24 research outputs found

    Proteómica comparativa de especies silvestres y domesticadas de Amaranthus: A. hybridus, A. powellii, A. cruentus y A. hypochondriacus

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    "El amaranto es un cultivo valorado por la buena calidad de la proteína de su semilla. El género Amaranthus está formado por 70 especies con gran variabilidad genética, y existen numerosos reportes enfocados en la descripción de su filogenia con base en sus secuencias de DNA, sin embargo no se han reportado estudios relacionados al análisis de las proteínas de sus semillas. Este trabajo reporta la comparación proteómica y glicoproteómica mediante electroforesis en una dimensión y espectrometría de masas, de las semillas de las especies domesticadas A. cruentus y A. hypochondriacus y sus ancestros silvestres A. hybridus y A. powellii. El mayor contenido de proteína total se obtuvo para la especie silvestre A. powellii. Se empleó un enfoque de extracción diferencial para analizar las proteínas de las semillas de las cuatro especies de amaranto. En la fracción hidrofílica se encontraron acumuladas diferencialmente proteínas relacionadas con mecánica y estructura celular, proteínas involucradas con resistencia a estrés por choque térmico, estrés oxidante y proteínas tipo LEA, más abundantes en las especies silvestres de amaranto. En la fracción hidrofóbica de las cuatro especies se encontraron isoformas distintas de sintasas de almidón acopladas a granulo, enzimas clave en la determinación de la calidad de los gránulos de almidón. No se encontraron diferencias en los perfiles electroforéticos de glicoproteínas aisladas a partir de la fracción hidrofílica de las semillas de las cuatro especies de amaranto mediante cromatografía de afinidad a lectinas en paralelo. La identificación de estas glicoproteínas indica que una fracción de la globulina 11S de amaranto está glicosilada, proteína que además fue identificada en distintas bandas de las fracciones hidrofílica e hidrofóbica de las cuatro especies de amaranto. Estos resultados indican que la variabilidad en las semillas de las especies de amaranto no se limita a un nivel genético, sino que también existe a nivel proteómico, debido probablemente, además de las diferencias en el genoma, a mecanismos distintos de acumulación e incorporación de modificaciones postraduccionales.""Amaranth is a highly valued crop due to its good seed-protein quality. The Amaranthus genus is composed of 70 species with high genetic variability among its members. There are numerous reports focused on describing their phylogeny based on their DNA sequences, but there are no published studies related to the analysis of amaranth seed proteins. Here reports comparative proteomics and glycoproteomics carried out by one-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis of seed proteins of domesticated amaranth species A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus, and their wild ancestors A. hybridus and A. powellii is reported. The highest content of total protein was obtained for the wild species A. powellii. Differential extraction approach was used to analyze the seed proteins from the four amaranth species. The hydrophilic fraction contains differentially accumulated proteins related to structure and cell motion, resistance to heat shock stress, oxidative stress and LEA-like proteins, which were more abundant in wild amaranth species. Whereas in the hydrophobic fraction of all four amaranth seed species, different isoforms of granule bound starch synthases, key enzymes in determining the quality of the starch granules were found. No differences were found in the electrophoretic profiles of glycoproteins isolated by in parallel lectin affinity chromatography from the four species hydrophilic fraction. Amaranth 11S globulin was found glycosylated, and also identified in different bands in both hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions of the four seeds species. The results indicate that variability in seeds of amaranth species is not limited at the genetic level, but also at proteomic levels, probably due, in addition to genomic differences, to different protein accumulation mechanisms and posttranslational modifications.

    Evaluation of risk factors for eating disorders in students of nutrition / Evaluación de factores de riesgo de TCA en estudiantes de nutrición

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    AbstractThe media, the social environment and personal factors play an important role as risk factors for eating disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the rela- tionship between sociocultural influences body shape model with cognitions that are characteristic of eating disorders in undergraduate nutrition. Participated 112 students (88 women and 24 men) undergraduate students in nutrition. 15.9% of women and 20.8% of the men had body dissatisfaction. Men showed significantly greater pathological distress advertising influence and perfectionism than women. Both men and women shows a significant correlation between the internalization of a thin body and body dissatisfaction. Almost half of the participants (48%) had an internalization body thin model. Significant correlations were found between the internalization of a thin aesthetic model and body dissatisfaction, which indicates that this dissatisfaction is mediated by those standards from the media.  Key words: Eating disorders, media, body image. ResumenLos medios de comunicación, el ambiente social y los factores personales desempeñan un papel importante como factores de riesgo de los TCA. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la relación entre las influencias socioculturales del modelo estético corporal con las cogniciones que son características de los TCA, en estudiantes de licenciatura en nutrición. Se contó con 112 participantes (88 mujeres y 24 hombres) estudiantes de la licenciatura en nutrición. 15.9% de las mujeres y el 20.8% de los hombres presentaron insatisfacción corporal. Los hombres presentaron significativamente mayor malestar patológico, influencia de la publicidad y perfeccionismo que las mujeres. Tanto en hombres y mujeres se muestra una correlación significativa entre la interiorización de un cuerpo delgado y la insatisfacción corporal. Casi la mitad de los participantes (48%) presenta una interiorización del modelo estético de delgadez. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la interiorización de un modelo estético delgado y la insatisfacción corporal, lo cual indica que dicha insatisfacción está mediada por aquellos estándares provenientes de los medios de comunicación.  Palabras clave: Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, medios de comunicación, imagen corporal

