885 research outputs found

    Anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn 3NiN thin films

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    We have studied the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in strained thin lms of the frustrated anti-ferromagnet Mn3NiN. The AHE does not follow the conventional relationships with magnetizationor longitudinal conductivity and is enhanced relative to that expected from the magnetization inthe antiferromagnetic state belowTN= 260 K. This enhancement is consistent with origins fromthe non-collinear antiferromagnetic structure, as the latter is closely related to that found in Mn3Irand Mn3Pt where a large AHE is induced by the Berry curvature. As the Berry phase inducedAHE should scale with spin-orbit coupling, yet larger AHE may be found in other members of thechemically exible Mn3AN structure

    Asset pricing lessons for modeling business cycles.

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    We develop a model which accounts for the observed equity premium and average risk free rate, without implying counterfactually high risk aversion. The model also does well in aceounting for business cycle phenomena. With respect to the conventional measures of business cycle volatility and comovement with output, the model does roughly as well as the standard business cycle model. On two other dimensions, the model's business cycle implications are actually improved. Its enhanced internal propagation allows it to account for the fact that there is positive persistenee in output growth, and the model also provides a resolution to the "excess sensitivity puzzle" for consumption and income. Key features of the model are habit persistence preferences, and a multisector technology with limited intersectoral mobility of factors of production.

    Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction in vesignieite: A route to freezing in a quantum kagome antiferromagnet

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    We report an electron spin resonance investigation of the geometrically frustrated spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet vesignieite, BaCu3_3V2_2O8_8(OH)2_2. Analysis of the line widths and line shifts indicates the dominance of in-plane Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya anisotropy that is proposed to suppress strongly quantum spin fluctuations and thus to promote long-range ordering rather than a spin-liquid state. We also evidence an enhanced spin-phonon contribution that might originate from a lattice instability and discuss the origin of a low-temperature mismatch between intrinsic and bulk susceptibility in terms of local inhomogeneity

    Vesignieite: a S=12S = \frac{1}{2} kagome antiferromagnet with dominant third-neighbor exchange

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    The spin-12\frac{1}{2} kagome antiferromagnet is an archetypal frustrated system predicted to host a variety of exotic magnetic states. We show using neutron scattering measurements that deuterated vesignieite BaCu3_{3}V2_{2}O8_{8}(OD)2_{2}, a fully stoichiometric S=1/2S=1/2 kagome magnet with <<1% lattice distortion, orders magnetically at TN=9T_{\mathrm{N}}=9K into a multi-k coplanar variant of the predicted triple-k octahedral structure. We find this structure is stabilized by a dominant antiferromagnetic 3rd^{\mathrm{rd}}-neighbor exchange J3J_3 with minor 1st^{\mathrm{st}}- or 2nd^{\mathrm{nd}}--neighbour exchange. The spin-wave spectrum is well described by a J3J_3-only model including a tiny symmetric exchange anisotropy

    Haydeeite: a spin-1/2 kagome ferromagnet

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    The mineral haydeeite, alpha-MgCu3(OD)6Cl2, is a S=1/2 kagome ferromagnet that displays long-range magnetic order below TC=4.2 K with a strongly reduced moment. Our inelastic neutron scattering data show clear spin-wave excitations that are well described by a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange J1=-38 K and antiferromagnetic exchange Jd=+11 K across the hexagons of the kagome lattice. These values place haydeeite very close to the quantum phase transition between ferromagnetic order and non-coplanar twelve-sublattice cuboc2 antiferromagnetic order. Diffuse dynamic short-range ferromagnetic correlations observed above TC persist well into the ferromagnetically ordered phase with a behavior distinct from critical scattering

