73 research outputs found

    The use of cloud technologies when studying geography by higher school students

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    The article is devoted to the topical issue of the cloud technologies implementation in educational process in general and when studying geography, in particular. The authors offer a selection of online services which can contribute to the effective acquisition of geographical knowledge in higher school. The publication describes such cloud technologies as Gapminder, DESA,Datawrapper.de, Time.Graphics, HP Reveal, MOZAIK education, Settera Online, Click-that-hood, Canva, Paint Instant. It is also made some theoretical generalization of their economic, technical, technological, didactic advantages and disadvantages. Visual examples of application are provided in the article. The authors make notice that in the long run the technologies under study should become a valuable educational tool of creation virtual information and education environments connected into common national, and then global, educational space

    Особенности «до-синергетического» и синергетического подходов к познанию бытия

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    The peculiarities of pre-synergetic and synergetic approaches to the cognition of existence (complex objects) are studied in the article. The necessity to change theoretical and methodological principles of cognition of existence is proved, Daoism of synergetics and poly-variability of recovery of ontology of complex objects’ development processes are inferredРассмотрены особенности до-синергетического и синергетического подходов к познанию бытия (сложных объектов). Обоснована необходимость изменения теоретико- методологических принципов познания бытия, сделан вывод о даоистичности синергетики, о поливариантности восстановления онтологии процессов развития сложных объекто

    Analysis of Working Conditions and Modeling of Activity Algorithms for Contact-Center Operators

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    У статті розглядаються питання забезпечення надійності діяльності операторів обробки інформації, які працюють у контактних центрах. Проведено дослідження чинників, що знижують ефективність роботи операторів кол-центрів. Запропоновано метод формалізованого опису діяльності операторів на основі функціональних мереж професора А. Губінського. Використання цього методу дає змогу оцінити надійність з урахуванням структури діяльності операторів та умов праці. Запропоновано модель для обґрунтування кількості операторів, проєктування структури діяльності та умов праці. Дослідження може бути корисним для обґрунтування доцільності вдосконалення ергономіки в контактних центрах комерційних та державних організацій.The article examines the issues of ensuring the reliability of the activities of information processing operators who work in contact centers. A study of factors that reduce the effectiveness of call center operators was carried out. A method of formalized description of operators’ activities based on functional networks of professor A. Gubinsky is proposed. The use of this method makes it possible to assess reliability taking into account the structure of the operators’ activities and working conditions. A model is proposed to justify the number of operators, design the structure of activities and working conditions. The study can be useful to justify the feasibility of improving ergonomics in contact centers of commercial and government organizations

    Functional Networks for Modeling and Optimization Human-Machine Systems

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    У статті розглядаються питання надійності або систем людина-машина та моделювання взаємодії людина-машина. Наведена класифікація моделей для опису людської діяльності та її взаємодії з машиною. Показано переваги функціональних мереж для ергономіки. Наведено опис математичного апарату функціональних мереж. Наведено характеристики моделей для опису, оцінки та оптимізації алгоритмів діяльності людини-оператора у процесі роботи з автоматами. Наведено приклади моделей систем управління складними об'єктами різних типів. Описано комп'ютерну систему для моделювання та оптимізації діяльності операторів систем управління. Поставлено завдання для вдосконалення теорії і практики функціональних мереж, пов'язаних з розробленням ситуаційних моделей управління та інтелектуальним аналізом даних про надійність людини-оператора. Результати будуть корисні для пошуку ергономічних резервів для підвищення надійності автоматизованих систем.The article examines the issues of reliability or human-machine systems and modeling of human-machine interaction. The classification of models for describing human activity and its interaction with a machine is carried out. The advantages of functional networks for ergonomics are show. The description of the mathematical apparatus of functional networks is given. The characteristics of the models for describing, evaluating and optimizing the algorithms of the human operator's activity when they work with automaton are given. Examples of models for control systems for complex objects of different types are given. A computer system for modeling and optimizing the activities of operators of control systems is described. The tasks are set for improving the theory and practice of functional networks, associated with the development of situational control models and intelligent analysis of data on the reliability of the human operator. The results will be useful for finding ergonomic reserves for increasing the reliability of automated systems

    Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases among patients with diabetes mellitus according to the federal diabetes register of the Russian Federation (2013–2016)

