6 research outputs found

    Freedom To Operate (fto) For Management Of New Technologies: The Importance Of Intellectual Property

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    The acceleration, increase and deepening of innovation processes, as well as the integration of national economies in an economic system that operates in global scale had a strong impact over existing intellectual property systems. A large number of international treaties and agreements were consolidated during the negotiations of the Uruguay Round/WTO, which since then acts like a basis to renovate the national systems of IP protection and as a reference to the management of growing conflicts on this matter. The diffusion of knowledge and the encouragement to innovation foster the appearing and functioning of the intellectual property protection system. Even more, the universe of research has a large number of protected technologies. In this sense, it is increased the complexity of innovation in every knowledge area. More and more the innovations depend on a larger set of pre-existing technologies. In this respect, there is a need of making a preliminary search in order to understand the technology routes of certain innovations. Hence the need to do a search in a patent database in order to identify other documents that need to be part of a technology FTO. Keywords: freedom to operate, technological innovation, intellectual property.3461Ávila, J.P.C., Desenvolvimento, inovação e propriedade intelectual no Brasi (2008) A história da tecnologia brasileira contada por patentes., , Rio de Janero: INPIAdolfo, L.G.S., Moraes, R., (2008) Propriedade intelectual em perspectiva, , Rio de Janeiro: Lumen JuirsAndersen, B., If intellectual property rights is the answer, what is the question? Revisiting the patent controversies (2004) Economics of innovation and new technology., 13 (5), pp. 417-442. , JulyAntonelli, C., Economics of Knowledge and the Governance of Commons Knowledge (2002) Revista Brasileira de Inovação., 1. , Year 1 January/JuneBent, S.A., Intellectual property rights: in agricultural developments - history and prognosis (2011) Life Sciences Industry Team., , http://www.farmfoundation.org/news/articlefiles/232-Bentpaper.pdf, Available:Accessed: 15 JuneBarbosa, D.B., (2003) Uma introdução à propriedade intelectual, , Rio de Janeiro: Lumen JúrisBasso, M.O., (2000) direito internacional da propriedade intelectual, , Porto Alegre: Livraria do AdvogadoBrousseau, E., Rossi, M.A., (2012) Intellectual Property Regimes: a Comparative Institutional Framework, , http://communia-project.eu/communiafiles/conf2008p_Intellectual_Property_Regimes_a_Comparative_Institutional_Framework.pdf, Available: . Accessed: 30 JanuaryBuainain, A.M., de Carvalho, S.M.P., Paulino, S.R., Yamamura, S., Propriedade intelectual e inovação tecnológica: algumas questóes para o debate atual (2005) Oliveira, D. H. (Org.). O Futuro da Indústria: Cadeias Produtivas., 1, pp. 11-38. , Brasília: MDIC/STIBuanec, B., plant genetics resources and freedom to operate (2004) Genetic Variation for Plant Breeding Selected Papers Presented at the 17th EUCARPIA General Congress, , http://www.springerlink.com/content/yn06122857074363/, Tulln, Austria. Available: Accessed:15 June 2011Coase, R.H., The Nature of the Firm (1937) Economica, 4, pp. 386-405. , Reprinted in WILLIAMSON, O.E.WINTER, S.G. (Eds.) 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    Institutions And Technological Learning: Public-private Linkages In Agricultural Research In Brazil And Argentina

