214 research outputs found

    The impact of boundary organizations on decision-making under uncertainty: a multi-agent simulation

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    Modern environmental issues imply that decision-makers take into account possibly conflicting information from distinct domains, such as science and economics. Boundary organizations, institutions that cross the gap between two different domains, are able to act beyond the boundaries while remaining accountable to each side. The goal is to simulate boundary organizations to assess their impact on the diffusion of experts' opinions. The hypothesis tested is whether the existence of a boundary organization eases the decision-making process by reducing the number of opinions expressed. The methodology relies on a multi-agent system based on a model of continuous opinion dynamics extended over two dimensions. Agents are described by credibility and conviction: the credibility represents how much other agents may be influenced by an agent, and the conviction represents the resistance of an agent to changing its position. Two kinds of agents are left free to interact, modifying their position through one-to-one exchanges. Agents called borgs are introduced: open to trans-disciplinary discussion, they are able to exchange on both dimensions. The results show that the range of expressed opinions is significantly reduced, even at low levels of experts involved in the boundary organization.

    Are financial analysts of IPO firms under pressure: the European evidence

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    Long run returns of IPO firms’ recommendations in Europe reveal possible conflicts of interest and pressures faced by financial analysts over the 1991-2005 period. Nevertheless, recent European legislations about investment research have led to better long run performance of IPO firms’ recommendations issued by affiliated analysts over the 2001-2005 period. Findings reveal that market participants do not fully incorporate the perceived value of recommendations. Indeed, difference between affiliated and unaffiliated analysts’ recommendations is statistically significant over one, three or five year horizon. The timing of recommendations specifies that investors pay more attention to affiliated analysts’ recommendations made later in the aftermarket. This result could suggest that the later is the recommendation made in the IPO aftermarket the weaker is the pressure faced by affiliated analysts.Initial Public Offering; conflicts of interest; financial analysts; long run performance

    Comparaison des intentions entrepreneuriales des étudiants : France –Pays arabes

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    A partir d'une grille de lecture dérivée du modèle psychosocial du comportement planifié d'Ajzen, nous étudions les déterminons des intentions entrepreneuriales affichées par les étudiants en France et dans trois pays arabes, Algérie, Liban et Tunisie. Nous observons que les niveaux mesurés de ces intentions sont très différents d'un pays à l'autre et nous essayons d'expliquer ces divergences à partir des éléments qui, selon le modèle retenu, sont à la base de ces intentions : attitude envers la création d'entreprises, normes sociales et contrôle comportemental perçu. Pour ce faire, nous proposons, en utilisant des techniques d'analyse des données, quatre facteurs (perception de la gestion du temps dans la vision de l'entrepreneuriat ; projection dans le future professionnel ; goût du risque dans la vie professionnel ; capacité perçue) qui structurent les intentions entrepreneuriales des étudiants, ainsi qu'une typologie qui montre des comportements quant aux intentions entrepreneuriales bien caractérisées et distinctes, entre d'une part, la France, et d'autre part, les autres pays.intentions entrepreneuriales ; étudiants ; France ; Pays arabes

    Brief communication: Hair density and body mass in mammals and the evolution of human hairlessness

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    Humans are unusual among mammals in appearing hairless. Several hypotheses propose explanations for this phenotype, but few data are available to test these hypotheses. To elucidate the evolutionary history of human “hairlessness,” a comparative approach is needed. One previous study on primate hair density concluded that great apes have systematically less dense hair than smaller primates. While there is a negative correlation between body size and hair density, it remains unclear whether great apes have less dense hair than is expected for their body size. To revisit the scaling relationship between hair density and body size in mammals, I compiled data from the literature on 23 primates and 29 nonprimate mammals and conducted Phylogenetic Generalized Least Squares regressions. Among anthropoids, there is a significant negative correlation between hair density and body mass. Chimpanzees display the largest residuals, exhibiting less dense hair than is expected for their body size. There is a negative correlation between hair density and body mass among the broader mammalian sample, although the functional significance of this scaling relationship remains to be tested. Results indicate that all primates, and chimpanzees in particular, are relatively hairless compared to other mammals. This suggests that there may have been selective pressures acting on the ancestor of humans and chimpanzees that led to an initial reduction in hair density. To further understand the evolution of human hairlessness, a systematic study of hair density and physiology in a wide range of species is necessary. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:145–150, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99654/1/ajpa22333.pd

