55 research outputs found

    Memory Effects of Benzodiazepines: Memory Stages and Types Versus Binding-Site Subtypes

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    Benzodiazepines are well established as inhibitory modulators of memory processing. This effect is especially prominent when applied before the acquisition phase of a memory task. This minireview concentrates on the putative subtype selectivity of the acquisition-impairing action of benzodiazepines. Namely, recent genetic studies and standard behavioral tests employing subtype-selective ligands pointed to the predominant involvement of two subtypes of benzodiazepine binding sites in memory modulation. Explicit memory learning seems to be affected through the GABAA receptors containing the α1 and α1 subunits, whereas the effects on procedural memory can be mainly mediated by the α1 subunit. The pervading involvement of the α1 subunit in memory modulation is not at all unexpected because this subunit is the major subtype, present in 60% of all GABAA receptors. On the other hand, the role of α5 subunits, mainly expressed in the hippocampus, in modulating distinct forms of memory gives promise of selective pharmacological coping with certain memory deficit states


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    Background: The use of intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, alteplase, at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg is an effective treatment for patients with acute ischaemic stroke; this dose is also associated with high intracerebral haemorrhage rates. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the low-dose alteplase treatment is as effective and safe as the standard-dose regimen. Subjects and methods: This was a retrospective, single-centre study, and data were collected from the Hospital Stroke Registry. Based on the severity of stroke and the risk of intracerebral haemorrhage, patients were divided into two groups according to the alteplase doses given; the low-dose (0.6 mg/kg) group (n=45) and the standard-dose (0.9 mg/kg) group (n=165). Ninety-day outcomes measured as modified Rankin score and National Institute for Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, as well as symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage and mortality rates were analysed. Results: The standard-dose group had a slightly more favourable outcome (Rankin score 0-2) at 90 days after alteplase treatment than the low-dose group (64.24% vs. 53.33%), but the difference was not significant. The total intracerebral haemorrhage rate and mortality rate at 90 days were higher in the standard-dose group than in the low-dose group (21.2% vs. 13.3% and 6.1% vs. 0.0%, respectively), but these differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion: The low-dose alteplase treatment applied to the patients with high intracerebral haemorrhage risk had comparable efficacy and safety profile to the standard-dose regimen

    Influence of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on clinical and biochemical effects of methylene blue in pentylenetetrazole-evoked convulsions

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    Background/Aim. Despite years of research in a number of experimental models the question whether nitric oxide (NO) and methylene blue (MB) have pro- or anticonvulsant effects remains to be fully resolved. Methods. In adult Wistar rats the influence of a nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (LNAME, 10µg) on clinical and biochemical effects of MB (10µg) given before the intraperitoneally administered chemical convulsant pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, 80 mg/kg) was examined. MB and L-NAME were applied intracerebroventricularly. PTZ application was followed by a 4- minute observation time, after which rats were sacrificed and elements of oxido-reductive balance were measured in a crude mitochondrial fraction of forebrain cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Results. Convulsive responses (forelimb dystonia - FLD, generalised clonic- and clonic-tonic convulsions - GCC and GCTC respectively) were observed in all rats received PTZ, together with significantly decreased lipid peroxidation in the forebrain cortex and striatum and increased superoxide dismutase activity in the hippocampus, in comparison to controls (saline treated). It was registered anticonvulsant effects of L-NAME pretreatment. However, these effects were insignificant. In the hippocampus of these animals there was decreased lipid peroxidation (p < 0.01, p < 0.05 vs saline-treated and PTZ-treated rats, respectively) and reverted PTZ-induced increase of superoxide dismutase activity. But MB individually pretreatment significantly decreased the incidence of CTCs and GCCs (FLD: p = 0.0513), prolonged the convulsive latent time for FLD, GCTCs and GCCs, in all the examined brain regions increased lipid peroxidation and decreased the level of superoxide anion. Administration of L-NAME 10 minutes before MB reverted all MB-evoked clinical and biochemical effects. Conclusion. Methylene blue applied individually before PTZ has strong anticonvulsant effects that were eliminated by L-NAME pretreatment. These effects and changed biochemical parameters in the brains of animals treated by L-NAME before MB in comparison to MBtreated group suggest involvement of NO in MB's effects in the animal model of PTZ-evoked convulsions.Uvod/Cilj. I pored višegodišnjeg istraživanja na različitim eksperimentalnim modelima, nije potpuno odgovoreno na pitanje da li azot-oksid (NO) i metilen plavo (MP) deluju konvulzivno ili antikonvulzivno. Metode. Na odraslim pacovima Vistar soja ispitivan je uticaj NG-nitro-L-arginin metil estra (L-NAME, 10 µg), neselektivnog inhibitora azot oksid sintaze, na kliničke i biohemijske efekte metilen plavog (MP, 10 µg) datog intracerebroventrikularno pre hemijskog konvulziva pentilentetrazola (PTZ, 80 mg/kg), primenjenog intraperitonealno. Pacovi su posmatrani četiri minuta posle davanja PTZ-a, posle čega su žrtvovani i u neprečišćenoj mitohondrijskoj frakciji prednjeg mozga, hipokampusa i strijatuma određivani su parametri oksidoreduktivne ravnoteže. Rezultati. Posle primene PTZ-a, konvulzivni odgovor (distonija prednjih nogu - DPN, generalizovane klonične - GKK i generalizovane kloničnotonične konvulzije - GKTK) bio je ispoljen kod svih životinja, kao i statistički značajno sniženje lipidne peroksidacije u kori prednjeg mozga i strijatuma, i povećanje aktivnosti superoksid dizmutaze (SOD) u hipokampusu, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (dobila fiziološki rastvor NaCl). Registrovani su antikonvulzivni efekti L-NAME koji nisu bili statistički značajni. U hipokampusu ovih životinja bila je snižena lipidna peroksidacija (p < 0,01 u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom, p < 0,05 u poređenju sa životinjama koje su dobile PTZ), kao i aktivnost SOD u poređenju sa životinjama koje su dobile PTZ. Samo metilen plavo dovelo je do statistički značajnog smanjenja incidencije GKK I GKTK (DPN: p = 0,0513), produžilo je latentni period DPN, GKK i GKTK, a u svim ispitivanim strukturama mozga bila je povećana lipidna peroksidacija i smanjen nivo superoksidnog anjona. Svi klinički i biohemijski efekti izazvani primenom MP u potpunosti su odstranjeni primenom L-NAME 10 minuta pre davanja MP. Zaključak. Metilen plavo, dat samostalno pre PTZ, ispoljio je snažne antikonvulzivne efekte. Nestanak ovih efekata i izmenjeni biohemijski parametri u mozgovima pacova koji su pre MP dobili L-NAME, sugerišu da je NO uključen u efekte MP ispoljene na životinjskom modelu konvulzija izazvanih primenom PTZ-a.nul

