1,036 research outputs found

    Statistical correlation between enterovirus genome copy numbers and infectious viral particles in wastewater samples

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    Aims: Classic virological tests are time consuming and labour-intensive; realtime RT-PCR has proven to be a fast method to detect and quantify enterovirus genomes in clinical and environmental samples. This method is unable to discriminate between infective and noninfective enterovirus particles; few clinical studies have compared real-time RT-PCR and viral culture. We wondered if the enterovirus genome quantification could be correlated to the infectivity. Methods and Results: We used the statistical approach to verify our hypotheses to correlate data, obtained by the standard method (most probable number of cytopathic units—MPNCU) and molecular test (real-time RT-PCR), on wastewater treatment plant samples. Chi-squared test was used, considering several cut-off values (‘50’-‘100’-‘200’ genome copy numbers), to determine statistical significance in comparison of the two methods. Chi-square value was not significant when cut-off of 50 (P = 0Æ103) and 100 (P = 0Æ178) was assumed but was significant with cut-off of 200 (P = 0Æ044). Conclusion: This limit, 200 genome copy, could be used as cut-off value to indicate enterovirus survival in environmental monitoring. Significant and Impact of the Study: To introduce a fast procedure that is able to compensate for disadvantages of cell culture method for viral environmental analyses

    Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of strain-engineered GaAsBi alloys

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    In this paper, we present results obtained by an optical technique, namely, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), applied to a series of GaAs1-xBix samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) under different strain conditions with the increasing concentration of Bi, up to the higher value of about 7%. The epitaxial buffer layers for the growing GaAs1-xBix layer were prepared with either a compressive strain (as it is commonly done) or a tensile strain: The latter case has been proven to be a strategy that allows us to obtain a better crystalline quality [Tisbi et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 014028 (2020)]. A characteristic, well defined anisotropy signal below 2.5 eV is demonstrated to be connected to the presence of Bi and, in particular, to the strain produced in the sub-surface region by the voluminous Bi atoms. The amplitude of this signal directly relates to the Bi quantity, while its sign gives information about the local clustering/ordering of Bi atoms in the grown sample. We conclude that the detailed interpretation of RAS signatures and the knowledge of their origin offer the opportunity to utilize this technique to follow in real time the GaAsBi growth either in MBE or in metal organic vapor phase epitaxy processes

    Insulinoma presenting as idiopathic hypersomnia

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    We report the case of a 32-year-old woman with a history of increased sleep need and difficulty waking up; the diagnosis of idiopathic hypersomnia was hypothesized. During ambulatory polysomnography (PSG), the patient presented an episode characterized by loss of consciousness and jerking of the four limbs. A video-PSG monitoring was performed and the patient showed unresponsiveness and drowsiness at 7 a.m. During the episode, EEG showed theta-delta diffuse activity, and blood glucose level was 32 mg dl(-1). The diagnosis of insulinoma was then assumed; CT scan showed a hypodense mass into the pancreatic tail, and a partial pancreasectomy was performed. The described symptoms disappeared, and 5 years later the findings of a complete clinical and neurophysiological examination were negative. The clinical picture of insulinoma presenting with paroxysmal disorders has been previously described; however, whereas hypersomnia is uncommon, in the current case it represents the main symptom. Clinicians should keep in mind that neuroglycopenia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with hypersomnia, particularly if the clinical scenario does not conform to standard criteria

    Impact of Sample Preparation Methods on Single-Cell X-ray Microscopy and Light Elemental Analysis Evaluated by Combined Low Energy X-ray Fluorescence, STXM and AFM

