16 research outputs found

    Investigación de trichinella SPP. en zorros de Catalunya

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    Se investiga la presencia de Trichinella spp. en 286 muestras congeladas de musculus tibialis anterior, de zorros (Vulpes vulpes) de Catalunya. Se detectan 3 positivos, en las comarcas de Anoia y el Pallars Jussà, identificándose estos dos últimos como T. britovi, con 20 LPG y 15 LPG. Se proponen recomendaciones técnicas para la toma de muestras y se concluye que el peso de la muestra es el principal factor limitante en la detección. Se presenta la comunicación "Investigación de Triquinella spp. en zorros de Catalunya", publicada en las XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal de AIDA, (Zaragoza, 2009) y la presentación expuesta.S'investiga la presència de Trichinella spp. en 286 mostres congelades de musculus tibialis anterior, de guineus (Vulpes vulpes) de Catalunya. Es detecten 3 positius, a les comarques de l'Anoia i el Pallars Jussà i s'identifiquen aquests dos últims com a T. britovi, amb 20 LPG i 15 LPG. Es proposen recomanacions tècniques per a la presa de mostres i es conclou que el pes de la mostra es el principal factor limitant en la detecció. Es presenta la comunicació "Investigación de Triquinella spp. en zorros de Catalunya", publicada a les XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal de AIDA, (Zaragoza, 2009) i la presentació exposada

    Repurposing Butenafine as An Oral Nanomedicine for Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease a_ecting more than 12 million people worldwide, which in its visceral clinical form (VL) is characterised by the accumulation of parasites in the liver and spleen, and can lead to death if not treated. Available treatments are not well tolerated due to severe adverse e_ects, need for parenteral administration and patient hospitalisation, and long duration of expensive treatments. These treatment realities justify the search for new e_ective drugs, repurposing existing licensed drugs towards safer and non-invasive cost-e_ective medicines for VL. In this work, we provide proof of concept studies of butenafine and butenafine self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (B-SNEDDS) against Leishmania infantum. Liquid B-SNEDDS were optimised using design of experiments, and then were spray-dried onto porous colloidal silica carriers to produce solid-B-SNEDDS with enhanced flow properties and drug stability. Optimal liquid B-SNEDDS consisted of Butenafine:Capryol 90:Peceol:Labrasol (3:49.5:24.2:23.3 w/w), which were then sprayed-dried with Aerosil 200 with a final 1:2 (Aerosil:liquid B-SNEDDS w/w) ratio. Spray-dried particles exhibited near-maximal drug loading, while maintaining excellent powder flow properties (angle of repose <10_) and sustained release in acidic gastrointestinal media. Solid-B-SNEDDS demonstrated greater selectivity index against promastigotes and L. infantum-infected amastigotes than butenafine alone. Developed oral solid nanomedicines enable the non-invasive and safe administration of butenafine as a cost-e_ective and readily scalable repurposed medicine for VL

    Trichinellosis survey in wild fauna from various regions of Spain

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    Se presentan los resultados del estudio de vigilancia epidemiológica de triquinelosis (Trichinella spiralis y T. britovi) en fauna salvaje (jabalí y zorro), llevado a cabo en Catalunya (2006-2008), La Rioja (2001-2003) y Castilla-La Mancha (2007-2008). Las prevalencias fluctúan entre 0,7-0,93 % en jabalí y 0,64-4,2 % en zorro. Póster. EPI 27. Abstract Book. 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (2008). MED-VET-NET. Saint-Malo, France. Autores: Manzano-Lorenzo R., Nogal-Ruíz J.J., Fonseca-Salamanca F., García-Sancho R.N., Arroyo-Díaz J.M., Jiménez S., Fàbregas X., Colomer A., Bolás-Fernández F., Martínez-Fernández A.M. 520 3_ $a Es presenten els resultats de l'estudi de vigilància epidemiològica de triquinel·losis (Trichinella spiralis y T. britovi) en fauna salvatge (porc senglar i guineu), portat a terme a Catalunya (2006-2008), La Rioja (2001-2003) i Castilla-La Mancha (2007-2008). Les prevalences fluctuen entre 0,7-0,93 % en senglar i 0,64-4,2 % en guineu. Pòster. EPI 27. Abstract Book. 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (2008). MED-VET-NET. Saint-Malo, France