    Antidotski efekat kombinacija obidoksim/HI-6 i memantina kod miševa trovanih somanom, dihlorvosom ili heptenofosom

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    Introduction/Aim. In acute organophosphate poisoning the issue of special concern is the appearance of muscle fasciculations and convulsions that cannot be adequately antagonised by the use of atropine and oxime therapy. The aim of this study was to examine atidotal effect of obidoxime or HI-6 combinations with memantine in mice poisoned with soman, dichlorvos or heptenophos. Methods. Male Albino mice were pretreated intravenously (iv) with increasing doses of oximes and/or memantine (10 mg/kg) at various times before poisoning with 1.3 LD-50 of soman, dichlorvos or heptenophos, in order to determine the median effective dose and the efficacy half-time. In a separate experiment, cerebral extravasation of Evans blue dye (40 mg/kg iv) was examined after application of memantine (10 mg/kg iv), midazolam (2.5 mg/kg intraperitonealy - ip) and ketamine (20 mg/kg ip) 5 minutes before soman (1 LD-50 subcutaneously - sc). Results. Coadministration of memantine induced a significant decrease in median effective dose in null time of both HI-6 (7.96 vs 1.79 mmoL/kg in soman poisoning) and obidoxime (16.80 vs 2.75 mmoL/kg in dichlorvos poisoning; 21.56 vs 6.63 mmoL/kg in heptenophos poisoning). Memantine and midazolam succeeded to counteract the soman-induced proconvulsive activity. Conclusion. Memantine potentiated the antidotal effect of HI-6 against a lethal dose of soman, as well as the ability of obidoxime to antagonize the toxic effects of dichlorvos and heptenophos probably partly due to its anticonvulsive properties.Uvod/Cilj. Poseban problem pri trovanju organofosfornim jedinjenjima predstavljaju mišićne fascikulacije i konvulzije, koje se ne mogu u potpunosti antagonizovati primenom atropina i oksima. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje antidotskog efekta kombinacije memantina i oksima HI-6 kod trovanja somanom, kao i kombinacije memantina sa obidoksimom kod trovanja dihlorvosom i heptenofosom. Metode. Albino miševima, mužjacima, u repnu venu date su rastuće doze oksima i/ili memantina (10 mg/kg) u različitim vremenskim intervalima pre intravenskog (iv) davanja 1,3 LD-50 somana, dihlorvosa ili heptenofosa. Praćenjem stepena preživljanja, izračunate su srednje efektivne doze i poluvreme efikasnosti. U odvojenom eksperimentu praćena je cerebralna ekstravazacija boje Evans plavo (40 mg/kg iv) nakon primene memantina (10 mg/kg iv), midazolama (2,5 mg/kg intraoperitonealno - ip) i ketamina (20 mg/kg ip) 5 min pre davanja somana (1 LD-50 supkutano - sc). Rezultati. Primenom kombinacija sa memantinom srednje efektivne doze u nultom vremenu i HI-6 (7,96 vs 1,79 mmoL/kg kod trovanja somanom) i obidoksima (16,80 vs 2,75 mmoL/kg kod trovanja dihlorvosom; 21,56 vs 6,63 mmoL/kg kod trovanja heptenofosom) bile su višestruko niže u odnosu na dozu samog oksima. Memantin i midazolam uspešno su suprimirali prokonvulzivni efekat somana. Zaključak. Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da primena memantina u kombinaciji sa oksimima obezbeđuje bolji zaštitni efekat nego sam oksim, a u osnovi ovog efekta verovatno leži i njegov antikonvulzivni potencijal

