7 research outputs found

    Correlação entre caracteres agronômicos, fisiológicos e fitoquímicos em variedades de Artemisia annua L

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the correlations among agronomic, physiological and phytochemical traits of two varieties of Artemisia annua and to identify correlations that can be used in selection and breeding processes for this species. The design was completely randomized and the treatments were for Artemisia annua varieties 2/39x5x3M and 2/39x1V, which were subjected to agronomic, physiological and phytochemical evaluations. The relationship among the studied traits was estimated with Pearson's correlation coefficient, and the significance level of correlations was established by the t-test using Genes software. A significant positive correlation was found between the traits canopy volume and essential oil yield for 2/39x5x3M variety, showing that the selection of plants with a larger canopy volume would facilitate indirect selection of the trait essential oil yield. This correlation was not found for the 2/39x1V variety. In both varieties, there was a significant negative correlation between canopy volume and artemisinin content, which suggested that the selection of plants with a large canopy volume and a large number of branches should be avoided if the goal is to increase artemisinin content.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as correlações existentes entre caracteres agronômicos, fisiológicos e fitoquímicos em duas variedades de Artemisia annua e identificar correlações que possam ser utilizadas em processos de seleção e melhoramento da espécie. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos foram às variedades 2/39x5x3M e 2/39x1V de Artemisia annua, submetidas a avaliações agronômicas, fisiológicas e fitoquímicas. A relação existente entre os caracteres estudados foi estimada através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e o nível de significância das correlações pelo teste t, realizadas no programa Genes. Encontrou-se correlação positiva e significativa entre os caracteres volume de dossel e rendimento de óleo essencial na variedade 2/39x5x3M, evidenciando que a seleção de plantas com maior volume de dossel possibilitaria a seleção indireta para o cárater rendimento de óleo essencial. Esta correlação não foi encontrada na variedade 2/39x1V. Em ambas as variedades, observou-se correlação negativa e significativa entre volume de dossel e teor de artemisinina indicando que deve-se evitar a seleção de plantas com grande volume de dossel e número de ramificações, se o interesse do melhoramento for maior teor de artemisinina.135141Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Dissimilaridade genética em variedades de Artemisia annua L. embasada em caracteres agronômicos, fisiológicos e fitoquímicos

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    O presente estudo objetivou estimar a variabilidade genética existente entre caracteres agronômicos, fisiológicos e fitoquímicos em variedades de A. annua. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos foram as variedades Artemis, 2/39x5x3M, e 2/39x1V de A. annua, submetidas a avaliações agronômicas, fisiológicas e fitoquímicas. Para a realização das estimativas de distância genética foram geradas matrizes de dissimilaridade utilizando a distância Euclidiana e os métodos de agrupamento de Tocher e UPGMA. Além disso, avaliou-se a importância relativa dos caracteres para divergência genética pelo método de Singh. As análises foram realizadas pelo software Genes e os dendrogramas obtidos pelo NTSYS. A presença de variabilidade genética dentro das variedades permitiu a identificação de acessos dissimilares e com média elevada para as características estudadas. O número de ramificações, concentração intracelular de CO2, e o rendimento de óleo essencial foram os caracteres que mais contribuíram para a dissimilaridade genética de A. annua. Os acessos B24, C5 e C32 foram os mais promissores dentro das variedades e devem ser conservados para futuras hibridações, sendo que as hibridações mais promissoras na obtenção de populações segregantes desejadas são B24 x C5, B24 x C32 e C5 x C32

    Correlation among agronomic, physiological and phytochemical traits in Artemisia annua L. varieties Correlação entre caracteres agronômicos, fisiológicos e fitoquímicos em variedades de Artemisia annua L

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the correlations among agronomic, physiological and phytochemical traits of two varieties of Artemisia annua and to identify correlations that can be used in selection and breeding processes for this species. The design was completely randomized and the treatments were for Artemisia annua varieties 2/39x5x3M and 2/39x1V, which were subjected to agronomic, physiological and phytochemical evaluations. The relationship among the studied traits was estimated with Pearson's correlation coefficient, and the significance level of correlations was established by the t-test using Genes software. A significant positive correlation was found between the traits canopy volume and essential oil yield for 2/39x5x3M variety, showing that the selection of plants with a larger canopy volume would facilitate indirect selection of the trait essential oil yield. This correlation was not found for the 2/39x1V variety. In both varieties, there was a significant negative correlation between canopy volume and artemisinin content, which suggested that the selection of plants with a large canopy volume and a large number of branches should be avoided if the goal is to increase artemisinin content.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as correlações existentes entre caracteres agronômicos, fisiológicos e fitoquímicos em duas variedades de Artemisia annua e identificar correlações que possam ser utilizadas em processos de seleção e melhoramento da espécie. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos foram às variedades 2/39x5x3M e 2/39x1V de Artemisia annua, submetidas a avaliações agronômicas, fisiológicas e fitoquímicas. A relação existente entre os caracteres estudados foi estimada através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e o nível de significância das correlações pelo teste t, realizadas no programa Genes. Encontrou-se correlação positiva e significativa entre os caracteres volume de dossel e rendimento de óleo essencial na variedade 2/39x5x3M, evidenciando que a seleção de plantas com maior volume de dossel possibilitaria a seleção indireta para o cárater rendimento de óleo essencial. Esta correlação não foi encontrada na variedade 2/39x1V. Em ambas as variedades, observou-se correlação negativa e significativa entre volume de dossel e teor de artemisinina indicando que deve-se evitar a seleção de plantas com grande volume de dossel e número de ramificações, se o interesse do melhoramento for maior teor de artemisinina

