29 research outputs found

    Graduate study and the production of knowledge in brazilian

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    Pós-Graduação e construção do conhecimento em serviço social no Brasil no contexto do desenvolvimento histórico do serviço social enquanto profissão. O artigo afirma uma estreita relação entre o avanço dos programas de pós-Graduação e a participação dos assistentes sociais na construção do conhecimento no campo das ciências sociais em geral, bem como no campo do serviço social, em particular. Aborda o desenvolvimento histórico do serviço social no Brasil; caracteriza os programas de pós-graduação criados nos anos 1970 e seu desenvolvimento até a atualidade; considera a produção de conhecimento a partir das teses e dissertações no desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa e da produção bibliográfica desenvolvida no contexto da pós-graduação dos 23 programas em implementação na área do serviço social na Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), considerando o período 2001 a 2003.Graduation and knowledge building in Social Work in Brazil are treated in this article in the context of the historical development of Social Work as a profession. It is consideredthat there is a close relationship between the advance of the graduation programs and the participation of Social Workers on building knowledge in the fi eld of Social Sciences in general, as well as in the fi eld of the Social Work in particular. We see the historical development of Social Work in Brazil; we characterize the graduation programs created in the 70’s and its’ development until nowadays; we consider the knowledge production within thesis and dissertation; within the research projects and the bibliographic production developed in the context of the graduation of the 23 graduation programs in development in the area of Social Work in Capes, considering the period from 2001 to 2003

    The Brazilian bioeconomy in figures

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    Inclui apêndice p. 325-331. Inclui bibliografia: p. 321-342 e Notas de rodapé.The development of bioeconomy means a promising opportunity for Brazil. Renewable biological resources, as well as waste from extractive, manufacturing and service industries, can be valuable inputs to produce food, chemicals and textiles, among others, all from economic and environmental value. For Brazil, in addition to significant positive effects from the environmental point of view, bioeconomy has a potential for adding value, especially to agribusiness, an activity in which the country is notoriously competitive. This paper aimed to quantify the value of the bioeconomy for Brazil, measuring its contribution to the sales of local economic activities and in other countries, with the support of the 2016’s input-output OECD tables.O desenvolvimento da bioeconomia representa uma oportunidade promissora para o Brasil. A partir de recursos biológicos renováveis, assim como dos resíduos de processos extrativos ou de transformação, podem ser produzidos alimentos, energia, artigos químicos e têxteis, entre outros, de valor econômico e ambiental. Para o país, além de significativos efeitos positivos do ponto de vista ambiental, a bioeconomia tem um elevado potencial de adição de valor, especialmente ao agronegócio, atividade em que o Brasil é notadamente competitivo. Este artigo objetivou quantificar o valor da bioeconomia para o Brasil, mensurando sua contribuição para as vendas das atividades econômicas locais e em outros países, com o apoio das tabelas de insumos e produtos da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) de 2016

    The Performance of Brazilian Biofuels: An Economic, Environmental and Social Analysis

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    The increase in the oil price and the worsening of climate change are fostering biofuels programs around the world. Brazil has a long tradition in biofuels. The country is a large-scale producer of ethanol since the 1970s. In 2006, ethanol was responsible for 17% of all vehicle fuel supply in the Brazil. Brazil’s ethanol production from sugarcane is also recognized by its economic performance. In 2005, Brazilian government has launched a biodiesel program. The aim of this report is to make a critical review of Brazilian ethanol and biodiesel programs. It provides lessons about the potential competitiveness of biofuels vis a vis traditional fuels. The document also presents the potential social and environmental impacts of the biofuels in Brazil. The analysis made in this report has been based on an extensive literature review on the subject of biofuels in Brazil. Interviews with experts have also been made in order to clarify some particular issues. The report is divided in two parts: the first is focused on ethanol program and the second to the biodiesel. The first part of the report is divided into the following sections: i) economic performance; ii) the environmental performance; iii) the social performance; iv)energy security performance; v) Brazil as a world-class ethanol exporter. The second part of the report is divided into the following sections: i) economic performance; ii) the environmental performance; iii) Brazil as a world-class biodiesel exporter.

    Medicamentos genéricos no Brasil: impactos das políticas públicas sobre a indústria nacional Generic drugs in Brazil: impacts of public policies upon the national industry

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    O presente artigo faz eco a trabalhos recentes da Abrasco¹, Gadelha² e Guimarães³, que enfatizam a necessidade de uma maior integração entre as políticas voltadas para o desenvolvimento do sistema de saúde e aquelas voltadas para a promoção do desenvolvimento industrial e da inovação, como forma de garantir para o país os benefícios econômicos gerados pelos gastos em saúde, assegurando a continuidade da política social, num círculo virtuoso. Embora apresente o caso dos medicamentos genéricos como uma experiência de sucesso na integração das políticas sociais voltadas para um maior acesso da população a medicamentos com qualidade garantida, com as políticas econômicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento industrial, discute os impactos e as limitações da política dialogando com a análise da competitividade da indústria de medicamentos genéricos brasileira realizada por Abreu4.<br>This paper echoes recent works of Abrasco¹, Gadelha² and Guimarães³ emphasizing the need for a better integration between health policies and industrial development and innovation policies as the only way to keep the economic benefits generated by health expenditures in the country instead of letting them escape through imports and threaten the continuity of the social policy by growing trade deficits. Although presenting the generic drug policy as a successful case in integrating social policies aimed at a better access to quality drugs for the population with economic policies aimed at industrial development, this paper discusses the impacts and limitations of the referred policy in a dialog with Abreu's analysis of industrial competitiveness in the Brazilian generics industry