    Lo glocal y el turismo. Nuevos paradigmas de interpretación.

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    El estudio del turismo se realiza desde múltiples escalas y enfoques, este libro aborda muchos temas que es necesario discutir desde diversas perspectivas; es el caso de la reflexión sobre la propia disciplina y sus conceptos, así como los asuntos específicos referidos al impacto territorial, los tipos de turismo, las cuestiones ambientales, el tema de la pobreza, la competitividad, las políticas públicas, el papel de las universidades, las áreas naturales protegidas, la sustentabilidad, la cultura, el desarrollo, la seguridad, todos temas centrales documentados y expuestos con originalidad y dominio del asunto. Lo multiescalar es básico para la comprensión del sistema turístico, sistema formado de procesos globales, regionales y locales. El eje de discusión del libro es lo glocal, esa interacción entre lo nacional y local con lo global

    Respuesta del tomate cultivado en hidroponía con soluciones nutritivas en sustrato humus de lombriz-fibra de coco

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect that induces Steiner nutrient solution 100% of nutrient concentration, as well as variations in the concentration of the same (25 and 50%) of the concentration, compared with the control (water only ), applied in mixtures of organic substrates based on vermicompost and coir in proportions v: v 25:75, 50:50 and 75:25. With the Imperial hybrid tomato grafted Multifort® ball type, indeterminate growth during the 2011-2012 crop seasons. A factorial experiment was established 4 x 3 on a completely randomized experimental design with four replications. The study variables were greenness index (determined with SPAD 502), polar and equatorial diameter of fruit, and performance as rated by the official standard NMX-FF-031-1997. Increases were observed in the greenness index of 43.1, 48.7 and 55.8% with the solutions at 25, 50 and 100% of the nutritional 150 DAT (days after transplantation) compared with plants irrigated with water concentration; the equatorial diameter of the fruit had increases of 34.3-39.3% in the first cluster, compared to the fruits in the control, in the second cluster were of 55.8-60.2%, and the third of 360.8-412.7%; the polar diameter of the third cluster of fruits increased 308.6, 334.4 and 324.8% in the respective solutions at 25, 50 and 100%; while solutions with the same total return is expressed in increments of 295.0, 378.2 and 394.7%, but the best responses occurred where solutions were applied at 50 and 100%.El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el efecto que induce la solución nutritiva Steiner al 100% de concentración nutrimental, así como las variaciones en la concentración de la misma (25 y 50%) de dicha concentración, en comparación con el testigo (sólo agua), aplicadas en mezclas de sustratos orgánicos a base de humus de lombriz y fibra de coco, en proporciones v:v de 25:75, 50:50 y 75:25. Con el tomate hibrido Imperial injertado con Multifort® tipo bola, de crecimiento indeterminado, durante el ciclo agrícola 2011-2012. Se estableció un experimento factorial 4 x 3 en un diseño experimental completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables de estudio fueron índice de verdor (determinada con SPAD 502), diámetro ecuatorial y polar de fruto, y rendimiento según la clasificación de la norma oficial NMX-FF-031-1997. Se observaron incrementos en el índice de verdor de 43.1, 48.7 y 55.8% con las soluciones al 25, 50 y 100% de concentración nutrimental a los 150 ddt (días después del trasplante), en comparación con plantas irrigadas con agua; el diámetro ecuatorial de los frutos tuvo incrementos de 34.3-39.3% en el primer racimo, en comparación al de frutos en el testigo, en el segundo racimo fueron de 55.8-60.2%, y en el tercero de 360.8-412.7%; el diámetro polar de frutos del tercer racimo se incrementó 308.6, 334.4 y 324.8% con las respectivas soluciones al 25, 50 y 100%; mientras que con las mismas soluciones el rendimiento total se expresó con incrementos de 295.0, 378.2 y 394.7%, pero las mejores respuestas se dieron donde se aplicaron las soluciones al 50 y 100%

