310 research outputs found

    A Needs Assessment to Determine if There Is a Need for Information/Support Groups for Informal Caregivers Of Terminal Cancer Patients

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    This needs assessment was undertaken to determine if Aberdeen, South Dakota is in need of an informational/support group for informal caregivers of terminal cancer patients. A 112 professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers and pastoral care workers) from The Cancer Care Center, Avera St. Lukes Hospital, and it\u27s affiliate, North Plains Hospice were surveyed using both quantitative and qualitative questions. Only 19 of the 112 responded to the survey. The survey focused on the professionals\u27 experience and knowledge of working with terminal cancer patients and informal caregivers as well as resources available to their clients. The findings of this study indicated that 36% perceived a need for informational/support groups of informal caregivers of terminal cancer patients in Aberdeen, South Dakota while 95% perceived a need for additional services, according to professionals who work with informal caregivers and terminal cancer patients on a daily basis. There is a need for more research of informal caregivers of terminal cancer patients. Research found was on caregiving mainly with the elderly but nothing specifically for terminal cancer

    Developing Culturally Responsive Curriculum for High School Hmong and Karen ELA Students

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    Research consistently finds that for minority students, it is important that they see themselves reflected in the classroom curriculum; educators must celebrate and incorporate the unique perspectives and backgrounds that minority students bring to class rather than focusing solely on any perceived deficits (Gay, 2018; Hammond, 2014; Ladson-Billings, 2001, 2014, 2018; Muhammad & Mosley, 2021). Additionally, those who come from “Asian” families tend to be lumped together whenever demographic information is collected or used to inform policy. As a result, there are a lot of curriculum guides for Asian students that do not focus on Hmong or even Karen students, who are newer immigrants to the United States. The unit designed for this project uses a culturally responsive teaching approach that seeks to teach to and through the multicultural differences among students at a large charter school in Minnesota, focusing on as many aspects of culture and identity as defined by Gay (2018) and Muhammad & Mosley (2021) as possible. The majority of students are Hmong or Karen, with a smaller number of black, white, hispanic, or multi-racial students. The unit was designed using the Understanding by Design Framework (Wiggins & McTighe, 2011) by using “backwards design” and can be implemented over the course of one quarter, or approximately two-three months, and consists of five major parts: An introduction to biography, autobiography, and memoir, a selection of chapters from Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior, literature circles on selected chapters from autobiographical graphic novels, autobiographical music, and a final personal narrative writing project. In the end, this project is intended to provide a diverse group of students from primarily Asian immigrant backgrounds an opportunity to explore how people navigate “truth” in autobiographical narratives. They will see how authors, musicians, and others use elements of fiction in order to get at emotional truths that might be harder to portray using only “factual” representations of a memory or event. Students will use the skills they learned through analyzing different forms of autobiography and memoir to create their own personal narrative projects exploring their own identities

    The influence of compensation interdependence on risk-taking : the role of mutual monitoring

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    Genetic variation in early maturing European maize germplasm for resistance to ear rots and mycotoxin contamination caused by Fusarium spp.

