266 research outputs found

    The Role of Vocational Identity as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Parental Career-Related Behavior and Career Decision-Making Process

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    Career decision-making process (CDMP) is an individual skill in determining career decisions. During crisis development, transition-exploration adolescent may have difficulty in determining career goals. Two aspects stabilizer CDMP i.e.vocational identity ([VI], internal aspect) and parents' involvement in adolescent career issues (external aspect). This study investigated parental involvement in three forms (support, interference, lack of engagement) of the variable parental career-related behaviors (PCB). Based on previous research, the VI role to CDMP can be enhanced through the positive role parents. Therefore, this research investigated the VI role as a mediator in the PCB and CDMP relationship, each VI or PCB role directly to CDMP, and PCB role to IV. Research subjects of first semester (~19 years) students from a private university in Lippo Village-Tangerang were selected through simple random sampling. Data were analyzed with SPSS Amos v.22. Multivariate regression in path analysis showed the theoretical model of each form of PCB did fit with the empirical data. VI has a direct role to CDMP (38.00, 32.00, and 35.00%). Every form of PCB shows a direct role to CDMP (19.00, -13.00, and -15.00%). PCB interference and lack of engagement contribute to VI at -23.00 and -15.00%. VI of each PCB form shows no role as a mediator in the PCB and CDMP relationship on exploration-transition university students

    Dampak Kebijakan Provisi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Dana Reboisasi terhadap Kesejahteraan

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    Dalam tiga dasawarsa terakhir sektor kehutanan memberikan penerimaan negara, antara lain dari Provisi Sumberdaya Hutan (PSDH) dan Dana Reboisasi (DR). Untuk mengetahui dampak penerapan kebijakan PSDH dan DR terhadap kesejahteraan maka digunakan pendugaan elastisitas penawaran dan permintaan pasar kayu bulat dan pasar kayu olahan, yang digunakan atas dasar penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data time series dari tahun 1995 sampai dengan 2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kenaikan PSDH dan DR secara terpisah akan meningkatkan harga kayu bulat, kecuali harga kayu bulat HTI pulp , dan meningkatkan harga produk kayu olahan. Kenaikan PSDH dan DR secara bersamaan akan meningkatkan harga kayu bulat dan kayu olahan. Kenaikan PSDH akan meningkatkan produksi kayu bulat dan kayu olahan, kecuali kayu lapis yang tidak didukung oleh kenaikan harga pasar. Kenaikan DR akan meningkatkan produksi kayu bulat, kecuali dari HTI pulp yang hampir tidak terpengaruh. Kenaikan DR akan meningkatkan produksi kayu gergajian, sedangkan kenaikan PSDH dan DR bersamaan akan meningkatkan produksi kayu bulat hutan alam, HTI perkakas dan HTI pulp , serta kayu gergajian dan pulp . Kenaikan PSDH dan DR akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan produsen serta menurunkan kesejahteraan konsumen kayu bulat

    Dampak Kebijakan Input, Output, dan Perdagangan Beras terhadap Diversifikasi Pangan Pokok

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    EnglishAs one of the five most populous countries in the world, Indonesia has a big challenge to meet the food needs of its people. Food diversification has long been an important agenda of the national agricultural development planning program, but the achievement, however, remains disappointing. This paper aims to analyze the impacts of rice input, output and trade policy on diversification of major staple food consumption and production. This study analyzes four main staple foods, i.e. rice, maize, cassava, and wheat using national series data for the period of 1981-2013. The System of Simultaneous Equations Model consisting of 22 structural equations and 31 identity equations were estimated using a Two-Stage Least Square method. The results show that single policy instrument of reducing fertilizer and seed subsidies and increasing the government purchasing price policy increase diversification of food consumption and production. Increasing rice import tariff is not effective to improve either consumption nor production diversification, but rice import ban could improve consumption diversification. Increasing the government purchasing price is not quite effective as the compensation for the fertilizer subsidy reduction. The fertilizer subsidy reduction policy should be conducted gradually. Seed subsidy reduction combined with rice import ban is considered as an alternative to the existing policy. IndonesianSebagai salah satu dari lima negara dengan penduduk terbesar di dunia, Indonesia mempunyai tantangan cukup besar dalam pemenuhan konsumsi pangan penduduknya. Diversifikasi pangan sudah lama menjadi salah satu agenda penting dalam program nasional pembangunan pertaniani namun pencapaiannya masih jauh dari yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak kebijakan input, output, dan perdagangan beras terhadap diversifikasi produksi dan konsumsi pangan pokok yaitu, beras, jagung, ubi kayu, dan terigu, untuk data tingkat nasional tahun 1981–2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan model persamaan simultan, terdiri atas 22 persamaan struktural dan 31 persamaan identitas yang diestimasi dengan metode Two Stage Least Square (2SLS). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan tunggal baik pengurangan subsidi pupuk dan benih, maupun kebijakan menaikkan Harga Pembelian Pemerintah mampu meningkatkan diversifikasi produksi dan konsumsi pangan pokok. Kebijakan tarif impor beras tidak efektif untuk meningkatkan diversifikasi konsumsi dan produksi pangan pokok, tetapi kebijakan pelarangan impor dapat meningkatkan diversifikasi konsumsi pangan. Kebijakan peningkatan harga pembelian pemerintah terbukti kurang efektif sebagai kompensasi pengurangan subsidi pupuk. Kebijakan pengurangan subsidi pupuk harus diterapkan secara bertahap. Pengurangan subsidi benih yang disertai dengan pelarangan impor dapat menjadi kebijakan alternatif saat ini