    Statistical evaluation of the larvicidal effect of diflubenzuron on culex pipiens larval stages

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    Diflubezuron is increasingly used in areas where mosquito larvae developed resistance to other insecticides. In our community diflubenzuron is not used to control mosquito larvae. Two formulations of 1% diflubenzuron (on corn-cob EF-1, and zeolite EF-2) were tested on Culex pipiens L (larvae) on one canal in the Belgrade suburb area. The effect was followed for seven weeks after application of the formulations. Formulation EF1 achieved a reduction in mosquito L 1 L 2 larvae between 23.9% and 89.4%. The change was statistically significant the 21st and 28th day (p<0.001), 35th and 42nd day (p<0.01) and 49th day (p<0.05). The maximal reduction obtained by formulation EF2 was 69.1%. The accomplished reduction was significant on the 28th and 42nd day (p<0.001), 35th day (p<0.01) and 21st (p<0.05). Both formulations have maintained a good residual effect on the lower developmental larval stages. Maximum reduction achieved by EF1 on L-3 L-4 larvae was 97.4%. Reduction of larvae was high between the 7th and 42nd day (66.4 - 97%). Statistically significant values were recorded on the 21st, 28th and 35th day. Formulation EF2 achieved a reduction of 99.5%. A statistically significant reduction in the value of mosquito larvae was obtained on the 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th and 42nd day. Between the two used formulations there was no significant difference in the number reduction of lower larval stages, but for the higher larval stages EF1 proved to be more efficient

    Atención en un centro de parto según las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud