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    Background: Although X-ray fluorescence microscopy is becoming a widely used technique for single-cell analysis, sample preparation for this microscopy remains one of the main challenges in obtaining optimal conditions for the measurements in the X-ray regime. The information available to researchers on sample treatment is inadequate and unclear, sometimes leading to wasted time and jeopardizing the experiment's success. Many cell fixation methods have been described, but none of them have been systematically tested and declared the most suitable for synchrotron X-ray microscopy. Methods: The HEC-1-A endometrial cells, human spermatozoa, and human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cells were fixed with organic solvents and cross-linking methods: 70% ethanol, 3.7%, and 2% paraformaldehyde; in addition, HEK-293 cells were subjected to methanol/ C3H6O treatment and cryofixation. Fixation methods were compared by coupling low-energy X-ray fluorescence with scanning transmission X-ray microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Results: Organic solvents lead to greater dehydration of cells, which has the most significant effect on the distribution and depletion of diffusion elements. Paraformaldehyde provides robust and reproducible data. Finally, the cryofixed cells provide the best morphology and element content results. Conclusion: Although cryofixation seems to be the most appropriate method as it allows for keeping cells closer to physiological conditions, it has some technical limitations. Paraformaldehyde, when used at the average concentration of 3.7%, is also an excellent alternative for X-ray microscopy

    Neuropsychological Functioning in Bilateral versus Unilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Although relatively specific anatomo-electro-clinical features of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with bilateral ictal involvement (bitemporal epilepsy-BTLE) have been described, differentiating between BTLE and unilateral TLE (UTLE) remains challenging. Surgery is often the treatment of choice for drug-resistant UTLE, whereas its use is more controversial in BTLE. It is currently unclear whether neuropsychological assessment can contribute to the differential diagnosis. We retrospectively reviewed the neuropsychological evaluation of 46 consecutive patients with refractory TLE. Eighteen patients were diagnosed with BTLE on the basis of ictal electro-clinical data, in particular a video EEG recording of at least one seizure simultaneously involving the two temporal lobes without the possibility of lateralizing its onset or at least two different seizures independently arising from the two temporal lobes. Twenty-eight patients were classified as UTLE. Presurgery evaluation data were used in this study. Compared with UTLE, BTLE was associated with a lower intelligence quotient (IQ) and more severe impairment in long-term memory, the latter remaining significant even after controlling for IQ. No significant differences were found between right and left UTLE. In conclusion, BTLE and UTLE are associated with relatively distinct neuropsychological profiles, further supporting their classification as different disorders within the TLE spectrum

    Dielectric Effects in FeO x-Coated Au Nanoparticles Boost the Magnetoplasmonic Response: Implications for Active Plasmonic Devices

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    Plasmon resonance modulation with an external magnetic field (magnetoplasmonics) represents a promising route for the improvement of the sensitivity of plasmon-based refractometric sensing. To this purpose, an accurate material choice is needed to realize hybrid nanostructures with an improved magnetoplasmonic response. In this work, we prepared core@shell nanostructures made of an 8 nm Au core surrounded by an ultrathin iron oxide shell (≤1 nm). The presence of the iron oxide shell was found to significantly enhance the magneto-optical response of the noble metal in the localized surface plasmon region, compared with uncoated Au nanoparticles. With the support of an analytical model, we ascribed the origin of the enhancement to the shell-induced increase in the dielectric permittivity around the Au core. The experiment points out the importance of the spectral position of the plasmonic resonance in determining the magnitude of the magnetoplasmonic response. Moreover, the analytical model proposed here represents a powerful predictive tool for the quantification of the magnetoplasmonic effect based on resonance position engineering, which has significant implications for the design of active magnetoplasmonic devices

    Tumor BRCA Test for Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: The Role of Molecular Pathology in the Era of PARP Inhibitor Therapy

