25 research outputs found

    Histopathologist Features Predictive of Diagnostic Concordance at Expert Level Amongst a Large International Sample of Pathologists Diagnosing Barrett’s Dysplasia Using Digital Pathology

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    Objective Guidelines mandate expert pathology review of Barrett’s oesophagus (BO) biopsies that reveal dysplasia, but there are no evidence-based standards to corroborate expert reviewer status. We investigated BO concordance rates and pathologist features predictive of diagnostic discordance. Design Pathologists (n=51) from over 20 countries assessed 55 digitised BO biopsies from across the diagnostic spectrum, before and after viewing matched p53 labelling. Extensive demographic and clinical experience data were obtained via online questionnaire. Reference diagnoses were obtained from a review panel (n=4) of experienced Barrett’s pathologists. Results We recorded over 6000 case diagnoses with matched demographic data. Of 2805H&E diagnoses, we found excellent concordance (>70%) for nondysplastic BO and high-grade dysplasia, and intermediate concordance for low-grade dysplasia (42%) and indefinite for dysplasia (23%). Major diagnostic errors were found in 248 diagnoses (8.8%), which reduced to 232 (8.3%) after viewing p53 labelled slides. Demographic variables correlating with diagnostic proficiency were analysed in multivariate analysis, which revealed that at least 5 years of professional experience was protective against major diagnostic error for H&E slide review (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.74). Working in a non-teaching hospital was associated with increased odds of major diagnostic error (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.15 to 2.69); however, this was neutralised when pathologists viewed p53 labelled slides. Notably, neither case volume nor self-identifying as an expert predicted diagnostic proficiency. Extrapolating our data to real-world case prevalence suggests that 92.3% of major diagnostic errors are due to overinterpreting non-dysplastic BO. Conclusion Our data provide evidence-based criteria for diagnostic proficiency in Barrett’s histopathology

    Efectos producidos por el sulfato ferrico y el formocresol en el tejido pulpar de gatos

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    This descriptive study compared pulpal reaction to ferric sulphate and formocresol.- The sample consisted of 10 cats which were treated with pulpotomies on all four canine teeth. Teeth on one side were treated with ferric sulphate and the ones on the contra-lateral si de with formocresol. Histological evaluations were performed 15 and 45 days postoperatively.- Teeth treated with fomocresol initially presented an acute inflammation which turned into a chronic process while those treated with ferric sulphate presented a chronic inflammation two weeks afterwards and absence of an inflammatory process 45 days later. Focal coronal necrosis sites were more frequent with formocresol.Este es un estudio descriptivo que se realizó con el fin de evaluar y comparar histológicamente dos sustancias, el formocresol y el sulfato férrico (solución de Monsel), que tienen la cualidad de detener la hemorragia pul par cuando se realiza una pulpotomía. Se seleccionó una muestra de 10 gatos, a los cuales se les realizó terapia pulpar en los dientes caninos: a los del lado derecho con formocresol y a los del lado izquierdo con sulfato férrico. Los dientes se evaluaron a los 15 y a los 45 días para apreciar los diferentes estados de inflamación pulpar que pudieran presentar.- Se pudo observar que el formocresol pasa de una etapa de inflamación aguda a una crónica, a diferencia del sulfato férrico que a los 15 días causó inflamación crónica y a los 45 no provocó ninguna. Con el formocresol fueron más frecuentes las necrosis focales coronales. A corto plazo, 9 de 10 pulpas mostraron vitalidad apical, tanto con el formocresol como con el sulfato férrico. A largo plazo, 5 de 8 pulpas tratadas con formocresol tenían vitalidad apical; lo mismo ocurriócon el sulfato férrico

    Título: Tractatus de decoctiare debitorum fiscalium

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    Sign.: [ ]\p1\s, a-d\p6\s, e\p2\s, A-Z\p6\s, 2A-2Z\p6\s, 3A-3Q\p6\s, 3R\p2\sTexto a dos colPort. a dos tintasGrab. calc. en a\b3\s rFront. calc.: "P. de Villafranca ... sculpsit, Matriti, 1675", entre antep. y por

    Título: Tractatus de decoctiare debitorum fiscalium.

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    Sign.: [ ]\p1\s, a-d\p6\s, e\p2\s, A-Z\p6\s, 2A-2Z\p6\s, 3A-3Q\p6\s, 3R\p2\s.Texto a dos col.Port. a dos tintas.Grab. calc. en a\b3\s r.Front. calc.: "P. de Villafranca ... sculpsit, Matriti, 1675", entre antep. y port

    Por el Conde de Chinchon, con el señor Fiscal, sobre el oficio de Almotacen, y Fiel medidor de la dicha villa.

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    Tít. tomado de comienzo de textoPrecede al tít.: Iesus, Maria, IosephTexto firmado por el Lic. Don Diego Bolero y CaxalTít. tomado do comenzo do textoPrecede ó tít.: Iesus, Maria, IosephTexto asdo. polo Lic. Don Diego Bolero y CaxalProbablemente impreso en el S. XVIISign.: A-E\p2\

    Título: Tractatus de decoctiare debitorum fiscalium.

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    Sign.: [ ]\p1\s, a-d\p6\s, e\p2\s, A-Z\p6\s, 2A-2Z\p6\s, 3A-3Q\p6\s, 3R\p2\s.Texto a dos col.Port. a dos tintas.Grab. calc. en a\b3\s r.Front. calc.: "P. de Villafranca ... sculpsit, Matriti, 1675", entre antep. y port