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    Ear rots of maize, caused by Fusarium spp., are of major concern because they lead to losses in grain yield and contamination with mycotoxins which harm animals and humans. In the absence of other strategies, breeding maize for genetic resistance is currently the most promising avenue to control these rots and mycotoxin accumulation. The predominant pathogens in Central Europe are F. graminearum, the causative agent of Gibberella ear rot (GER), and F. verticillioides, the causative agent of Fusarium ear rot (FER). GER causes contamination with deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol and zearalenone (ZEA), whereas FER causes contamination with fumonisins (FUM). Information on the resistance to GER and FER and mycotoxin contamination is lacking for maize adapted to the cooler climatic conditions of Central Europe. In this study we investigated (1) the resistance of early maturing European elite inbred lines against GER and FER and contamination of mycotoxins, (2) the genetic variances and heritabilities for ear rot ratings and mycotoxin concentrations, (3) the correlations of ear rot ratings with mycotoxin concentrations, (4) the correlations between line per se (LP) and testcross performance (TP) for GER rating and DON concentration, (5) the aggressiveness of and mycotoxins produced by different isolates of F. graminearum and F. verticillioides, and (6) the potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate concentrations of DON and FUM in maize grains under artificial inoculation. Significant genotypic variances and moderate to high heritabilities were found for GER, DON and ZEA among the inbred lines and for GER and DON among the testcrosses, as well as for FER and FUM among the inbred lines. Further, genotype x environment interaction variances were significant for all traits except FUM. Thus, the results underlined the presence of ample genotypic variation and the need to conduct multi-environment tests for reliable identification of resistant genotypes. Ear rot ratings and mycotoxin production of eight isolates each of F. graminearum and F. verticillioides differed significantly. Even though, isolate x inbred interactions were significant only in the case of F. graminearum, and no rank reversals occurred among the tested inbred lines. Most isolates differentiated the susceptible inbreds from the resistant ones for severity ratings. However, the differences between the two groups were smaller for the less aggressive isolates. Therefore, we recommend using a single, environmentally stable and sufficiently aggressive isolate for resistance screenings under artificial inoculation. Strong correlations between ear rot severity and mycotoxin concentrations indicated that selection for low ear rot severity under artificial inoculation will result in high correlated selection response for low mycotoxin concentration, particularly for GER and DON. Selection for ear rot severity is less resource-demanding and quicker than selection for mycotoxin concentration. Thus, it enables the breeder to maximize selection gain for a given budget. However, the selected elite material should be evaluated for mycotoxin concentrations in order to avoid ?false positives?. In this regard, NIRS showed high potential to predict DON concentrations in grain obtained from artificially inoculated maize. Compared to the commonly employed ELISA assay, NIRS assays are considerably cheaper, because no mycotoxin extractions and test kits are needed. We observed moderate positive correlations between GER and FER, and identified inbreds combining resistance to both ear rots. Therefore, selection for resistance to one pathogen is expected to result in indirect response to the other. Nevertheless, in advanced stages of each breeding cycle, lines preselected for other agronomically important traits should be evaluated for resistance to both pathogens. Genotypic variances for GER and DON were generally higher in LP than TP. Thus, assuming identical selection intensities for each scheme, the expected response to selection for LP should be higher than for TP. However, owing to moderate correlations between LP and TP for GER and DON, selection based on LP is not sufficient, because the ultimate goal is to develop resistant hybrids. Therefore, a multi-stage selection procedure is recommended with evaluation of agronomically promising lines for GER in only one environment in order to eliminate highly susceptible lines, followed by evaluation of TP of the selected lines for GER with one tester of moderate to high resistance level from the opposite heterotic pool in two to three environments.Die durch Erreger der Gattung Fusarium hervorgerufenen Kolbenfäulen beim Mais sind von großer Bedeutung, da sie zu Ertragsverlusten und zur Kontamination des Erntegutes mit Mykotoxinen führen. Aufgrund fehlender geeigneter Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten ist die Züchtung von genetisch resistentem Mais der derzeit aussichtsreichste Weg, die Kolbenfäulen zu bekämpfen. Die in Zentraleuropa vorherrschenden Erreger sind F. graminearum [engl. Gibberella ear rot (GER)] und F. verticillioides [engl. Fusarium ear rot (FER)]. GER führt zur Kontamination des Erntegutes mit Deoxynivalenol (DON), Nivalenol und Zearalenon (ZEA), wohingegen FER zur Anreicherung mit Fumonisinen (FUM) führt. Für Maiszuchtmaterial, welches an die kühleren klimatischen Bedingungen in Zentraleuropa angepasst ist, liegen bislang keine verlässlichen Informationen über Resistenz gegen GER und FER vor. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden (1) frühreife europäische Elite-Inzuchtlinien auf Resistenz gegen GER und FER getestet, (2) die genetischen Varianzen und Heritabilitäten für Befallsstärken und Toxinkonzentrationen geschätzt, (3) die Korrelationen zwischen Befallsstärken und Toxinkonzentrationen, sowie (4) die Korrelation zwischen Linieneigenleistung (LP) und Testkreuzungsleistung (TP) für GER-Befallsstärke und DON-Konzentrationen berechnet, (5) die Aggressivität und Toxinproduktion verschiedener Isolate von F. graminearum und F. verticillioides verglichen und (6) die Eignung der Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie (NIRS) zur Schätzung von DON- und FUM-Konzentrationen in Maiskörnern nach künstlicher Inokulation untersucht. Signifikante genotypische Varianzen sowie mittlere bis hohe Heritabilitäten konnten für die Merkmale GER, DON und ZEA zwischen den Inzuchtlinien und für GER und DON zwischen den Testkreuzungen nachgewiesen werden. Gleiches gilt für FER und FUM zwischen den Inzuchtlinien. Weiterhin waren die Genotyp x Umwelt Interaktionen signifikant für alle Merkmale mit Ausnahme von FUM. Die Ergebnisse sprechen somit für das Vorhandensein ausreichender genotypischer Variation sowie die Notwendigkeit einer Prüfung in mehreren Umwelten, um eine eindeutige Identifizierung von resistenten Genotypen zu gewährleisten. Die Befallsstärken und Toxinproduktionen der je acht Isolate von F. graminearum und F. verticillioides unterschieden sich signifikant. Trotz signifikanter Isolat x Linien Interaktionen im Falle von F. graminearum konnten keine Rangumkehrungen zwischen den untersuchten Inzuchtlinien beobachtet werden. Wenngleich die meisten Isolate bezüglich der Befallsstärke geeignet waren zur Unterscheidung zwischen anfälligen und resistenten Inzuchtlinien, fielen diese Unterschiede bei weniger aggressiven Isolaten geringer aus. Daher empfehlen wir für Resistenztests unter künstlicher Inokulation den Einsatz eines umweltstabilen Einzelisolates mit ausreichend hoher Aggressivität. Starke Korrelationen zwischen Befallsstärke und Toxinkonzentrationen zeigten, dass eine Selektion auf geringe Befallsstärke unter künstlicher Inokulation zu einem korrelierten Selektionserfolg für niedrige Toxinkonzentrationen führt. Die Selektion auf Befallsstärke ist schneller und mit weniger Aufwand verbunden als die Selektion auf Toxinkonzentrationen. Dies ermöglicht dem Züchter die Maximierung des Selektionsgewinns im Rahmen eines vorgegebenen Budgets. In dieser Hinsicht zeigte der Einsatz von NIRS hohes Potential zur Vorhersage der DON-Konzentration in künstlich inokuliertem Mais. NIRS ist im Vergleich zu den üblicherweise genutzten ELISA-Assays bedeutend kostengünstiger, da keine Mykotoxin-Extraktion nötig ist und der Kauf von Testkits entfällt. Eine mittlere positive Korrelation wurde zwischen GER und FER beobachtet und es konnten Inzuchtlinien identifiziert werden, welche eine Resistenz gegen beide Arten der Kolbenfäule vereinen. Folglich lässt die Selektion gegen einen der Erreger einen korrelierten Selektionserfolg für den anderen Erreger erwarten. Im fortgeschrittenen Stadium eines Selektionszyklus sollten jedoch solche Linien, welche bereits für andere agronomisch bedeutende Merkmale vorselektiert wurden, auf Resistenz gegen beide Erreger untersucht werden. Die genotypischen Varianzen für GER und DON waren für LP generell größer als für TP. Unter Annahme gleicher Selektionsintensität ist daher der erwartete Selektionsgewinn für LP höher als für TP. Im Hinblick auf den nur mäßigen Zusammenhang zwischen LP und TP für die Merkmale GER und DON ist jedoch eine nur auf LP basierende Selektion nicht ausreichend, da das eigentliche Ziel die Entwicklung resistenter Hybriden ist. Wir empfehlen daher eine mehrstufige Selektion, beginnend mit dem Testen agronomisch vielversprechender Inzuchtlinien auf GER in einer Umwelt, gefolgt von der Evaluierung der daraus selektierten Linien auf TP in zwei bis drei Umwelten, wobei ein Tester des anderen heterotischen Pools mit mittlerer bis hoher Resistenz für GER verwendet werden könnte


