15 research outputs found

    Modelling And Analysis Of Optical Packet Switched Networks In Mesh Topology

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    In this work we develop a performance evaluation for Optical Packet Switching Network (OPSN) Architecture and Optimized Mesh Topology with (OMT) comprising 2x2 optical bufferless nodes configuration. The analysis is carried out with analytic modeling and simulation methods using as basis for comparison the Manhattan Street topology with 16 nodes (MS-16). This work comes to validate our simulation methods, the search for optimized topologies, and the analytic modeling comes to clarify some important conceptual aspects of packet switched network operation. Besides the performance analysis, we have conducted an estimate of Packet Delay based on average number of hops, which contributes to QoS evaluation. © 2006 SBrT.632636Bonani, L.H., Rudge Barbosa, F., Moschim, E., Fully Optimized Mesh Topologies for Optical Packet Switching Architecture Networks (2006) Proceeding of the 13th International. Conf. on Telecomm.- ICT, , Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, MayBonani, L.H., Pádua, F.J.L., Moschim, E., Rudge Barbosa, F., Optical Packet Switching Access Networks using Contention Resolution without Wavelength Conversion (2004) 11th Intl. Conf. on Telecomm.- ICT '2004, , paper TS-25-3, Fortaleza, Brasil, AugRudge Barbosa, F., Optical Packet Switching Node for Metro-Access Networks (2003) Proceed. 29th. ECOC'2003, , paper PD-160, Rimini, Italia, SeptBonani, L.H., Rudge Barbosa, F., Moschim, E., Performance and Dimensioning Analysis of Optical Packet Switching Access Networks with Variable Traffic Demands (2004) 11th Intl. Conf. on Telecomm.- ICT '2004, , ICT, paper TS-25-3, Fortaleza, Brasil, AugMaia Jr, D., Pezzolo, L., Sachs, A.C., Rudge Barbosa, F., Optical Packet Switching and Routing using in-band frequency header labeling (2003) IMOC'2003 Joint IEEE-SBMO Intl. Symposium, Foz Iguaçu, , Brasil, SeptYao, S., Mukherjee, B., Advances in photonic packet switching: An overview (2000) IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 84-94. , FebruaryBlumenthal, D.J., Prucnal, P.R., Sauer, J.R., Photonic packet switches: Architectures and experimental implementations (1994) Proceedings of the IEEE, 82 (11), pp. 1650-1667Acampora, A.S., Shah, S.I.A., Multihop lightwave network: A comparison of store-and-forward and hot potato routing (1992) IEEE Trans. Communications, 40 (6), pp. 1082-109

    Optical Packet/burst Switching Node Architecture With Wdm Hierarchical Issues

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    Applications with optical packet switching (OPS and OBS) offer potentially large capacity due to significant increase in optical channel granularity and use. Thus, simulation studies on optical packet/burst switching node architectures, as presented here, are an important strategy to evaluate new designs, joined with provision of quality of service (QoS) and differentiated traffic support. This work presents an innovative node architecture for both OPS/OBS metro-access optical nodes, which has issues on WDM for the hierarchical network core integration. © 2007 IEEE.351355Barbosa, F.R., Maia, D., Pezzolo, L., Sachs, A.C., Salvador, M.R., Optical Packet Switching Node for Metro-Access Networks (2003) Proceed. 29th. ECOC'2003, , paper PD-160, Rimini, Italia, SeptemberBonani, L.H., Barbosa, F.R., Moschim, E., Fully Optimized Mesh Topologies for Optical Packet Switching Network Architectures (2006) Proceed. ICT 2006, , Madeira, PortugalMayMartins, I.B., Bonani, L.H., Dynamic Traffic Analysis of Metro Access Optical Packet Switching Networks having Mesh Topologies (2006) Proceed. of the Int. ITS'2006, , Brazil, SeptEvolutionary Computation 1: Basic Algorithms and Operators (2000) IOP Publishing, , eds, New York USAXiong, Y., Control architecture in optical burst-switched WDM networks (2000) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 18 (10), pp. 1838-1851Tancevski, L., Optical routing of asynchronous, variable length packets (2000) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 18 (10), pp. 2084-2093Callegati, F., Cerroni, W., Corazza, G., Optimization of Wavelength Allocation in WDM Optical Buffers (2001) Optical Networks Magazine, 2 (6), pp. 66-72Callegati, F., Cerroni, W., Bonani, L.H., Congestion Resolution in Optical Burst/Packet Switching with Limited Wavelength Conversion (2006) Proceed. GlobeCom 2006, , San Francisco, USA, November-DecemberYoo, S.J.B., Wavelength Conversion Technologies for WDM Network Applications (1996) Journal of Lightwave Technology, 14 (6), pp. 955-966. , Jun

