100 research outputs found

    Investigation of Natural and Man-Made Radiation Effects on Crews on Long Duration Space Missions

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    Over the past several years, NASA has studied a variety of mission scenarios designed to establish a permanent human presence on the surface of Mars. Nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) is one of the possible elements in this program. During the initial stages of vehicle design work, careful consideration must be given to not only the shielding requirements of natural space radiation, but to the shielding and configuration requirements of the on-board reactors. In this work, the radiation transport code MCNP has been used to make initial estimates of crew exposures to reactor radiation fields for a specific manned NEP vehicle design. In this design, three 25 MW(sub th), scaled SP-100-class reactors are shielded by three identical shields. Each shield has layers of beryllium, tungsten, and lithium hydride between the reactor and the crew compartment. Separate calculations are made of both the exiting neutron and gamma fluxes from the reactors during beginning-of-life, full-power operation. This data is then used as the source terms for particle transport in MCNP. The total gamma and neutron fluxes exiting the reactor shields are recorded and separate transport calculations are then performed for a 10 g/sq cm crew compartment aluminum thickness. Estimates of crew exposures have been assessed for various thicknesses of the shield tungsten and lithium hydride layers. A minimal tungsten thickness of 20 cm is required to shield the reactor photons below the 0.05 Sv/y man-made radiation limit. In addition to a 20-cm thick tungsten layer, a 40-cm thick lithium hydride layer is required to shield the reactor neutrons below the annual limit. If the tungsten layer is 30-cm thick, the lithium hydride layer should be at least 30-cm thick. These estimates do not take into account the photons generated by neutron interactions inside the shield because the MCNP neutron cross sections did not allow reliable estimates of photon production in these materials. These results, along with natural space radiation shielding estimates calculated by NASA Langley Research Center, have been used to provide preliminary input data into a new Macintosh-based software tool. A skeletal version of this tool being developed will allow rapid radiation exposure and risk analyses to be performed on a variety of Lunar and Mars missions utilizing nuclear-powered vehicles

    A radiological assessment of nuclear power and propulsion operations near Space Station Freedom

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    Scenarios were identified which involve the use of nuclear power systems in the vicinity of Space Station Freedom (SSF) and their radiological impact on the SSF crew was quantified. Several of the developed scenarios relate to the use of SSF as an evolutionary transportation node for lunar and Mars missions. In particular, radiation doses delivered to SSF crew were calculated for both the launch and subsequent return of a Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP) cargo vehicle and a Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR) personnel vehicle to low earth orbit. The use of nuclear power on co-orbiting platforms and the storage and handling issues associated with radioisotope power systems were also explored as they relate to SSF. A central philosophy in these analyses was the utilization of a radiation dose budget, defined as the difference between recommended dose limits from all radiation sources and estimated doses received by crew members from natural space radiations. Consequently, for each scenario examined, the dose budget concept was used to identify and quantify constraints on operational parameters such as launch separation distances, returned vehicle parking distances, and reactor shutdown times prior to vehicle approach. The results indicate that realistic scenarios do not exist which would preclude the use of nuclear power sources in the vicinity of SSF. The radiation dose to the SSF crew can be maintained at safe levels solely by implementing proper and reasonable operating procedures

    Design considerations for a Space Station radiation shield for protection from both man-made and natural sources

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    This study was conducted to analyze scenarios involving the use of nuclear-power vehicles in the vicinity of a manned Space Station (SS) in low-earth-orbit (LEO) to quantify their radiological impact to the station crew. In limiting the radiant dose to crew members, mission planners may (1) shut the reactor down prior to reentry, (2) position the vehicle at a prescribed parking distance, and (3) deploy radiation shield about the shutdown reactor. The current report focuses on the third option in which point-kernel gamma-ray shielding calculations were performed for a variety of shield configurations for both nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) and nuclear thermal rocket (NTR) vehicles. For a returning NTR vehicle, calculations indicate that a 14.9 MT shield would be needed to limit the integrated crew exposure to no more than 0.05 Sv over a period of six months (25 percent of the allowable exposure to man-made radiation sources). During periods of low vehicular activity in LEO, the shield may be redeployed about the SS habitation module in order to decrease crew exposures to trapped proton radiations by approximately a factor of 10. The corresponding shield mass required for deployment at a returning NEP vehicle is 2.21 MT. Additional scenarios examined include the radioactivation of various metals as might be found in tools used in EVA activities

    RECORDS: Improved reporting of Monte Carlo radiation transport studies: Report of the AAPM Research Committee Task Group 268

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    © 2017 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Studies involving Monte Carlo simulations are common in both diagnostic and therapy medical physics research, as well as other fields of basic and applied science. As with all experimental studies, the conditions and parameters used for Monte Carlo simulations impact their scope, validity, limitations, and generalizability. Unfortunately, many published peer-reviewed articles involving Monte Carlo simulations do not provide the level of detail needed for the reader to be able to properly assess the quality of the simulations. The American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group #268 developed guidelines to improve reporting of Monte Carlo studies in medical physics research. By following these guidelines, manuscripts submitted for peer-review will include a level of relevant detail that will increase the transparency, the ability to reproduce results, and the overall scientific value of these studies. The guidelines include a checklist of the items that should be included in the Methods, Results, and Discussion sections of manuscripts submitted for peer-review. These guidelines do not attempt to replace the journal reviewer, but rather to be a tool during the writing and review process. Given the varied nature of Monte Carlo studies, it is up to the authors and the reviewers to use this checklist appropriately, being conscious of how the different items apply to each particular scenario. It is envisioned that this list will be useful both for authors and for reviewers, to help ensure the adequate description of Monte Carlo studies in the medical physics literature.Postprint (published version

    Monte Carlo study of out-of-field exposure in carbon-ion radiotherapy: Organ doses in pediatric brain tumor treatment.

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    PURPOSE: To estimate out-of-field doses during carbon-ion radiotherapy (CIRT) for pediatric cerebellar ependymoma.METHODS: Given that the out-of-field dose of CIRT depends on beam parameters, we set them for treatment of typical pediatric cerebellar ependymoma based on a previous study. The out-of-field dose during CIRT for pediatric cerebellar ependymoma was then estimated using the Particle and Heavy-Ion Transport code System with Monte Carlo simulations and a computational phantom developed at the University of Florida. From the simulation results, out-of-field doses at dose equivalents of passive beam and active scanning beam CIRT were calculated and compared to the secondary neutron-equivalent dose of passive beam CIRT and proton therapy.RESULTS: The out-of-field dose equivalent decreases from 1.45 mSv/Gy (relative biological effectiveness - RBE) at the thyroid to 0.06 mSv/Gy (RBE) at the bladder, verifying decay as the distance from the treatment target increases. The out-of-field neutron-equivalent dose in organs per prescribed dose for passive beam CIRT is lower than that for passive beam proton therapy. Moreover, the out-of-field organ dose equivalent per prescribed dose for the active scanning beam CIRT is lower than that for the passive beam CIRT.CONCLUSIONS: Active scanning beam CIRT is promising for pediatric cerebellar ependymoma regarding out-of-field exposure, outperforming the comparison radiotherapy modalities