199 research outputs found

    In vitro rearing of Pratylenchidae nematodes on carrot discs

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    Cette technique d'Ă©levage s'applique aux nĂ©matodes migrateurs (par exemple, aux espĂšces de Pratylenchus et Ă  Radopholus similis) pour une production de masse des nĂ©matodes Ă  des fins expĂ©rimentales, pour leur conservation, et pour des Ă©tudes de leur multiplication ou de leurs mĂ©canismes de reproduction. Le principe de la mĂ©thode appliquĂ©e, les principaux avantages, le matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal nĂ©cessaire et le temps requis sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes. Le matĂ©riel de laboratoire nĂ©cessaire, ainsi que le dĂ©tail des neuf Ă©tapes nĂ©cessaires Ă  la prĂ©paration des disques de carotte, la prĂ©paration des nĂ©matodes, l'inoculation des nĂ©matodes et la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des nĂ©matodes hors des boĂźtes de PĂ©tri sont dĂ©crits. Les problĂšmes potentiels sont rĂ©pertoriĂ©s. RĂ©sultats. Plusieurs milliers de nĂ©matodes peuvent ĂȘtre extraits Ă  partir d'un disque de carotte aprĂšs 6-8 semaines de culture, selon l'espĂšce et la population considĂ©rĂ©es (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur


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    Travelling with Susie King Taylor

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    Susie King Taylorùùù¹s 1902 memoir of her Civil War experiences, Reminiscences of My Life in Camp, comprises a complex document testifying to the contest over the meaning of the Civil War in historical memory as well as the struggle of freed people, and black women in particular, to insert themselves into public dialogues as authorized subjects. Viewing Taylorùùù¹s narrative, the positioning of its author and the changing conditions of its reception, through the lens of black womanist theory and travel literature criticism presents an opportunity to consider the nature of knowledge in a way that resists dichotomizing authenticity and objectivity, or experience and interpretation

    Response to The Duke Rape Case Five Years Later: Lessons for the Academy, the Media, and the Criminal Justice System by Dan Subotnik

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    There are all kinds of injustices in the world—unwarranted punishments and deprivations of liberty as well as undeserved material, psychological, and emotional injuries, inequities, and wrongs. False accusations provide the basis for one of the most poignant narratives of injustice because we have the sense that someone punished for a specific, discrete act that they did not commit is entirely innocent, not only of that discrete act but in some sort of existential sense of the word. ...Tragic irony is always compelling in a narrative, but, if one can identify with that falsely accused person, either because one shares similar background, circumstances, personal characteristics or because one has experienced a similar situation—or feels vulnerable to the same forces— the injustice seems to outweigh other wrongs, takes on greater importance than other inequities. The suffering rendered in such cases can seem more monstrous than other unwarranted deprivations that also arise from imperfect systems, and the institutional defects appear more glaring. Professor Subotnik’s tale of flawed institutions giving rise to the charges of rape against Duke student athletes is such a case in point, but that depends on the point of identification. By identifying so completely with the white male student athletes, Professor Subotnik loses himself in a story that is only a small subset of the many stories that can be told about our justice system and, in so doing, loses his sense of proportion

    One-year reserve risk including a tail factor: closed formula and bootstrap approaches

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    In this paper, we detail the main simulation methods used in practice to measure one-year reserve risk, and describe the bootstrap method providing an empirical distribution of the Claims Development Result (CDR) whose variance is identical to the closed-form expression of the prediction error proposed by WĂŒthrich et al. (2008). In particular, we integrate the stochastic modeling of a tail factor in the bootstrap procedure. We demonstrate the equivalence with existing analytical results and develop closed-form expressions for the error of prediction including a tail factor. A numerical example is given at the end of this study.Non‐life insurance, Reserve risk, Claims Development Result, Bootstrap method, Tail factor, Prediction error, Solvency II

    Nematode extraction from banana roots by the centrifugal-flotation technique

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    Introduction. La technique de centrifugation-flottaison permet de séparer toutes les espÚces de nématodes, à tous les stades de développement, des particules de sol restant et des débris de racine pour faciliter leur observation. Le principe de la méthode appliquée, les principaux avantages, le matériel végétal nécessaire et le temps requis sont présentés. Matériel et méthodes. Le matériel de laboratoire nécessaire, ainsi que le détail des 19 étapes utilisées pour extraire les nématodes à partir du tissu végétal avant dénombrement et détermination sont décrits. Les problÚmes potentiels sont répertoriés. (Résumé d'auteur
