37 research outputs found
The Effect of Pinzgauer Introgression on the Red Pied Sided Coat Colour of Cika Cattle
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the proportion of Pinzgauer cattle in the pedigree of the Cika cattle on the coat colour pattern. Both breeds share similar pied sided coat colour pattern. A total of 66 male and 237 female animals, aged from 4 days to 13.1 years were included in the study. Th e width of the white stripes on the back, on the rump, on the front and on the rear legs were measured with the tape. Th e red basic coat colour intensity was performed by Minolta CR-300 Chroma meter using CIE (L*a*b) colour system at three parts of the body (shoulder, rare ribs, round). All animals were measured in the spring after housing period. The GLM procedure (SAS/STAT) considered fixed effect of sex and the proportion of Pinzgauer cattle in the pedigree of each Cika animal as linear regression. The effect of sex significantly affected the width of white stripes on the back, rump and rear legs as well as the red colour intensity (a*). Females had significantly wider white stripes and more intensively red coat colour than males. The effect of the Pinzgauer proportion in the pedigree of Cika was found significantly related to white stripes on the back and rump as well as in all three coat colour parameters (L*a*b). White stripes on the back and rump significantly increased, while values of L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) significantly decreased with increased Pinzgauer proportion in the pedigree. Introgressed Cika animals with Pinzgauer had wider white stripes on the back and rump as well as darker coat colour with less intensively red and yellow shades. Th e results comply with an eye evidence of differences in the coat colour pattern according to sex and pedigree data. However, genetic characterisation found introgression of other breeds besides Pinzgauer in some Cika animals, which could influence the coat colour as well
This study analysed the incentives for conservation of local breeds in 35 European countries, with the particular reference to the situation in Slovenia. In order to collect all necessary data in different countries, detailed questionnaire was developed and sent out to National coordinators for Animal Genetic Resources in the European Region. Data were edited and analysed using MS Excel program where basic descriptive statistics was performed to show differences among countries in incentive payments. Incentives for local breeds in Slovenia were paid from the Agri-environmental payments. The amount of payment for one livestock unit was 89.38 € per year. Subsidies for adult cattle and horses of local breeds were therefore 89.38 € per animal, while for pigs there were 44.69 € per animal and for sheep and goats 13.41 € per animal. Comparing data from different countries, the highest subsides were received for cattle ranging from 45 € to 520 € for bulls. From all 35 countries, 16 countries have subsidies for horses. Despite two breeds of sheep and one breed of goat in Slovenia highly endangered, the level of subsides for sheep and goats for local breeds included in the environmental payments were equal i.e., 13.41 € per animal. Compared to 21 countries reported the financial support for sheep, only two countries had lower support than in Slovenia. The EC Regulations can explain differences in payments where the Member States are free when determining the payments level. Another reason could be since out of 35 countries, eleven are not EU members. National coordinators from all countries agreed that financial support per head is very important tool for breed conservation and such a practice should be continued. However, the current level of support does not compensate loss of income due to lower productivit
Field Trial on Glucose-Induced Insulin Response in High-Yielding Dairy Cows under Different Environmental Temperatures
This study aimed to evaluate glucose-induced insulin response in cows exposed to different temperature-humidity index. Twenty early lactating Holstein-Friesian cows were divided into 2 equal groups based on season, as summer (SU) and spring (SP). SP cows were not exposed to heat stress, while SU cows were exposed to moderate or severe heat stress. Milk production was recorded daily. Starting from day 30 of lactation, intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was carried out three times at 30-day intervals. Blood samples were taken before (basal) and after glucose infusion, and glucose and insulin were measured at each sample point. The homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index was calculated. Milk yield from days 30 to 40 and 64 to 90 of lactation were higher in SP cows than in SU cows. Basal glucose did not differ on days 30 and 60 of lactation, while basal insulin and HOMA were lower in SU compared to SP cows. On day 90 of lactation, SU cows had higher basal glucose, whereas basal insulin and HOMA did not differ. IVGTT results revealed that glucose tolerance was affected by heat stress such that SU cows had higher glucose clearance. Insulin responses to IVGTT did not differ on days 30 and 60 of lactation. Heat stress had a marked effect on insulin secretion on day 90 of lactation, illustrated by higher increments, peak concentrations and area under the curve for insulin in SU cows. Overall, season differences in glucose tolerance depend not only on heat stress and milk production but also on the stage of lactation
Milk yield, hematological and electrolyte parameters in primiparous dairy cows after laparotomic omentopexy and one-step laparoscopic abomasopexy treatments of left displaced abomasum
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of two different treatment options for the
correction of left displaced abomasum (LDA) on milk yield, hematological, electrolyte
parameters, lactate and cortisol concentrations in primiparous cows. Twenty four
Holstein cows were randomly assigned into three groups: cows treated with one-step
laparoscopic abomasopexy (LPS, n=8), cows treated by left paralumbar omentopexy
(LPT, n=8) and healthy cows (CON, n=8), matched by parity and days in milk. Blood
samples were collected before (D0) and after (D0’) surgery, and 1 (D1), 3 (D3), 10
(D3) and 30 (D30) days following surgery. LPS and LPT cows at D0 as well as LPT
cows at 30 d following surgery had lower milk yield than CON cows (P<0.05), while
the service period was higher in LPT than in CON (P<0.05). WBC was lower at D0 as
well as Hb and Ht at D0 and D0’ in CON group than those of LPS and LPT (P<0.05).
