9 research outputs found

    Integrated analysis of risks in terms of Russian Arctic zone sustainable development

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    The sustainable development of the Russian Arctic zone is characterized by unique hydrocarbon and mineral resource potential and the key spheres of regional development are negatively affected by various risks. The present article addresses the issue concerning a longterm development strategy for the Arctic region growth, which is beyond the existing traditional approach. It examines a complex range of environmental, social, political, and industrial problems caused by the increasing industrial activities. The negative impact of the revealed risks has been specified. The model of the Russian Arctic zone sustainable development has been proposed

    The Russian Arctic: innovative possibilities at the turn of the past and the future

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    Under the growth of the geopolitical tension a political, economic and symbolic meanings of the Russian presence in the Arctic region take on special significance. The theme of an innovation development of the Arctic and its symbolic sense for the citizens of our country are actual for the modern political discourse. The considerable scientific and technical reserve accumulated during the Soviet period and representation of the Arctic as a major symbolic resource for Russian people that helps to determine the sense of patriotism and the pride for the country can promote the growth of the authority of Russia in the region. The development of the Arctic is being conducted in two ways: expansion of the extraction of hydrocarbons and strengthening of a military and political presence. The Russian consolidation in the Arctic can potentially increase the state status in the international community. However, in order to pretend to the strong positions in the region it is absolutely necessary to answer to the arctic technological challenge by the innovative technologies and decisions

    Russian zirconium industry: current issues in raw material supply

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    The relevance of the research is connected with Russia’s long-term import dependence on zirconium raw materials. Goal of this research: to study the dynamics of commodity flows (production, import, export, consumption) of Russian zirconium raw materials; its prices (world and Russian); the raw material base of zirconium in Russia and the prospects for national production of its extraction and processing. Methods: statistical, graphic, logical. Results: Russia imports the vast majority (3.5–14.9 kt/year or 98–100 % of consumption) of consumed zircon concentrate. At the same time, almost all of the baddeleyite mined in Russia (4.0–9.3 kt/year or (96–100 % of production) is exported. Since 2018 has there been a decrease in its export supplies and an increase in the national consumption (up to 60 % of production). Russia has existing deposits, including a useful zirconium component, but all are connected with a certain economic and technological complexity in their development. In 2022, the national production of selective zircon concentrate began during the development of the Tugan titanium-zirconium deposit. This deposit covers up to 30 % of Russia’s demand for zirconium raw materials up to 2023. Furthermore, the construction of the 2-nd stage of the Tugan mining and processing plant will increase its supply to 15 kt/year. This will completely cover Russian demand for zirconium raw materials. Work is in progress on Zashikhinsky field preparation, where, in the course of enrichment of tantalum-rare-earth ores, up to 8 kt/year of zircon concentrate will be additionally extracted. The emerging trend of reducing Russia’s import dependence on zirconium raw materials, and in the future its complete elimination will allow consumption of zircon and zirconium oxides to be increased in the most demanding area of their use – for dampening the glaze of ceramic tiles. The presence of an independent and sufficient national mining base of zirconium raw materials will allow Russian production of metal zirconium, zirconium refractory and abrasive products, solid fuel energy cells and other zirconiumcontaining applications to be developed

    Resource Efficiency in TPU: Implementation of English Language E-courses

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    This article considers e-learning as one of the efficient technologies implemented in National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) for teaching Russian and foreign students. The paper introduces the courses designed for teaching General English. The authors have analyzed the results of e-learning implementation in TPU and identified the advantages and probable disadvantages of the technology. One of the most significant benefits of e-courses is optimization of learning technology, which contributes to efficient use of human and technological resources and enhances the national education system in general. Avoidance of the recognized disadvantages suggests a blended learning strategy

    Human potential as a strategic resource of the Russian Arctic sustainable development

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    Efficiency of the Russian Arctic development depends greatly on human potential of the population inhabiting and conducting work activities in the Arctic regions. Human development is a key factor facilitating sustainable development of the area. Nowadays, there are negative social tendencies in the Russian Arctic, which does not ensure social safety of the population. It necessitates revision of the existing legal standards and development of a target-oriented federal policy that would take into account Arctic indigenous peoples’ interests and enhance the attraction of workforce from other regions. The paper covers basic social problems of the Russian Arctic and offers some ways to solve them. The author considers the human potential as a strategic resource for sustainable development of the region. Therefore, the human potential should remain the focus of government’s attention and undergo regular assessment

    Model of the future analysis in the programs of political parties

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    The paper addresses the problems of political modeling and analysis. It brings up issues of political discourse and namely of political parties programs. The authors examine the means of expression of the future model and characterise it. They deal with methodological basics of the image of the future modeling, they analyse the representation of the model of the future in political parties programs. The authors approach the problems of ideology in the context of the future planning and modeling, they examine a conceptual and comprehensive structure of a party program. The model of the future has a key position in the program of a political party. The pertinent model of the future proposed by the political actors can largely influence and improve political and social wellbeing

    Integrated analysis of risks in terms of Russian Arctic zone sustainable development

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    The sustainable development of the Russian Arctic zone is characterized by unique hydrocarbon and mineral resource potential and the key spheres of regional development are negatively affected by various risks. The present article addresses the issue concerning a longterm development strategy for the Arctic region growth, which is beyond the existing traditional approach. It examines a complex range of environmental, social, political, and industrial problems caused by the increasing industrial activities. The negative impact of the revealed risks has been specified. The model of the Russian Arctic zone sustainable development has been proposed

    The Russian Arctic: innovative possibilities at the turn of the past and the future

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    Under the growth of the geopolitical tension a political, economic and symbolic meanings of the Russian presence in the Arctic region take on special significance. The theme of an innovation development of the Arctic and its symbolic sense for the citizens of our country are actual for the modern political discourse. The considerable scientific and technical reserve accumulated during the Soviet period and representation of the Arctic as a major symbolic resource for Russian people that helps to determine the sense of patriotism and the pride for the country can promote the growth of the authority of Russia in the region. The development of the Arctic is being conducted in two ways: expansion of the extraction of hydrocarbons and strengthening of a military and political presence. The Russian consolidation in the Arctic can potentially increase the state status in the international community. However, in order to pretend to the strong positions in the region it is absolutely necessary to answer to the arctic technological challenge by the innovative technologies and decisions