    Spectral Reallocation In Lightpaths Encompassing The Most Fragmented Link Of Elastic Optical Networks

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    Dynamic allocation and release of lightpaths cause spectral fragmentation and degrade the bandwidth occupation in elastic optical networks (EON). Spectral reallocation and defragmentation strategies are key issues to minimize this problem and should be carefully chosen to simplify network management and to avoid excessive use of hardware. In this paper, we investigate the application of three different routing and spectral assignment (RSA) algorithms to reallocate EON traffic in situations where new requested connections may be potentially blocked. A fragmentation index is computed for all EON links and only those lightpaths that encompass the most fragmented link are prone to reallocation. Computer simulations suggest the choice of an appropriate RSA may reduce the relative blocking probability by ∼18% for a traffic load of 70 E. We also investigate the number of reallocations that actually lead to spectral defragmentation. © 2016 IEEE.2016-August18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 201610 July 2016 through 14 July 201612344

    Improved Method For Evaluation Of Network Throughput And Protection In Future Optically Switched Metropolitan Networks

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    In this work we investigate the performance of optical packet/burst switched (OPS/OBS) architectures connected as mesh and as ring topologies, for future optical metropolitan networks. Network throughput and protection to link failure under uniform traffic distribution for all nodes is investigated in order to evaluate the sensitivity of OPS/OBSN performance. Our results are based on analysis of simulations and comparison between various mesh (Manhattan St. type) and ring topologies. We also consider the detailed traffic distributions over the network links and the impact caused by failure of more or less loaded links, thus providing a way to select links that require protection.. © 2008 IEEE.243247IARIAYoo, S.J., Optical Packet and Burst Switching Technologies for the Future Photonic Internet (2006) J. Lightwave Technology, 24 (12). , decemberMartins, I.B., Bonani, L.H., Moschim, E., Rudge Barbosa, F., Comparison of Link failure and Protection in Ring and Mesh OPS/OBS Metropolitan Area Optical Networks (2008) Proc 13th Symp. on Microwave and Optoelectronics- MOMAG'2008, , Sept, Floripa SC, BrazilMartins, I.B., Bonani, L.H., Barbosa, F.R., Moschim, E., Dynamic Traffic Analysis of Metro Access Optical Packet Switching Networks having Mesh Topologies (2006) Proc. Int. Telecom Symp., ITS'2006, , Sept, Fortaleza, BrazilYao, S., Mukherjee, B., Yoo, S.J., Dixit, S., A Unified Study of Contention Resolution Schemes in Optical packet switching Networks (2003) IEEE J. Lightwave Tech, 21 (3), p. 672. , MarchBonani, L.H., Rudge Barbosa, F., Moschim, E., Arthur, R., Analysis of Eletronic Buffers in Optical Packet/Burst Switched Mesh Networks (2008) International Conference on Transport Optical Networks-ICTON-2008, , June, Athens, GreeceRamaswami, R., Sivarajan, K.N., (2002) Optical Networks: A practical perspective, , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2nd EditionHeld, M., Zhou, L., Redundancy, Restorability and Path Availability in Optical Mesh Networks (2006) International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, June, , Nottingham, United KingdomCinkler, T., Gyarmati, L., Mpp: Optimal Multi-Path Routing with Protection proceeding Int. Conf. Communications -ICC-2008, , Beijing, ChinaSchupke, D.A., Prinz, R., Capacity, Efficiency and Restorability of Path Protection and Rerouting in WDM Networks Subject to Dual Failures (2004) Photonic Network Comm, 8 (2), p. 191. , Springer, Netherlands Sep

    Inter-Routes Fairness Strategies Inspired by Trunk Reservation Technique

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    Elastic Optical Network (EON) has emerged as a solution to manage different kinds of services, improving network scalability and efficiency. However, EONs tend to present differences in service performance due to the uneven bandwidth requirements. In addition, uneven network performance among routes with different hop counts is a known issue, affecting not only optical networks or EONs, but also computer networks. We call this problem inter-routes unfairness. In this letter we propose strategies based on the trunk reservation technique to solve it. Our results show that it is possible to deal with the inter-routes unfairness problem. We believe that this kind of strategy opens opportunities to be applied for connections traveling longer and more loaded routes, that would lead to a minimum impact in the overall network performance

    Estimating The Electromagnetic Field Effects In Biological Tissues Through The Finite-difference Time-domain Method