Hyponatremia, hypochloremia and hypokalemia at D0 and D0’ were observed in LPS
and LPT. In addition, LPT cows had lower Na and Cl at D1 and D3 and lower K at
D1 than CON (P<0.05). Impaired hydration in LPS and LPT cows was accompanied
by higher concentrations of lactate at D0, D0’, D1 and D3 (P<0.01) and cortisol at D0
and D0’ (P<0.01) compared with CON group, while LPT had higher cortisol at D0’
than LPS (P<0.05). These results indicated that LPS has the potential to improve the
convalescence period of LDA in primiparous cows
Uticaj toplotnog stresa na vrednosti trijasa kod visokomlečnih krava
The objective of this work was to examine the influence of outer temperature on values of the vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration) in high-yield dairy cows in early stages of lactation, as well as to establish, on the grounds of the degree of correlation between the values for the vital signs and the temperature humidity index (THI), possibilities for using the examined physiological parameters of the organism as an indicator of heat stress. The experiment covered 10 high-yield dairy cows in the first phase of lactation. The investigations were carried out in the course of July and the first half of August. During the course of the experiment, the average THI was determined daily. An average daily THI higher than 70 indicated that the animal had been exposed to heat stress on that day. Vital signs were measured on twelve occasions during the period of investigation (June 30, July 4, July 7, July 10, July 14, July 17, July 21, July 24, July 29, August 5, August 11, and August 14). It was established on the grounds of the THI values that the examined animals were exposed to heat stress on June 30, July 4, July 7, July 14, July 17, July 21, July 29, August 5, and August 14, while there was no heat stress on July 10, July 24, and August 11. The average body temperature during all the periods of examination, with the exception of July 24, was above the upper physiological limit. A high degree of correlation was established between body temperature and the heat index (r = +0. 509; p = 0.05). The number of respiratory movements per minute was above the physiological values during the entire period of investigation. There was a high degree of correlation between the number of respiratory movements and THI (r = + 0.625; p lt 0.05). The average pulse values and number of contractions of the rumen did not vary significantly during the period of investigation. No significant correlation was established between the pulse and THI values, or between motoric activities of the rumen and THI. The results obtained in this work demonstrate that, in high-yield dairy cows exposed to moderate heat stress, the body temperature and the number of respiratory movements are above physiologically permitted values. On these grounds, it can be concluded that these two parameters of the vital signs can be used as physiological indicators of heat stress. .Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj spoljašnje temperature na vrednosti trijasa kod visoko mlečnih krava u ranoj fazi laktacije, kao i da se na osnovu stepena korelacije između vrednosti trijasa i dnevnog toplotnog indeksa (THI) utvrdi mogućnost korišćenja ispitanih fizioloških parametara organizma kao pokazatelja toplotnog stresa. U ogled je bilo uključeno 10 visoko mlečnih krava u prvoj fazi laktacije. Ispitivanje je izvedeno tokom jula i prve polovine avgusta. Tokom izvođenja ogleda svakog dana je određivan prosečan THI. Izloženost jedinke toplotnom stresu bila je uslovljena prosečnom dnevnom vrednošću THI većom od 70. Dvanaest puta tokom perioda ispitivanja (30.juna, 4.jula, 7. jula, 10. jula, 14. jula, 17. jula, 21. jula, 24. jula, 29. jula, 5. avgusta, 11. avgusta i 14. avgusta) kravama je određivan trijas. Na osnovu vrednosti THI utvrđeno je da su ispitivane životinje 30. juna, 4. jula, 7. jula, 14. jula, 17. jula, 21. jula, 29. jula, 5. avgusta i 14. avgusta bile izložene delovanju toplotnog stresa, dok 10. jula, 24. jula i 11. avgusta toplotnog stresa nije