6,799 research outputs found

    Constraint-preserving boundary conditions in the 3+1 first-order approach

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    A set of energy-momentum constraint-preserving boundary conditions is proposed for the first-order Z4 case. The stability of a simple numerical implementation is tested in the linear regime (robust stability test), both with the standard corner and vertex treatment and with a modified finite-differences stencil for boundary points which avoids corners and vertices even in cartesian-like grids. Moreover, the proposed boundary conditions are tested in a strong field scenario, the Gowdy waves metric, showing the expected rate of convergence. The accumulated amount of energy-momentum constraint violations is similar or even smaller than the one generated by either periodic or reflection conditions, which are exact in the Gowdy waves case. As a side theoretical result, a new symmetrizer is explicitly given, which extends the parametric domain of symmetric hyperbolicity for the Z4 formalism. The application of these results to first-order BSSN-like formalisms is also considered.Comment: Revised version, with conclusive numerical evidence. 23 pages, 12 figure

    New Formalism for Numerical Relativity

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    We present a new formulation of the Einstein equations that casts them in an explicitly first order, flux-conservative, hyperbolic form. We show that this now can be done for a wide class of time slicing conditions, including maximal slicing, making it potentially very useful for numerical relativity. This development permits the application to the Einstein equations of advanced numerical methods developed to solve the fluid dynamic equations, {\em without} overly restricting the time slicing, for the first time. The full set of characteristic fields and speeds is explicitly given.Comment: uucompresed PS file. 4 pages including 1 figure. Revised version adds a figure showing a comparison between the standard ADM approach and the new formulation. Also available at http://jean-luc.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Papers/ Appeared in Physical Review Letters 75, 600 (1995

    Thermodynamics of the Stephani Universes

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    We examine the consistency of the thermodynamics of the most general class of conformally flat solution with an irrotational perfect fluid source (the Stephani Universes). For the case when the isometry group has dimension r2r\ge2, the Gibbs-Duhem relation is always integrable, but if r<2r<2 it is only integrable for the particular subclass (containing FRW cosmologies) characterized by r=1r=1 and by admitting a conformal motion parallel to the 4-velocity. We provide explicit forms of the state variables and equations of state linking them. These formal thermodynamic relations are determined up to an arbitrary function of time which reduces to the FRW scale factor in the FRW limit of the solutions. We show that a formal identification of this free parameter with a FRW scale factor determined by FRW dynamics leads to an unphysical temperature evolution law. If this parameter is not identified with a FRW scale factor, it is possible to find examples of solutions and formal equations of state complying with suitable energy conditions and reasonable asymptotic behavior and temperature laws.Comment: 25 pages, Plain.TeX, four figure

    Robust evolution system for Numerical Relativity

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    The paper combines theoretical and applied ideas which have been previously considered separately into a single set of evolution equations for Numerical Relativity. New numerical ingredients are presented which avoid gauge pathologies and allow one to perform robust 3D calculations. The potential of the resulting numerical code is demonstrated by using the Schwarzschild black hole as a test-bed. Its evolution can be followed up to times greater than one hundred black hole masses.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; figure correcte

    Formulations of the 3+1 evolution equations in curvilinear coordinates

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    Following Brown, in this paper we give an overview of how to modify standard hyperbolic formulations of the 3+1 evolution equations of General Relativity in such a way that all auxiliary quantities are true tensors, thus allowing for these formulations to be used with curvilinear sets of coordinates such as spherical or cylindrical coordinates. After considering the general case for both the Nagy-Ortiz-Reula (NOR) and the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura (BSSN) formulations, we specialize to the case of spherical symmetry and also discuss the issue of regularity at the origin. Finally, we show some numerical examples of the modified BSSN formulation at work in spherical symmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Strongly hyperbolic second order Einstein's evolution equations

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    BSSN-type evolution equations are discussed. The name refers to the Baumgarte, Shapiro, Shibata, and Nakamura version of the Einstein evolution equations, without introducing the conformal-traceless decomposition but keeping the three connection functions and including a densitized lapse. It is proved that a pseudo-differential first order reduction of these equations is strongly hyperbolic. In the same way, densitized Arnowitt-Deser-Misner evolution equations are found to be weakly hyperbolic. In both cases, the positive densitized lapse function and the spacelike shift vector are arbitrary given fields. This first order pseudodifferential reduction adds no extra equations to the system and so no extra constraints.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, uses revtex4. Referee corections and new appendix added. English grammar improved; typos correcte

    A 3+1 covariant suite of Numerical Relativity Evolution Systems

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    A suite of three evolution systems is presented in the framework of the 3+1 formalism. The first one is of second order in space derivatives and has the same causal structure of the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura (BSSN) system for a suitable choice of parameters. The second one is the standard first order version of the first one and has the same causal structure of the Bona-Masso system for a given parameter choice. The third one is obtained from the second one by reducing the space of variables in such a way that the only modes that propagate with zero characteristic speed are the trivial ones. This last system has the same structure of the ones recently presented by Kidder, Scheel and Teukolski: the correspondence between both sets of parameters is explicitly given. The fact that the suite started with a system in which all the dynamical variables behave as tensors (contrary to what happens with BSSN system) allows one to keep the same parametrization when passing from one system to the next in the suite. The direct relationship between each parameter and a particular characteristic speed, which is quite evident in the second and the third systems, is a direct consequence of the manifest 3+1 covariance of the approach

    RNA secondary structure prediction using large margin methods

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    The secondary structure of RNA is essential for its biological role. Recently, Do, Woods, Batzoglou, (ISMB 2006) proposed a probabilistic approach that generalizes SCFGs using conditional maximum likelihood to estimate the model parameters. We propose an alternative approach to parameter estimation which is based on an SVM-like large margin method