    Proteomic Approach during the Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis in <i>Coffea canephora</i>

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    Plant growth regulators (PGR) are essential for somatic embryogenesis (SE) in different species, and Coffea canephora is no exception. In our study model, previously, we have been able to elucidate the participation of various genes involved in SE by using different strategies; however, until now, we have not used a proteomic approach. This research seeks to contribute to understanding the primary cellular pathways involved in developing SE in C. canephora. The process of our model consists of two stages: (1) preconditioning in MS medium with auxin (NAA) and cytokinin (KIN), and (2) induction in Yasuda liquid medium added with cytokinin (BA). Therefore, in this study, we analyzed different days of the SE induction process using shotgun label-free proteomics. An amount of 1630 proteins was found among different sampling days of the process, of which the majority were accumulated during the induction stage. We found that some of the most enriched pathways during this process were the biosynthesis of amino acids and secondary metabolites. Eighteen proteins were found related to auxin homeostasis and two to cytokinin metabolism, such as ABC, BIG, ILR, LOG, and ARR. Ten proteins and transcription factors related to SE were also identified, like SERK1, SKP1, nuclear transcription factor Y, MADS-box, and calreticulin, and 19 related to other processes of plant development, among which the 14-3-3 and PP2A proteins stand out. This is the first report on the proteomic approach to elucidate the mechanisms that operate during the induction of SE in C. canephora. So, our findings provide the groundwork for future, more in-depth research. Data are available via ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD047172

    Evaluation of Seismic Fragility of Steel Frames Using Vector-Valued IMs

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    The seismic fragility of steel frames subjected to narrow-band motions from the soft-soil of Mexico City is evaluated by means of different alternatives vector-valued ground motion intensity measures (IMs) comprised of two parameters. Because most of the seismic hazard maps around the world were developed for the spectral acceleration at first mode of vibration Sa(T1), all the vectors here considered are based in Sa(T1) as the first parameter. As the second parameter of the vector, the peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, duration, ID, RT1,T2 and Np are considered. The maximum inter-story drift and a recently proposed energy-based damage index for steel frames were employed for structural performance evaluation. It is observed, as expected, that spectral-shape-based vector valued IMs are the best proxies for seismic fragility analysis reducing the uncertainties in the structural response

    Evaluation of risk factors for eating disorders in students of nutrition

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    Los medios de comunicación, el ambiente social y los factores personales desempeñan un papel importante como factores de riesgo de los TCA. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la relación entre las influencias socioculturales del modelo estético corporal con las cogniciones que son características de los TCA, en estudiantes de licenciatura en nutrición. Se contó con 112 participantes (88 mujeres y 24 hombres) estudiantes de la licenciatura en nutrición. 15.9% de las mujeres y el 20.8% de los hombres presentaron insatisfacción corporal. Los hombres presentaron significativamente mayor malestar patológico, influencia de la publicidad y perfeccionismo que las mujeres. Tanto en hombres y mujeres se muestra una correlación significativa entre la interiorización de un cuerpo delgado y la insatisfacción corporal. Casi la mitad de los participantes (48%) presenta una interiorización del modelo estético de delgadez. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la interiorización de un modelo estético delgado y la insatisfacción corporal, lo cual indica que dicha insatisfacción está mediada por aquellos estándares provenientes de los medios de comunicación.The media, the social environment and personal factors play an important role as risk factors for eating disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between sociocultural influences body shape model with cognitions that are characteristic of eating disorders in undergraduate nutrition. Participated 112 students (88 women and 24 men) undergraduate students in nutrition. 15.9% of women and 20.8% of the men had body dissatisfaction. Men showed significantly greater pathological distress advertising influence and perfectionism than women. Both men and women shows a significant correlation between the internalization of a thin body and body dissatisfaction. Almost half of the participants (48%) had an internalization body thin model. Significant correlations were found between the internalization of a thin aesthetic model and body dissatisfaction, which indicates that this dissatisfaction is mediated by those standards from the media

    Aplicación del modelo estadístico de reducción de escala (SDSM) a algunas ciudades de México

