maximum effective storage of broccoli cabbage at a temperature of 0 ± 1 oС and relative humidity of 90-95 %, pretreatment with preparations of antimicrobial action.The proposed method of processing broccoli cabbage with antimicrobial preparations before storage allows the use of vegetable raw materials for post-harvest treatment. In the development of new, low-cost, environmentally friendly and affordable storage technologies, this is an important technique

    ИсслЕдованиЕ сохранностИ капустЫ брокколИ В завИсИмостИ обработкИ препаратамИ антимикрОбнОгО действиЯ переД хранениеМ

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    We studied the effect of antimicrobial preparations on the preservation and quality of broccoli. We established that antimicrobial preparations such as Baikal EM-1, 0.5 % citric acid solution, 0.2 % benzoic acid solution, 0.05 % sorbic acid solution, 0.5:0.5 % solution of vitamins C and P (ascorutin) ‒ contribute to prolonging the storage life of broccoli for 5‒20 days depending on the hybrid. The treatment with preparations reduces losses per day by 1.2‒3.0 times, it provides the yield of commercial products at 76.8‒86.2 %.The treatment of broccoli with antimicrobial preparations, with ascorutin especially, provides a dry matter content of 1.1‒2.6 times higher than in the control variant, which contributes to a decrease in the intensity of consumption of dry soluble substances and vitamin C. At the end of storage, the content of total sugar and disaccharides is equal to the level of the control variant, or exceeds its content by 1.2 and 1.5‒2.0 times, respectively. The variants with acids and ascorutin have more of them. The content of monosaccharides remains at the initial level. The loss of mass due to evaporation of water is 1.3‒1.8 times higher.Baikal EM-1 and ascorutin inhibit intensity of expansion of pathogenic microorganisms better than other drugs for 10‒15 days. Ascorutin provides 0.8‒2.2 % lower loss of weight due to diseases and physiological disorders and a 4.1‒7.6 % larger yield of commercial products at prolonged storage. Ascorutin, citric acid, sorbic acid and benzoic acid inhibit development of pathogenic microorganisms on broccoli more actively.The proposed method for the treatment of broccoli with antimicrobial preparations before storage makes it possible to use antiseptics, such as Baikal EM-1, 0.5 % citric acid solution, 0.2 % benzoic acid solution, 0.05 % sorbic acid solution, 0.5:0.5 % solution of vitamins C and P (ascorutin) ‒ for the post-harvest treatment of vegetable raw materials. This is an important technique for the development of new, low-cost, environmentally friendly and affordable storage technologies

    Determiningcarrot Preservation Depending on the Root Quality and Size, as Well as on Storage Techniques

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    This study aimsto scientifically substantiate the influence of the quality, size of carrot roots, as well as storage techniques, on safety that couldprolong their consumption. The research into carrot roots has not been developed properly. In this regard, it is important to conduct comprehensive studies of objective indicators that exert the greatest impact on the intensity of natural weight loss of carrot roots and their preservation. The study reported here aimed to scientifically substantiate the influence of the quality, size of carrot roots,as well as storage techniques, on safety, which could allow them to be consumed longer. It has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed that the longest storage period of 206 days with a commercial yield of 89.27 %characterized large root crops. The output of marketable products of medium root crops was 86.56 %, small ones after 161 days ‒ 80.30 %. Compared with large root crops, the shelf life of both small and mechanically damaged carrots decreased by 46 days, and the yield of marketable products decreased by 9.0 and 11.1 %, respectively. Carrot roots damaged by pests were preserved almost the same as chopped ones. On average, over 191–192 days of storage, the yield of marketable products amounted to 83.43 and 83.90 %, respectively. The shortest shelf life (142) and the worst preservation (68.34 %)were observed in carrots with a torn peel, due to a large number of diseased root crops (18.53 and defective ones (6.85 %). Storage of carrots in boxes at a permanent storage facility with forced-air and exhaust natural ventilation turned out to be ineffective. The yield of marketable products amounted to 85.5 %. The highest safety of 96.3–94.3 % was observed when the roots were stored in plastic bags and perforated bags, respectively. A greater yield of marketable products is provided by bags with a capacity of 5 kg. It was found that the storage in cardboard boxes and paper bags contributed to the development of microorganisms. The number of affected root crops ranged from 2.4 to 2.8 %

