403 research outputs found

    Ecological consequences of the physiological responses of gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor to acid mine damage

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    Due to the historical prevalence of coal mining in the region, soil and water contamination from acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the most pressing environmental issues affecting wildlife in southwestern Pennsylvania. Amphibians in particular are strongly impacted by AMD as they are physiologically more susceptible to the effects of environmental pollutants than other terrestrial species. In addition, their complex life cycle exposes populations to both aquatic and terrestrial threats. As such, amphibians are often a focal point of research on environmental contaminants and a bellwether for impacts on the entire ecosystem. Previous research on the effects of acid mine drainage on amphibians have focused on three key areas, mostly in isolation: 1) toxicity tolerance limits, 2) sublethal effects, particularly on larval development, and 3) relationships between contamination levels and overall population dynamics. The existing literature then has two major weaknesses. First, few studies have attempted to bridge across these areas within a single system. Second, even the more ecologically focused studies overlook community level effects. Just as their dual life cycle exposes most amphibians to both terrestrial and aquatic contaminants, the population level effects of those pollutants are then felt by both the terrestrial and aquatic communities that amphibians interact with. The purpose of the requested funds is to establish a laboratory to house gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor, and establish them as a system from broadly focused, integrated studies of the effects of acid mine drainage on their development, metabolism, stress physiology, and ecological interactions

    La expresión y comunicación emocional a través de diferentes disciplinas artísticas en dos poblaciones diferenciadas

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    Actualmente el valor de la expresión y comunicación de las emociones está cobrando mayor importancia, ya que sus resultados son muy gratificantes a nivel personal como profesional. Fomentar este tipo de expresión en la escuela es de vital importancia para facilitar el desarrollo integral positivo del alumnado. En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la opinión sobre las actividades realizadas y el nivel de expresión emocional a través de actividades artísticas. El programa se ha realizado a dos clases de quinto de Primaria de dos colegios muy diferentes, en Sevilla.Nowadays, the importance of expression and communication of emotions is becoming increasingly, because their results are very rewarding in a personal and profesional level. Encouragin this type of expression in the school is important to facilitate the positive integral development of the students. In the current study we have studied the opinión about the activities and the level of emotional expresión through artistic activities. The program has been carried out to two clases of fifth of Primary from two very different schools in Seville.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    La responsabilidad social universitaria desde la perspectiva de la pertinencia social: mecanismos de interlocución con la sociedad en el caso de las universidades españolas.

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    368 p.Este trabajo de investigación analiza la utilidad de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) para dar respuesta a las expectativas que la sociedad tiene respecto de la universidad. A través del análisis de la literatura académica, se observa cómo ha ido evolucionando el papel que juega la universidad en la sociedad desde que surge. Esto nos ha permitido comprobar cómo, a finales del siglo XX, se produjeron cambios, que están condicionando sus misiones, provocando diferentes tensiones, que han tenido como consecuencia que la universidad entre en crisis. En este contexto de crisis, las cuestiones de la responsabilidad hacia la sociedad adquieren protagonismo en el ámbito universitario. El estudio de la literatura académica y los pronunciamientos internacionales nos ha permitido observar que no hay un único enfoque de RSU, apreciándose dos tendencias principales. Una de ellas, tiene su origen en la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC); y la otra, con un enfoque más amplio, se basa en la pertinencia social.El estudio de la pertinencia social del trabajo universitario, nos ha llevado a proponer un modelo de RSU basado en la pertinencia social integral, construida a partir del desarrollo de cuatro dimensiones que se complementan entre sí: su misión, sus funciones, su gestión interna y la interlocución con la sociedad, siendo esta última cuestión transversal al resto de las dimensiones.A continuación, se estudian los tres mecanismos institucionales principales a través de los cuales se produce esta interlocución de la universidad con la sociedad, que son los Consejos Sociales, las Oficinas de Transferencia de la Investigación y los ¿stakeholders¿, analizando el objetivo con el que se crean, el alcance, y su relación con la RSU. Finalmente, y con el objetivo de observar cómo se produce en la práctica la interlocución entre la universidad y la sociedad en el marco de las políticas de RSU, se analiza una muestra de universidades públicas españolas. Este contraste, junto con las evidencias de los capítulos anteriores, nos permite afirmar que el actual enfoque de RSU no resulta apropiado para articular las relaciones entre la universidad y su entorno, ni responder en consecuencia a las diversas problemáticas sociales existentes, lo que favorece que se acaben priorizando las necesidades expresadas a través del mercado

    Improving the scalability of parallel N-body applications with an event driven constraint based execution model

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    The scalability and efficiency of graph applications are significantly constrained by conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Technology trends like multicore, manycore, and heterogeneous system architectures are introducing further challenges and possibilities for emerging application domains such as graph applications. This paper explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated using the Barnes-Hut algorithm to exemplify dynamic workloads. The workloads are expressed using the semantics of an Exascale computing execution model called ParalleX. For comparison, results using conventional execution model semantics are also presented. We find improved load balancing during runtime and automatic parallelism discovery improving efficiency using the advanced semantics for Exascale computing.Comment: 11 figure

    Study of flood hazard in the Castelfranco Emilia area (Modena Province, Northern Italy)

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    The Castelfranco Emilia area is located in the Po Plain. The Panaro River have periodically caused flooding in the studyarea. The more recent floods took place between 1966 and 1973 (3 events).In order to reduce flood hazards, several meander cuts were carried out along the river. As these interventions resultedto be ineffective, a flow-regulation system was constructed west of Castelfranco Emilia. It consists of a regulating dambuilt across the riverbed and a storage basin bordered by embankments. This structure is operating since 1985 but wasfinished in 1999: no flooding events have occurred since it is in operation.The paper illustrates some aspects of flood hazard induced by the Panaro River, related to the construction of a highvelocity railway in the study area, a tract of the connection between Milano and Bologna.The relationship between precipitation data and the occurrence of a number of flooding events is studied, in order toestablish whether or not a significant relationship between the two can be identified. Furthermore, a distributed dynamichydrological model is constructed for simulation of the spatial and temporal proceedings of a flood event.On the basis of merely precipitation no predictions can be made with respect to the occurrence of a flood event. Theinclusion of alternative routes for the proposed railway allows for the evaluation and comparison of the spatial effects ofa flood event. Critical points in the model are calibration and the calculation of soil saturation prior to the event