16 research outputs found

    Régulation de la protéine mBACE1 par les miARN miR-298 et miR-328

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    MicroRNA-298 and MicroRNA-328 regulate expression of mouse ß-Amyloid precursor protein-converting enzyme 1

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulatory RNAs known to repress mRNA translation through recognition of specific binding sites located mainly in their 3′-untranslated region (UTR). Loss of specific miRNA control of gene expression is thus expected to underlie serious genetic diseases. Intriguingly, previous post-mortem analyses showed higher β-amyloid precursor protein-converting enzyme (BACE) protein, but not mRNA, levels in the brain of patients that suffered from Alzheimer disease (AD). Here we also observed a loss of correlation between BACE1 mRNA and protein levels in the hippocampus of a mouse model of AD. Consistent with an impairment of miRNA-mediated regulation of BACE1 expression, these findings prompted us to investigate the regulatory role of the BACE1 3′-UTR element and the possible involvement of specific miRNAs in cultured neuronal (N2a) and fibroblastic (NIH 3T3) cells. Through various experimental approaches, we validated computational predictions and demonstrated that miR-298 and miR-328 recognize specific binding sites in the 3′-UTR of BACE1 mRNA and exert regulatory effects on BACE1 protein expression in cultured neuronal cells. Our results may provide the molecular basis underlying BACE1 deregulation in AD and offer new perspectives on the etiology of this neurological disorder

    Refractoriness of hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site to processing by Dicer in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a positive-strand RNA virus harboring a highly structured internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in the 5' nontranslated region of its genome. Important for initiating translation of viral RNAs into proteins, the HCV IRES is composed of RNA structures reminiscent of microRNA precursors that may be targeted by the host RNA silencing machinery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report that HCV IRES can be recognized and processed into small RNAs by the human ribonuclease Dicer in vitro. Furthermore, we identify domains II, III and VI of HCV IRES as potential substrates for Dicer in vitro. However, maintenance of the functional integrity of the HCV IRES in response to Dicer overexpression suggests that the structure of the HCV IRES abrogates its processing by Dicer in vivo.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that the HCV IRES may have evolved to adopt a structure or a cellular context that is refractory to Dicer processing, which may contribute to viral escape of the host RNA silencing machinery.</p

    Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) signaling in injured neurons facilitates protection and survival

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    Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) and interleukin-34 (IL-34) are functional ligands of the CSF1 receptor (CSF1R) and thus are key regulators of the monocyte/macrophage lineage. We discovered that systemic administration of human recombinant CSF1 ameliorates memory deficits in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. CSF1 and IL-34 strongly reduced excitotoxin-induced neuronal cell loss and gliosis in wild-type mice when administered systemically before or up to 6 h after injury. These effects were accompanied by maintenance of cAMP responsive element–binding protein (CREB) signaling in neurons rather than in microglia. Using lineage-tracing experiments, we discovered that a small number of neurons in the hippocampus and cortex express CSF1R under physiological conditions and that kainic acid–induced excitotoxic injury results in a profound increase in neuronal receptor expression. Selective deletion of CSF1R in forebrain neurons in mice exacerbated excitotoxin-induced death and neurodegeneration. We conclude that CSF1 and IL-34 provide powerful neuroprotective and survival signals in brain injury and neurodegeneration involving CSF1R expression on neurons

    Vascular and blood-brain barrier-related changes underlie stress responses and resilience in female mice and depression in human tissue

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    Prevalence, symptoms, and treatment of depression suggest that major depressive disorders (MDD) present sex differences. Social stress-induced neurovascular pathology is associated with depressive symptoms in male mice; however, this association is unclear in females. Here, we report that chronic social and subchronic variable stress promotes blood-brain barrier (BBB) alterations in mood-related brain regions of female mice. Targeted disruption of the BBB in the female prefrontal cortex (PFC) induces anxiety- and depression-like behaviours. By comparing the endothelium cell-specific transcriptomic profiling of the mouse male and female PFC, we identify several pathways and genes involved in maladaptive stress responses and resilience to stress. Furthermore, we confirm that the BBB in the PFC of stressed female mice is leaky. Then, we identify circulating vascular biomarkers of chronic stress, such as soluble E-selectin. Similar changes in circulating soluble E-selectin, BBB gene expression and morphology can be found in blood serum and postmortem brain samples from women diagnosed with MDD. Altogether, we propose that BBB dysfunction plays an important role in modulating stress responses in female mice and possibly MDD

    A polymerase chain reaction-based cloning strategy applicable to functional microRNA studies

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulatory RNAs that act in concert to coordinately control messenger RNA translation through imperfect recognition of multiple specific binding sites (BSs) located in their 30 untranslated region. Here, we present a polymerase chain reaction-based cloning strategy that allows the rapid and efficient generation of regulatory elements harboring up to 10 miRNA BSs. Amenable for the study of regulatory elements of any multiplicity, such as those recognized by miRNAs and transcription factors, this methodology will facilitate functional miRNA/miRNA BS studies and accelerate discoveries mainly in the field of gene regulation

    Regulatory RNAs : future perspectives in diagnosis, prognosis, and individualized therapy

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    With potentially up to 1000 microRNAs (miRNAs) present in the human genome, altogether regulating the expression of thousands of genes, one can anticipate that miRNAs will play a significant role in health and disease. Deregulated protein expression induced by a dysfunctional miRNA-based regulatory system is thus expected to lead to the development of serious, if not lethal, genetic diseases. A relationship among miRNAs, Dicer, and cancer has recently been suggested. Further investigations will help establish specific causal links between dysfunctional miRNAs and diseases. miRNAs of foreign origin, e.g., viruses, may also be used as specific markers of viral infections. In these cases, miRNA expression profiles could represent a powerful diagnostic tool. Regulatory RNAs may also have therapeutic applications, by which disease-causing genes or viral miRNAs could be neutralized, or functional miRNAs be restored. Will bedside miRNA expression profiling eventually assist physicians in providing patients with accurate diagnosis, personalized therapy, and treatment outcome