6 research outputs found

    Modelling of the influence of creep strains on the fire response of steel elements

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    The paper presents a numerical model for the behaviour of steel structures exposed to fire capable of taking into account the effect of steel creep at high temperatures by using a simple implicit model. The objective of the simple implicit model is to modify the material stationary stress-strain curves. After reaching temperatures above 400°C, stress-strain curves are modified by stretching the curves using a calculated value of creep strain at current stress, temperature and time. Described numerical procedure was tested by modelling the behaviour of two simply supported steel elements that were partially exposed to high temperatures in an in-house experiment. Authors are claiming that the implicit model is applicable for modelling the behaviour of steel elements with free thermal expansion or with a low level of restriction to thermal expansion

    Hybrid energy systems

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    Ovaj diplomski rad govori o hibridnim sustavima koji se upotrebljavaju u pomorstvu. U uvodu su navedeni problemi s kojima se susreće pomorstvo vezano za stroge emisije štetnih plinova. Zatim u drugom poglavlju govori o obnovljivim izvorima energije, te skladištenju te iste energije. Treće poglavlje govori o motorima na dvojno gorivo (dual fuel), amonijaku i vodiku kao rješenjima za ovakvu izvedbu motora. Spominju se i gorivni članci te emisije štetnih plinova. U četvrtom poglavlju se dotiče hibridizacije i proizvodnje hibridnih brodova. Uspoređuje klasične i hibridne brodove gledajući njihovu isplativost i iskoristivost, te proračune EEDI-a. Peto poglavlje govori o životnom ciklusu motora i proračunu emisija štetnih plinova. Iskazuje se uloga vodika u procjeni životnog ciklusa u pomorskom prometu. U posljednjem šestom poglavlju govori se o „Caterpillar“ tehnologijama u pomorstvu. Govori se također o njihovim inovacijama vezano za hibridni propulzijski sustav i poboljšanje iskoristivosti brodskog vijka. Opisuje dva sustava GVU i SCR koja pomažu u regulaciji tlaka i u smanjenju emisije štetnih plinova. Na kraju je provedeno ispitivanje emisije NOx-a na putničkom brodu tijekom eksploatacije.This thesis discusses hybrid systems used in maritime. The introduction lists the problems facing maritime affairs related to severe emissions. Then, in the second chapter, he talks about renewable energy sources, and the storage of that same energy. The third chapter talks about dual fuel engines, ammonia and hydrogen as solutions for this type of engine, fuel cells and emissions are also mentioned. The fourth chapter deals with hybridization and production of hybrid ships. He compares classic and hybrid ships looking at their cost-effectiveness and usability, and EEDI calculations. Chapter five discusses the engine life cycle and the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions. The role of hydrogen in life cycle assessment in maritime transport is expressed. The last sixth chapter discusses maritime "Caterpillar" technologies. Their innovations related to the hybrid propulsion system and improving the efficiency of the propeller. It describes two GVU and SCR systems that help regulate pressure and reduce emissions. Finally, a NOx emission test was conducted on the ferry

    Hybrid energy systems

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    Ovaj diplomski rad govori o hibridnim sustavima koji se upotrebljavaju u pomorstvu. U uvodu su navedeni problemi s kojima se susreće pomorstvo vezano za stroge emisije štetnih plinova. Zatim u drugom poglavlju govori o obnovljivim izvorima energije, te skladištenju te iste energije. Treće poglavlje govori o motorima na dvojno gorivo (dual fuel), amonijaku i vodiku kao rješenjima za ovakvu izvedbu motora. Spominju se i gorivni članci te emisije štetnih plinova. U četvrtom poglavlju se dotiče hibridizacije i proizvodnje hibridnih brodova. Uspoređuje klasične i hibridne brodove gledajući njihovu isplativost i iskoristivost, te proračune EEDI-a. Peto poglavlje govori o životnom ciklusu motora i proračunu emisija štetnih plinova. Iskazuje se uloga vodika u procjeni životnog ciklusa u pomorskom prometu. U posljednjem šestom poglavlju govori se o „Caterpillar“ tehnologijama u pomorstvu. Govori se također o njihovim inovacijama vezano za hibridni propulzijski sustav i poboljšanje iskoristivosti brodskog vijka. Opisuje dva sustava GVU i SCR koja pomažu u regulaciji tlaka i u smanjenju emisije štetnih plinova. Na kraju je provedeno ispitivanje emisije NOx-a na putničkom brodu tijekom eksploatacije.This thesis discusses hybrid systems used in maritime. The introduction lists the problems facing maritime affairs related to severe emissions. Then, in the second chapter, he talks about renewable energy sources, and the storage of that same energy. The third chapter talks about dual fuel engines, ammonia and hydrogen as solutions for this type of engine, fuel cells and emissions are also mentioned. The fourth chapter deals with hybridization and production of hybrid ships. He compares classic and hybrid ships looking at their cost-effectiveness and usability, and EEDI calculations. Chapter five discusses the engine life cycle and the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions. The role of hydrogen in life cycle assessment in maritime transport is expressed. The last sixth chapter discusses maritime "Caterpillar" technologies. Their innovations related to the hybrid propulsion system and improving the efficiency of the propeller. It describes two GVU and SCR systems that help regulate pressure and reduce emissions. Finally, a NOx emission test was conducted on the ferry

