3 research outputs found

    Effets Des Technologies Membranaires Sur Les Caracteristiques Physicochimiques Des Extraits De Fruits De La Passion (Passiflora Edulis)

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    The passion fruit or grenadilla is usually consumed in the form of juice and its pleasant intensive aroma and flavor make it an attractive element for the food industry. The objective of the present work is to determine the effects of membrane technologies such as tangential microfiltration and reverse osmosis on the physicochemical characteristics of passion fruit extracts. The characteristics of the various extracts were determined according to conventional methods. In addition, statistical methods were applied to the data collected in order to determine the effects of membrane technologies. The results showed a yield of 89.33% for the extraction of the microfiltered juice and a volume reduction factor of 16.75 for the concentrate. In addition, the microfiltration-concentration process significantly (p <0.05) influenced the physicochemical parameters of the extracts produced. Thus, tangential microfiltration made it possible to clarify the crude extract by changing from a turbidity of 89.23 ± 1.71 to 0.72 ± 0.02 NTU. It has also resulted in a significant decrease in pH and flavonoids contents. Principal component analysis confirmed the existence of differences between the extracts produced despite the various correlations between their characteristics. It revealed that the JB and CMFT extracts are characterized by their high pH and low density. On the other hand, the COI extract is characterized by its brix degree, viscosity, conductivity and high vitamin C content. In addition, reverse osmosis has the advantage of concentrating the compounds of interest of clarified juice with a concentration factor ranging from 2.15 to 9.39

    Evaluation de L’entomophagie dans Quatre Grandes Villes de Côte d’Ivoire

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    L'entomophagie qui consiste à la consommation des insectes par l‘Homme n'est pas un phénomène inaccoutumé. Elle est impulsée aujourd’hui par la FAO comme étant une source alternative durable de protéine animale pour la consommation humaine à cause de la forte croissance de la population mondiale d’ici à 2050 qui atteindra les 9 milliards d‘habitants. Cependant, elle fait face à de nombreuses contraintes dues au manque d’information du secteur. Ainsi, dans l’intérêt de lever tout équivoque sur l’entomophagie, cette étude fut menée et dont l’objectif était d’identifier les différents types d’insectes et les stéereootypes liés à la consommation pour une meilleure valorisation afin de lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire en Côte d’Ivoire. A cet effet, une enquête de terrain pilotée dans 4 villes différentes (Daloa, Man, Bouaké, Korhogo) auprès de la population a permis de mettre en lumière les freins et les motivations de sa consommation en Côte d’ivoire. En effet, 1806 personnes ont été interrogées et il en ressort que 60,46% sont entomophages et sont constitués de personnes de tout âge, de toutes les professions. La consommation de ces insectes était fortement motivée par l’arôme (38%). Par ailleurs, l’indisponibilité (42,51%), l’aspect (37%) et ajoutés à la méconnaissance (12%) sont autant de facteurs limitant la pratique de l’entomophagie en Côte d’Ivoire. A l’état actuel, 11 espèces sont identifiées comme comestibles dont la plus prisée est la larve du Rhynchophorus phoenicis et la plus consommée le termite ailé Macrotermes subhyalinus du fait de sa plus grande disponibilité. Entomophagy which consists in the consumption of insects by humans is not an unusual phenomenon. It is promoted today by the FAO as a sustainable alternative source of animal protein for human consumption because of the strong growth of the world population by 2050 which will reach 9 billion inhabitants. However, it faces many constraints due to the lack of information in the sector. Thus, in the interest of clearing up any ambiguity on entomophagy, this study was carried out, the objective of which was to identify the different types of insects and the stereootypes linked to consumption for a better valuation in order to fight against the food insecurity in Côte d'Ivoire. To this end, a field survey piloted in 4 different towns (Daloa, Man, Bouaké, Korhogo) among the population shed light on the obstacles and motivations for their consumption in Côte d'Ivoire. Indeed, 1806 people were interviewed and it emerged that 60.46% are entomophagous made up of people of all ages, from all professions. Consumption of these insects was strongly motivated by aroma (38%). In addition, unavailability (42.51%), appearance (37%) and added to ignorance (12%) are all factors limiting the practice of entomophagy in Côte d'Ivoire. At present, 11 species are identified as edible, the most popular of which is the larva of Rhynchophorus phoenicis and the most consumed is the winged termite Macrotermes subhyalinus due to its greater availability

    Influence of Shade in Cocoa Agroforestry Systems on Physicochemical and Functional Characteristics of Cocoa Beans in Bonon, Central-West Côte d’Ivoire

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    Côte d’Ivoire remains the world’s leading producer of cocoa beans. However, cocoa farming is now recognized as a primary cause of deforestation in the country. To combat deforestation, the Ivorian government recently advocates for agroforestry, a farming technique involving the cultivation of cocoa trees with fruit or forest trees. Yet, the impact of these associated trees and their shade on the quality of produced cocoa beans remains relatively unknown. This study is aimed at evaluating the influence of tree shade in cocoa farms on the quality of cocoa beans produced in the Bonon area. Morphological, biochemical, and functional analyses were performed on cocoa beans from shaded, partially shaded, and sunny subplots. Overall, only beans from shaded subplots showed better commercial quality. Regarding nutritional potential, results demonstrated that acidity, protein content, and vitamin C levels were influenced by shade. Low protein levels were observed in beans from sunny areas. The presence of moderate shade significantly favored good foaming power and foam stability. These findings play a key role in the perceived quality and application of these beans in the food and cosmetic industry. Moreover, these discoveries open new research perspectives in the field of food biochemistry and sustainable agriculture