60 research outputs found

    The Arabidopsis thaliana F-box gene HAWAIIAN SKIRT is a new player in the microRNA pathway

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    In Arabidopsis, the F-box HAWAIIAN SKIRT (HWS) protein is important for organ growth. Loss of function of HWS exhibits pleiotropic phenotypes including sepal fusion. To dissect the HWS role, we EMS-mutagenized hws-1 seeds and screened for mutations that suppress hws-1 associated phenotypes. We identified shs-2 and shs-3 (suppressor of hws-2 and 3) mutants in which the sepal fusion phenotype of hws-1 was suppressed. shs-2 and shs-3 (renamed hst-23/hws-1 and hst-24/hws-1) carry transition mutations that result in premature terminations in the plant homolog of Exportin-5 HASTY (HST), known to be important in miRNA biogenesis, function and transport. Genetic crosses between hws-1 and mutant lines for genes in the miRNA pathway, also suppress the phenotypes associated with HWS loss of function, corroborating epistatic relations between the miRNA pathway genes and HWS. In agreement with these data, accumulation of miRNA is modified in HWS loss or gain of function mutants. Our data propose HWS as a new player in the miRNA pathway, important for plant growth

    Differential responses of the incretin hormones GIP and GLP-1 to increasing doses of dietary carbohydrate but not dietary protein in lean rats

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    Previous studies have shown that oral ingestion of nutrients stimulates secretion of the incretin hormones glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1); however, it is unclear whether there is a dose-dependent response between the amount of nutrient ingested and the secretion of the hormones in vivo. Using our lymph fistula rat model, we previously demonstrated that both GIP and GLP-1 responded dose dependently to increasing amounts of infused dietary lipid and that the GLP-1-secreting cells were more sensitive to changes in intestinal lipid content. In the present study, we investigated the dose-dependent relationships between incretin secretion and the two remaining macronutrients, carbohydrate and protein. To accomplish this objective, the major mesenteric lymphatic duct of male Sprague-Dawley rats was cannulated. Each animal received a single bolus (3 ml) of saline, dextrin, whey protein, or casein hydrolysate (0.275, 0.55, 1.1, 2.2, 4.4 kcal) via a surgically inserted duodenal or ileal feeding tube. Lymph was continuously collected for 3 h and analyzed for GIP and GLP-1 content. Both GIP and GLP-1 outputs responded dose dependently to increasing amounts of dietary carbohydrate but not protein. Additionally, we found that the GIP-secreting cells were more sensitive than the GLP-1-secreting cells to changes in intestinal carbohydrate content

    Effect of ezetimibe on incretin secretion in response to the intestinal absorption of a mixed meal

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    Ezetimibe is a potent inhibitor of cholesterol absorption by enterocytes. Although ezetimibe minimally affects the absorption of triglyceride, it is unknown whether ezetimibe affects the secretion of the incretin hormones glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). It has been shown that ezetimibe-treated mice are protected from diet-induced insulin resistance. Since GIP and GLP-1 promote the actions of insulin, we hypothesized that ezetimibe may affect the secretion of GIP and GLP-1 by enteroendocrine cells into lymph in response to the intestinal absorption of a mixed meal (Ensure). To test this hypothesis, we used the lymph fistula rat model to determine GIP and GLP-1 concentrations in lymph during the 2 h after the infusion of Ensure. Ezetimibe significantly reduced lymphatic cholesterol output during fasting, without coincident decreases in glucose, protein, and triglyceride outputs. However, ezetimibe did not influence cholesterol output after infusion of Ensure. Interestingly, ezetimibe significantly reduced the secretion of both GIP and GLP-1 into lymph after the infusion of Ensure. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of ezetimibe on GIP and GLP-1 secretion by enteroendocrine cells occurs outside of the effects of glucose, protein, or triglyceride secretion by the intestine
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