83 research outputs found


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    During the last 20 years a continuous growth of tick rickettsiosis is marked in Siberia and the Far East (tick typhus of Northern Asia). Last years sequences of amplified DNA fragment and comparison with corresponding sequences of known species are widely used for the molecular identification. Tick rickettsial disease proceeds in the majority of cases favorably. Over the last 20 years lethal cases for tick rickettsiosis in the Irkutsk region is not registered


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    The paper elaborates on the notions of “complete set of merchandise” and “completeness of merchandise” as used in the context of assessing the value of broken lots.Авторы уточняют понятия комплекта и комплектности товара при решении вопросов определения стоимости некомплектных товаров

    Безпритульні діти: соціальний портрет

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    Болотова, В. О. Безпритульні діти: соціальний портрет / В. О. Болотова, Т. Н. Чернецька // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2002. – Вип. 19. - С. 296-300За результатами проведеного соціологічного дослідження спробували створити соціальний портрет сучасних харківських безпритульних. Зазначено, що сімейне неблагополуччя, відсутність адекватного виховання й емоційної підтримки, девіантна поведінка найближчого оточення призводять до того, що діти, зрештою, опиняються на вулиці, де відбувається розвиток негативних тенденцій їх поведінки, що, у свою чергу, призводить до вчинення ними протиправних дій. По результатам проведенного социологического исследования попытались создать социальный портрет современных харьковских бездомных. Отмечено, что семейное неблагополучие, отсутствие адекватного воспитания и эмоциональной поддержки, девиантное поведение ближайшего окружения приводят к тому, что дети, в конце концов, оказываются на улице, где происходит развитие негативных тенденций их поведения, что, в свою очередь, приводит к совершению ими противоправных действий. Based on the results of a sociological study, they tried to create a social portrait of modern Kharkov homeless people. It is noted that family dysfunction, lack of adequate upbringing and emotional support, deviant behavior of the immediate environment lead to the fact that children, in the end, find themselves on the street, where the development of negative trends in their behavior, which, in turn, leads to the commission of illegal actions by them

    The frequency and structure of metabolic disorders in obese women in combination with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: Obesity is considered a global epidemic and is one of the most significant medical and social problems. Research in recent years shows that in 25-45% of cases of obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is detected. The influence of obesity on the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders in this category of patients remains controversialAims: to determine the frequency and structure of metabolic disorders in obese women in combination with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).Materials and methods: A single-center cross-sectional sample survey of women of reproductive age was conducted. The study included clinical anthropometry with measurement of body weight, height, waist circumference (OT) and hip circumference (OB), followed by calculation of body mass index (BMI) and OT/OB ratio, and measurement of blood pressure (BP). A biochemical blood test was performed, the hormonal status was examined, and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs was performed.Results: A survey of 136 women of reproductive age was conducted. Group 1 included obese women without PCOS (59 patients), group 2 included obese women in combination with PCOS (45 patients), and the control group included 38 healthy women. Group 1 included obese women without PCOS (59 patients), and group 2 included obese women with PCOS (45 patients), in the control group — 38 healthy women. Among group 2 patients, dyslipidemia, visceral obesity, arterial hypertension, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperuricemia were significantly more common (p<0,05). Correlations between BMI and triglycerides, testosterone and total cholesterol were found (p<0,05). Obese and PCOS patients had significantly higher levels of C-reactive protein(CRP), fibrinogen, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), and hepatic transaminases (p<0,05). Vitamin D deficiency was detected in 13,2% of patients, and insufficiency — in 22,7% of patients. There is a statistically significant correlation between the level of 25 (OH)D and indicators of BMI, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone (p<0,05), the level of AMH (p=0,008).Conclusions: A high frequency of metabolic disorders in obese women in combination with PCOS has been identified, which necessitates early screening, diagnosis and treatment of these disorders to strengthen reproductive health and prevent chronic non-communicable diseases


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    Ixodid ticks are the vectors of many pathogens including tick-borne encephalitis virus and the Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. In Pribaikalye, Ixodes persulcatus, Dermacentor nuttalli, D. silvarum and Haemaphysalis concinna are regarded as main vectors of the diseases. Recently, significant changes in world tick fauna have been reported and this affects the spread of tick-borne pathogens. We studied the current species diversity, population structure and the number of attacks of hard ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) on humans in Irkutsk region and nearby territories during the season 2015. Long-term trends of changes in attack rate were analyzed as well. In total, 4268 individual ticks were identified and analyzed during the season 2015. The majority (86 %) of victims was bitten by I. persulcatus; 13.55 % of attacks on humans were caused by D. nuttalli and D. silvarum; whereas H. concinna was documented only in 2 cases (~0.05 %). No non-endemic or invasive tick species were documented in 2015. The seasonal activity and the age/gender structure of tick population that bite human hosts were described as well. The comparison of the results of 2015 with previously reported datasets on tick bite ratesfrom 1992-2001 andfrom 2007-2014 indicates that, after the burst of tick bites in 1992-2001, there are no significant increase of attack rate since 2007. Possible implications to human health and epidemiology of tick-borne infections are discussed

    Antiviral activity of herbal extracts against the tick borne encephalitis virus (literature review)

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a widely known viral disease that is transmitted through the bites of ixodid ticks. In severe cases, it leads to disability or death of the patient. The causative agent of the TBE is the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), which belongs to the Flaviviridae family. Despite the great importance of TBE in human pathology, currently the only way to prevent and treat this disease is a donor immunoglobulin, which has a number of significant disadvantages. In this paper, we analyzed modern literature on the detection of antiviral properties of herbal preparations and assessed the possibility of using them to search for new drugs against TBE. In general, the published works can be divided into two areas of research - the study of whole plant extracts and the study of the biological activity of the purified extract components. The most informative results can be obtained under certain conditions; for example, the study of both water extracts of plants and extracts with organic solvents, fractionation of the initial preparations with the detected antiviral activity followed by the concentration of the target substance; identification of an antiviral agent to obtain standardized drugs and preclinical testing in laboratory animals and cell cultures. This approach made it possible to identify three substances - hebulinic acid, panicalagin and baikalein - possessing inhibitory activity against Dengue flavivirus. The article discusses the possibility of using these substances against TBEV and the optimal algorithm for searching for antiviral agents in plant preparations


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    The postnatal activity of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in first few months of life is defined as mini-puberty.  In  article  the  dates  of  Enzyme  Immuno  Assays  of  the  serum  gonadotropins  and reproductive hormones in 40 healthy boys ages 1–3 month are represented. In results we detected the reference values of serum LH, FSH, testosterone, DGA-S, androstendyone, dyhydrotestosterone, antiMulirean  factor  in  1–3  month  aged  boys.  The  obtained  dates  are  comparable  to  puberty values  of reproductive hormones in boys.Период физиологической постнатальной активации гипоталамо-гипофизарно-гонадной системы в первые месяцы жизни определен как мини-пубертат. В статье представлены результаты иммуноферментного анализа гонадотропинов и половых гормонов в сыворотке крови 40 здоровых мальчиков в возрасте 1–3 мес. Результатами исследования явилось определение референсных концентраций лютеонизирующего и фолликулостимулирующего гормонов, тестостерона, дегидроэпиандростерона сульфата, андростендиона, дигидротестостерона, антимюллерова гормона в сыворотке крови мальчиков 1–3 мес жизни. Полученные величины были сопоставлены с показателями соответствующих гормонов у мальчиков пубертатного возраста