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    This work presents an analysis concerning the effects of iteration between electromagnetic fields and some kinds of biological tissues. In this regard, we design a routine based on the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method to estimate the electromagnetic field in 3D environments for biological tissues. Our research of electromagnetic field effects has focused on the concept of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR 1g and SAR 10g). The electromagnetic field estimation method presented in this paper allows the evaluation of the desired SAR levels, which from our results, indicate that the SAR levels can be higher than those assigned by the regulatory agencies. © 2007 IEEE.5862Gandhi, O.P., Lazzi, G., Furse, C., Electromagnetic Absorption in human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz (1996) IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, 44 (10), pp. 1884-1897. , OctKashiwa, T., Fukai, I., A treatment by FDTD method of dispersive characteristic associates with electronic polarization (1990) Microwave and Optics Technologies Letters, 3, pp. 203-205Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Timevarying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz) (1998) Health Physics, 74 (4), pp. 494-522. , ICNIRP Guidelines(2001) Basic Standard for Measurement of Specific Absorption Rate Related to Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Mobile Phones (300MHz-3 GHz), , CENELEC European Standard EN50357, BrusselsANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, American National Standard - Safety Levels with Respect to Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz. New York: IEEEYee, K.S., Numerical Solution of Initial Boundary Value Problems Involving Maxwell's Equations in Isotropic Media (1966) IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, AP-4, pp. 302-307. , MayTaflove, A., Hagness, S.C., Computational Electrodynamics: The finite-difference time-domain method (2000) Artech HouseTaflove, A., Review of the formulation and applications of the finite-difference time-domain method for numerical modeling of electromagnetic wave iterations with arbitrary structures (1988) Wave Motion, 10, pp. 247-582. , MaySadiku, M.N.O., (1992) Numerical techniques in electromagnetics, , CRC PressTaflove, A., Brodwin, M.E., Computation of the electromagnetic fields and induced temperatures within a model of the microwave-irradiated human eye (1975) IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, MTT-23, pp. 888-896. , NovQuestions and Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (1999) OET Bull, 56. , Federal Communication Commission FCC, AugDurney, C.H., Massoudi, H., Iskander, M.F., Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook United States Air Force Research Laboratory Technical Report, , USAFSAM-TR-85-73, Brooks Air Force Base, 4th ed, 1986, Texas USAhttp://niremf.ifac.cnr.it/tisspropBaranauskas, V., (2001) O Celular e Seus Riscos, , ISBN 85901766-1-4, Campinas, SPMur, G., Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the finitedifference approximation of the time-domain electromagnetic-field equations (1981) IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC-23, pp. 377-382. , NovGarcez, S.G., Contribuição ao Estudo da Interação de Campos Eletromagnéticos e Tecidos Biológicos utilizando o Método de Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo (2005), Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, OutBerenger, J.P., A Perfectly Matched Layer for the Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves (1994) J. Computational Physics, 114, pp. 185-200. , Oc

    A Study In Photonic Switched Networks Considering Link Failure And Ingress Buffering

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    In this paper we study the behavior of traffic in Metropolitan Access Optical Networks with technologies of optical packet/burst switching (OPS/OBS), using computer modeling and simulations. We analyze network performance and the impact of link failure when electronic buffering at ingress (client input) to optical network is implemented. Mesh and ring topologies are chosen and parameters packet loss fraction and average number of hops are adopted for performance metrics. The use of minimum electronic buffering at ingress is demonstrated to improve access to the optical layer, and necessary to keep the packet loss fraction low and throughput high with low latency. We also show that optical buffering is not necessary for adequate network performance. © 2011 IEEE. IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section,IEEE Region 1,IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS),MTT-S,Princeton UniversityDevelder, C., Stavdas, A., Neri, F., Solé-Pareta, J., Le Sauze, N., Demeester, P., Benchmarking and Viability Assessment of Optical Packet Switching for Metro Networks (2004) J. Lightwave Tech., 22 (11). , NovMartins, I.B., Barbosa, F.R., Moschim, E., A New Study on Network Performance under Link Failure in OPS/OBS High-Capacity Optical Networks Proc.. ITU-T Kaleidoscope, December 2010- Pune, IndiaRamaswami, R., Sivarajan, K.N., (2002) Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective, , Morgan Kaufmann, Academic Press, Boston, USA 2nd EditionMartins, I.B., Barbosa, F.R., Bonani, L.H., Moschim, E., Evaluation of Throughput and Protection in Optically Switched Metropolitan Networks Architectures (2010) Photonic Network Communications PNET, (2). , April DOI: 10.1007/s11107-010-0249-zBonani, L.H., Rudge Barbosa, F., Moschim, E., Arthur, R., Analysis of Electronic Buffers in Optical Packet/Burst Switched Mesh Networks Intl. Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON-2008, June 2008 - Athens, GreeceYao, S., Mukherjee, B., Yoo, S.J., Dixit, S., Unified Study of Contention Resolution in Optical Packet Switching Networks (2003) IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., 21 (3), p. 672. , MarchSchupke, D.A., Prinz, R., Capacity Efficiency and Restorability of Path Protection and Rerouting in WDM Networks Subject to Dual Failures (2004) Photonic Network Comm PNET, 8 (2), p. 191. , Springer, Netherlands Sept(2005) Broadband Optical Access Systems Based on Passive Optical Networks (PON), , ITU-T 983.1, JanTomkos, I., Azodolmolky, S., Klonidis, D., Aggelou, M., Margariti, K., Dynamic Impairment Aware Networking for Transparent Mesh Optical Networks: Activities of EUProject DICONET Proc. ICTON'2008, June 2008- Athens, GreeceBao, N.H., Zhang, Z.Z., Li, L.M., Yu, H.F., A hybrid protection strategy against double failures in optical mesh networks 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE), Chengdu, China. Nov.201

