4,380 research outputs found

    DSGE Models in a Data-Rich Environment.

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    Standard practice for the estimation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models maintains the assumption that economic variables are properly measured by a single indicator, and that all relevant information for the estimation is summarized by a small number of data series. However, recent empirical research on factor models has shown that information contained in large data sets is relevant for the evolution of important macroeconomic series. This suggests that conventional model estimates and inference based on estimated DSGE models might be distorted. In this paper, we propose an empirical framework for the estimation of DSGE models that exploits the relevant information from a data-rich environment. This framework provides an interpretation of all information contained in a large data set, and in particular of the latent factors, through the lenses of a DSGE model. The estimation involves Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods. We apply this estimation approach to a state-of-the-art DSGE monetary model. We find evidence of imperfect measurement of the model's theoretical concepts, in particular for inflation. We show that exploiting more information is important for accurate estimation of the model's concepts and shocks, and that it implies different conclusions about key structural parameters and the sources of economic fluctuations.DSGE models ; Measurement error ; Large data sets ; Factor models ; Forecasting ; MCMC ; Bayesian estimation.

    De l’occupation du sous-sol urbain à l’urbanisme souterrain

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    Dans cet article, l'auteur jette les bases d'une réflexion sur l'utilisation de l'espace souterrain en milieu urbain, établissant ainsi une problématique non pas bidimensionnelle (surface) mais bien tridimensionnelle de l'espace. Divers aspects tels que les modifications éventuelles de la trame et de la forme urbaines sont considérés à la lumière des préoccupations d'aménagement qui sont intimement liées aux questions d'utilisation du sol. Plusieurs exemples québécois serviront d'ailleurs à illustrer ce propos. Enfin, une méthodologie est proposée afin de guider les aménagistes et urbanistes dans ce nouveau territoire à occuper. Plusieurs propositions sont en outre formulées afin de mieux gérer l'espace urbain.The purpose of this paper is to establish a basis for discussion regarding underground space planning and its implementation in urban areas. More specifically, the intention is to document and analyse the overall space available instead of the two-dimensional surface traditional to urban planning. Several Québec examples are used to illustrate the relevance of the issue. This eventually leads to a proposal for a general methodology that will help urban and regional planners to take into account this new available urban space. These fundamental questions should help us manage urban space more adequately

    Analyse de la législation actuelle au Québec, en matière de restauration et de réaménagement de mines et carrières abandonnées

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    Dans cet article l'auteur analyse les législations actuelles qui réglementent l'activité minière au Québec et plus particulièrement les articles concernant la réhabilitation des sites abandonnés. La loi sur les mines, la loi de la qualité de l'environnement de même que les règlements qui y sont associés sont examinés. Finalement, à la lumière de cette analyse, un programme pour la restauration et le réaménagement des sites abandonnés est proposé, programme qui tient compte des priorités d'intervention et des problèmes de financement.This article deals with present legislation concerning the reclamation of mines and quarries in the province of Québec. The Mining Act and the Environmental quality Act are examined as well as the statutory instruments related. Finally, considering intervention priorities and financial matter, a program for the rehabilitation of the abandoned mines and quarries is proposed

    Fracture through cavitation in a metallic glass

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    The fracture surfaces of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass exhibit exotic multi-affine isotropic scaling properties. The study of the mismatch between the two facing fracture surfaces as a function of their distance shows that fracture occurs mostly through the growth and coalescence of damage cavities. The fractal nature of these damage cavities is shown to control the roughness of the fracture surfaces

    A note on the detection of the carrot weevil in Nova Scotia

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    Le charançon de la carotte, Listronotus oregonensis [Coleoptera: Curculionidae], est un ravageur important des cultures de légumes dans le nord-est de l'Amérique du Nord. Cette espèce n'avait cependant jamais été détectée auparavant dans les Maritimes ou à Terre-Neuve. En 1985, 1986 et 1988, des tentatives de détection de ce ravageur en Nouvelle-Ecosse ont été infructueuses. En 1992, des pièges thigmotactiques faits de plaquettes de bois et appâtés avec des carottes fraîches, ont été utilisés dans trois champs de carottes (Daucus carota), et six spécimens ont été capturés durant la migration printanière de l'insecte entre ses sites d'hivernation et un champ de carottes situé près de Great Village, en Nouvelle-Ecosse.The carrot weevil, Listronotus oregonensis [Coleoptera: Curculionidae], is a significant pest of vegetable crops in northeastern North America. However, the species had not been previously detected in Atlantic Canada. In 1985,1986, and 1988, attempts to detect this pest in Nova Scotia were unsuccessful. In 1992, in one of three carrot (Daucus carota) fields monitored using thigmotactic wooden-plate traps baited with fresh carrots, six individuals were captured during the spring migration of the inseetfrom overwintering sites into a carrot field near Great Village, Nova Scotia

    Developmental associations between victimization and body mass index from 3 to 10 years in a population sample

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    In the current prospective study, we investigated (1) whether high and low BMI in early childhood puts a child at risk of victimization by their peers, and (2) whether being victimised increases BMI over the short- and long-term, independent of the effect of BMI on victimization. We also examined whether gender moderated these prospective associations. Participants were 1344 children who were assessed yearly from ages 3 -10 years as part of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD). BMI predicted annual increases in victimization for girls aged 6 years and over; for boys aged 7 and 8 years of age, higher BMI reduced victimization over the school year. Further, victimization predicted annual increases in BMI for girls after age 6 years. When these short-term effects were held constant, victimization was also shown to have a three and five-year influence on annual BMI changes for girls from age 3 years. These short- and long-term cross-lagged effects were evident when the effects of family adversity were controlled. The findings support those from previous prospective research showing a link between higher BMI and victimization, but only for girls. Further, being victimised increased the likelihood that girls would put on weight over time, which then increased future victimization. The implications of these prospective findings for interventions are considered

    Emotional distress in infertile women and failure of assisted reproductive technologies: meta-analysis of prospective psychosocial studies

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    Objective To examine whether pretreatment emotional distress in women is associated with achievement of pregnancy after a cycle of assisted reproductive technology
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