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    The PARP inhibitor olaparib has been approved in the maintenance setting of platinum-sensitive epithelial ovarian cancer patients with germline or somatic BRCA1/2 mutation. Therefore, the availability of a tumor BRCA test has become a clinical need. We report the results of the clinical implementation of a tumor BRCA test within the frame of an institutional workflow for the management of patients with nonmucinous and nonborderline epithelial ovarian cancer. In total, 223 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer were prospectively analyzed. BRCA1/2 status was evaluated on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor specimens using next-generation sequencing technology. The tumor BRCA test had a success rate of 99.1% (221 of 223 successfully analyzed cases) and a median turnaround time of 17 calendar days. Among the 221 cases, BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic/likely pathogenic mutations were found in 62 (28.1%) cases and variants of uncertain significance in 25 (11.3%) cases. The concordance rate between tumor BRCA test results and germline BRCA1/2 status was 87%, with five cases harboring pathogenic/likely pathogenic somatic-only mutations. The next-generation, sequencing-based tumor BRCA test showed a high success rate and a turnaround time compatible with clinical purposes. The tumor BRCA test could be implemented in a molecular diagnostic setting and it may guide the clinical management of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer

    Plasma Neurofilament Light Chain Predicts Cognitive Progression in Prodromal and Clinical Dementia with Lewy Bodies

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    Plasma neurofilament light chain (NfL) is a marker of neuronal damage in different neurological disorders and might predict disease progression in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The study enrolled 45 controls and 44 DLB patients (including 17 prodromal cases) who underwent an extensive assessment at baseline and at 2 years follow-up. At baseline, plasma NfL levels were higher in both probable DLB and prodromal cases compared to controls. Plasma NfL emerged as the best predictor of cognitive decline compared to age, sex, and baseline severity variables. The study supports the role of plasma NfL as a useful prognostic biomarker from the early stages of DLB

    The interplay of perceived risks and benefits in deciding to become vaccinated against COVID-19 while pregnant or breastfeeding: A cross-sectional study in Italy.

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    The present study examined the role of the perception of risks and benefits for the mother and her babies in deciding about the COVID-19 vaccination. In this cross-sectional study, five hypotheses were tested using data from a convenience sample of Italian pregnant and/or breastfeeding women (N = 1104, July–September 2021). A logistic regression model estimated the influence of the predictors on the reported behavior, and a beta regression model was used to evaluate which factors influenced the willingness to become vaccinated among unvaccinated women. The COVID-19 vaccination overall risks/benefits tradeoff was highly predictive of both behavior and intention. Ceteris paribus, an increase in the perception of risks for the baby weighed more against vaccination than a similar increase in the perception of risks for the mother. Additionally, pregnant women resulted in being less likely (or willing) to be vaccinated in their status than breastfeeding women, but they were equally accepting of vaccination if they were not pregnant. COVID-19 risk perception predicted intention to become vaccinated, but not behavior. In conclusion, the overall risks/benefits tradeoff is key in predicting vaccination behavior and intention, but the concerns for the baby weigh more than those for the mother in the decision, shedding light on this previously neglected aspect

    Prevention and control of HPV infection and HPV-related cancers in Colombia- a meeting report.

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    The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Prevention and Control Board is an independent multidisciplinary board of international experts that disseminates relevant information on HPV to a broad array of stakeholders and provides guidance on strategic, technical and policy issues in the implementation of HPV control programs. In response to drastic drop of vaccine coverage following the adverse event crisis in Carmen del Bolivar, Colombia, the HPV Prevention and Control Board in collaboration with the Colombian National Cancer Institute and Colombian League Against Cancer convened a meeting in Bogota, Columbia (November 2018). The goal of the meeting was to bring together national and international group of experts to report the disease burden, epidemiology and surveillance of HPV and HPV-related cancers, to discuss the successes and especially the challenges of HPV vaccination and screening in Colombia, as well as the lessons learnt from neighbouring countries. The meeting provided a platform to confer various stakeholder's perspectives, including the role of the Colombian healthcare system and to catalyse various parts of the public health community in Colombia into effective action. The conclusion of the meeting included following suggestions to strengthen HPV prevention and control: 1) Re-introducing school-based vaccine programs, 2) Integrating primary and secondary prevention programs, 3) Developing an innovative crisis communication plan targeting healthcare workers, teachers and general population, 4) Building trust through efficient and timely communication, 5) Building strong relationship with media to ensure a stable vaccination campaign support, and 6) Promoting empathy among healthcare professionals towards patients to build trust and communicate effectively
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