1 research outputs found

    Implementation of hydroponic crops as a pedagogical strategy for the promotion of research

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    En el presente proyecto se desarrollaron actividades pedag贸gicas para el fortalecimiento de los procesos educativos en la poblaci贸n estudiantil de la instituci贸n: Centro de Educaci贸n B谩sica San Valent铆n, en el departamento del Magdalena, a trav茅s de implementaci贸n de cultivos hidrop贸nicos, como estrategias pedag贸gicas que desarrollan habilidades investigativas en infantes y j贸venes de la instituci贸n. Se trabaj贸 bajo la metodolog铆a cualitativa con modelo de investigaci贸n acci贸n participativa. La poblaci贸n estuvo conformada por estudiantes de esa instituci贸n. Se recogi贸 la informaci贸n por medio de las t茅cnicas como relator铆as individuales, institucionales, diario de campo, encuestas y observaci贸n directa. Se identificaron los contenidos curriculares del 谩rea de Biolog铆a para aplicar en los cultivos como un recurso generador de aprendizaje, con base en los cuales se realiz贸 la planeaci贸n para las clases y el trabajo en los cultivos.In the present project, pedagogical activities were developed for the strengthening of educational processes in the student population of the San Valent铆n Basic Education Center, in the department of Magdalena, through the implementation of hydroponic crops as pedagogical strategies that develop investigative skills in infants and young people of the institution. We worked under the qualitative methodology with participatory action research model. The population was conformed by students of the San Valent铆n Basic Education Center, in Magdalena. The information was collected by means of techniques such as individual and institutional rapporteurships, field journals, surveys and direct observation. The curricular contents of the Biology area to be applied in the crops were identified as a learning instrument, based on which the planning for the classes and the work in the crops was carried out