310 research outputs found

    Critical Analysis of the GreenMetric World University Ranking System: The Issue of Comparability

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    The Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World Ranking is the most widely adopted system nowadays to rank worldwide universities' sustainability. The number of participating universities has consistently increased throughout the last decade. An in-depth analysis of this ranking system is made to assess how sustainability in universities is measured through specific indicators. Specifically, based on expert knowledge, common logic and the scientific literature, these indicators are assessed with respect to whether they can be used to fairly quantify and rank worldwide universities' sustainability development. Some indicators proposed by the ranking system, such as the number of renewable energy sources on campus and the number of various types of programs for sustainable development, were found to be unable to measure any sustainability development effectively and fairly. Many others, such as the opted sewage disposal modality, the percentage of university budget for sustainability efforts and the ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding, were found to need adjustment to account for context-specific factors such as availability of renewable energy sources, weather, landscape, original construction and the cultural habits of the enrolled people. Taking into account these considerations, a fairer evaluation and comparison of universities' sustainability could be achieved which provides universities with information on how to effectively improve their sustainability

    A two-channel Molecular dosimeter for the optical detection of copper(II)

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    A cyclam-like macrocycle with an integrated push-pull chromophore selectively detects Cu2+ inclusion through both orange-to-yellow colour change and quenching of the green fluorescence

    Bimacrocyclic Effect in Anion Recognition by a Copper(II) Bicyclam Complex

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    The dicopper(II) complex of the bimacrocyclic ligand α,α′-bis(5,7-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-6-yl)-o-xylene, 2, interacts with selected anions in dimethyl sulfoxide solution according to two different modes: (i) halides (Cl-, Br-, and I-) and N3- coordinate the two metal centers at the same time between the two macrocyclic subunits that face each other and (ii) anionic species that do not fit the bridging coordination mode (e.g., NCO-, SCN-, CH3COO-, NO3-, and H2PO4-) interact with copper(II) ions only at the "external" positions or their interaction is too weak to be detected. Occurrence of the bridging interaction is demonstrated by X-ray crystallographic studies performed on the adduct formed by [Cu2(2)]4+ with azide and by electron paramagnetic resonance investigation, as the anion coordination between the two copper(II) centers induces spin-spin coupling. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments performed on [Cu2(2)]4+ and, for comparison, on [(5,7-dimethyl-6-benzyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)copper(II)], representing the mononuclear analogue, allowed determination of thermodynamic parameters (log K, ΔH, and TΔS) associated with the considered complex/anion equilibria. Thermodynamic data showed that adducts formed by [Cu2(2)]4+ with halides and azide benefit from an extra stability that can be explained on the basis of the anion advantage of simultaneously binding the two metal centers, i.e., in terms of the bimacrocyclic effect

    Loss of heterozygosity at the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase locus in human ovarian carcinomas.

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    The high-affinity folate-binding protein (FBP) is primarily involved in the uptake of the 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, and its expression may be physiologically regulated by the intracellular folate content. The overexpression of FBP on the cell surface of ovarian carcinoma cells may be responsible for an increased folate uptake. We tested the hypothesis of the existence of a defect in the 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) in ovarian tumours that could cause reduced intracellular regeneration of the 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and induce increased FBP expression. No sequence mutations were found in the MTHFR gene, but allelic deletions of this gene were frequently detected in ovarian tumours (59%). Chromosomal losses appeared to be confined to the 1p36.3 region to which the MTHFR gene maps. Although it cannot be stated that MTHFR is the target gene of the chromosomal loss involving the 1p36.3 region, a correlation between loss of heterozygosity at this locus and decrease in MTHFR activity was shown, suggesting a role of these allelic deletions in generating a biochemical defect in folate metabolism. Further studies are needed to assess further the relationship between MTHFR and FBP overexpression, but the demonstration of the alteration of a key metabolic enzyme of the folate cycle in a subset of human ovarian tumours is in accordance with the hypothesis of an altered folate metabolism in these neoplasias and might be exploited for therapeutic purposes

    Microalbuminuria and sRAGE in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients Treated with Nifedipine/Telmisartan Combination Treatment: A Substudy of TALENT

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    Some antihypertensive drugs have also renoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties that go beyond their effect on blood pressure. It has been suggested that microalbuminuria and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are associated with circulating levels of the soluble form of the receptor, sRAGE (soluble receptor for advanced glycation ends-products). In the present analysis, we used data from the TALENT study to evaluate soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE) plasma levels in patients with hypertension and high-cardiovascular risk-treated nifedipine and telmisartan in combination. Treatment with nifedipine-telmisartan significantly decreased mean systolic and diastolic ambulatory blood pressure and resulted in a significant increase in sRAGE plasma concentrations after 24 weeks of therapy. We concluded that in hypertensive patients with early-stage renal disease, sRAGE concentrations are not influenced by either microalbuminuria or GFR. Long-term treatment with a combination of nifedipine-telmisartan may have a beneficial effect increasing sRAGE plasma levels, thus exerting an atheroprotective and anti-inflammatory activity

    Prostatic stromal tumor with fatal outcome in a young man: histopathological and immunohistochemical case presentation

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    Stromal tumors of the prostate are rare and only a few cases have been described in the literature, including exceptional cases of stromal tumors with unknown malignant potential (STUMP) and a fatal outcome in young patients. Morphologically distinguishing a STUMP from a stromal sarcoma of the prostate (PSS) is still a challenge. We describe the histopathological and immunohistochemical findings in a 34-year-old man with a malignant specialized cell stromal tumor of the prostate that was diagnosed initially as STUMP, and he developed lung metastases within a few months. The patient attended our hospital because of lower urinary tract symptoms, after having excreted tissue through the urethra a few months before. Ultrasonography and urethrocystoscopy examinations showed a mass arising from the verumontanum, and a transurethral resection (TUR) revealed a highgrade spindle cell sarcoma reminiscent of a phyllode tumor of the breast. The tumor cells were immunoreactive for vimentin, progesterone receptor and, focally, CD34. The preliminary histological findings were subsequently confirmed after radical prostatectomy. The patient developed bilateral lung metastases and died 25 months after the initial diagnosis. Although rare in young patients, the challenging differential diagnosis of STUMP and PSS means that a prostate STUMP diagnosis made on the basis of biopsy or TUR specimens also requires urethrocystoscopic monitoring for the early detection of any progression to PSS. Radical prostatectomy should also be carefully considered