    Maritime risk behavior as a prerequisite for getting sick of some diseas

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    Kroz ovaj rad ukazuje se na moguća rizična ponašanja pomoraca koja su preduvjet razbolijevanja od nekih bolesti. Dugotrajna odvojenost od partnera, supružnika, obitelji i prijatelja, rad kao članovi mnogonacionalne posade, su faktori koji otežavaju život pomoraca. Rizično ponašanje se često susreće i u ostaloj populaciji, međutim uvjeti života i rada na brodu te nedostatak podrške najbližih članova obitelji, pomorce čine ranjivom skupinom koja se u svijet rada karakterizira kao „radnici migranti“. Nije rizično zanimanje nego ponašanje koje dovodi do rizika. Postoje različite vrste rizičnog ponašanja, a kako tehnologija napreduje tako se javljaju i mogućnosti za nova rizična ponašanja. Ubrzanje procesa i napredak tehnologije rezultira pojavom svakodnevnog stresa, vrlo često uvjetovanog nedostatkom vremena, pogotovu vremena za odmor i spavanje. Sve su ovo čimbenici koji olakšavaju pojavu rizičnog ponašanja kojima se ugrožava vlastito i tuđe zdravlje. Rizično ponašanje je kompleksan problem sa stvarnim, ponekad teško prepoznatljivim uzrocima, te izraženim poteškoćama kada se to ponašanje želi promijeniti. Cilj rada jest analizirati i proučiti korelaciju zanimanja pomorac duge plovidbe s pojavom psihofizičkih tegoba, a kroz rad se dotiče i tema kao što su radni uvjeti na brodu, zdravstvena zaštita, glavni razlozi odustajanja od broda.This work suggests the potential risk of seafarers who are prone to illness from certain diseases. Long-term separation from partners, spouses, family and friends, work as members of a multi-national crew are factors that make life safer. Risk behavior is often encountered in the rest of the population, however, the living and working conditions of the ship and the lack of support of the closest family members, seafarers make up a vulnerable group that is characterized as "migrant workers" in the world of work. It is not risky interest but behavior that leads to risk. There are different types of risk behavior, and as technology advances, there are opportunities for new risky behaviors. Accelerating the process and advancing technology results in the emergence of everyday stress, often caused by lack of time, especially time for rest and sleep. All these are factors that facilitate the emergence of risk behavior that endangers their own and the health of others. Risk behavior is a complex problem with real, sometimes difficult-to-understand causes, and with pronounced difficulties when this behavior wants to change. The aim of this paper is to analyze and study the correlation between long-haul sailors with the occurrence of psychophysical problems, and work is concerned with topics such as working conditions on board, health care, the main reasons for leaving the ship