bilo. Prosečna telesna temperatura je u svim periodima ispitivanja, izuzev 24. jula, bila je iznad gornje fiziološke granice. Utvrđen je visok stepen korelacije između telesne temperature i toplotnog indeksa (r = +0, 509; p = 0,05). Broj respiratornih pokreta u minuti bio je iznad fizioloških vrednosti tokom celog perioda ispitivanja. Između broja respiratornih pokreta i THI postojao je visok stepen korelacije (r = + 0,625; p lt 0,05). Prosečne vrednosti pulsa i broja kontrakcija buraga nisu značajno varirale tokom perioda ispitivanja. Nije utvrđena značajna korelacija između vrednosti pulsa i THI, kao ni između motoričke aktivnosti buraga i THI. Dobijeni rezultati u ovom radu pokazuju da su kod visokomlečnih krava izloženih umerenom toplotnom stresu, telesna temperatura i broj respiratornih pokreta iznad fiziološki dozvoljenih vrednosti. Na osnovu toga može se zaključiti da se ova dva parametra trijasa mogu koristiti kao fiziološki pokazatelji toplotnog stresa.
Neonatalna dijareja kod teladi sa anemijom usled nedostatka gvožđa
Introduction. Neonatal calves are often deficient in iron. Accumulating evidence indicates that iron status is associated with disease pathologies including diarrhea. Our objective was to examine the association between iron status and gut function in neonatal calves with and without a history of calf diarrhea. Materials and Methods. Calves were divided into two groups based on their history of diarrhea; the first group were diarrheic calves (n=6) and the second group were non-diarrheic healthy calves (n=6). Blood samples (n=12) were collected at day 12 of age and erythrogram determination and measurements of serum iron and total iron binding capacity were performed. Hematological values were measured using an automatic analyzer, and biochemical properties were determined spectrophotometrically. Fecal samples were obtained from all calves and pH measured using semi quantitative test strips as well as being examined by bacterial cultivation for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Clostridium perfringens, by RT-PCR for the presence of bovine rotavirus, bovine coronavirus and bovine viral diarrhea virus, and by microscopy for the presence of Cryptosporidium parvum. Results and Conclusions. There were significant iron-related changes for most hematological indices in diarrheic calves; and iron (Fe) deficiency and microcytic, hypochromic anemia were diagnosed. The pH of the feces was significantly higher in diarrheic calves than in the non-diarrheic healthy group (P lt 0.01). All fecal samples were negative for the analyzed enteric pathogens. According to the results obtained, calves experiencing iron deficiency anemia exhibit changes in gut function leading to diarrhea as compared with a matched group of healthy calves.Uvod. Neonatalna telad su često deficitarna u gvožđu. Brojni podaci ukazuju na povezanost nedostatka gvožđa sa različitim patološkim stanjima, uključujući i pojavu dijareje. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita povezanost statusa gvožđa i promena u funkciji digestivnog trakta novorođene teladi sa i bez znakova dijareje. Materijal i Metode. Telad su podeljena u dve grupe na osnovu pojave dijareje; prva grupa (n=6) telad sa dijarejom i druga grupa (n=6) klinički zdrava telad bez znakova dijareje. Uzorci krvi su uzeti od sve teladi 12. dana života i određeni su parametri crvene krvne slike, sadržaj serumskog gvožđa i ukupni kapacitet vezivanja gvožđa. Parametri crvene krvne slike određeni su automatskim hematološkim analajzerom, dok su biohemijski parametri određeni spektrofotometrijski. Uzorci fecesa uzeti su od sve teladi i izmerena je pH vrednost semikvantitativno pomoću test tračica. Bakteriološkim pregledom uzorci fecesa su ispitani na prisustvo enterotoksogenih Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. i Clostridium perfringens vrsta; RT-PCR metodom ispitani su na prisustvo goveđeg rotavirusa, coronavirusa i virusa goveđe virusne dijareje, dok su mikroskopski pregledani na prisustvo Cryptosporidium parvum. Rezultati i zaključak. Promene u koncentraciji gvožđa dovele su do pojave značajnih promena u hematološkim indeksima teladi sa dijarejom i pojavi mikrocitne hipohromne anemije. Vrednost pH fecesa je bila značajno veća kod teladi sa dijarejom u odnosu na zdravu telad. Svi uzorci fecesa bili su negativni na ispitivane enteropatogene uzročnike. U poređenju sa zdravom teladi, pretpostavka je da kod teladi sa anemijom koja je uzrokovana deficitom gvožđa nastaju promene u funkciji digestivnog trakta koje dovode do pojave dijareje