    Formation et esprit d'entreprendre chez les Ă©tudiants

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    Cette contribution s'attache à étudier entre esprit d'entreprendre et domaine d'études chez les étudiants français. L'esprit d'entreprendre est le substrat dans lequel peut germer l'intention qui pourra donner lieu à une création d'entreprise. Nous choisissons de l'appréhender à partir d'une grille de lecture dérivée du modèle psychosocial du comportement planifié d'Ajzen, enrichie par des variables reflétant l'implication dans la vie associative et les opinions sur les formations à la création d'entreprise.esprit d'entreprendre ; domaine d'étude ; étudiants français

    Les parcs fournisseurs : entre marché et hiérarchie

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    Sur un Parc Industriel Fournisseurs, constructeur et fournisseurs nouent des relations qui s'inscrivent dans la durée et engagent des actifs spécifiques. De telles relations matérialisent parfaitement ce que Williamson appelle les formes hybrides, formes de coordination intermédiaires entre marché et hiérarchie. Cet article se propose d'étudier les processus de gouvernance des formes hybrides sous l'angle de leur stabilité. Dans cette perspective, les principales caractéristiques du cas Renault Sandouville seront confrontées à l'approche proposée par la théorie des coûts de transaction. Sur la base d'observations empiriques, nous tenterons ainsi d'éclairer certaines zones d'ombre laissées par ce courant théorique. En effet, les relations contractuelles de long terme, si elles maintiennent la flexibilité en préservant l'autonomie des parties, exigent des éléments de coordination supplémentaires et spécifiques à la transaction


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    Teripang merupakan komoditas perikanan yang saat ini dibudidayakan dan dieksploitasi di perairan Lampung. Namun terdapat kesulitan dalam mengidentifikasi teripang karena kemiripan morfologis di antara spesies yang ada. Identifikasi yang baik berguna agar proses pembudidayaan dan konservasi dapat tepat sasaran. Penggunaan DNA barcoding dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis teripang yang ada, jarak genetik, dan keragaman genetik intra/inter spesies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi teripang di perairan Lampung dengan menggunakan sekuen DNA gen COI. Teripang diambil dengan menggunakan metode jelajah pada saat surut dan dengan scuba diving. Pengamatan DNA menggunakan primer universal ceF, pengeditan dan diurutkan dengan program Geneious ver 9 dan program BLAST. Konstruksi pohon filogenetik dilakukan dengan metode neighbor joining (NJ) pada model Kimura-2. Penelitian ini menunjukkan spesies teripang yang teridentifikasi adalah Holothuria leucospilota, H. atra, Stichopus vastus, dan S. horrens dengan jarak kesamaan 99%-100%. S. vastus dan S. horrens memiliki jarak genetik terendah dengan pengurangan yang tinggi. Rekonstruksi filogenetik memperlihatkan pengelompokkan spesies-spesies ke dalam genus Holothuria dan Stichopus. Stichopus sp. memiliki kesamaan morfologi yang tinggi sehingga kesalahan identifikasi sering terjadi. DNA barcoding dapat mengidentifikasi teripang secara cepat dan akurat sehingga pengelolaan teripang baik secara budidaya maupun pengambilan langsung di alam dapat berkelanjutan. Identifikasi spesies yang tepat menjadi kunci utama dalam upaya pembudidayaan dan konservasi teripang yang tepat sasaran dan berkelanjutan.Sea cucumbers is a highly valued fishery commodity that is currently cultivated and exploited in Lampung waters. However, differentiating a sea cucumber species from another is sometimes difficult due the morphological similarities between the species. Developing an accurate identification method is then critical to ensure successfull farming activities and conservation efforts of sea cucumbers. DNA barcoding could be used to accurately identify sea cucumber species, genetic distance, and genetic diversity between species. This study aimed to identify sea cucumbers existed in Lampung waters using DNA barcoding of the COI gene with ceF and ceR universal primers. Sea cucumbers are taken using the cruising method at low tide and by scuba diving. The DNA sequence was then edited and aligmented using the Geneious ver.9 program and analyzed using the BLAST program. Phylogenetic tree construction was carried out using the neighbor joining (NJ) method on the Kimura-2 model. This study showed that the identified species of sea cucumbers were Holothuria leucospilota, H. atra, Stichopus vastus, and S. horrens with a similarity distance of 99%-100%. S. vastus and S. horrens have the lowest genetic range. Phylogenetic reconstruction shows the classification of species into the genus Holothuria and Stichopus. Stichopus sp. have high morphological similarities within the same genus which often lead to species misidentification. DNA barcoding can identify sea cucumbers quickly and accurately. This method allows the identification of the right sea cucumber species which is the main key in the effort to cultivate and conserve targeted and sustainable sea cucumbers
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