    Genetic Dissimilarity In Varieties Of Artemisia Annua L. Based On Agronomic, Physiological And Phytochemical Characters [dissimilaridade Genética Em Variedades De Artemisia Annua L. Embasada Em Caracteres Agronômicos, Fisiológicos E Fitoquímicos]

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    This study aimed to estimate the genetic variability among agronomic, physiological, and phytochemical characters in varieties of A. annua. The experimental design was completely randomized and the treatments were the varieties Artemis, 2/39×5×3M and 2/39×1V of A. annua, subject to agronomic, physiological and phytochemical evaluations. To estimate the genetic distances, dissimilarity matrices were generated using the Euclidean distance and the Tocher and UPGMA grouping methods. Moreover, we evaluated the relative importance of the characters for genetic divergence through the method of Singh. The analyses were performed in the Genes software and the dendrograms were obtained from the NTSYS program. The presence of genetic variability within the varieties allowed the identification of dissimilar accessions with high average for all traits. The number of branches, intracellular concentration of CO2 and oil yield were the traits that contributed most to the genetic dissimilarity of A. annua. The accessions B24, C5 and C32 were the most promising within the populations and must be conserved for future crossings, and the most promising crosses to obtain the desired segregant populations were B24 × C5, B24 × C32 and C5 × C32.162 SUPPL. 1356363Arsenault, P.R., Recent Advances in Artemisinin Production Through Heterologous Expression (2008) Current Medicinal Chemestry, 15 (27), p. 2886Bagchi, G.D., Arteether: A potent plant growth inhibitor from Artemisia annua (1997) Phytochemistry., 45 (6), pp. 1131-1133Bertan, I., Dissimilaridade genética entre genótipos de trigo avaliados em cultivo hidropônico sob estresse por alumínio (2006) Bragantia, 65 (1), pp. 55-63Brisibe, E.A., Nutritional characterisation and antioxidant capacity of different tissues of Artemisia annuaL (2009) Food Chemistry, 115, pp. 1240-1246Celeghini, R.M.S., Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia analítica por CLAE-IR para determinação de artemisinina em Artemisia annuaL (2009) Quimica Nova, 32 (4), pp. 875-878Charles, D.J., Simon, J.E., Germoplasm variation in artemisinin content of Artemisia annuausing na alternative method of artemisinin analysis from crude plant extracts (1990) Journal of Natural Products, 53 (1), pp. 157-160Cruz, C.D., (2001) Programa Genes:Aplicativo computacional em genética e estatística, p. 648. , Viçosa, Editora UFVDelabays, N., The genetics of artemisinin content in Artemisia annuaL. and the breeding of high yielding cultivars (2001) Current Medicinal Chemistry, 8 (15), pp. 1795-1801Efferth, T., Willmar Schwabe Award 2006: Antiplasmodial and Antitumor Activity of Artemisinin-From Bench to Beside (2007) Planta Medica, 73 (4), pp. 299-309Erdemoǧlu, N., Determination of Artemisinin in Selected Artemisia L. 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    Correlation Among Agronomic, Physiological And Phytochemical Traits In Artemisia Annua L. Varieties [correlação Entre Caracteres Agronômicos, Fisiológicos E Fitoquímicos Em Variedades De Artemisia Annua L]

