9 research outputs found

    Körper, Daten, Arbeitskraft

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    Der Artikel ist in Form eines Interviewprotokolls verfasst und basiert auf einem Gespräch zwischen Dennis Eckhardt und den Mitgliedern des Forschungsprojekts Digitalisierung von Arbeit und Migration Moritz Altenried, Manuela Bojadžijev und Mira Wallis. Das Projekt gründet auf der Annahme, dass digitale Technologien nicht nur die Welt der Arbeit verändern, sondern auch Mobilität und Migration. Im Interview sprechen die Mitglieder des Forschungsprojekts über ihr Verständnis von digitalen Arbeitskulturen und setzen den Begriff in Beziehung zu Konzepten wie Logistik, Infrastruktur, Skalierbarkeit, Mobilität und Reproduktion. Anhand von Beispielen aus ihren empirischen Untersuchungen unterschiedlicher Formen von Plattformarbeit in Deutschland und Rumänien erläutern sie, wie digitale Plattformen Arbeit und Reproduktion reorganisieren und wie sich im Zuge dieser Transformation auch Formen und Praktiken von Arbeitsmigration verändern.The article takes the form of an interview protocol and is based on a conversation between Dennis Eckhardt and the members of the research project Digitalisation of Labour and Migration Moritz Altenried, Manuela Bojadžijev and Mira Wallis. The project is based on the assumption that digital technologies not only transform the world of work, but also have far-reaching consequences for mobility and migration. In the interview, members of the research project talk about their understanding of the term digital work cultures and relate this to concepts such as logistics, infrastructure, scalability, mobility and reproduction. Using examples from their empirical research on different forms of platform work in Germany and Romania, they illustrate how digital platforms reorganise labour and reproduction, and also how forms and practices of labour migration change in the course of this transformation.Peer Reviewe

    Turbulent Margins. Outlines of a new migration regime in Southeast Europe. (Turbolente Raender. Konturen eines neuen migrationsregimes in Suedosten Europas)

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    This article reviews developments of a new migration regime in Europe. It argues against the concept of a 'Fortress Europe' by pointing to fields of conflict that current migration movements establish. By focussing on a recent field research of migrations movements in Southeast Europe it explores modes of transit and entrepreneurial migration, the transformation and implementation of asylum laws, and the manifold functions of camps in the context of a transformation of statehood in this region

    Logistische Grenzlandschaften. Das Regime mobiler Arbeit nach dem Sommer der Migration

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    Il libro ricostruisce, sulla base di una ricerca empirica, le trasformazioni delle politiche migratorie in Germania dopo l'arrivo di un milione di profughi tra il 2015 e il 2016, concentrandosi in particolare sulle diverse modalità con cui è stata promossa la loro "integrazione" nel mercato del lavoro. La prima parte, wscritta dai curatori e composta di tre capitoli (pp. 15-113) presenta i risultati della ricerca, soffermandosi in particolare sul ruolo svolto da un insieme di eterogenee agenzie nel determinare l'incontro tra imprese e migranti e avanzando l'ipotesi secondo cui una razionalità "logistica" è sempre pià evidente nelle politiche migratorie in Germania e altrove. Nella seconda parte, studiosi e studiose di migrazioni commentano la ricerca e apportano ulteriori contributi