    Targeting lung macrophages for fungal and parasitic pulmonary infections with innovative amphotericin B dry powder inhalers

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    The incidence of fungal pulmonary infections is known to be on the increase, and yet there is an alarming gap in terms of marketed antifungal therapies that are available for pulmonary administration. Amphotericin B (AmB) is a highly efficient broad-spectrum antifungal only marketed as an intravenous formulation. Based on the lack of effective antifungal and antiparasitic pulmonary treatments, the aim of this study was to develop a carbohydrate-based AmB dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation, prepared by spray drying. Amorphous AmB microparticles were developed by combining 39.7% AmB with 39.7% γ-cyclodextrin, 8.1% mannose and 12.5% leucine. An increase in the mannose concentration from 8.1 to 29.8%, led to partial drug crystallisation. Both formulations showed good in vitro lung deposition characteristics (80% FPF< 5 µm and MMAD < 3 µm) at different air flow rates (60 and 30 L/min) when used with a DPI, but also during nebulisation upon reconstitution in water

    Possible presence of common tyvelose-containing glycans in

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    A monoclonal antibody (mAb US4) recognising an epitope containing tyvelose within the T. spiralis L-1 muscle larvae (TSL-1) antigens was tested in western-blot against various antigenic preparations from different stages of the following nematodes: T. spiralis (L1,adult), T. muris (egg, L1, L3, adult), Ascaris suum (egg, adult), Toxocara canis (egg, adult), Anisakis simplex (L3) and Haemochus contortus (egg). Positive reaction was present in antigen preparations from L1 larvae of T. spiralis and T. muris and from embryonated eggs of T. muris, A. suum, T. canis and H. conlortus

    A comparison of antigenic peptides in muscle larvae of several

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    The antigens recognised by mAb US5 specific to 53 kDa glycoprotein (gp 53) in T. spiralis L-1 muscle larvae (TSL1) antigens, mAb US9 specific to gp 53 in TSL1 from all encapsulated species and mAb US4 specific to a tyvelose containing tetrasaccharide present in TSL1, were investigated in crude extracts from muscle larvae of T. spiralis, T. nativa and T. britovi by 2D-electrophoresis and western-blot. At least four proteins of different pI were recognised by mAb US5 on T. spiralis antigens. Recognition profile of mAb US9 on T. spiralis antigens exhibited some variation with regard to that of the US5. Polymorphism was apparent in gp 53. High reactivity was shown by the mAb US4 with the three species

    Possible presence of common tyvelose-containing glycans in Trichinella L1 larvae and embryonated eggs of several nematodes

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    A monoclonal antibody (mAb US4) recognising an epitope containing tyvelose within the T. spiralis L-1 muscle larvae (TSL-1) antigens was tested in western-blot against various antigenic preparations from different stages of the following nematodes: T. spiralis (L1,adult), T. muris (egg, L1, L3, adult), Ascaris suum (egg, adult), Toxocara canis (egg, adult), Anisakis simplex (L3) and Haemochus contortus (egg). Positive reaction was present in antigen preparations from L1 larvae of T. spiralis and T. muris and from embryonated eggs of T. muris, A. suum, T. canis and H. conlortus

    A comparison of antigenic peptides in muscle larvae of several Trichinella species by two-dimensional western-blot analysis with monoclonal antibodies

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    The antigens recognised by mAb US5 specific to 53 kDa glycoprotein (gp 53) in T. spiralis L-1 muscle larvae (TSL1) antigens, mAb US9 specific to gp 53 in TSL1 from all encapsulated species and mAb US4 specific to a tyvelose containing tetrasaccharide present in TSL1, were investigated in crude extracts from muscle larvae of T. spiralis, T. nativa and T. britovi by 2D-electrophoresis and western-blot. At least four proteins of different pI were recognised by mAb US5 on T. spiralis antigens. Recognition profile of mAb US9 on T. spiralis antigens exhibited some variation with regard to that of the US5. Polymorphism was apparent in gp 53. High reactivity was shown by the mAb US4 with the three species