467 research outputs found

    Immunotherapy for Epstein-Barr Virus-Related Lymphomas

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    Latent EBV infection is associated with several malignancies, including EBV post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD), Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt lymphoma. The range of expression of latent EBV antigens varies in these tumors, which influences how susceptible the tumors are to immunotherapeutic approaches. Tumors expressing type III latency, such as in LPD, express the widest array of EBV antigens making them the most susceptible to immunotherapy. Treatment strategies for EBV-related tumors include restoring normal cellular immunity by adoptive immunotherapy with EBV-specific T cells and targeting the malignant B cells with monoclonal antibodies. We review the current immunotherapies and future studies aimed at targeting EBV antigen expression in these tumors

    Co-transducing B7H3 CAR-NK cells with the DNR preserves their cytolytic function against GBM in the presence of exogenous TGF-β

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    Cord blood (CB)-derived natural killer (NK) cells that are genetically engineered to express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) are an attractive off-the-shelf therapy for the treatment of cancer, demonstrating a robust safety profile in vivo. For poor prognosis brain tumors such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), novel therapies are urgently needed. Although CAR-T cells demonstrate efficacy in preclinical GBM models, an off-the-shelf product may exhibit unwanted side effects like graft-versus-host disease. Hence, we developed an off-the-shelf CAR-NK cell approach using a B7H3 CAR and showed that CAR-transduced NK cells have robust cytolytic activity against GBM cells in vitro. However, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β within the tumor microenvironment has devastating effects on the cytolytic activity of both unmodified and CAR-transduced NK cells. To overcome this potent immune suppression, we demonstrated that co-transducing NK cells with a B7H3 CAR and a TGF-β dominant negative receptor (DNR) preserves cytolytic function in the presence of exogenous TGF-β. This study demonstrates that a novel DNR and CAR co-expression strategy may be a promising therapeutic for recalcitrant CNS tumors like GBM

    Statistical HOmogeneous Cluster SpectroscopY (SHOCSY): an optimized statistical approach for clustering of ¹H NMR spectral data to reduce interference and enhance robust biomarkers selection.

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    We propose a novel statistical approach to improve the reliability of (1)H NMR spectral analysis in complex metabolic studies. The Statistical HOmogeneous Cluster SpectroscopY (SHOCSY) algorithm aims to reduce the variation within biological classes by selecting subsets of homogeneous (1)H NMR spectra that contain specific spectroscopic metabolic signatures related to each biological class in a study. In SHOCSY, we used a clustering method to categorize the whole data set into a number of clusters of samples with each cluster showing a similar spectral feature and hence biochemical composition, and we then used an enrichment test to identify the associations between the clusters and the biological classes in the data set. We evaluated the performance of the SHOCSY algorithm using a simulated (1)H NMR data set to emulate renal tubule toxicity and further exemplified this method with a (1)H NMR spectroscopic study of hydrazine-induced liver toxicity study in rats. The SHOCSY algorithm improved the predictive ability of the orthogonal partial least-squares discriminatory analysis (OPLS-DA) model through the use of "truly" representative samples in each biological class (i.e., homogeneous subsets). This method ensures that the analyses are no longer confounded by idiosyncratic responders and thus improves the reliability of biomarker extraction. SHOCSY is a useful tool for removing irrelevant variation that interfere with the interpretation and predictive ability of models and has widespread applicability to other spectroscopic data, as well as other "omics" type of data

    Multidirectional Time-Dependent Effect of Sinigrin and Allyl Isothiocyanate on Metabolic Parameters in Rats

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    Sinigrin (SIN) and allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) are compounds found in high concentrations in Brassica family vegetables, especially in Brussels sprouts. Recently, they have been used as a nutrition supplement for their preventive and medicinal effect on some types of cancer and other diseases. In this research, nutritional significance of parent glucosinolate sinigrin 50 μmol/kg b. w./day and its degradation product allyl isothiocyanate 25 μmol/kg b. w./day and 50 μmol/kg b. w./day was studied by the evaluation of their influence on some parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in an animal rat model in vivo after their single (4 h) and 2 weeks oral administration. Additionally, the aim of this trial was to evaluate the direct action of AITC on basal and epinephrine-induced lipolysis in isolated rat adipocytes at concentration 1 μM, 10 μM and 100 μM in vitro. Sole AITC after 4 h of its ingestion caused liver triacylglycerols increment at both doses and glycaemia only at the higher dose. Multiple SIN treatment showed its putative bioconversion into AITC. It was found that SIN and AITC multiple administration in the same way strongly disturbed lipid and carbohydrate homeostasis, increasing esterified and total cholesterol, free fatty acids and lowering tracylglycerols in the blood serum. Additionally, AITC at both doses elevated insulinaemia and liver glycogen enhancement. The in vitro experiment revealed that AITC potentiated basal lipolysis process at 10 μM, and had stimulatory effect on epinephrine action at 1 μM and 10 μM. The results of this study demonstrated that the effect of SIN and AITC is multidirectional, indicating its impact on many organs like liver as well as pancreas, intestine in vivo action and rat adipocytes in vitro. Whilst consumption of cruciferous vegetables at levels currently considered “normal” seems to be beneficial to human health, this data suggest that any large increase in intake could conceivably lead to undesirable effect. This effect is potentiated with time of action of the examined compounds, whose influence is rather adverse for the majority of metabolic pathways (liver steatosis at short duration and insulinaemia, cholesterolaemia at long time treatment). Beneficial action of AITC concerned intensified hydrolysis of TG in the blood serum with a simultaneous lipolysis in adipocytes

    Biological Properties of Cells Other Than HSCs

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    The array of cellular players involved in the biology of HSCT clearly extends beyond HSC themselves and, in the case of transplantation from allogeneic sources, importantly includes cells of the innate and adaptive immune system. Historically, the discovery of the HLA system and the functional characterization of the different immune cell types had a transformational impact on our current understanding of the pathobiological sequelae of allo-HSCT (rejection, GVHD, the GVL effect). This body of knowledge coupled to the most recent exploit of biotechnology nowadays allows us to design strategies for in vivo stimulation or adoptive transfer of specific immune cell types with the potential to dramatically improve transplantation outcome