7,232 research outputs found

    The Star Blended with the MOA-2008-BLG-310 Source Is Not the Exoplanet Host Star

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    High resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image analysis of the MOA-2008-BLG-310 microlens system indicates that the excess flux at the location of the source found in the discovery paper cannot primarily be due to the lens star because it does not match the lens-source relative proper motion, μrel\mu_{\rm rel}, predicted by the microlens models. This excess flux is most likely to be due to an unrelated star that happens to be located in close proximity to the source star. Two epochs of HST observations indicate proper motion for this blend star that is typical of a random bulge star, but is not consistent with a companion to the source or lens stars if the flux is dominated by only one star, aside from the lens. We consider models in which the excess flux is due to a combination of an unrelated star and the lens star, and this yields 95\% confidence level upper limit on the lens star brightness of IL>22.44I_L > 22.44 and VL>23.62V_L >23.62. A Bayesian analysis using a standard Galactic model and these magnitude limits yields a host star mass Mh=0.210.09+0.21 MM_h = 0.21 ^{+0.21}_{-0.09}~ M_\odot, a planet mass of mp=23.49.9+23.9 Mm_p = 23.4 ^{+23.9}_{-9.9}~M_\oplus at a projected separation of a=1.120.17+0.16,a_\perp = 1.12^{+0.16}_{-0.17},AU. This result illustrates excess flux in a high resolution image of a microlens-source system need not be due to the lens. It is important to check that the lens-source relative proper motion is consistent with the microlensing prediction. The high resolution image analysis techniques developed in this paper can be used to verify the WFIRST exoplanet microlensing survey mass measurements.Comment: Submitted to AJ on March 18, 201

    The Imprint of Gravitational Waves on the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Long-wavelength gravitational waves can induce significant temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background. Distinguishing this from anisotropy induced by energy density fluctuations is critical for testing inflationary cosmology and theories of large-scale structure formation. We describe full radiative transport calculations of the two contributions and show that they differ dramatically at angular scales below a few degrees. We show how anisotropy experiments probing large- and small-angular scales can combine to distinguish the imprint due to gravitational waves.Comment: 11 pages, Penn Preprint-UPR-

    Decay of metastable phases in a model for the catalytic oxidation of CO

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    We study by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations the dynamic behavior of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model with CO desorption for the reaction CO + O \to CO2_2 on a catalytic surface. Finite-size scaling analysis of the fluctuations and the fourth-order order-parameter cumulant show that below a critical CO desorption rate, the model exhibits a nonequilibrium first-order phase transition between low and high CO coverage phases. We calculate several points on the coexistence curve. We also measure the metastable lifetimes associated with the transition from the low CO coverage phase to the high CO coverage phase, and {\it vice versa}. Our results indicate that the transition process follows a mechanism very similar to the decay of metastable phases associated with {\it equilibrium} first-order phase transitions and can be described by the classic Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami theory of phase transformation by nucleation and growth. In the present case, the desorption parameter plays the role of temperature, and the distance to the coexistence curve plays the role of an external field or supersaturation. We identify two distinct regimes, depending on whether the system is far from or close to the coexistence curve, in which the statistical properties and the system-size dependence of the lifetimes are different, corresponding to multidroplet or single-droplet decay, respectively. The crossover between the two regimes approaches the coexistence curve logarithmically with system size, analogous to the behavior of the crossover between multidroplet and single-droplet metastable decay near an equilibrium first-order phase transition.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, accepted by Physical Review

    Rat mammary carcinogenesis following neutron- or X-radiation

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    Female 61 to 63 - day - old Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed once to a single dose of either 0.43 - MeV neutrons or 250 - kVX - rays . For neutrons 23 rats were exposed in plastic tubes rotated around and 31 c m from a water-cooled tritium impregnated target bombarded with 2.45 - MeV protons from a V a n de Graaff generator. The mean kerma was measured at the rat location by integrating the response of a rat - sized homogeneous tissue equivalent ionization chamber of minimum mass. The ratio between absorbed dose and kerma is under investigation and is anticipated to be approximately 0.7. A compensated GM gamma-ray dosimeter indicated that the gamma - ray doses were 3.5% of the total dose. All rats were examined weekly for the presence of breast tumours and these were removed, fixed, stained and verified histologically as mammary neoplasms. At 10 months after exposure 98<7ο of the rats were a live . The neutron kerma, the per cent of rats with mammary neoplasia, and the number of rats were, respectively: 0.125 rads, 8.2°}o, 182; 0.5 rads, 9.0^0, 89; 2 rads, 20. 6,68; and 8 rads, 31.1%, 45. The X - ray results were: 30 R, 1.4% 95; 60 R, 27. l°Io, 48; and 90 R, 35.4%, 48. A 3. O^o incidence was found in 167 control rats. At 10 months after exposure the mammary neoplastic response after 8 rads of neutrons corresponds approximately to that after 60 - 90 R of X - rays . Similarly, the response after 2 rads of neutrons was intermediate between 30 and 60 R of X - rays and the response after 0 . 125 and 0.5 rads of neutrons was similar to that after 30 R of X - rays . This demonstrates that the RBE for 0.43 - MeV neutrons is much lower at high doses than at low doses. Determination of the confidence limits for the dose-RBE dependence and dose-incidence relationship will be determined as additional data are collected