    The effect of Mg location on Co-Mg-Ru/γ-Al2O3 Fischer–Tropsch catalysts

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    © 2016 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.The effectiveness of Mg as a promoter of Co-Ru/γ-Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch catalysts depends on how and when the Mg is added. When the Mg is impregnated into the support before the Co and Ru addition, some Mg is incorporated into the support in the form of MgxAl2O3+x if the material is calcined at 550°C or 800°C after the impregnation, while the remainder is present as amorphous MgO/MgCO3 phases. After subsequent Co-Ru impregnation MgxCo3-xO4 is formed which decomposes on reduction, leading to Co(0) particles intimately mixed with Mg, as shown by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The process of impregnating Co into an Mg-modified support results in dissolution of the amorphous Mg, and it is this Mg which is then incorporated into MgxCo3-xO4. Acid washing or higher temperature calcination after Mg impregnation can remove most of this amorphous Mg, resulting in lower values of x in MgxCo3-xO4. Catalytic testing of these materials reveals that Mg incorporation into the Co oxide phase is severely detrimental to the site-Time yield, while Mg incorporation into the support may provide some enhancement of activity at high temperature

    Hydrologic reinforcement induced by contrasting woody species during summer and winter

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    Aims: Vegetation can improve slope stability by transpiration-induced suction (hydrologic reinforcement). However, hydrologic reinforcement varies with seasons, especially under temperate climates. This study aims to quantify and compare the hydrologic reinforcement provided by contrasting species during winter and summer.Methods: One deciduous (Corylus avellana) and two evergreens (Ilex aquifolium and Ulex europaeus) were planted in 1-m soil columns. Soil columns were irrigated, left for evapotranspiration and then subjected to extreme wetting events during both summer and winter. Soil water content, matric suction and strength were measured down the soil profile. Plant water status and growth (above- and below-ground) were also recorded.Results: The tested species showed differing abilities to remove water, induce suction and hence influence soil strength. During summer, only Ulex europaeus provided a soil strength gain (up to six-fold the value at saturation) along the entire depth-profile inducing high suction (e.g. 70 kPa), largely maintained after wetting events in deeper soil (0.7 m). During winter, the evergreen species could remove water but at slower rates compared to summer.Conclusions: Evergreens could slowly induce suction and hence potentially stabilise slopes during winter. However, there were large differences between the two evergreens because of different growth rate and resource use

    Genetic Features of Metachronous Esophageal Cancer Developed in Hodgkin's Lymphoma or Breast Cancer Long-Term Survivors: An Exploratory Study.

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    Background Development of novel therapeutic drugs and regimens for cancer treatment has led to improvements in patient long-term survival. This success has, however, been accompanied by the increased occurrence of second primary cancers. Indeed, patients who received regional radiotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma (HL) or breast cancer may develop, many years later, a solid metachronous tumor in the irradiated field. Despite extensive epidemiological studies, little information is available on the genetic changes involved in the pathogenesis of these solid therapy-related neoplasms. Methods Using microsatellite markers located in 7 chromosomal regions frequently deleted in sporadic esophageal cancer, we investigated loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instability (MSI) in 46 paired (normal and tumor) samples. Twenty samples were of esophageal carcinoma developed in HL or breast cancer long-term survivors: 14 squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC) and 6 adenocarcinomas (EADC), while 26 samples, used as control, were of sporadic esophageal cancer (15 ESCC and 11 EADC). Results We found that, though the overall LOH frequency at the studied chromosomal regions was similar among metachronous and sporadic tumors, the latter exhibited a statistically different higher LOH frequency at 17q21.31 (p = 0.018). By stratifying for tumor histotype we observed that LOH at 3p24.1, 5q11.2 and 9p21.3 were more frequent in ESCC than in EADC suggesting a different role of the genetic determinants located nearby these regions in the development of the two esophageal cancer histotypes. Conclusions Altogether, our results strengthen the genetic diversity among ESCC and EADC whether they occurred spontaneously or after therapeutic treatments. The presence of histotype-specific alterations in esophageal carcinoma arisen in HL or breast cancer long-term survivors suggests that their transformation process, though the putative different etiological origin, may retrace sporadic ESCC and EADC carcinogenesis