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.No ambiente competitivo do setor de bebidas energéticas, as estratégias utilizadas pelas empresas podem se refletir no desejo pelo crescimento. Baseado nisto, a identificação de estratégias de crescimento torna-se uma ferramenta importante para a análise de estratégias e a formulação de objetivos. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a identificação e análise da internacionalização e das estratégias de marketing internacional da Red Bull, utilizadas como métodos para se alcançar o crescimento da empresa. Esta analise foi realizada através da busca e coleta de informações em bancos de dados da empresa, publicações acadêmicas e demais fontes secundárias de pesquisa. Foi verificado que a Red Bull se utiliza basicamente da exportação como forma de inserção em mercados estrangeiros. Isto se deve ao fato de que, para garantir a qualidade de seu produto, toda a produção de bebida energética da empresa se concentra na Áustria, seu país sede. Sua expansão internacional iniciou-se através da distribuição do produto nos países europeus vizinhos devido a sua proximidade geográfica e similaridade cultural. Após um grande sucesso e aceitação popular, a empresa passa a exportar para mercados mais distantes, através da abertura de escritórios próprios encarregados das vendas e todo o processo de distribuição. Hoje, a marca está presente em 166 países e é líder mundial no setor de bebidas energéticas. Por fim, constatou-se que boa parte do sucesso atingido pela empresa em todo o mundo é devido ao intenso e poderoso investimento em marketing. A imagem da marca é permanentemente vinculada a eventos de grande porte, aos melhores atletas e equipes de diversos esportes e a programas midiáticos produzidos pela empresa, o que gera uma grande propagação e notoriedade à marca. Assim, a Red Bull se expande pelos mercados estrangeiros, utilizando-se de poderosas estratégias de internacionalização e marketing e mantendo a liderança no setor de bebidas energéticas