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    Ponencia presentada en: XI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Cartagena entre el 17 y el 19 de octubre de 2018.[ES]Los modelos de circulación global (MCG) son la principal herramienta para proyecciones futuras del cambio climático usando diferentes escenarios de emisiones. Un problema que surge con el uso de las salidas de los MCG para aplicaciones locales es su baja resolución espacial. Una técnica de re-escalamiento, comúnmente usada, para realizar predicciones diarias de variables climáticas futuras a escala regional es el Modelo de Downscaling Estadístico (SDSM). Dado que varias de las ciudades de México han crecido de manera notable, tanto superficial como poblacionalmente, y han mostrado en varias ocasiones su vulnerabilidad a eventos meteorológicos y climáticos, en esta comunicación se aplicó el SDSM para generar escenarios de temperatura máxima, temperatura mínima y precipitación en 16 ciudades de México, ubicadas en diferentes regiones geográficas y climáticas, con dos Rutas de Concentración Representativa (RCP), de 2.6 y 8.5 W/m2, para los horizontes temporales de 2006-2037, 2038-2069 y 2070-2100. Todas las ciudades tendrán que enfrentar en el futuro un clima más cálido y un régimen lluvioso variable, por lo que algunos planes de mitigación tendrán que ser propuestos.[EN]Global circulation models (GCM) are the main tool for future projections of climate change using different emission scenarios. One problem that arises with the use of GCM outputs for local applications is their low spatial resolution. A downscaling technique, commonly used, to make daily predictions of future climatic variables at a regional scale is the Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM). Several cities in Mexico have grown significantly, both in area and in population, and have repeatedly shown their vulnerability to meteorological and climatic events, so in this communication the SDSM was applied to generate scenarios of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation in 16 cities of Mexico, located in different geographic and climatic regions. Two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP), of 2.6 and 8.5 W/m2, were selected for the time horizons of 2006-2037, 2038-2069 and 2070-2100. It is observed that all cities will have to face a warmer climate and a variable rainy regime in the future, so some mitigation plans will have to be proposed.Este trabajo fue posible gracias al financiamiento del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología bajo la tutela de proyecto CB 2011-167595 apoyado en la convocatoria de Ciencia Básica

    Mass Spectrometry Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 Detection: Harnessing for Application in Food and Environmental Samples

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    The public health crisis caused by the emergence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in 2019 has drastically changed our lifestyle in virtually all contexts around the world. SARS-CoV-2 is mainly airborne, transmitted by the salivary droplets produced when infected people cough or sneeze. In addition, diarrhea symptoms and the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in feces suggest a fecal&ndash;oral route of contagion. Currently, the high demand for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis has surpassed the availability of PCR and immunodetection probes and has prompted the development of other diagnostic alternatives. In this context, mass spectrometry (MS) represents a mature, robust alternative platform for detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other human viruses. This possibility has raised great interest worldwide. Therefore, it is time for the global application of MS as a feasible option for detecting SARS-CoV-2, not only in human fluids, but also in other matrices such as foods and wastewater. This review covers the most relevant established methods for MS-based SARS-CoV-2 detection and discusses the future application of these tools in different matrices. Significance: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic highlighted the pros and cons of currently available PCR and immunodetection tools. The great concern over the infective potential of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles that can persist for several hours on different surfaces under various conditions further evidenced the need for reliable alternatives and high-throughput methods to meet the needs for mass detection of SARS-CoV-2. In this context, MS-based proteomics emerging from fundamental studies in life science can offer a robust option for SARS-CoV-2 detection in human fluids and other matrices. In addition, the substantial efforts towards detecting SARS-CoV-2 in clinal samples, position MS to support the detection of this virus in different matrices such as the surfaces of the packing food process, frozen foods, and wastewaters. Proteomics and mass spectrometry are, therefore, well positioned to play a role in the epidemiological control of COVID-19 and other future diseases. We are currently witnessing the opportunity to generate technologies to overcome prolonged pandemics for the first time in human history

    Protein analysis reveals differential accumulation of late embryogenesis abundant and storage proteins in seeds of wild and cultivated amaranth species

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    Abstract Background Amaranth is a plant naturally resistant to various types of stresses that produces seeds of excellent nutritional quality, so amaranth is a promising system for food production. Amaranth wild relatives have survived climate changes and grow under harsh conditions, however no studies about morphological and molecular characteristics of their seeds are known. Therefore, we carried out a detailed morphological and molecular characterization of wild species A. powellii and A. hybridus, and compared them with the cultivated amaranth species A. hypochondriacus (waxy and non-waxy seeds) and A. cruentus. Results Seed proteins were fractionated according to their polarity properties and were analysed in one-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1-DE) followed by nano-liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS). A total of 34 differentially accumulated protein bands were detected and 105 proteins were successfully identified. Late embryogenesis abundant proteins were detected as species-specific. Oleosins and oil bodies associated proteins were observed preferentially in A. cruentus. Different isoforms of the granule-bound starch synthase I, and several paralogs of 7S and 11S globulins were also identified. The in silico structural analysis from different isoforms of 11S globulins was carried out, including new types of 11S globulin not reported so far. Conclusions The results provide novel information about 11S globulins and proteins related in seed protection, which could play important roles in the nutritional value and adaptive tolerance to stress in amaranth species