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). AIMS: To evaluate the CVD epidemiology: coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction (MI) and cerebrovascular diseases in adult patients with type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM) diabetes, compare dynamics with data of implementation of the Federal Program «Diabetes mellitus» in 2007–2012 and over the online period 2013–2016. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The database of the Federal Diabetes register (81 regions at 12.2017). We estimated prevalence and incidence rates/10 thousand (th) adult DM patients over 18 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of CVD for the period 2007 – 2016 significant decreased in CHD for T1DM from 14,9% to 3,5%, for T2DM from 20,1% to 11,7%; MI for T1DM from 5,7% to 1,3%, for T2DM from 7,6% to 3,5%; cerebrovascular diseases for T1DM from 4,9% to 1,7%, for T2DM from 7,6% to 4,3%, respectively. In 2013→2016 positive trends continued: MI for T1DM 8,2→5,9/10th patients, for T2DM 19,2→14,7/10th patients, respectively; CVD for T1DM 11,3→10,5, for T2DM 29,4→25,4/10th patients, respectively. There was a large heterogeneity of the prevalence of CVD in the regions. MI varied in patients for T1DM from 319/10 th patients to absence, for T2DM from 800 to 7/10 th patients; the development of cerebrovascular diseases for T2DM from 900 to less than 100/10 th patients, which is largely due to differences in their registration. A small number of cases may be due to insufficient filling of the database, the facts of a huge number require further analysis. The average age of development of MI had increased: for T1DM 51,2→53 years, for T2DM 63,5→65 years, cerebrovascular diseases for T1DM 52,3→52.5 years, for T2DM 65,2→66,5, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of CVD significantly decreased in the Russian Federation compared to 2007–2012, as well as for the period 2013–2016: the prevalence of CHD and cerebrovascular diseases declined, the number of new cases of MI decreased, the average age and duration of DM before the development of CVD significantly increased. These data reflect the results of the program for improvement medical care and prevention measures for patients with diabetes

    Design methodology for immersive educational resources

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    Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and existing holistic systems of psychological and pedagogical requirements for EER, presents the main types of parameters that can be used to evaluate the quality of EER, analyzes the typical structure of EER and characterizes its components. The analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of ``immersiveness'', ``immersive educational environment'', ``immersive approach in education'', ``immersive educational resources'' (IER) was carried out, on the basis of which the relationship between the virtual environment and immersive learning environment was determined, the pedagogical aspects of learning in immersive environments were considered, the classification of IER was made. The main components of IER design and implementation are analyzed, and the essence of IER design and IER design methodology is determined.In the main part of the proposed general model of the methodology of IOR design and analyzed the goals, subjects of methods, stages, and content of training, forms of organization of the educational process, methods, teaching tools, and predicted results of the methodology.In the conclusion the elements of the methodology of IЕR design are presented, in particular, a complex IЕR in the form of a distance learning course, examples of designing prototypes of immersive teaching materials, etc. are considered.Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and existing holistic systems of psychological and pedagogical requirements for EER, presents the main types of parameters that can be used to evaluate the quality of EER, analyzes the typical structure of EER and characterizes its components. The analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of ``immersiveness'', ``immersive educational environment'', ``immersive approach in education'', ``immersive educational resources'' (IER) was carried out, on the basis of which the relationship between the virtual environment and immersive learning environment was determined, the pedagogical aspects of learning in immersive environments were considered, the classification of IER was made. The main components of IER design and implementation are analyzed, and the essence of IER design and IER design methodology is determined.In the main part of the proposed general model of the methodology of IOR design and analyzed the goals, subjects of methods, stages, and content of training, forms of organization of the educational process, methods, teaching tools, and predicted results of the methodology.In the conclusion the elements of the methodology of IЕR design are presented, in particular, a complex IЕR in the form of a distance learning course, examples of designing prototypes of immersive teaching materials, etc. are considered

    Респираторные нарушения при полимиозите/дерматомиозите

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    Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are rare disorders characterized by inflammatory lesions in skeletal muscles. These diseases include polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), and inclusion body myositis, which exhibit clinicoimmunological heterogeneity and give different response to therapy. The most frequent manifestation in PM/DM patients is respiratory system dysfunction. The developing respiratory disorders are varied and may outpace the presentation of muscle pathology.Идиопатические воспалительные миопатии (ИВМ) – редкие аутоиммунные заболевания, характеризующиеся воспалительным поражением скелетной мускулатуры. К наиболее распространенным ИВМ относят: полимиозит (ПМ), дерматомиозит (ДM), которые характеризуются клинико-иммунологической неоднородностью и различным ответом на лечение. Наиболее часто встречающимся системным проявлением при ПМ/ДМ является поражение дыхательной системы. Развивающиеся при этом респираторные нарушения весьма разнообразны и могут опережать симптомы мышечной патологии