    Interneuron Diversity in the Rat Dentate Gyrus: An Unbiased In Vitro Classification

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    Information processing in cortical circuits, including the hippocampus, relies on the dynamic control of neuronal activity by GABAergic interneurons (INs). INs form a heterogenous population with defined types displaying distinct morphological, molecular, and physiological characteristics. In the major input region of the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus (DG), a number of IN types have been described which provide synaptic inhibition to distinct compartments of excitatory principal cells (PrCs) and other INs. In this study, we perform an unbiased classification of GABAergic INs in the DG by combining in vitro whole‐cell patch‐clamp recordings, intracellular labeling, morphological analysis, and unsupervised cluster analysis to better define IN type diversity in this region. This analysis reveals that DG INs divide into at least 13 distinct morpho‐physiological types which reflect the complexity of the local IN network and serve as a basis for further network analyses

    Avifauna do bosque do Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e suas relações com as espécies vegetais

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.Ambientes antropizados, em geral, possuem pouca vegetação nativa, o que acarreta uma diminuição na variedade de espécies animais nestes locais. As que permanecem são espécies mais generalistas e que se acostumaram a viver em contato com o homem. Das aves, algumas que melhor se adaptaram a esses ambientes são: o bem-te-vi (Pitangus sulphuratus), o joão-de-barro (Furnarius rufus) e a rolinha (Columbina talpacoti). O bosque do Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina está inserido dentro de um grande centro urbano. Ele está localizado no campus Trindade, em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, e pertence ao bioma Mata Atlântica, que também se encontra muito fragmentado. O bosque possui uma área de vegetação de aproximadamente 16.000m² que pode atuar como pontos de ligação entre áreas maiores ou servir como hábitat temporário para as espécies em períodos de baixa disponibilidade de alimento e outros recursos. Sabendo disso, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento da avifauna que ocorre no bosque do Departamento de Botânica, estimando a frequência de cada espécie, e observar a relação destas aves com as espécies vegetais da área. Este levantamento ocorreu no período de 10 meses, de junho de 2019 a maio de 2020, com amostragens realizadas quinzenalmente, com duração de duas horas, intercalando observações matinais e vespertinas. O método utilizado para estimar a frequência das espécies foi o de Listas de Mackinnon e as relações com as espécies vegetais eram registradas em um caderno de anotações. As espécies que apresentaram as maiores frequências são aquelas que apresentam maior capacidade de adaptação para viver em ambientes antropizados, como bem-te-vi (Pitangus sulphuratus), joão-de-barro (Furnarius rufus) e sabiá-poca (Turdus amaurochalinus), porém, espécies de maior porte, que geralmente necessitam de uma maior quantidade de recursos, também foram observadas no local, como o tucano-de-bico-preto (Ramphastus vitellinus), a pomba-galega (Patagioenas cayennensis) e o carrapateiro (Milvago chimachima). Esta informação é muito relevante pois indica que o bosque do Departamento de Botânica fornece uma boa quantidade de recursos para as aves, que se alimentam, dormem e nidificam no local. As observações registradas das interações entre ave e planta corroboram esta afirmação. Algumas dessas relações que se destacam são: amoreira-preta (Morus nigra), pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora) e cinamomo (Melia azedarach) fornecendo alimento para as aves através de seus frutos e os benefícios que as bromélias (Bromeliaceae) trazem para a avifauna, seja através de suas flores ou mesmo de suas folhas dispostas em rosetas. Além dos hábitos alimentares, foram observados os comportamentos de nidificação e a presença de indivíduos juvenis no bosque do Departamento de Botânica.Anthropized environments, in general, have small amount of native vegetation, which entails a decrease in the variety of animal species at these places. The species that stay are more generalists and become accustomed to living in contact with man. Some birds that are best adapted to these environments are: the great kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus), the red ovenbird (Furnarius rufus) and the ruddy ground-dove (Columbina talpacoti). The Department of Botany of the Federal University of Santa Catarina is located within a large urban center. It is located on the Trindade campus in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, and the Atlantic Forest biome, which is also very fragmented. The forest has an area of vegetation with approximately 16,000m² that can act as points of connection between larger adjacent areas or serve as temporary habitat for species in periods of low availability of resources. Knowing this, this research aimed to carry out a survey of the avifauna that occurs in the forest of the Department of Botany, estimating the frequency of each species, and to observe the relationship of these birds with the plant species in the area. This survey took place over a period of 10 months, from June 2019 to May 2020, with samples taken every two weeks, lasting two hours, alternating between morning and afternoon hours. The method used to estimate the frequency of species was Mackinnon's Lists and the relationships with plant species were produced in a notebook. The species that dissipate the highest frequencies are those that have the greatest capacity to adapt to live in anthropogenic environments, such as great kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus), red ovenbird (Furnarius rufus) and creamy-bellied thrush (Turdus amaurochalinus), however, larger species, which generally serve a greater amount of resources, were also observed at the site, such as the channel-billed toucan (Ramphastus vitellinus), the pale-vented pigeon (Patagioenas cayennensis) and the yellow-headed caracara (Milvago chimachima) This information is very relevant because it indicates that the forest of the Department of Botany offers a good amount of resources for the birds, which feed, sleep and nest in the place. Those attributed to the interactions between bird and plant corroborate this statement. Some of these relationships that stand out are: black mulberry (Morus nigra), pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora) and cinnamon (Melia azedarach) providing food for birds through its fruits and the benefits that bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) bring to avifauna, either through its flowers or even its leaves arranged in rosettes. In addition to eating habits, nesting behaviors and the presence of juvenile habits were observed in the forest of the Department of Botany

