6 research outputs found

    Variant: Limits

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    Variant: Limits is an educational game based on research that promotes conceptual understanding of calculus concepts through direct interaction and immediate feedback in a game environment. In the game players are introduced to: Ā»Ā» Finite Limits: Introduction to limits, one-sided limits, and limits of combined functions. Ā»Ā» Continuity: Limit definition of continuity at a point, continuity of combined functions, and the intermediate value theorem. Ā»Ā» Infinite Limits: Horizontal and vertical asymptotes.Variant: Limits is a research based educational game designed to help students more easily understand and master abstract concepts related to limits, limit laws, asymptotes and concepts of infinity. Players will see the subject come to life in a 3D environment where they must solve a series of increasingly challenging calculus problems in order to stop the geomagnetic storms threatening their planetā€™s survival

    Variant: Limits

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    Variant: Limits is an educational game based on research that promotes conceptual understanding of calculus concepts through direct interaction and immediate feedback in a game environment. In the game players are introduced to: Ā»Ā» Finite Limits: Introduction to limits, one-sided limits, and limits of combined functions. Ā»Ā» Continuity: Limit definition of continuity at a point, continuity of combined functions, and the intermediate value theorem. Ā»Ā» Infinite Limits: Horizontal and vertical asymptotes.Variant: Limits is a research based educational game designed to help students more easily understand and master abstract concepts related to limits, limit laws, asymptotes and concepts of infinity. Players will see the subject come to life in a 3D environment where they must solve a series of increasingly challenging calculus problems in order to stop the geomagnetic storms threatening their planetā€™s survival

    ARTĆ©: Mecenas

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    Skills and Ideas Taught: Gameplay engages and immerses students from the Medici perspective to demonstrate the interconnectedness of art patronage,economics and political pressures surrounding the commissioning of famous artworks of Italian Renaissance.Given a variety of scenarios, learners will: ā€¢ Develop interconnected networks of Renaissance economics, art patronage and production, including art markets and collecting, conventional banking, trade and alternative banking practices such as usury. ā€¢ Develop strategies to evaluate the impact of art and architecture patronage on generating spiritual and religious status and social and political prestige. ā€¢ Distinguish between major artistic media, forms, techniques, and theoretical and critical concepts to develop a more holistic interpretation of the Renaissance era. ā€¢ Leverage historical circumstances, conditions, and events surrounding art and architecture and their commission. Goal or Challenge: Too often in art history courses, students memorize works of art without understanding their context. ARTĆ©: Mecenas helps them grasp the complexities of the works of art, the role of art given societal norms, and the overall relevance to the people and policies of the time period. The game provides an immersive experience to help students better apply and analyze the effects of complex social, cultural, economic, political and ecclesiastical networks on artwork, monuments and institutions.True to the life of the Medici, students must balance relationships with powerful city-states, merchant factions and the Catholic Church to build and maintain a financial empire and play a pivotal role in the creation of famous artworks, monuments and institutions of the Renaissance. By following the historical footsteps of the Medici family, students level up to the status of ā€œMecenas,ā€ an influential patron of the arts, and experience the political, social and economic factors that shaped the era. The game features the most influential artworks of the 15th and 16th centuries, including more than 130 pieces of art by over 70 artists.Texas A&M University, College of Architecture, Department of Visualizatio

    ARTĆ©: Mecenas

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    Skills and Ideas Taught: Gameplay engages and immerses students from the Medici perspective to demonstrate the interconnectedness of art patronage,economics and political pressures surrounding the commissioning of famous artworks of Italian Renaissance.Given a variety of scenarios, learners will: ā€¢ Develop interconnected networks of Renaissance economics, art patronage and production, including art markets and collecting, conventional banking, trade and alternative banking practices such as usury. ā€¢ Develop strategies to evaluate the impact of art and architecture patronage on generating spiritual and religious status and social and political prestige. ā€¢ Distinguish between major artistic media, forms, techniques, and theoretical and critical concepts to develop a more holistic interpretation of the Renaissance era. ā€¢ Leverage historical circumstances, conditions, and events surrounding art and architecture and their commission. Goal or Challenge: Too often in art history courses, students memorize works of art without understanding their context. ARTĆ©: Mecenas helps them grasp the complexities of the works of art, the role of art given societal norms, and the overall relevance to the people and policies of the time period. The game provides an immersive experience to help students better apply and analyze the effects of complex social, cultural, economic, political and ecclesiastical networks on artwork, monuments and institutions.True to the life of the Medici, students must balance relationships with powerful city-states, merchant factions and the Catholic Church to build and maintain a financial empire and play a pivotal role in the creation of famous artworks, monuments and institutions of the Renaissance. By following the historical footsteps of the Medici family, students level up to the status of ā€œMecenas,ā€ an influential patron of the arts, and experience the political, social and economic factors that shaped the era. The game features the most influential artworks of the 15th and 16th centuries, including more than 130 pieces of art by over 70 artists.Texas A&M University, College of Architecture, Department of Visualizatio

    Stările hipertensive Ć®n sarcină: protocol clinic naÅ£ional PCN-202

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    Scopul acestui protocol este implementarea Ć®n conduita gravidelor cu hipertensiune Ć®n sarcină a tratamentelor efective şi salvatoare de resurse, bazate pe dovezi ştiinÅ£ifice, şi eliminarea din practica clinică a tratamentelor inefective. Protocolului clinic naÅ£ional vine Ć®n ajutor medicului de a alege tactica corectă de conduită a stărilor hipertensive la gravide şi nu poate dicta o conduită exclusivă a cazurilor. Conduita Ć®n fiecare caz va depinde de circumstanÅ£ele clinice specifice şi necesităţile/dorinÅ£ele pacientei

    Nolanville Comprehensive Plan 2021-2041

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    Nearly five years after the completion of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, TxTC partnered with the City of Nolanville again in 2019 with the ENDEAVR project. ENDEAVR (Envisioning the Neo-traditional Development by Embracing the Autonomous Vehicles Realm)ā€” is an ambitious project to re-envision ā€smartā€ city solutions in small towns with students from a wide range of university degree programs in urban planning, landscape architecture, visualization, computer science, and civil, electrical and mechanical engineering. ENDEAVR launched in 2018 with a $300,000 grant from the Keck Foundation, which supports projects that promote inventive educational approaches. The City of Nolanville sought to explore ā€œsmartā€ city solutions to make efficient and prudent improvements to traffic flow, public safety, optimize utility systems, high-bandwidth digital networks, and foster autonomous vehicles. Additionally, TxTC included these ā€œsmartā€ city solutions to update its 2015 comprehensive plan. The new 2020 comprehensive plan embeds ā€œsmartā€ city solutions into its priorities and capital improvement projects to foster diversity and continue to make Nolanville ā€œA Great Place to Liveā€