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    The article discusses the institutional arrangements and forms of organization of agricultural research in Brazil and Argentina. The analysis focuses on Embrapa in the Brazilian case and INTA in the Argentinian case. Emphasis is laid on the two institutions' policies regarding intellectual property and technology transfer. The aim is to contribute to the debate about how to conceptualize the co-evolution of organizations considering the technical, scientific, legal, regulatory, economic and other contexts in which they operate, reinforcing the idea of learning and that economic institutions do not just evolve but co-evolve. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.423343Amsden, A.H., (1989) Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization, , New York: Oxford University PressBeintema, N.M., Avila, A.F.D., Pardey, P., (2001) P&D Agropecuário: Política, Investimentos e Desenvolvimento Institucional, , Washington, D.C.: IFPRI, Embrapa and FontagroBisang, R., Varela, L., Panorama Internacional de la biotecnologia en el sector agrario (2006) Biotecnologia y desarrollo - um modelo para armar em la Argentina, pp. 25-62. , in Bisang, R.Gutman, G.Lavarello, P.Sztulwark, S.Díaz, A. (Org.), Buenos Aires, Prometeo LibrosBrieva, S., Dinámica socio-técnica de la producción agrícola en países periféricos: Configuración y reconfiguración tecnológica en la producción de semillas de trigo y soja en Argentina, desde 1970 a la actualidad (2006) Doctoral thesis, , Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias SocialesCarvalho, S.M.P., Propriedade intelectual e o setor público de pesquisa agropecuária: Alguns comentários (1992) Cadernos de Ciência e Tecnologia, Brasília, 9 (1-3), pp. 62-81Carvalho, S.M.P., Salles-Filho, S.L.M., Paulino, S.R., Propriedade intelectual e organização da P&D vegetal: Evidências preliminares da implantação da Lei de Proteção de Cultivares (2007) Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 45 (1), pp. 09-26Castro, A.C., Crescimento da Firma e Diversificação Produtiva: O Caso Agroceres (1988) Doctoral thesis, , Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UnicampCimolli, M., Dosi, G., Nelson, R., Stiglitz, J., Intituições e Políticas Moldando o Desenvolvimento Industrial: Uma nota introdutória (2007) Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 6 (1), pp. 55-85. , jan./junCota Júnior, M.B.G., Um Estudo do Processo do Desenvolvimento de Cultivares por intermédio da Soft Systems Methodology em uma instituição de pesquisa agropecuária (2008) Master's dissertation, , Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMGCunha, E., Botelho Filho, F., Impactos dos direitos de propriedade intelectual na Embrapa (2007) XLV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural (SOBER), , (Londrina, 2007)de Carli, C.R., Embrapa: Precursora da parceria público-privada no Brasil (2005) Master's dissertation, , Universidade de BrasíliaDosi, G., Malerba, F., Organizational Learning and Institutional Embeddedness - An Introduction to the Diverse Evolutionary Paths of Modern Corporations (1996) Organization and Strategy in the Evolution of the Enterprise, , In: Dosi, G.Malerba, F. 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Hacia la definición de estrategias, políticas y procedimientos de apropiabilidad, protección legal, explotación y transferencia tecnológica de resultados de proyectos de I+D+I en Chile (2007) Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 2 (1), pp. 4-10Rossini, P., Transgénicos e investigación agrícola - un estudio de caso sobre la emergencia de nuevos objetos de investigación en una institución pública de investigación agropecuaria de la Argentina (2004) Master's dissertation, , Universidad Nacional de QuilmesSalles-Filho, S., Mendes, P., Trajetória e desafios da pesquisa agrícola no Brasil: Um olhar sobre o âmbito federal (2009) Desenvolvimento da Agricultura Tropical: Quatro Décadas de Inovações Tecnológicas, , in EMBRAPA, Institucionais e Políticas (Brasília, in press)Sbicca, A., Pelaez, V., Sistemas de Inovação (2006) Economia da Inovação Tecnológica, pp. 415-448. , in Pelaez, V.Szmrecsányi, T, São Paulo: HucitecWilkinson, J., Castelli, P., (2000) A transnacionalização da indústria de sementes no Brasil - biotecnologias, patentes e biodiversidade, , Rio de janeiro: ActionAi