Protokoli u prevenciji i terapiji respiratornih oboljenјa kod goveda
Uprkos velikom napretku veterinarske medicine, unapređenju tehnologije u stočarstvu i dobrobiti životinja, respiratorne bolesti gove- da i dalјe predstavlјaju glavni zdravstveni problem u intenzivnoj proi- zvodnji, a posebno u tovu junadi. Iako je sva pažnja, kada je u pitanju respiratorni sindrom goveda, usmerena na zdravlјe priplodnog pod- mlatka i enzootsku bronhopneumoniju, respiratorna obolјenja tovne junadi mogu da imaju nesagledive posledice, kako na zdravlјe, ta- ko i na proizvodne sposobnosti životinja čime je ugrožena rentabil- nost govedarske proizvodnje. Respiratorni sindrom goveda (RSG) je multifaktorijalno obolјenje koje nastaje interakcijom mikroorganizama (virusa i bakterija) i nespecifičnih činilaca životne sredine koji deluju imunosupresivno i stvaraju uslove da predisponiraju organizam gove- da da oboli. Visok morbiditet i mortalitet, smanjena konverzija hrane i prirast telesne mase, smanjen kvalitet mesa, kao i visoki troškovi le- čenja obolelih životinja su osnovni uzroci ekonomskih gubitaka. Ima- jući u vidu ove činjenice, sasvim je razumlјivo da zdravstvena zaštita priplodnog podmlatka za remont stada i teladi koja se uvode u orga- nizovana tovilišta, predstavlјa imperativ za uspeh u govedarskoj proi- zvodnji. Upotreba novih strategija u prevenciji RSG poput onih kojima se obavlјaju imunoprofilaktičke mere, pravilno zalučenje teladi i njiho- vo navikavanje na novi koncept i režim ishrane, tako i druge mere ko- je umanjuju delovanje stresogenih činilaca, imaju značajan potencijal da spreče razvoj RSG, a time i njegove negativne posledice. Poseban značaj u sprečavanju RSG imaju preventivni programi vakcinacije i metafilakse koji se koriste pri uvođenju teladi i junadi u tovilišta, a po- sebno kada postoji heterogenost jedinki sa aspekta stanja imunskog sistema. Primena novih tehnologija i mera koje mogu da obezbede odgovarajuću zaštitu od delovanja brojnih stresogenih činilaca, kao i održavanje visokog stepena imuniteta protiv određenih živih agenasa su jedine mere u kontroli RSG
Payments for conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture: One size fits all?
Maintaining minimum population sizes for local livestock breeds is a key goal in the conservation of animal genetic resources. As markets and livestock production systems have tended to favour a narrow base of high-output improved breeds, countries have had to use financial and other incentives to motivate breeders to keep local breeds. This paper explores the potential for more cost-effective alternatives to the most commonly used financial incentive, a fixed payment per animal or livestock unit. We compare the current fixed payment incentives for local breeds under the Slovenian Rural Development Programmme with those instead determined through a competitive tender approach. A stated preference survey was realised to determine the conditions under which breeders would be willing to participate in such an incentive system based on differentiated payments. Willingness to accept (WTA) payment for conservation was found to differ significantly from actual payment levels, being lower for the local sheep and goat breeds, and higher for the local pig breed. This suggests that implementation of differentiated payments would be more cost-effective; particularly when accompanied by measures to streamline administrative requirements, improve access to breeding stock and target support for local breed market valorisation (e.g., promotion of value chains based on designated quality schemes)