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the correlations among agronomic, physiological and phytochemical traits of two varieties of Artemisia annua and to identify correlations that can be used in selection and breeding processes for this species. The design was completely randomized and the treatments were for Artemisia annua varieties 2/39x5x3M and 2/39x1V, which were subjected to agronomic, physiological and phytochemical evaluations. The relationship among the studied traits was estimated with Pearson's correlation coefficient, and the significance level of correlations was established by the t-test using Genes software. A significant positive correlation was found between the traits canopy volume and essential oil yield for 2/39x5x3M variety, showing that the selection of plants with a larger canopy volume would facilitate indirect selection of the trait essential oil yield. This correlation was not found for the 2/39x1V variety. In both varieties, there was a significant negative correlation between canopy volume and artemisinin content, which suggested that the selection of plants with a large canopy volume and a large number of branches should be avoided if the goal is to increase artemisinin content.151135141Almeida, R.D., Peluzio, J.M., Afferri, F.S., Phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations in soybeans grown under irrigated lowland conditions, southern Tocantins (2010) Biosciense Journal, 26, pp. 95-99De Carvalho, F.I.F., Lorencetti, C., Benin, G., Estimativas e implicações da correlação no melhoramento vegetal (2004) Estimates and implications of correlation in plant breeding, p. 142. , Pelotas: Ed. 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(Ed.)., Arlington: ASHS PressFerreira, J.F.S., (2004) Artemisia annua L.: The hope against malaria and cancer, , http://www.ars.usda.gov/SP2UserFiles/person/34667/Ferreira-ArtemisiavsMalariaandCancer.pdf, Medicinal and aromatic plant: Production, business and applications. Available at:, Accessed on: Nov. 10, 2010Foglio, M.A., Um estudo químico de Artemisia annua L. aclimatada no Brasil (1996) A chemical study of Artemisia annua L. acclimatized in Brazil, p. 185. , http://biq.iqm.unicamp.br/arquivos/teses/vtls000107936.pdf, Dissertation (Ph.D.). Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas. Available at:, Accessed on: Aug. 26, 2010Jain, D.C., Mathur, A.K., Gupta, M.M., Singh, A.K., Verma, R.K., Gupta, A.P., Kumar, S., Isolation of high artemisinin-yielding clones of Artemisia annua (1996) Phytochemistry, 43, pp. 993-1001Kumar, S., High yields of artemisinin by multi-harvest of Artemisia annua crops (2004) Industrial Crops and Products, 19, pp. 77-90Liao, K., Wu, W., Zheng, Y., Li, K., Liu, Z., Correlation analysis on main agronomic characters, yield per plant, artemisinin percentage contents and total artemisinin content per plant of Artemisia annua (2009) Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, 34, pp. 2299-2304Linhares, C.A., Ponzoni, F.J., Shimabukuro, Y.E., The relationship between wood volume and leaf area index in a stand of Pinus spp.: A case study (2000) Revista Árvore, 24, pp. 47-54De Magalhães, P.M., Seleção, melhoramento e nutrição da Artemisia annua L., para cultivo em região intertropical (1996) Selection, improvement and nutrition of Artemisia annua L. for cultivation in an intertropical region, p. 132. , Dissertation (Ph.D.)-Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasDe Magalhães, P.M., Delabays, N., Sartoratto, A., New hybrid lines of the antimalarial species Artemisia annua L. guarantee its growth in Brazil (1997) Ciência e Cultura, 49, pp. 413-415De Magalhães, P.M., Figueira, G.M., Rehder, V.L.G., Sartoratto, A., Vaz, A.P.A., Agronomic and chemical evaluation of a hybrid of the antimalarial species Artemisia annua L. for São Paulo state regions (2006) Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 8, pp. 199-200De Magalhães, P.M., Pereira, B., Sartoratto, A., de Oliveira, J., Debrunner, N., New hybrid lines of the antimalarial species Artemisia annua L (1999) Acta Horticulturae, 502, pp. 377-381De Magalhães, P.M., Pereira, B., Sartoratto, A., Yields of antimalarial Artemisia annua L. species (2004) Acta Horticulturae, 629, pp. 421-424Marchese, J.A., Caracterização do mecanismo fotossintético e aspectos relacionados à floração de Artemisia annua L (2006) Characterization of the photosynthetic mechanism and aspects related to the flowering of Artemisia annua L, p. 68. , Thesis (Ph.D.)-Universidade Estadual Paulista, BotucatuMarchese, J.A., Broetto, F., Ming, L.C., Ducatti, C., Rodella, R.A., Ventrella, M.C., Gomes, G.D.R., De Franceschi, L., Carbon isotope composition and leaf anatomy as a tool to characterize the photosynthetic mechanism of Artemisia annua L (2005) Brazilian Journal Plant of Physiology, 17, pp. 187-190Marchese, J.A., Ferreira, J.F.S., Rehder, V.L.G., Rodrigues, O., Water deficit effect on the accumulation of biomass and artemisinin in annual wormwood (Artemisia annua L., Asteraceae) (2010) Brazilian Journal Plant of Physiology, 22, pp. 1-9Marchese, J.A., Figueira, G.M., The use of pre-and post-harvest technology and good agricultural practices in the production of medicinal and aromatic plants (2005) Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 7, pp. 86-96Marchese, J.A., Rehder, V.L.G., The influence of temperature on the production of artemisinin in Artemisia annua L (2001) Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 4, pp. 89-93Mattana, R.S., Shade level effects on yield and chemical composition of leaf essential oil of Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) 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