    Load balancing in fixed-routing optical networks with weighted ordering heuristics

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    In this paper we show that the adoption of a simple weighted ordering heuristic strategy to find fixed shortest path routes in a topology can improve load-balancing and, consequently, network performance. We compared our fixed routing strategies against the k-shortest paths (k-SP) fixed-alternate routing strategy for three different mesh topologies considering fixed grid networks (FGNs) and elastic optical networks (EONs). The results show that our simple fixed routing strategies can improve network performance for an optical network system, even compared with the fixed alternate routing and always using the shortest path. Results also show that such easy strategies act mainly in longer routes, increasing their probability of use and balancing the link load distribution

    Dynamic Traffic Analysis Of Metro-access Optical Packet Switching Networks Having Mesh Topologies

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    We have investigated the performance of various optical packet switched network (OPSN) architectures comprising optical bufferless nodes and fully connected mesh topologies, under uniform traffic distribution, i.e., all nodes generate the same traffic. We demonstrate that increasing the number of nodes in OSPNs does not necessarily increase performance, or even capacity. By establishing an efficiency parameter based on average number of hops and effective network capacity, decision tables and graphs can be generated and utilized in network planning. Moreover, regular and quasi-regular optimized topologies lead to lower latency, higher throughput, and lightpaths with significantly better traffic distribution. The optical nodes have simple configuration and are totally compatible with WDM networks. © 2006 IEEE.1922L. H. Bonani, F. L. Padua, Edson Moschim and F. Rudge Barbosa, Optical Packet Switching Access Networks using Contention Resolution without Wavelength Conversion, 11th Intl. Conf. on Telecomm- ICT '2004, paper TS-25-3, Fortaleza, Brasil, Aug. 2004and Springer-Verlag , Nov.2004Rudge Barbosa, F., Optical Packet Switching Node for Metro-Access Networks (2003) Proceed. 29th. ECOC'2003, , paper PD-160, Rimini, Italia, SeptAcampora, A.S., Shah, S.I.A., Multihop lightwave network: A comparison of store-and-forward and hot potato routing (1992) IEEE Trans. Communications, 40 (6), pp. 1082-1090Blumenthal, D.J., Prucnal, P.R., Sauer, J.R., Photonic packet switching: Architectures and experimental implementations (1994) Proceedings of the IEEE, 82 (LL), pp. l650-1667Yao, S., Mukherjee, B., Advances in photonic packet switching: An overview (2000) IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 84-94. , FebruaryRudge Barbosa, F., Sachs, A.C., Transparent Optical Packet Switching Node based on Bottom-up Organization Network (2004) XXI Simp. Brasileiro Telecom - SBT'2004, Belem PA, Brasil, SetMaia Jr, D., Pezzolo, L., Sachs, A.C., Rudge Barbosa, F., Optical Packet Switching and Routing using in-band frequency header labeling (2003) IMOC2003 Joint IEEE-SBMO Intl. Symposium, Foz Iguacu, , Brasil, SeptL.H.Bonani, F.Rudge Barbosa, Edson Moschim., Fully Optimized Mesh Topologies for Optical Packet Switching Network Architectures, accepted for presentation at ICT 2006, paper ON1-2, Madeira, Portugal, 200