    Study Into Formation of Nutritional Value of Cauliflower Depending on the Agri­biological Factors

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    We studied the effect of the sum of active temperatures above 10 °C, the amount of precipitation, and the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC), on the formation of dry, dry soluble substances, sugars, and ascorbic acid, in cauliflower, depending on special characteristics of the hybrid. It was established that over the years of research the dry soluble substances in the heads of cauliflower hybrids accumulated in the range from 7.2 % (in the hybrid Kul F1) to 8.3 % (in the hybrid Opal F1) on average. An analysis of variance revealed that the special feature of the hybrid affected the content of dry soluble substances in the heads of cauliflower by 10 %, while conditions of the growing season ‒ by 77 %.Over the years of research, Livingston F1 was characterized, on average, by the high total sugar content. An analysis of variance revealed that a 55 % effect on the total sugar content in the heads of cauliflower was exerted by the special feature of the hybrid. The effect of conditions of the growing season accounted for 4 %. The hybrids differed significantly by the content of reducing sugars. The dependence of influence of weather conditions on the content of the components of the chemical composition in the heads of cauliflower hybrids was established.The content of dry substances has a strong reverse relationship with the humidity of air during formation of the head: r=–0.78...–0.93; a direct average relationship to the mean daily air temperature and the sum of active temperatures, as well as a strong direct connection to the amount of precipitation and HTC of the vegetation period.The content of dry soluble substances in cauliflower heads has a strong inverse relationship with air humidity: r=–0.78...–0.97. The content of ascorbic acid demonstrates a strong direct dependence on air humidity during formation of the head (r=0.67–0.75). As regards other weather conditions, the connection was weak. An analysis of variance revealed that the content of ascorbic acid in the heads of cauliflower depended by 56 % on the special features of the hybrid; 15 % accounted for conditions of the vegetation perio

    Studying the Preservation of Brussels Sprout Depending on Its Treatment with Antimicrobial Preparations Before Storage

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    The effect of antimicrobial preparations on the intensity of losses in the quality of Brussels sprout heads during storage has been scientifically substantiated. Brussels sprout heads were treated with antimicrobial solutions before storage. The following solutions were used: 0.05 % sorbic acid, 0.2 % benzoic, 0.5 % citric acid, Baikal EM-1, 0.5 % solution of ascorutin. The heads were stored in boxes lined with a 40 µm thick polyethylene film.Treatment with antimicrobial preparations increases the shelf life of Brussels sprout to 50 days without significant weight loss. A solution of sorbic acid significantly reduces the natural mass loss by Brussels sprout after 10 days of storage. The effect of other preparations is observed only on day 30 of storage. Standard product output is 85.2–86.9 % depending on the features of the hybrid.Antimicrobial preparations contribute to the preservation of chemical components in Brussels sprout heads. At the end of storage, the content of dry matter, dry soluble substances, total sugar, and ascorbic acid is 5‒8 % higher than that in the control variant. A greater content of some components of the chemical composition is observed in produce treated with solutions of sorbic and benzoic acids before storage.Solutions of sorbic and benzoic acids effectively hinder the development of harmful microorganisms on the heads of Brussels sprout.The result of this study has established that a 0.05 % solution of sorbic acid and a 0.2 % solution of benzoic acid are more effective at contributing to the preservation of quality by Brussels sprout heads. Sorbic and benzoic acids do not affect the organoleptic properties of products and are safe for humans. This makes it possible to recommend to use their solutions as an effective and safe measure to preserve the quality of vegetable produce over its long-term storag