    Computing CMB Anisotropy in Compact Hyperbolic Spaces

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    The measurements of CMB anisotropy have opened up a window for probing the global topology of the universe on length scales comparable to and beyond the Hubble radius. For compact topologies, the two main effects on the CMB are: (1) the breaking of statistical isotropy in characteristic patterns determined by the photon geodesic structure of the manifold and (2) an infrared cutoff in the power spectrum of perturbations imposed by the finite spatial extent. We present a completely general scheme using the regularized method of images for calculating CMB anisotropy in models with nontrivial topology, and apply it to the computationally challenging compact hyperbolic topologies. This new technique eliminates the need for the difficult task of spatial eigenmode decomposition on these spaces. We estimate a Bayesian probability for a selection of models by confronting the theoretical pixel-pixel temperature correlation function with the COBE-DMR data. Our results demonstrate that strong constraints on compactness arise: if the universe is small compared to the `horizon' size, correlations appear in the maps that are irreconcilable with the observations. If the universe is of comparable size, the likelihood function is very dependent upon orientation of the manifold wrt the sky. While most orientations may be strongly ruled out, it sometimes happens that for a specific orientation the predicted correlation patterns are preferred over the conventional infinite models.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX (IOP style included), 3 color figures (GIF) in separate files. Minor revision to match the version accepted in Class. Quantum Grav.: Proc. of Topology and Cosmology, Cleveland, 1997. The paper can be also downloaded from http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pogosyan/cwru_proc.ps.g


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    The biological effects of proton beams of 2.0 to 2.2 Bev were studied in mice. Physical studies of particle distribution and depth dosimetry are described. Data are presented on lethal dosage measurements and studies of light element activation in tissues through proton reactions (p,pn) as determined by whole-body counting of gamma activity. (C.H.

    The cloud-in-cloud problem for non-Gaussian density fields

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    The cloud-in-cloud problem is studied in the context of the extension to non-Gaussian density fields of the Press-Schechter approach for the calculation of the mass function. As an example of a non-Gaussian probability distribution functions (PDFs) we consider the Chi-square, with various degrees of freedom. We generate density fields in cubic boxes with periodic boundary conditions and then determine the number of points considered collapsed at each scale through an hierarchy of smoothing windows. We find that the mass function we obtain differs from that predicted using the Extended Press-Schechter formalism, particularly for low values of σ\sigma and for those PDFs most distinct from a Gaussian.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex using mn.sty, matches published version, results for the Inverted Chi-square distribution withdraw

    The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in CMB-calibrated theories applied to the Cosmic Background Imager anisotropy power at l > 2000

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    We discuss the nature of the possible high-l excess in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy power spectrum observed by the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI). We probe the angular structure of the excess in the CBI deep fields and investigate whether it could be due to the scattering of CMB photons by hot electrons within clusters, the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. We estimate the density fluctuation parameters for amplitude, sigma_8, and shape, Gamma, from CMB primary anisotropy data and other cosmological data. We use the results of two separate hydrodynamical codes for Lambda-CDM cosmologies, consistent with the allowed sigma_8 and Gamma values, to quantify the expected contribution from the SZ effect to the bandpowers of the CBI experiment and pass simulated SZ effect maps through our CBI analysis pipeline. The result is very sensitive to the value of sigma_8, and is roughly consistent with the observed power if sigma_8 ~ 1. We conclude that the CBI anomaly could be a result of the SZ effect for the class of Lambda-CDM concordance models if sigma_8 is in the upper range of values allowed by current CMB and Large Scale Structure (LSS) data.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal; 17 pages including 12 color figures. v2 matches accepted version. Additional information at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/CBI

    How exactly did the Universe become neutral?

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    We present a refined treatment of H, He I, and He II recombination in the early Universe. The difference from previous calculations is that we use multi-level atoms and evolve the population of each level with redshift by including all bound-bound and bound-free transitions. In this framework we follow several hundred atomic energy levels for H, He I, and He II combined. The main improvements of this method over previous recombination calculations are: (1) allowing excited atomic level populations to depart from an equilibrium distribution; (2) replacing the total recombination coefficient with recombination to and photoionization from each level directly at each redshift step; and (3) correct treatment of the He I atom, including the triplet and singlet states. We find that the ionization fraction x_e = n_e/n_H is approximately 10% smaller at redshifts <~800 than in previous calculations, due to the non-equilibrium of the excited states of H, which is caused by the strong but cool radiation field at those redshifts. In addition we find that He I recombination is delayed compared with previous calculations, and occurs only just before H recombination. These changes in turn can affect the predicted power spectrum of microwave anisotropies at the few percent level. Other improvements such as including molecular and ionic species of H, including complete heating and cooling terms for the evolution of the matter temperature, including collisional rates, and including feedback of the secondary spectral distortions on the radiation field, produce negligible change to x_e. The lower x_e at low z found in this work affects the abundances of H molecular and ionic species by 10-25%. However this difference is probably not larger than other uncertainties in the reaction rates.Comment: 24 pages, including 18 figures, using emulateapj.sty, to appear in ApJ, the code recfast can be obtained at http://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/scott/recfast.html (in FORTRAN) and http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~sasselov/rec/ (in C