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    Centros de parto constituem modelo que\ud adota tecnologia apropriada na assistência\ud à parturiente. O objetivo foi caracterizar\ud a assistência intraparto em um centro de\ud parto extra-hospitalar quanto às práticas\ud recomendadas pela Organização Mundial\ud da Saúde (OMS). Estudo descritivo sobre\ud 1.079 partos assistidos de 2006 a 2009 na\ud Casa do Parto de Sapopemba, São Paulo,\ud Brasil. Os resultados mostraram ausculta\ud intermitente (média=7 controles); posição\ud materna no expulsivo semissentada\ud (82,3%), lateral (16,0%), outras (1,7%);\ud aceitação da dieta (95,6%); acompanhante\ud (93,3%); até três exames vaginais (85,4%);\ud banho de aspersão (84,0%), deambulação\ud (68,0%), massagem (60,1%), exercícios\ud com bola suíça (51,7%); amniotomia\ud (53,4%); ocitocina na dilatação (31,0%),\ud banho de imersão (29,3%), ocitocina no\ud expulsivo (25,8%) e episiotomia (14,1%).\ud Concluiu-se que os profissionais do centro\ud de parto utilizam práticas recomendadas\ud pela OMS, contudo existem práticas cujo\ud uso pode ser reduzido, tais como amniotomia,\ud administração de ocitocina, episiotomia\ud e posição semissentada no expulsivoBirth centers are maternal care models\ud that use appropriate technology when\ud providing care to birthing women. This\ud descriptive study aimed to characterize intrapartum\ud care in a freestanding birth center,\ud in light of the practices recommended\ud by the World Health Organization (WHO),\ud with 1,079 assisted births from 2006 to\ud 2009 in the Sapopemba Birth Center, São\ud Paulo, Brazil. Results included the use of\ud intermittent auscultation (mean=7 controls);\ud maternal positions during delivery:\ud semi-sitting (82.3%), side-lying (16.0%),\ud other positions (1.7%), oral intake (95.6%);\ud companionship (93.3%); exposure to up\ud to three vaginal examinations (85.4%),\ud shower bathing (84.0%), walking (68.0%),\ud massage (60.1%), exercising with a Swiss\ud ball (51.7%); amniotomy (53.4%), oxytocin\ud use during the first (31.0%) and second\ud stages of labor (25.8%), bath immersion\ud (29.3%) and episiotomy (14.1%). In this\ud birth center, care providers used practices\ud recommended by the WHO, although\ud some practices might have been applied\ud less frequentlyCentros de parto constituyen un modelo\ud que adopta la tecnología apropiada en la\ud atención a la parturienta. El objetivo fue caracterizar\ud la atención intraparto en un centro\ud de parto extra-hospitalario en relación a las\ud prácticas recomendadas por la Organización\ud Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Estudio descriptivo\ud sobre 1.079 partos atendidos del 2006 al\ud 2009 en la Casa de Parto de Sapopemba, São\ud Paulo, Brasil. Los resultados mostraron: auscultación\ud intermitente (media=7 controles);\ud posición materna en el expulsivo - semisentada\ud (82,3%), lateral (16,0%), otras (1,7%);\ud aceptación de dieta (95,6%); acompañante\ud (93,3%); hasta tres exámenes vaginales\ud (85,4%); baño en ducha (84,0%), deambulación\ud (68,0%), masaje (60,1%), ejercicios con\ud pelota suiza (51,7%); amniotomía (53,4%);\ud oxitocina durante la dilatación (31,0%), baño\ud de inmersión (29,3%), oxitocina durante el\ud expulsivo (25,8%) y episiotomía (14,1%). Se\ud concluyó que los profesionales del centro de\ud parto utilizan prácticas recomendadas por\ud la OMS, pero existen algunas prácticas cuyo\ud uso puede reducirse, tales como la amniotomía,\ud administración de oxitocina, episiotomía\ud y posición semisentada en el período\ud expulsivoCNPqPIBIC 115521/2008-

    Promene morfometrijskih parametara mastocita u srcu pacova akutno trovanih T-2 toksinom

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    Wistar rats were treated with T-2 toxin (1 LD50; 0.23 mg/kg sc) and the surviving animals were sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after treatment. At each time, control animals were sacrificed, too. Cardiac mast cells, previously stained by Giemsa method, were analyzed in whole visual fields, magnification x40. In the present study the following quantitative morphometric parameters of cardiac mast cells were evaluated: perimeter (P), area (A) and roundness (R). In the control groups of rats the majority of mast cells were small (P = 6.86 - 7.99 mm), hypogranular (A = 11.60 -14.30 mm2) and ovoid (R = 0.60 - 0.65 mm). Mast cells, with discrete granules, hypergranular, had significantly different quantitative parameters (P = 12.80 -14.90 mm; A = 16.70 -20.00 mm2; R = 0.35 -0.38 mm). The minority of mast cells, classified as degranulated, had a large (P=20.70-23.30 mm), irregular shape (A = 24.40 -30.90 mm2) and showed degranulation (R = 0.15 - 0.21 mm). In the heart of T-2 toxin-treated rats the quantitative parametar values of hypogranular mast cells and hypergranular mast cells were similar to the control group during the whole study. However, degranulated mast cells showed a significant increase in perimeter and area values (p lt 0.05), while their roundness was decreased (p lt 0.05) in comparison to the control groups of animals. It could be concluded that the chosen quantitative morphometric parameters of cardiac degranular mast cells are useful for the evaluation of the functional status of the rats' heart during acute T-2 poisoning.Preživeli Wistar pacovi, tretirani T-2 toksinom (1 LD50; 0,23 mg/kg sc), žrtvovani su 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21. i 28. dana posle tretmana. U istim vremenskim intervalima žrtvovane su životinje iz kontrolnih grupa. Mastociti srca, prethodno obojeni primenom Giemsa metode bojenja, analizirani su u celom vidnom polju, pod uveličanjem 40. U ovom radu ispitivani su sledeći kvantitativni morfometrijski parametri: perimetar (P), površina (A) i kružnost (R). U srcu kontrolne grupe pacova mastocititi su većinom sitni (P = 6,86-7,99 mm), hipogranularni (A = 11,60 -14,30 mm2) i ovalnog oblika (R = 0,60-0,65 mm). Mastociti blago ispunjeni granulama, hipergranularni mastociti, imali su statistički značajno različite vrednosti kvantitativnih parametera (P = 12,80 -14,90 mm; A = 16,70 -20,00 mm2; R = 0,35-0,38 mm). Mali broj mastocita označeni kao deganulirani mastociti su veliki (P = 20,70-23,30 mm), nepravilnih oblika (A = 24,40 -30,90 mm2) sa granulama ispražnjenim u okolno tkivo (R = 0,15 -0,21 mm). U srcu pacova tretiranih T-2 toksinom kvantitativni parametari hipogranuliranih i hipergarnuliranih mastocita imali su vrednosti slične kontrolnim grupama životinja tokom celog perioda ispitivanja. Međutim, degranulirani mastociti pokazali su statistički značajno povećanje vrednosti prečnika i površine (p lt 0,05), dok je njihova kružnost bila manja (p lt 0,05) u poređenju sa kontrolnim grupama pacova. Moglo bi se zaključiti da su ispitivani kvantitativni morfometrijski parametri degranuliranih mastocita korisni za ispitivanje funkcionalnog statusa srca pacova akutno trovanih T-2 toksinom

