155 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Bolka, Frank (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Alien Registration- Snyder, Mary (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    The Medical Device Excise Tax: An Unfair Burden

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    Candidate recruitment in Slovenian companies in the context of increased staffing needs

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    V diplomskem delu analiziram in raziščem področje pridobivanja kadrov. V tem smislu se posvetim slovenskih podjetjem in procesu pridobivanja kvalificiranih kadrov ob predpostavki povečanih kadrovskih potreb. Namen je podjetjem predstaviti pojem kadrovanja v praksi in podati predloge za olajšanje procesov pridobivanja novih kadrov, ko se potreba po teh poveča. S pomočjo pregleda domače in tuje literature sem postavil teoretične okvirje procesa kadrovanja in metod pridobivanja kadrov. V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo metode strukturiranega intervjuja preučil in opisal stanje na trgu dela v 8 različnih slovenskih podjetjih, analiziral sem potrebe po kadrih in podal predloge za izboljšave. Zaradi pomembnih prednosti, ki jih omenjajo tudi intervjuvanci, priporočam pri iskanju kadrov sodelovanje s kadrovskimi agencijami, višje plače določenih predvsem fizično zahtevnejših poklicev in zavzemanje za krajše administracijske postopke pridobivanja domačih in tujih kadrov. V predstavitvi rezultatov sem odgovoril na vsa zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja, ki so pripomogla k boljšemu razumevanju stanja na trgu dela in področju pridobivanja kadrov na slovenskih tleh. Najbolj pogosta metoda iskanja zaposlitve v zasebnem sektorju je preko kadrovskih agencij in spletnih portalov. Delodajalci menijo, da ponudba delovne sile na slovenskem trgu trenutno ne zadovoljuje kadrovskih potreb podjetij.In this paper, I analyze and research the field of candidate recruitment. From this angle, I focus on Slovenian companies and the process of acquiring qualified personnel assuming the occurence of increased staffing needs. The purpose is to explore the notion of recruitment in praxis and to make proposals facilitating the process of acquiring new staff during increased staffing needs. Through reviewing domestic and foreign literature, I set out the theoretical frameworks of the recruiting process and the recruitment methods. In the empirical part I conducted structured interviews through which I examined and described the situation on the job market in 4 different Slovenian companies, analyzed the staffing needs and made suggestions for improvements. Due to important advantages offered and mentioned also by the interviewees I recommend the use of human resources agencies for personnel recruitment, pay increases especially in physically demanding jobs and promoting shorter administrative procedures in regards to acquiring domestic and foreign personnel. In the presentation of the results, I answered all research questions which helped better understand the situation on the labor market and the field of personnel recruitment in Slovenia. The most common method of recruitment in the private sector is through recruitment agencies and online portals. Employers believe that the labor supply on the Slovenian market does not currently meet the staffing needs of companies

    Correction: A. Hepatica in European ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) compared to other experimental animals (2016, vol. 70, iss. 1-2, pp. 31-39)

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    The Editor-in-Chief has been informed that authors of above-referenced article made a corrigendum to it. The article should include the following reference at the end of section Introduction (Blagojevic i sar., 2015). Also, at the section Literature following reference should be stated in full: Blagojević Miloš, Vitorović Duško, Adamović Ivana, Nešić Ivana, Brkić Zlata, Zdravković Marija, Đorđević Milena, Jović Slavoljub, Zorić Zoran, Ćupić Dejana, Vascularization of the kidney of the ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) in comparison with other experimental animals.

    Jean-Louis Alibert, Le son de l’image

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    Cet ouvrage, qui s’intéresse de manière spécifique au son « de l’image », offre une réflexion empreinte des multiples expériences de son auteur : celle d’un professionnel du son, celle d’un enseignant, mais également celle d’un cinéphile. L’auteur se place donc successivement du point de vue du spectateur, de celui du technicien et de celui du scientifique dans l’objectif d’offrir une analyse plurielle, voire englobante de son objet. L’objet de la réflexion, le « son de l’image », est princip..

    Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti funkcionalizovanih karbonskih vlakana u potkožnom i mišićnom tkivu kunića

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    In this doctoral dissertation, it was used the well-characterized commercial high strenght carbon fibers (CF) Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), 4-6 m thick. These fibers were functionalized by treatment with HNO3 and KOH, which significantly changed the content of the surface groups. Biocompatibility of functionalized carbon fibers was tested in vivo by implanting fibers in the subcutaneous tissue and m. longissimus dorsi of the experimental animals (rabbits, chinchilla variety), than followed with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and assessed in vitro on cell cultures (fibroblast and macrophage). The results of this doctoral dissertation showed that there is no difference in the degree of the cytotoxicity level between modified and standard CFs, which was in this experiment evaluated first basing on the cell viability test (calorimetric MTT) and cell adhesion test (three-dimensional / 3D cell cultivation in Matrigel) on human fibroblasts of the continuous MRC-5 cell line. However, these studies were supplemented with tests on the culture of the human macrophage line U937, in which cell viability was assessed, than internalization of fibers (phagocytosis) and production of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1α, IL6, IL-8 and TNF-α. When CFs were added at concentration of 125 μg / ml, cell viability was uninhabited in the culture of the human macrophage line U937. By adding CFs at concentration of 250 μg / ml or 500 μg / ml, there was a significant dose-dependent linear decrease in cell viability by all three applied CF groups, especially in case of adding base CFs. Significantly higher number CFs treated with base was pagocytosed by macrophage cells, compared to the phagocytosis of standard and acidic CFs. There was an increased concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β in human macrophage culture U937 line supernatants after adding of the standard or acidic CFs at concentration of 125 μg / ml, while the adding of the base CFs in the same concentration caused a reduced production of these cytokines. At the same concentration, standard CFs resulted in significant reductions in IL-8 secretion, while acid and base CFs pronouncedly increased secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 secretion. In addition, the acid-treated fibers were stronger stimulant of IL-8 secretion from macrophages, compared to the base-treated fibers. Standard CFs at the concentration of 250 μg / ml decreased IL-1β secretion, and base line increased...U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji upotrebljena su dobro okarakterisana komercijalna visokočvrsta karbonska vlakna (KV) marke Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), debljine 4-6 m. Ova vlakna funkcionalizovana su tretiranjem HNO3 i KOH, što je značajno izmenilo sadržaj površinskih grupa. Biokompatibilnost tako funkcionalizovanih karbonskih vlakana ispitivana je na eksperimentalnim životinjama (kunići, varijetet činčila), a procenjivana je in vitro, na ćelijskim kulturama (fibroblastvoj i makrofagnoj), in vivo aplikacijom vlakana u potkožno tkivo i m. longissimus dorsi i primenom nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR). Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije pokazali su da ne postoji razlika u stepenu citotoksičnosti između modifikovanih i standardnih KV, koja je u ovom eksperimentu prvo procenjivana na osnovu testa vijabilnosti ćelija (kalorimetrijski MTT) i testa ćelijske adhezije (trodimenzionalna / 3D kultivacija ćelija u Matrigelu) na humanim fibroblastima kontinuirane ćelijske linije MRC-5. Međutim, ova istraživanja dopunjena su testovima na kulturi humane makrofagne linije U937, u kojima je procenjivana vijabilnost ćelija, internalizacija vlakana (fagocitoza) i produkcija proinflamatornih citokina, IL-1, IL6, IL-8 i TNF-. Ćelijska vijabilnost bila je nenarušena u kulturama humane makrofagne linije U937 ukoliko su se dodavala KV u koncentaciji od 125 g/ ml. Međutim, dodavanjem KV u koncentraciji od 250 g/ml ili 500 g/ml, dolazilo je do značajnog dozno-zavisnog linearnog smanjenja vijabilnosti ćelija kod sve tri primenjene grupe KV, i to naročito kod dodavanja baznih KV. Znatno veći broj makrofagnih ćelija fagocitovao je KV trerira bazom, u odnosu na fagocitozu standardnih i kiselih KV. Postojala je povećana koncentracija proinflamatornih citokina TNF- i IL-1 u supernatantima kulture humanih makrofaga linije U937 nakon dodavanja standardnih ili kiselih KV u koncentraciji od 125 g/ml, dok je dodavanje baznih KV u istoj koncentraciji uslovilo smanjenu produkciju ovih citokina. U istoj koncentraciji, standardna KV su uslovila značajno smanjenja sekrecije IL-8, a kisela i bazna KV izrazito povećanje sekrecije IL-6 i IL-8. Pri tome, vlakna tretirana kiselinom bila su snažniji stimulator sekrecije IL-8 iz makrofaga u odnosu na vlakna tretirana bazom..

    Jean-Louis Alibert, Le son de l’image

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    Cet ouvrage, qui s’intéresse de manière spécifique au son « de l’image », offre une réflexion empreinte des multiples expériences de son auteur : celle d’un professionnel du son, celle d’un enseignant, mais également celle d’un cinéphile. L’auteur se place donc successivement du point de vue du spectateur, de celui du technicien et de celui du scientifique dans l’objectif d’offrir une analyse plurielle, voire englobante de son objet. L’objet de la réflexion, le « son de l’image », est princip..