    Maritime risk behavior as a prerequisite for getting sick of some diseas

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    Kroz ovaj rad ukazuje se na moguća rizična ponašanja pomoraca koja su preduvjet razbolijevanja od nekih bolesti. Dugotrajna odvojenost od partnera, supružnika, obitelji i prijatelja, rad kao članovi mnogonacionalne posade, su faktori koji otežavaju život pomoraca. Rizično ponašanje se često susreće i u ostaloj populaciji, međutim uvjeti života i rada na brodu te nedostatak podrške najbližih članova obitelji, pomorce čine ranjivom skupinom koja se u svijet rada karakterizira kao „radnici migranti“. Nije rizično zanimanje nego ponašanje koje dovodi do rizika. Postoje različite vrste rizičnog ponašanja, a kako tehnologija napreduje tako se javljaju i mogućnosti za nova rizična ponašanja. Ubrzanje procesa i napredak tehnologije rezultira pojavom svakodnevnog stresa, vrlo često uvjetovanog nedostatkom vremena, pogotovu vremena za odmor i spavanje. Sve su ovo čimbenici koji olakšavaju pojavu rizičnog ponašanja kojima se ugrožava vlastito i tuđe zdravlje. Rizično ponašanje je kompleksan problem sa stvarnim, ponekad teško prepoznatljivim uzrocima, te izraženim poteškoćama kada se to ponašanje želi promijeniti. Cilj rada jest analizirati i proučiti korelaciju zanimanja pomorac duge plovidbe s pojavom psihofizičkih tegoba, a kroz rad se dotiče i tema kao što su radni uvjeti na brodu, zdravstvena zaštita, glavni razlozi odustajanja od broda.This work suggests the potential risk of seafarers who are prone to illness from certain diseases. Long-term separation from partners, spouses, family and friends, work as members of a multi-national crew are factors that make life safer. Risk behavior is often encountered in the rest of the population, however, the living and working conditions of the ship and the lack of support of the closest family members, seafarers make up a vulnerable group that is characterized as "migrant workers" in the world of work. It is not risky interest but behavior that leads to risk. There are different types of risk behavior, and as technology advances, there are opportunities for new risky behaviors. Accelerating the process and advancing technology results in the emergence of everyday stress, often caused by lack of time, especially time for rest and sleep. All these are factors that facilitate the emergence of risk behavior that endangers their own and the health of others. Risk behavior is a complex problem with real, sometimes difficult-to-understand causes, and with pronounced difficulties when this behavior wants to change. The aim of this paper is to analyze and study the correlation between long-haul sailors with the occurrence of psychophysical problems, and work is concerned with topics such as working conditions on board, health care, the main reasons for leaving the ship

    Maritime risk behavior as a prerequisite for getting sick of some diseas

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    Kroz ovaj rad ukazuje se na moguća rizična ponašanja pomoraca koja su preduvjet razbolijevanja od nekih bolesti. Dugotrajna odvojenost od partnera, supružnika, obitelji i prijatelja, rad kao članovi mnogonacionalne posade, su faktori koji otežavaju život pomoraca. Rizično ponašanje se često susreće i u ostaloj populaciji, međutim uvjeti života i rada na brodu te nedostatak podrške najbližih članova obitelji, pomorce čine ranjivom skupinom koja se u svijet rada karakterizira kao „radnici migranti“. Nije rizično zanimanje nego ponašanje koje dovodi do rizika. Postoje različite vrste rizičnog ponašanja, a kako tehnologija napreduje tako se javljaju i mogućnosti za nova rizična ponašanja. Ubrzanje procesa i napredak tehnologije rezultira pojavom svakodnevnog stresa, vrlo često uvjetovanog nedostatkom vremena, pogotovu vremena za odmor i spavanje. Sve su ovo čimbenici koji olakšavaju pojavu rizičnog ponašanja kojima se ugrožava vlastito i tuđe zdravlje. Rizično ponašanje je kompleksan problem sa stvarnim, ponekad teško prepoznatljivim uzrocima, te izraženim poteškoćama kada se to ponašanje želi promijeniti. Cilj rada jest analizirati i proučiti korelaciju zanimanja pomorac duge plovidbe s pojavom psihofizičkih tegoba, a kroz rad se dotiče i tema kao što su radni uvjeti na brodu, zdravstvena zaštita, glavni razlozi odustajanja od broda.This work suggests the potential risk of seafarers who are prone to illness from certain diseases. Long-term separation from partners, spouses, family and friends, work as members of a multi-national crew are factors that make life safer. Risk behavior is often encountered in the rest of the population, however, the living and working conditions of the ship and the lack of support of the closest family members, seafarers make up a vulnerable group that is characterized as "migrant workers" in the world of work. It is not risky interest but behavior that leads to risk. There are different types of risk behavior, and as technology advances, there are opportunities for new risky behaviors. Accelerating the process and advancing technology results in the emergence of everyday stress, often caused by lack of time, especially time for rest and sleep. All these are factors that facilitate the emergence of risk behavior that endangers their own and the health of others. Risk behavior is a complex problem with real, sometimes difficult-to-understand causes, and with pronounced difficulties when this behavior wants to change. The aim of this paper is to analyze and study the correlation between long-haul sailors with the occurrence of psychophysical problems, and work is concerned with topics such as working conditions on board, health care, the main reasons for leaving the ship