5 research outputs found

    Genotype Distribution and Characteristics of Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine : The RESPOND-C Study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Background and objectives: Since 2013, highly effective direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) has become available, with cure rates exceeding 95%. For the choice of optimal CHC treatment, an assessment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype (GT) and liver fibrosis stage is necessary. Information about the distribution of these parameters among CHC patients in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (the Baltic states) and especially in Ukraine is scarce. This study was performed to obtain epidemiologic data regarding CHC GT and fibrosis stage distribution for better planning of resources and prioritization of patients for DAA drug treatment according to disease severity in high-income (the Baltic states) and lower-middle-income (Ukraine) countries. Materials and methods: The retrospective RESPOND-C study included 1451 CHC patients. Demographic and disease information was collected from medical charts for each patient. Results: The most common suspected mode of viral transmission was blood transfusions (17.8%), followed by intravenous substance use (15.7%); however, in 50.9% of patients, the exact mode of transmission was not clarified. In Ukraine (18.4%) and Estonia (26%), transmission by intravenous substance use was higher than in Lithuania (5%) and Latvia (5.3%). Distribution of HCV GT among patients with CHC was as follows: GT1—66.4%; GT3—28.1; and GT2—4.1%. The prevalence of GT1 was the highest in Latvia (84%) and the lowest in Ukraine (63%, p < 0.001). Liver fibrosis stages were distributed as follows: F0—12.2%, F1—26.3%, F2—23.5%, F3—17.1%, and F4—20.9%. Cirrhosis (F4) was more prevalent in Lithuanian patients (30.1%) than in Estonians (8.1%, p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study contributes to the knowledge of epidemiologic characteristics of HCV infection in the Baltic states and Ukraine. The data regarding the patterns of HCV GT and fibrosis stage distribution will be helpful for the development of national strategies to control HCV infection in the era of DAA therapy.Peer reviewe

    Концепція виробнитцва 99mTc на медичних циклотронах в Україні

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    Background. Tracer production for nuclear medicine.Objective. The aim of the paper is to consider the possibility of 99mTc tracer production using low-energy medical cyclotrons installed in Ukraine applying enriched 100Мо targets.Methods. The cross sections of 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc nuclear reactions and reactions, leading to formation of impurities were calculated. The technical aspects of irradiation process were considered. Necessary target thickness and 99mTc tracer yield for the Eclipse RD (Siemens) and PETtrace (GE) cyclotrons were estimated.Results. Within the framework of proposed concept, 99mTc tracer yield equals 3.7 and 35.5 GBq after 2h of bombardment for Eclipse RD and PETtrace cyclotrons, respectively.Conclusions. The obtained results showed satisfied 99mTс tracer yields and feasibility of further development of this method, which will significantly improve the efficiency of cyclotron installations.Проблематика. Производство радиоактивных изотопов для ядерной медицины.Цель исследования. В работе исследуется возможность производства 99mTc на базе низкоэнергетических медицинских циклотронов, установленных в Украине, с использованием обогащенной изотопом 100Мо молибденовой мишени.Методика реализации. Проведены теоретические расчеты сечений 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc ядерных реакций и реакций, приводящих к образованию примесных изотопов. Рассмотрены технические аспекты облучения, оценены необходимые толщины образцов и выходы радионуклида 99mTc на циклотронах Eclipse RD (Siemens) и PETtrace (GE).Результаты исследования. В рамках предложенной концепции, выход изотопа 99mTc равен 3,7 и 35,5 ГБк после 2-часового облучения для циклотронов Eclipse RD и PETtrace соответственно.Выводы. Полученные результаты показали высокий выход радионуклида 99mTс и целесообразность дальнейшего развития данной методики, что позволит существенно повысить эффективность использования циклотронных установок.Проблематика. Виробництво радіоактивних ізотопів для ядерної медицини.Мета дослідження. У роботі досліджується можливість виробництва 99mTc на базі низькоенергетичних медичних циклотронів, встановлених в Україні, з використанням збагаченої ізотопом 100Мо молібденової мішені.Методика реалізації. Виконано теоретичні розрахунки перерізів 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc реакцій та реакцій, що призводять до утворення домішкових ізотопів у коді Empire 3.2. Розглянуто технічні аспекти опромінення, оцінено необхідні товщини зразків і виходи радіонукліда 99mTc на циклотронах Eclipse RD (Siemens) і PETtrace (GE). Результати дослідження. У рамках запропонованої концепції вихід ізотопу 99mTc був визначений рівним 3,7 та 35,5 ГБк після 2-годинного опромінення для циклотронів Eclipse RD та PETtrace відповідно.Висновки. Отримані результати показали високий вихід радіонукліда 99mTс і доцільність подальшого розвитку запропонованої методики, що дасть можливість суттєво підвищити ефективність використання циклотронних установок

    The Study of 99mTc Production Using Medical Cyclotrons in Ukraine

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    Background. Tracer production for nuclear medicine. Objective. The aim of the paper is to consider the possibility of 99mTc tracer production using low-energy medical cyclotrons installed in Ukraine applying enriched 100Мо targets. Methods. The cross sections of 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc nuclear reactions and reactions, leading to formation of impurities were calculated. The technical aspects of irradiation process were considered. Necessary target thickness and 99mTc tracer yield for the Eclipse RD (Siemens) and PETtrace (GE) cyclotrons were estimated. Results. Within the framework of proposed concept, 99mTc tracer yield equals 3.7 and 35.5 GBq after 2h of bombardment for Eclipse RD and PETtrace cyclotrons, respectively. Conclusions. The obtained results showed satisfied 99mTс tracer yields and feasibility of further development of this method, which will significantly improve the efficiency of cyclotron installations

    Macroporous scaffolds based on chitosan and bioactive molecules

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    Chitosan-based macroporous scaffolds for tissue engineering applications are developed by cryogelation in aqueous media. The cryogels obtained are modified using a new RGD-containing peptide developed in this laboratory. A RGD-containing peptide is chemically attached to the surface of the cryogels to improve cell adhesion to the 3D-structure chitosan-based scaffolds. The synthesis, physico-chemical, and biological evaluations of the system are described, and the optimization of the formulations is carried out by varying the reaction parameters. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells are used in cell cultures to determine cell behavior and the cytocompatibility of the macroporous cryogels. Cell spreading and actin cytoskeleton organization process are assessed by confocal microscopy. Cells colonize the porous structure of the chitosan-based cryogel and are observed to be growing inside the pores.Peer reviewe