    Plausibilitätskennzahlen für die Kontrolle der Erzeugung und Verarbeitung von Ökoprodukten gemäß den EU-Rechtsvorschriften für den Ökologischen Landbau

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    Bio-Produkte sind sehr streng kontrollierte Lebensmittel: Von der Erzeugung beim Landwirt, über alle weiteren Verarbeitungsstufen der Wertschöpfungskette bis zum vermarkteten Produkt. Das Kontroll- und Zertifizierungssystem ist durch EU-Rechtsvorschriften für den Öko-Landbau präzise geregelt. Kontrolleure und Kontrolleurinnen müssen sich ein breites Wissen aneignen, um die Bio-Kontrolle in einer begrenzten Zeit so effizient wie möglich durchzuführen. Gleichzeitig ist es wünschenswert, dass die Kontrollen über die verschiedenen zertifizierten Kontrollstellen hinweg transparent und einheitlich gestaltet werden. Die im Rahmen des Projektes „Plausibilitätskennzahlen für die Kontrolle der Erzeugung und Verarbeitung von Ökoprodukten gemäß den EU-Rechtsvorschriften für den Ökologischen Landbau“ erarbeiteten Kennzahlen zur Erzeugung und Verarbeitung sowie die Darstellung von für die Kontrolle nutzbaren Dokumentationen soll dazu ihren Beitrag liefern. Die Projektpartner haben das Manuskript der Schrift 455 „Kennzahlen für die Kontrolle im Ökologischen Landbau“ (KTBL 2007) geprüft, aktualisiert und vervollständig und dabei eigene Schulungsunterlagen einbezogen. Das Ergebnis des Projekts ist eine Veröffentlichung, die online unter https://www.ktbl.de/themen/kontrolle-im-oekolandbau zur Verfügung steht

    Investigation of the olive mill solid wastes pellets combustion in a counter-current fixed bed reactor

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    Combustion tests and gaseous emissions of olive mill solid wastes pellets (olive pomace (OP), and olive pits (OPi)) were carried out in an updraft counter-current fixed bed reactor. Along the combustion chamber axis and under a constant primary air flow rate, the bed temperatures and the mass loss rate were measured as functions of time. Moreover, the gas mixture components such as O2, organic carbon (Corg), CO, CO2, H2O, H2, SO2, and NOx (NO + NO2) were analyzed and measured. The reaction front positions were determined as well as the ignition rate and the reaction front velocity. We have found that the exhaust gases are emitted in acceptable concentrations compared to the combustion of standard wood pellets reported in the literature (EN 303-5). It is shown that the bed temperature increased from the ambient value to a maximum value ranging from 750 to 1000 °C as previously reported in the literature. The results demonstrate the promise of using olive mill solid waste pellets as an alternative biofuel for heat and/or electricity production