    The spatial sensitivity of the spectral diversity–biodiversity relationship: an experimental test in a prairie grassland

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    Remote sensing has been used to detect plant biodiversity in a range of ecosystems based on the varying spectral properties of different species or functional groups. However, the most appropriate spatial resolution necessary to detect diversity remains unclear. At coarse resolution, differences among spectral patterns may be too weak to detect. In contrast, at fine resolution, redundant information may be introduced. To explore the effect of spatial resolution, we studied the scale dependence of spectral diversity in a prairie ecosystem experiment at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, Minnesota, USA. Our study involved a scaling exercise comparing synthetic pixels resampled from high-resolution images within manipulated diversity treatments. Hyperspectral data were collected using several instruments on both ground and airborne platforms. We used the coefficient of variation (CV) of spectral reflectance in space as the indicator of spectral diversity and then compared CV at different scales ranging from 1 mm2 to 1 m2 to conventional biodiversity metrics, including species richness, Shannon’s index, Simpson’s index, phylogenetic species variation, and phylogenetic species evenness. In this study, higher species richness plots generally had higher CV. CV showed higher correlations with Shannon’s index and Simpson’s index than did species richness alone, indicating evenness contributed to the spectral diversity. Correlations with species richness and Simpson’s index were generally higher than with phylogenetic species variation and evenness measured at comparable spatial scales, indicating weaker relationships between spectral diversity and phylogenetic diversity metrics than with species diversity metrics. High resolution imaging spectrometer data (1 mm2 pixels) showed the highest sensitivity to diversity level. With decreasing spatial resolution, the difference in CV between diversity levels decreased and greatly reduced the optical detectability of biodiversity. The optimal pixel size for distinguishing a diversity in these prairie plots appeared to be around 1 mm to 10 cm, a spatial scale similar to the size of an individual herbaceous plant. These results indicate a strong scaledependence of the spectral diversity-biodiversity relationships, with spectral diversity best able to detect a combination of species richness and evenness, and more weakly detecting phylogenetic diversity. These findings can be used to guide airborne studies of biodiversity and develop more effective large-scale biodiversity sampling methods

    Discrete molecular dynamics simulations of peptide aggregation

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    We study the aggregation of peptides using the discrete molecular dynamics simulations. At temperatures above the alpha-helix melting temperature of a single peptide, the model peptides aggregate into a multi-layer parallel beta-sheet structure. This structure has an inter-strand distance of 0.48 nm and an inter-sheet distance of 1.0 nm, which agree with experimental observations. In this model, the hydrogen bond interactions give rise to the inter-strand spacing in beta-sheets, while the Go interactions among side chains make beta-strands parallel to each other and allow beta-sheets to pack into layers. The aggregates also contain free edges which may allow for further aggregation of model peptides to form elongated fibrils.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Assessment of Potential Augmentation and Management Strategies for Razorback Sucker \u3cem\u3eXyrauchen texanus\u3c/em\u3e in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon: A 2021 Science Panel Summary

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    Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus is a large-bodied, long-lived species endemic to the Colorado River Basin. This species historically ranged throughout the basin from the Colorado River delta in Mexico to Wyoming and Colorado. Currently, the species persists ,in a small portion of its historical range with the help of intensive management efforts including augmentation. Recruitment to adult life stages is extremely limited in the wild, but is documented consistently in Lake Mead. Research and monitoring efforts in Lake Mead are ongoing since 1996 and have recently expanded to include the Colorado River inflow area and portions of lower Grand Canyon. Despite evidence of recruitment, the current population size in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon is believed to be small (data) and susceptible to stochastic effects. This raised interest in the potential to augment the population to prevent loss of genetic diversity and increase abundance and distribution in general, as well as explore recruitment bottlenecks. To address critical uncertainties surrounding this management option and to brainstorm other potential options, a Planning Committee and Steering Committee made up of representatives of state (Arizona, Nevada), tribal (Hualapai Tribe, Navajo Nation), and federal (Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) management agencies convened an Expert Science Panel (ESP; 2021), to consider augmentation and management strategies for Razorback Sucker in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon. The purpose of this report is to summarize those findings
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