    The Challenges Of Teaching And Training In Intellectual Property

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    The article discusses the challenges of teaching Intellectual Property (IP) in the University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), with reference to the data obtained from a large survey and analysis of the disciplines offered in the undergraduate, graduate and university extension courses, and interviews with professors responsible for these courses and disciplines. The results indicate that although Unicamp has a prominent role in promoting innovation, occupying the second position in the ranking of the largest depositors of patent applications in Brazil, the teaching of the subject in the institution still relies on individual initiatives of the professors themselves, being exclusively dependent on the interest and skills of these individuals rather than a more general orientation of the university. The discussion closes with some observations as to how education and training in IP could be improved, in an attempt to convert them into instruments conducive to the promotion of innovation within nations. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.74176188Allman, L., Takagi, Y., Sinjela, M.A., Recent trends and challenges in teaching intellectual property (2008) Teaching of Intellectual Property: Principles and Methods, , In: TAKAGI, Y.ALLMAN, L.SINJELA, M. A. (Orgs.), New York: Cambridge University PressAmorim-Borher, M.B., Formacao e Capacitacao de Profissionais para a area de PI e Inovacao: Desafios para a estruturacao de programas academicos e treinamentos gerenciais (2008) XI REPICT, , http://www.redetec.org.br/publique/media/xirepict_beatriz_amorim_man-ha_ 22_10_2008.pdf, Rio de Janeiro, [Accessed July 27, 2011]Amorim-Borher, Ensino e Pesquisa em Propriedade Intelectual no Brasil (2007) Revista Brasileira De Inovação, Rio De Janeiro (RJ), 6 (2), pp. 281-310. , jul./dez. 2007(2004) Dispõe Sobre Incentivos À Inovação E À Pesquisa Científica E Tecnológica No Ambiente Produtivo E Dá Outras Providências, , http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2004-2006/2004/lei/l10.973.htm, BRASIL. Lei no 10.973, de 2 de dezembro de 2004, [Acessed May 26, 2012]Dalmarco, Universities' Intellectual Property: Path for Innovation or Patent Competition? (2011) Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Santiago, 6 (3), pp. 160-170. , http://www.jotmi.org/index.php/GT/article/view/art214/646, Accessed December, 10, 2012Etzkowitz, H., Webster, A., Healey, P., (1998) Capitalizing Knowledge: New Intersections of Industry and Academy, , New York: State University of New York Press(2012) Relatório De Atividades Da Agência De Inovação Inova Unicamp 2010, , http://www.inova.Unicamp.br/site/06/relatorio/relatorioinova2010_complet o.pdf, INOVA Unicamp, [Accessed March 3, 2012](2011) O Que São As Empresas Filhas, , http://www.inova.Unicamp.br/paginas/visualiza_conteudo.php?conteudo=131, INOVA Unicamp, Accessed September 18, 2011](2011) Principais Titulares De Pedidos De Patente No Brasil, Com Prioridade Brasileira Depositados No Período De 2004 a 2008, , http://www.inpi.gov.br/images/stories/downloads/patentes/pdf/Principais_ Titulares_julho_2011.pdf, INSTITUTO NACIONAL DA PROPRIEADE INDUSTRIAL, [Acessed September 23, 2011](2006) Maiores Depositantes De Pedidos De Patentes BR 1999-2003, , http://www.inpi.gov.br/images/stories/3_chamadas/Publicaes_-_Alertas/Mai ores_Depositantes_de_Pedidos_de_Patentes_BR_1999_2003.pdf, INSTITUTO NACIONAL DA PROPRIEADE INDUSTRIAL, [Accessed October 5, 2011]Maskus, K.E., Teaching the economics of intellectual property rights in the global economy (2008) Teaching of Intellectual Property: Principles and Methods, , In: TAKAGI, YoALLMAN, LarrySINJELA, Mapazi A. (Orgs.), Cambridge University Press, New YorkPaula, F.H., de Souza, C.G., Graduate Formation in Intellectual Property in Brazil: A Study Based on Academic Production of Thesis and Dissertations (2009) (2009) Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Santiago, 4 (2), pp. 154-163. , http://www.jotmi.org/index.php/GT/article/view/cas23/496, Accessed August 4, 2010Querido, A.L.S., Lage, C.L.S., Vasconcellos, A.L., What is the Destiny of Patents of Brazilian Universities (2001) Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Santiago, 6 (1), pp. 154-163+46-57. , http://www.jotmi.org/inde

    Technological Opportunities And Competitive Strategies Of Environmental Management: The Sustainable Use Of The Brazilian Biodiversity [oportunidades Tecnológicas E Estratégias Concorrenciais De Gestão Ambiental: O Uso Sustentável Da Biodiversidade Brasileira]

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    Biodiversity has been considered a strategic element due to, among other reasons, its potential as a raw material provider to many industry sectors. Nevertheless, the increasing degradation of the environment threatens this potential and therefore the urgency in promoting sustainable development. Motivated by this context, many companies are adopting, as part of their competitive strategies, the sustainable use of biodiversity so as to take advantage of new technological opportunities open in the environmentally responsible products market. Thus, the purpose of the present paper is to analyze how some. Brazilian companies are using the potential of biodiversity as part of their competitive strategies in order to create favorable market asymmetries. It also acknowledges the advantages and limitations concerning this strategy. To illustrate these opportunities, this work presents the case of four national companies which work in the Brazilian environmentally responsible products market, focusing on phytoterapics, cosmetics, natural extracts and forestry. This study has pointed out that incorporating sustainable development principles does not seem to be simply a temporary strategy, but a strong tendency especially to industry sectors highly dependent on biodiversity as a raw material. Other issues addressed include the relevance of innovation to the generation of new proceedings and technologies as well as the importance of the conformation of a solid institutional environment.133489501ABBOTT, CPORTE, C. A.BARRINGTON, R.BERTRAND, N.CAREY, C.FRY, A.PRAG, A.VORHIES, F. As empresas e a biodiversidade: Um Manual de Orientação para Ações Corporativas. Earthwatch Instilute (Europe), International Union for conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Ed. 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    Evaluation Of R&d Results And Impacts - Methodological Improvements And Challenges Based On A Case Study [avaliação De Resultados E Impactos Da Pesquisa E Desenvolvimento Avanços E Desafios Metodológicos A Partir De Estudo De Caso]

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    This paper discusses efforts to improve and adapt a method of evaluation of results and impacts of research programs and its application to the PROSABprogram (Basic Sanitation Research Program) sponsored by FINEP, Brazil's federal agency for financing studies and projects. The PROSAB program is executed mainly by universities, although its purpose is to meet the technological needs of Brazilian society in the area of sanitation. The study concentrates on the discussion of the importance of evaluating research programs and on the creation of a methodology that can capture the inherent aspects resulting from those programs. The study was developed along two lines: evaluation of results, which concentrated on measuring the program's inputs and outputs; and evaluation of impacts, which was based on measurements of the intensity and importance of potential or perceived transformations in Brazilian society as a result of the program. 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