    Histohemijsko ispitivanje kardiotoksičnih efekta kod pacova tretiranih T-2 toksinom - semikvantitativna analiza

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    In this study female Wistar rats were treated with T-2 toxin (1 LD50 0.23 mg/kg sc) and sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 60 after the treatment. Control groups of rats were treated by saline (1 ml/kg 0.9% NaCl). At each time-schedule, control groups of animals were sacrificed, too. Pathohistological alterations of the heart were evaluated in whole visual fields stained by haematoxylin and eosin (HE), periodic acid- -Schiff's (PAS), Masson-Trichrom's (MT) and Giemsa (GIM) methods. The changes observed were scored by using semiquantitative grading scale. The heart alterations detected in T-2 toxin-treated animals ranged from focal parenchymal or hyaline degeneration (HE = 2.5 - 4.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control) to diffuse necrosis of muscle cells (HE = 5.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment). The myofibrils were slightly PAS-positive during the first week of the study (PAS = 2.0 - 3.2; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment), while a diffuse distribution of glycogen granules in endo- and perimisium were observed from day 21 to 60 in the whole heart' tissue (PAS = 4.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment). Massive hemorrhagic foci associated with diffuse accumulation and degranulation of MCs were the most intensive from day 28 to 60 of the study (MT = 5.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment). During the whole study period, irregular distribution of glycogen granules, intensity and total number of haemorrhages were in correlation with the degree of heart structural lesions, which showed the highest coefficient of correlation (r = 0.8750; p lt 0.001). Our results indicate that basic histohemical methods can be a useful tool for evaluation of T-2 toxin-induced cardiac damage, which is probably a result of complex inflammatory mechanisms, eventually leading to vascular lesions and myocardial necrosis, as well as for some potential cardioprotectors in the future.U ovom radu su ispitani toksični efekti na srcu Wistar pacova akutno trovanih T-2 toksinom. Životinje, jednokratno tretirane T-2 toksinom u dozi od 0,23 mg/kg sc (1 LD50), žrtvovane su 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28. i 60. dana posle aplikacije otrova. Kontrolne grupe životinja tretirane su fiziološkim rastvorom (1 ml/kg 0,9% NaCl) i žrtvovane u istim vremenskim intervalima. Procena patohistoloških promena izvršena je na uzorcima tkiva srca, bojenih standardnim histohemijskih metodama: hematoksilin i eozin (HE), Gimza (GIM), perjodna kiselina Schiff-ov reagens (PAS) i Masson trichrom (MT), primenom semikvantitativne analize. U srcu pacova tretiranih T-2 toksinom uočene su promene od fokalne parenhimatozne i hijaline degeneracije miofibrila (HE = 2,5-4,0; r lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom) do fokalne ili difuzne nekroze mišićnih ćelija (HE = 5,0; r lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina). Tokom prve nedelje ispitivanja miofibrile su bile blago PAS-pozitivne (PAS = 2,0-3,2; r lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina), dok je difuzna distribucija granula glikogena u endo- i perimizijumu zapažena od 21. do 60. dana (PAS = 4,0; p lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina). Masivna hemoragična polja, okružena mnogobrojnim inflamatornim ćelijama, naročito su izražena u periodu od 28. do 60. dana ispitivanja (MT = 5,0; p lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina). Tokom celog perioda ispitivanja, nepravilna distribucija granula glikogena, intenzitet krvarenja i ukupan broj mastocita su bili u korelaciji sa stepenom oštećenja tkiva srca (r = 0,8750; p lt 0,001). Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili ranije iznetu tezu da su kardiotoksični efekti T-2 toksina verovatno rezultat kompleksnih inflamatornih mehanizama