48 research outputs found

    Difficulties with consonants in the spelling and segmentation of CCVCC pseudowords: Differences among Dutch first graders

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    Contains fulltext : 28935.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Using visual support in preschool phonemic segmentation training

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    Contains fulltext : 29733.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Beter leren rekenen gaat samen met grotere zekerheid, beter leren spellen met meer twijfel

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    Contains fulltext : 158216.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Increasing competence in arithmetics leads to greater confidence, but with improvement in spelling doubt increases. To explore the relation between academic confidence and ability, an arithmetic and a spelling test were administered to 166 students in grades 4 and 5. For each item, students indicated whether they were confident about their answer. The agreement ('calibration') between confidence and test performance is limited. Overestimation of performance exceeds underestimation. Confidence is not a general characteristic of a student, but is dependent upon school domain and ability in that domain. Overestimation of arithmetic performance hardly differs between grades, but overestimation of spelling turns into underestimation. Apparently, the increase in ability leads to an increase in confidence in case of arithmetic, but turns into 'suspicion' in the spelling domain. Boys are more confident than girls, even if the answer is wrong. Girls excel in the identification of wrong answers.22 p

    De Doorstreepleestoets (DLT): een klassikale toets voor de technische leesvaardigheid

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    Item does not contain fulltextIn dit artikel wordt een nieuwe toets gepresenteerd die bedoeld is om bij basisschoolleerlingen de kwaliteit van de technische leesvaardigheid te bepalen, de leestechniek die in staat stelt van geschreven woorden te achterhalen hoe zij klinken en wat hun betekenis is. De toets kan klassikaal worden afgenomen, wat een groot voordeel is ten opzichte van de individueel af te nemen hardopleestoetsen. Ter inleiding vertel ik over de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de toets en de redenen om er geen hardopleestoets van te maken. Vervolgens vertel ik hoe de toets er uitziet en of hij de eigenschappen heeft die een toets voor dit doel moet hebben. Tenslotte presenteer ik de uitkomsten van een (beperkt) onderzoek waarin werd vastgesteld welke toetsvorm de beste ‘voorspeller’ is van tekstbegrip, de Doorstreepleestoets of het hardop lezen van dezelfde woorden

    Reading by Children with Low Vision

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    Contains fulltext : 64623.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)This study of the reading of text found that despite their lower reading speed on a reading-comprehension task, the children with low vision comprehended texts at least as well as did the sighted children. Children with low vision need more time to read and comprehend a text, but they seem to use this time with enough efficiency to process the semantic, as well as the syntactic, information

    Het rapport 'Dyslexie' van de Gezondheidsraad

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    Assessing phonemic awareness in kindergarten: The case for the phoneme recognition task

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    Contains fulltext : 63073.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)The validity of phoneme recognition as an indicator of phonemic awareness at kindergarten age is investigated. Six paper and pencil phonemic awareness (PA) tests, phoneme recognition among them, are administered groupwise to Dutch children a few months before the beginning of formal literacy education. Additional phonological tests and an early reading test are administered individually. Ten months later, children are tested again with PA and literacy tests. Structural equation modeling shows the relations among tests to correspond broadly with findings reported in the literature. The PA test scores are determined by one common factor, and the early PA factor influences later literacy through its influence on later PA skill. Phoneme segmentation has the highest loading on the PA factor, but phoneme recognition is its best paper and pencil representative. Unlike phoneme segmentation, phoneme recognition competence can develop in the absence of literacy skills. Phoneme recognition equals phoneme segmentation in sensitivity and specificity when predicting later literacy failure

    Effects of word length and wordlikeness on pseudoword repetition by poor and normal readers

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    Factoren in het tekstbegrip van dove kinderen

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    Contains fulltext : 128183-OA.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access